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Posts posted by Skipp

  1. 8 minutes ago, DaddyFinn said:





    Well said, Sarah.


    If someone doesn't know her, she is a show consultant who has read the books around 30 times and helps Rafe&Co with a lot of stuff. She gives a thicc stack of paper for every location etc. that contain descriptions etc. from books.

    Thanks for posting this.  Only saw it myself a few minutes ago.  I am so very happy that have Sarah on the team that is making this.  Her love for the series cannot be understated. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Ralph said:




    However, I can understand that that takes away from the emotional build up of her discovering it along the journey, and I suspect they are going to make that more significant than it is in the books


    Those are two moment I am very excited to see revealed on screen, Egwene and then Nynaeve discovering they can channel.

  3. 16 minutes ago, WalterKohl said:

    it reminded me more of Rands than hers though, wasn't hers a woman in robes from the book?  either way the "feel" is just what I was thinking in my head for them...  

    Moiraine's was described as a statue of Dark ivory of a woman in flowing robes.  Rand shiny green stone craved to a fat bald man with a sword. 


    The one shown in the teaser doesn't really resemble any of the described Angreal.  To me it almost looks like an Egyptian Pharaoh in a Buddhist pose.  But I can't get a great image of it.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Rose said:

    This is getting tiresome y'all. There's so much new and interesting stuff in this clip and the other promo materials they're dropping, and now Sarah's comments on Twitter which I hadn't seen, and I want to dig into them and analyze and speculate. But I can't because the thread where we're supposed to be discussing these things is full of comments about how this is bad and not like the books and Rafe has ruined wheel of time with his woke agenda.


    I get it, you don't like the changes. Can you please let the rest of us who are still invested continue to discuss things in peace?


    We haven't even touched on the map or the angreal yet. This entire thread has been clogged with angst about gender dynamics.

    I was quite surprised to see the Angreal!  I wasn't sure if they were gonna give her the one.  I was very excited to see it, a little bigger than I originally thought but it looked solid and aged.  I am looking forward to seeing what they do with other Angreal/Ter'angreal etc.... if they will keep a more uniform look or more diverse.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Agitel said:


    Only thing I noticed is that instead of divided skirts they gave her pants underneath a split dress/skirt.


    Edit: Looked again, and in her promo shots looks like possible blouse and pants underneath dress length cloak as her traveling outfit. Is that what we're concerned with?

    Her outfit is amazing and practical.  I absolutely loved the suspenders, the finger/knuckless gloves and the coat.  Amazing detail on all of it.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Rose said:


    They're not in English either, though. That's my point. The vulgar tongue (is that what it's called?) is also not English. If it's derived from a language that isn't gendered, it could also not be gendered. We don't know what it is because we never see it actually written. We only see the English "translation."


    For the record I'm not saying this is a good or bad choice, just curious how they might justify it using what we know of the world.


    Sarah seems to say that the Old Tongue IS gendered though, but in a different way than English is, which is fascinating and making my inner language nerd want to come out.


    Agreed, I loved her thoughts on the language.  Unfortunately I have no ear or tongue for languages but I still thought it was really neat.

  7. 1 minute ago, Rose said:

    One thought I just had: not all languages have gendered pronouns. Many languages in our world don't have any gendered grammar at all.


    The wheel of Time was written in English, but we're supposed to assume that's "translated" from whatever language the characters actually speak in-world (probably some bastardized version of the old tongue?). So maybe they can get away with the gendering of the prophecies by saying pronouns aren't gendered in this language.


    Are there any old tongue experts around who can tell us whether the old tongue has gendered pronouns? I'm genuinely curious to know.


    Here you go, Sarah discussed this exact topic yesterday.  Read for full twitter thread for more.



  8. 2 minutes ago, WalterKohl said:

    Why does everyone keep saying things like this: (not gonna include Senchan in this discussion because they are an isolated country far away at the beginning of the books)

    In the books, particularly in the first few there are only two nations run by women (Andor and Myenne)  while the rest are run by men.  The AS may be at the top of the food chain bust most people don't know that, most people look at them as either mythical or things to be feared and distrusted, perhaps belonging to the DO as well... There are some cultures where Females have different rights and responsibilities as far as home and wealth go but only one where they fight as warriors (the Aiel).   Women are very much relegated to "traditional" roles in most of the world.


    I would add Far Madding and Altara as places where women have more rights then men.  Still in the minority though.

  9. 5 minutes ago, swollymammoth said:

    Alternate viewpoint incoming: 


    I actually think that the lore should be the one thing that remains basically in-tact. This is because an adaptation will necessarily change elements of the story, characters, and presentation in order to translate the original work to the storytelling language of a new medium. This is to be expected. 


    However, because lore largely doesn't appear on screen, it's doesn't really need to be adapted. It can be left alone and used as a resource to inform the show and increase the chances of the show capturing the feel and experience of the original even though the events being depicted are not happening just as they happened in the books. 

    The problem with this is that it is satisfying for people who have read the books.  To the people who haven't things just happen with no explanation.


    Most of this discussion is happening because the show is hinting that it is possible that the Dragon was reborn as female.  Lore buffs will say this is impossible because the Dragon is always Male, the female Hero is Amersu(sp?).  I don't believe this piece of lore is every actually said in the books and was just addressed by RJ himself.  Now for the showrunners they could add this information into the show to make it more nuanced to explain why the hero can't be female.  Or they can just say the Dragon can be born male or female and merge the two heroes together.


    Now it isn't as simple as make it out to be.  There is ripples to each decision that have to be addressed and as Rafe has specifically mentioned these ripple effects we should assume he knows how they will address them in the show.

  10. Something all of us book fans will have to realize at some point.  The show will not have 14 books worth of lore put into it.  There is stuff that we all know but the show may not include.  If they choose not to include that lore then the might also add stuff to the show that would "break" that lore.  But it isn't really broken because that lore was never added to the show in the first place.  We don't know how they will wield this but we have to be prepared for it.


    Now this is not me saying that the Rafe and the writers are disrespecting the books or that they won't follow them as closely as they can.  But they will have to take short cuts at times that will likely rub book buffs the wrong way, but to most of the audience they won't notice or care as long as the show itself makes sense.


    I don't know how you can expect anything else.

  11. 8 minutes ago, Rose said:


    I think what I said was that I hope it's just Aes Sedai misdirection because if it's not I'd be annoyed. So, I'm annoyed. Lol. I don't think they needed to do this even if they wanted to keep the possibility of Egwene for the viewers and the characters. They could still have had Moiraine knowing it's a boy but misdirecting on purpose.


    But oh well. It's not the end of the world. Now that I know that Moiraine also thinks it could be a girl, I'm more interested in examining the possible ramifications and speculating about what they'll do with it than in despairing. I'm intrigued to find out how it all plays out.


    I personally didn't think they would include Egwene as a DR candidate in the show.  I thought Moiraine would tip toe around the use of the term DR and just say one of the four of you will stand against the shadow.  And while we could still be a marketing dub I don't think they will pull back from it now that they have specified that they don't know what gender the baby DR will be.


    Even so I firmly believe that the wild speculation that they will actually change the DR won't happen.


    But as always I will eagerly await to see how they address it in the show.


    Can you imagine the crazy speculation that is going to happen if we, the audience, catch an Aes Sedai, that isn't black Ajah in the books, in a lie.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Ralph said:

    That would be amazing, but I doubt it. Especially as we have seen Egwene waking from a dream just like the boys do 


    I'm still of the mind that her sharing the dreams with the other 3 is actually her Dreamer talent allowing her to accidentally view the dreams of her friends. So it works double duty to introduce her dreaming ability as well as keep the mystery up.

  13. 6 minutes ago, Arthellion said:


    I've already shared in the above. You're losing the tension of men not being trusted. You're losing the discrimination that Rand has to overcome. You lose the unique reasons why men are not trusted.


    Those things could still exist for sure....but the reason they exist loses it's punch. 


    You lose the gender essentialism that plays a key theme throughout the series and that Rand overcomes. 




    There is a reason they are playing up Logain for the first season. 

  14. 3 minutes ago, DaddyFinn said:

    I'm not invested in any other book series than WoT so can't say anything about that. Probably most of them suck.


    True but there are some amazingly done ones and some that are passable.  Gonna differ between people because that stuff is all subjective.


    Still hoping for LotR or The Expanse rather than The Last Airbender.  But even with those examples there is a big gap that it could land in. 


    And then there are still people around who consider LotR to be a bad adaptation.

  15. 3 minutes ago, DaddyFinn said:

    Have some faith in all the professionals that are working with this show. I'm sure they are much more capable with this stuff than any of us.


    And if they aren't..... well you just don't watch the show and move on with your life.  I am a massive Avatar the Last Airbender fan, love the Legend of Korra but I somehow moved on from the travesty that was "The Last Airbender".

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