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Everything posted by EirikDaude

  1. Could it possibly be "Pillowfriends"?
  2. *mumbles something about mothers too deep in their cups* 🙄
  3. I am tossing @Delenn in my cookpot!
  4. Thank you everyone - I will do the Black Ajah proud, I hope! *stabbity stabs everyon*
  5. Yes, but I guess I didn't consider how easy it would be to look up once you had a couple of the letters in the first word. And those letters being very common. Comes from there only being a couple of phrases in the old tongue, I guess 😛 Anyway, you are correct, Heavy and the Dark One's mistake didn't bring the game to 7 notches, so you win! Lots of participants this time though! The Executioner's word was guessed: EirikDaude only gets 10 points! Cairos, HeavyHalfMoonBlade, Rhea, Arie and LilyElizabeth participated: They each get 15/5 = 3 points HeavyHalfMoonBlade solved the puzzle: He gets another 15 points for a total of 18 points.
  6. Heh, both of those are there as well. Maybe it wasn't very difficult after all... T_A __ A_EN ______N _SAN_E _A__N Letters used: A E N S T Notches: 0
  7. All the letters are there! T__ __ __EN ______N ___N_E ____N Letters used: E N T Notches: 0
  8. Almost forgot 😛 The Executioner's word was guessed: Delenn only gets 10 points! EirikDaude and Cairos participated: They each get 15/2 = 7 points EirikDaude solved the puzzle: He gets another 15 points for a total of 22 points.
  9. After getting those two first vowels, there wasn't all that much else which could fit into the first word... Or maybe I just know how you think! 😁 Hmm. This one may be a bit tricky: ___ __ ____ _______ ______ _____
  10. Hmm, could I have an "L", please?
  11. The Executioner's word was guessed: HeavyHalfMoonBlade only gets 10 points! Delenn, Lily, EirikDaude, Cairos and LedZepMan participated: They each get 15/5 = 3 points Delenn solved the puzzle: She gets another 15 points for a total of 18 points.
  12. That's correct Heavy, well done! Do you have a new one ready? The Executioner's word was guessed: EirikDaude only gets 10 points! LedZepman, Delenn and HeavyHalfMoonBlade participated: They each get 15/3 = 5 points HeavyHalfMoonBlade solved the puzzle: He gets another 15 points for a total of 20 points.
  13. I'm terribly sorry @HeavyHalfMoonBlade and @LedZepMan, I had indeed forgotten an S in the first word. I'd offer to remove a notch to make up for it, but somehow I feel you may be able to guess the solution even without that... M_STERIO_S CIPHER E__DES CO_E BREAKERS Letters guessed: A B C D E H I K M O P R S T V 1 notch
  14. Yep, both H and O there! ___TERIO_S CIPHER E___ES CO_E BREAKERS Letters guessed: A B C E H I K O P R S T V 1 notch
  15. Yeah, I gave up on it midway through season 1... But if season 2 is better, maybe I should pick it up again...
  16. I listened to this as an audiobook, and I can swear there was a bit during the capture of Moghedien, where she begins changing the WoD, but Nyneave senses it through the a'dam and stops her somehow. I'd check my books to confirm, but too lazy rn.
  17. There's a C, but no V ___TERI__S CIP_ER E___ES C__E BREAKERS Letters guessed: A B C E I K P R S T V 1 notch
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