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Posts posted by Deadsy

  1. I'm expecting when Moiraine is in the Hall of the Tower she will appear to be in big trouble and maybe barely escape some horrible punishment and Siuan will seem intimidating and a bit scary.

    Then they will meet in private and the audience finds out they are friends (potentially still more than that in the TV show version).

    I also have a theory Moiraine will be told she can't leave the WT after all the trouble she caused and Siuan will help her.

  2. It’s actually pretty shocking that someone who has read the books is up in arms about Moiraine’s description. Especially when it’s followed by the Liandrin scene. This is hit you over the head stuff that it isn’t the show writers being hyper feminist; it’s the show writers showing the attitude of the Aes Sedai. It’s absolutely clear from the get go that Liandrin is trouble (same as in the books) and that her attitude about men is wrong. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Gothic Flame said:

    And you think giving a 5 star review would demand improvements? That's not how it works. 


    I guess it hasn’t occured to you that some people really like the show. 



    1 hour ago, DojoToad said:

    That is exactly how they were portrayed in the books.  Cue someone coming in and bring up acting ability more important than appearance - as if there weren't hundreds of qualified actors that match physical descriptions and can act their asses off...


    It’s extremely naive to think this is the case. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Jackdaw_Fool said:

    Isn't that a major part of what the internet is for, lol? You can't be honestly wholly unaware of the concept of, "Rest assured that I was on the internet within minutes, registering my disgust throughout the world."


    I'm sad about the seemingly not well thought through changes, and the various problems, but I'm still hopeful things will improve and I'm excited to see the rest of the season even though I'm not expecting much to improve at this point.




    I didn't say I was unaware of people being weird.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Mailman said:

    That was also stupid those torches where incredibly close to Emonds Field the odds on the trollocs not wiping out the village as they pass is non existent. In the books they had to leave because they would keep sending more and more attackers making the village a battleground.



    Not buying this. They were way the heck up the hill, mountain actually. There was plenty of time for the party to get far enough so as to make it a huge waste of time to go through the village.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Chwooly said:

    Why does everyone think Logain is being captured at the beginning of E01?


    He does make an appearance in a cage in E03 


    But it looks to me like 2 different Actors and I can find no listing for Logain in cast lists for E01, Logain only shows up on cast lists starting with E03


    In the books Logain is only caught after a huge battle in Lugard, Not run down in a ravine as shown in E01.  



    It's not everyone it's mostly non-readers. There are a lot of characters to absorb. We take it for granted because we know most of them. We know enough about the world and its characters to know immediately that the guy in the beginning is a nobody.

    And they both do have long hair. They are dressed completely different but we spent almost no time on either of them.

  7. 1 minute ago, Akragard said:

    It's not weird. The books have been around for 30 years. People, for the most part, don't need to discuss them as much because they were a decade old prior to the rise of the Internet.


    The shows are brand new. They are different and people want to discuss it. This is one of the top forums for all things WoT and the top Google search result.



    To each his/her own I suppose but if I hated an adaptation I would stop watching, not create an account on a website I've never been on.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Arthellion said:

    So my thoughts on this…it does go back to the limited episode list of 8.


    That said…I think the disparity is actually a true visual representation that hammers things home. Women have the power…and men who have powered are to be feared (channelers/white cloaks) The books definitely had more nuance but with only 8 episodes it’s important imo to hammer home who holds the power in this world. 



    Ya, I think this is well stated. I could've done with more Tam and Bran but other than that have no problems with it. Liandrin being a total turd makes it obvious there will be a huge comeuppance.

  9. Just now, enigmoxical said:

    Exactly the point, Deadsy. With the books, there was no need to clutter the discussion with my opinion. I posted when Jim died, and that's all I posted. I read the books many times because I liked them. I do not like this "adaptation," and I believe that Jim would barf if he were still living. This was his baby, and they flat screwed it up.



    His family disagrees with you.

  10. 12 minutes ago, Chwooly said:

    I am guilty of being 1 of those people. However in my defense, 

    A) I am not big on social media.

    B) I first started reading the books 30 years ago. 

    C) Since the books are so old I didn't think there was an active community.

    D) I only just found out about Dragonmount.

    E) It is a generally understood reaction that most people don't praise 1/2 as much as they complain.


    And yes I am unhappy with how the show is turning out, Both because of how the show is deviating from the books and just in general how the show is overall. Because none of my friends have any interest in WOT books or show. I have no other recourse then to discuss (vent) here. 





    Once you have it out of your system you should meander to the book forums

  11. 13 minutes ago, Akragard said:

    You've clearly never worked in the service industry. This is a pretty common thing. People are less likely to take the time to point out something they liked. Right or wrong, that's kinda the way it goes.



    I have. And I didn't say it was rare. I said it was weird, and it is. Although when you are the one working it's a lot worse than that.

  12. 7 minutes ago, NightWolf said:

    Are there prerequisites in place that in order to post about the show one must have talked about the books X amount of times? If you know of any then would you be willing to point folks to it? 


    So you find it weird or do you find it frustrating? A common trend observed in commenters that are frustrated and want to draw on public support and sympathy is that they open their rebuttals with "I find it interesting..." or "I find it weird...". Do you think that you are trying to do this?


    Lastly are these "2 poster" people you mentioned only hating on the show or can you recall any that support it?



    I find it weird. Just like I find it weird when my favorite football team starts losing a bunch of people who've never posted on the forum about it come out of the woodwork and cry about it. Why weren't they interested enough to talk about positives before? I don't understand the attitude of only talking about a topic when you're mad about it.

    And yes the only ones I've noticed are haters so far but I haven't been focused on it.

  13. 3 hours ago, Sabio said:

    So even if people hate it they need to publicly say nice things so it keeps being made?  If everyone simply says it's great how will the show know what needs to be fixed to make it better?  If everyone just publicly say they loved it then the people making it will never improve it.



    1 star reviews do absolutely nothing to improve the show, and the people who give 1 star reviews are not trying to improve the show. 90% of the ones I've seen are essentially "it's not exactly like the book." They're fine with the show going off the air. So hopefully these people will stop watching the show and not turn up to poop all over on season 2 also which will detract the non-readers from watching.

    Now, people who don't like the show or don't love it, who actually do want it to keep being made and get better, could give constructive criticism with a low star rating.

  14. I’ve been reading reddit a bit and the non-readers seem to like it (although these are people taking time out to post about the show). But the other comment I’ve seen a few times is that the anal readers are really obnoxious, complaining about every little insignificant thing that isn’t exactly like the books instead of just enjoying it as a show. 

  15. Just now, DaddyFinn said:

    Moiraine using a mist of mirrors or whateever it was called and make herself huyge and scare them off? Lol I liked the part because Moiraine was injured and weak and had to save her strength



    Yep. They had just gotten done talking about how pale she was from keeping the party refreshed, and she was injured, and there were 30 some WC, not a small handful. This was one of my favorite scenes of the first 3 episodes.

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