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Posts posted by Skipp

  1. 2 hours ago, Agitel said:


    Could be. We see in EotW that there are abandoned stedding within the borders of Andor, too. Perhaps this is the same one Perrin and Egwene stumble into.


    That is my assumption as well.  Valda knows the location of this Stedding and camps out around that area to ambush Aes Sedai.  All it takes is a Sling to knock a lone Aes Sedai out and then they can drag her to the Stedding.  Presumably the same area they run into Perrin and Egwene.

  2. 1 hour ago, TheDreadReader said:


    Which book does Eqwene start manifesting dreamer talents? I forget.


     The first few times I watched the clip, I didn't really like that they had Egwene waking up with an audible gasp but then it really started to grew on me.   I really do like the idea of her displaying dreamer talents earlier in the story and maybe sharing a little of the dreams that the boys have.  The writers could use that to develop some empathy/sympathy traits for her character which could help build a real emotional center for her character moving forward.  It would also establish a good foundation for going to the Waste later on from a pure plot perspective.




    I believe it is first mentioned in tGH.  Egwene is boarding the boat with the rest of the Aes Sedai when she tells a Blue Ajah(whose name I cannot remember, but I think they are killed off later around the time Salidar starts marching towards the tower). about a dream she had about Rand.  The blue Ajah tells her it was likely a bad dream but MAYBE she is a dreamer and she'll look into testing her at a later date.

  3. 22 minutes ago, Wolfbrother31 said:




    And the answer is: (I find unsatisfying but really important for those who pursue/believe that worldview) ... You don't. If balance is the goal - you need evil. 


    That's an important conclusion (and why I would outright reject that worldview - what an unsatisfying conclusion)! 


    And this is the answer the Rand came to by the end of the books.  He was all ready to destroy/kill the DO and found that wasn't the answer.  The answer was to seal them away and leave evil in the world.

  4. 8 minutes ago, TheMountain said:

    I don't think that a common farmer not knowing that the DR is male is a minor change. Everyone, from the highest king to the lowest farmer knows this. The story of the Dragon, the Dark One and the Creator is the closest thing to religion in Randland. The Two Rivers is not some uncontacted tribe deep in the Amazon either, they have contact with the outside world by way of others, albeit extremely limited. It makes no sense for them not to know. Part of the fame/infamy of the Dragon is the tainted Saidin aspect, and the fact that everyone knows about the DR is one of the things that makes him so dangerous. He's able to summon thousands of followers from every rank of society. Otherwise False Dragons wouldn't be nearly as important. 


    As much as I fear for the show, I feel pretty confident that they wouldn't do something so drastic as to change the DR to Egwene, I'm mostly bothered by the lore-breaking ramifications of her even being considered a possibility by *anyone.*


    In some of my darkest nightmares I can see them turning Egwene into Ameresu or something though in a misguided attempt to put her on equal footing...


    While this is all true many of the common people don't separate between Male and Female Aes Sedai when it comes to the breaking of the world.  These two facts are a bit of a contradiction to each other.


    But I do disagree that having the "audience" consider this being a possibility would  break anything.

  5. 3 minutes ago, DaddyFinn said:

    Honestly, what would Rand do if he was not the Dragon? Nothing. It would change the story so much that third of the books should be rewritten to fit the change. ?

    Clearly he would join the Black Tower and taken over Taim or Logain's place.  Because obliviously the are combining Taim and Logain so which ever path they take him down Rand will get the other.



  6. 4 minutes ago, Maximillion said:


    Lol, if they did that then the entire thing will be destroyed.

    I would not however discount it, sadly.


    A Misdirection for an audience whom haven't read the books should be fine.  Mystery for the first season can only help. 


    Egwene could end up having Baalzamon dream by accidently entering her companions dreams.  Moiraine might not know how to take the fact that Egwene is having these dreams.  And it could all lead into the Egwene is a Dreamer storyline.


    I highly doubt the story runners would make Egwene the actual Dragon Reborn that so many people are fretting about.

  7. 28 minutes ago, Wolfbrother31 said:

    I like the way most of it looks ... Really dislike "The Last Dragon Reborn" ... she doesn't know that (and the prophecy doesn't say that). MAJOR SPOILER

      Reveal hidden contents

    That Rand ends up being the Last Dragon is the major payoff and point of the ENTIRE SERIES


    And ... I really, really dislike that Rafe has said now a couple times that the story is about Eastern beliefs and more about "balance" then light vs dark or good vs. evil. 


    That worries me more than anything else by far because it tells me that he misunderstood the point of the ENTIRE SERIES!! 


    Because you see - the oppressiveness of the cyclical worldview: that nomatter what you do everything is going to repeat. The Wheel will keep turning. Evil gets another shot to win... You see, the Wheel of Time itself ends up being the ultimate antagonist. 

    Remember how it felt as a reader the first time you realized that the Forsaken would just come back Everytime? (That hopelessness is the major problem with the cyclical worldview).


    How does evil ever ultimately get defeated if it's always just back again? That's the BIGGY question for that worldview. 


    But Thank God. The Jewish people came along - and gave us a linear worldview. Time had a beginning. One God created everything. There will be a final judgement. Evil will one day (The Day of the Lord) be finally defeated and judged. 


    The Wheel of Time is a brilliantly written series ... Every great piece of literature/art has to wrestle with the "big questions". And if Rafe has missed that the Big Question of the whole WoT series is: How do ever actually defeat evil in the cyclical/eastern worldview? 


    Then I don't love what could happen with the other major, major decisions either. 


    Are we gonna have an Egwene as a  possible Dragon misdirection? (That in itself would show that the writers/showrunner don't understand the Dragon/Savior dynamic) 


    Are we going to have Moiraine be the "main character"? (That would show that they don't understand that Moiraine is the WoT's Gandalf/Guide character). 


    Catch my drift?


    But perhaps ... perhaps as we go along they'll grow as a team. And in the end, we'll get a good product. 


    We'll see.


    The books ARE more about balance than good versus evil.  The ancient symbol of the Aes Sedai is a Ying-Yang symbol.  The books show how only cooperation is the key to fighting the last Battle.  When one side is out of Balance we get the decline of civilization as seen during the 3rd age. 


    During the last battle Rand was shown what would happen if he "defeated" the dark one and it was terrifying.  The only thing he could do was seal him away again. 


    The Pattern itself is described as neither Good nor Evil but strives for a Balance, hence why Ta'varen are spun out.  The pull the pattern back into balance.

  8. 7 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:

    So, Mashadar is supposed to be a "silvery mist", which yea, could be difficult to render. (Rendering black on black shadows is even tougher!)

    Machin Shin is described as "semi-sentient darkness that flows like air".

    Unfortunately it's almost looks like the graphics department rendered Mashadar in Shadar Logoth as Machin  Shin... and if we get the Ways, maybe they rendering Machin Shin as silver mist Mashadar?

    My guess is... rendering "silver mist" in a black void, with floors and long bridges into nothingness is going to look better, then trying to render black shadows in blackness.... and rendering darkening shadows spreading across a city scape is going to look a lot better, then trying to render realistic Mist that grabs people... or they merged the two and are removing the waygate platforms entirely... 


    That is an interesting thought.  I was assuming they wanted to avoid doing a silvery mist since they are making the One power look like floating white threads/tendrils.  But now I prefer your theory.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Agitel said:

    Not to stir the pot... I did see a video just a few minutes ago with Moiraine narrating the purpose of her search. Near the end she says she doesn't know who it is as it quickly flashes between Egwene, Rand, Mat, and Perrin. So there may be some credence to Egwene being one of the people Moiraine is considering.


    If they do that, and based on comments I've seen by Rafe, they may be de-genderizing souls, such that someone born a man in one life might be woven out and reborn a woman in another life. 


    Yeah that is what I was talking about with editing a teaser for marketing purposes.  Kinda how we all assumed it was Moiraines boots in the first teaser trailer when they turned out to be Lan's in the Comic Con clip.

  10. 20 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:

    Eh... so far? It's one person claiming that this was the wording used in the clips at the London comic con. (Without seeing the video, it could me misremembered)

    Even if this is the wording used in the clip, Moiraine saying "One of you 4 is the dragon", doesn't mean they're changing the story, and making Egwene the dragon.


    With the release of the Amazon Prime teaser I assumed they were editing the clip to push that idea.  If that turns out be the actual case in the show I won't like it but I suppose it will depend on how they do it.  Does Moiraine say that knowing for sure it isn't Egwene and only words it that way to get her to come along?  Ehhhhh.


    We'll see I suppose but I won't take it seriously until I see the clip for myself.

  11. 24 minutes ago, Elder_Haman said:

    Keep in mind, the pitch is designed to sell the show to corporate execs. In today's world, there's good sense in leading with things that will appeal to them. It is undeniable that WoT is full of strong, compelling female characters. There's nothing wrong with highlighting that fact - especially when marketing the show to people who are actively seeking that kind of content.


    I understand the trepidation about heavy handed modern day politics, but let's wait for the final product before getting worked up about it. I think you'll find that those fears are overblown.


    Agreed,  GoT was almost certainly pitched with the concept of Shocking Sex and Violence.  GRRM writing certainly contains these elements but the show dialed them up to 11.

  12. 2 hours ago, king of nowhere said:


    they ARE wearing armor. If you see underneath the tabard, it is bulging with the shape of armor. the second guy from the left, look at his shoulders, if that's not a breastplate underneath the tabard I don't know what it is. And the guy in the front, his left arm with all the laminar segments. Either they are wearing armor under the clothes, or they have a very good imitation.


    Now, armor is hot, and wearing cloth over the armor will be impractical, will make you tire faster during combat. that white must also be a nightmare to keep clean on the field. But the children of the ligth are known for being impractical, so I see nothing wrong there.


    the only thing missing is the golden sunburst on the chest, aside from that i can't think of any description they contradict

    A member of Lezbi Nerdy's discord pointed out that there is an uncoloured sunburst on their shoulder piece. 




  13. 1 hour ago, Rose said:

    In the scene in the new clip where Logain looks up at Mat (or so we're led to believe), Logain is much cleaner and less menacing-looking than in the previous shots of him we had in the cage. Here he's still in the cage but it looks like he's had a bath, has combed his hair, and cleaned and pressed his clothes. Maybe the Aes Sedai cleaned him up a little before parading him through Tar Valon?


    That is an interesting juxtaposition, most places would want people to see their arrested criminals as dirty animals.  Aes Sedai want to show powerful people are able to be caged by them.

  14. 36 minutes ago, Borderlander said:




    I just hope we don't have any chees-bucket scenes where some Old Lady conks a trolloc on the head with a barstool or a wooden spoon and it goes down, because TV. Even these barrel-chested, wobbly abhorrations should be able to utterly decimate a village like Emond's Field without any real resistance (other than Tam, Lan, and Moiraine fighting back.)



    Isn't this exactly what Alsbet Luhhan is said to have done?

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