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About HeroAndros

  • Birthday 08/23/1986


  • Member Title
    High Captain

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  1. Verin had a few things going for her. Browns are known to be reclusive. Sisters do not often intrude on other Sister's plans. The Black's structure is highly convoluted. There was so much cross planning between Ajah's, let alone individual Black Hearts, that it's impossible to know what would be going against another's plan. The simple ability to lie. So even if someone had asked Verin about the bag she could, and very likely would, have just lied about it's contents. Make it uninteresting enough and no one is going to want to open it to look.
  2. Faile, per the wiki, is 17 when the Great Hunt is called. Now over all this does put her three years younger than Perrin, But she is the same age as Elayne and Egwene. As far as the relationship type I don't think it will be as problematic if they portray it differently. We live in a post 50 Shades world, after all, and a strong, independent, woman who wants to be dominated and be with a man can be assertive, and respects her enough to let her do her own thing - while being right there to rescue her if something goes wrong? Hardly a bad thing with the right lense.
  3. That was the very last siggy I had here. After taking over the Light Faction, becoming a Sword Commander in the Warders back when we were trying the discipline thing.
  4. You asked so sure. Take a look at this beauty.
  5. It had been a while since I had checked mine. But when I tried to log in after returning my entire account was gone. As for how that happens it's easy: greed. They wanted more for what they were offering.
  6. Only if you kept your photobucket account active. I let mine lapse and they purged everything to do with it. I can't even tell you what all I lost that way.
  7. Oh we can include our BT siggys? I think I still have mine...
  8. I lied, I'm up early and with time to kill. I won't post them all at once though and I won't post the gifs I had of them. Starting with the worst ones I had created last time I was around...I still don't know what I was thinking.
  9. *mutters* Alright, fine, I'll go through my old external drive tonight. Since we're including ones we made for others too I'll have a plenty to share lol.
  10. Well what else would you expect the BT to serve? And yes. Kept in a temperature controlled darkened hideaway. It really should be quite good by now.
  11. Sanderson was tasked with the impossible: finishing another's work. You can ask any author and they will all agree that even receiving that offer is a nightmare. Add to it that he was a huge fan of RJ, that's a whole new level of pressure. That being said he did the best that he could under the circumstances, and I do believe he has admitted that he was staying as close to the notes that RJ left as well as Harriet's guidance to give us all an ending. I started reading his own works after the announcement, and I'm glad I did. He has become one of my favorite authors. I like the idea he has about the Cosmere, and the fact that we are getting to see so many different parts of it. What he does with his magic systems is impressive. Warbreaker is a good entry because it is a stand alone story, but I wouldn't hesitate to advise Mistborn, Stormlight, or if you want a light read and super heroes his Reckoners series was a lot of fun.
  12. Thank you Elgee!! And I don't know who picked that image but it is awesome!
  13. *smirks* I am willing to entertain most offers.
  14. Are you trying to pitch an enemies to lovers story? I hardly think that this is the right place.
  15. @Elgee One and the same. I stashed some away waaaaay back when I was just a little Soldier.
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