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Everything posted by EirikDaude

  1. *stabs Delenn in the eye* Could you see that? 😁
  2. I'll stick with the vowels, and try a "Y"
  3. *stabs Delenn* *is definitely not Lanfear*
  4. Lessee... What vowels are left... "O"? Think I'm gonna leave this as my last guess for tonight, and let some other people have a hand in getting us all executed too ^_^
  5. lol, no worries. I'll keep going with the vowels. Let's try "I"
  6. Oh dear. That's not a good start! Is there an "A" in there somewhere then?
  7. I'll start the guessing with an "E"!
  8. Nah, I had to leave work early yesterday, because I am visiting my sister and her family this weekend. So I agreed with my boss to check in again later on this weekend, to see if anything urgent had come up, in order to get to leave early.
  9. Those are all good points - maybe that last one about the warders is why there were more black sisters in the red ajah than in any other? At any rate, according to the wiki, just over 20 % of the tower was black prior to the first book. That's not a small percentage, even if they were operating in separate cells. Yes they had to operate in secret, but holy crap that is a large slice of the tower! No wonder it didn't operate very well. You are also correct that several attempts were used to turn Logain in the black tower, and that they all failed. So yeah, not as simple a process as one might think from initial descriptions of it.
  10. Office away from home setup. Still messing around on DM instead of working. I wonder if this is why I have to turn on my work laptop during the weekend 🤔
  11. What will happen to the people in the thread when it detonates?
  12. "Sorry I'm late, I saw a dog," or something like that? And yeah, that artwork is really good!
  13. Well, those are just my private spreadsheets. For any serious spreadsheeting I use a dedicated program, because I am not an animal ^_^ I haven't seen any Santa's outside my window, but I'll keep a look out for them now that you've warned me. Luckily I don't have any dinos they can run away with.
  14. They're very helpful, especially when transferring something from one document to another! I love your tortoises - and office cat!
  15. You hoping won't stop the driver speeding, but hopefully their guilt will make them abstain from doing something society deems harmful. That is why you don't steal that bar of chocolate from the store, even though you know the chances of getting caught are practically nil. Wasn't a society where no one felt guilt one of the scenarios the Dark One put up for Rand? It's been a long time since I read aMoL, and at the point where the final battle happened I was pretty much skimming it 😛
  16. It is indeed "Jazz up my cozy den". Will you? And do you want to host the next one, should I, or should we wait for Lily to make a decision as the owner of the thread?
  17. There is a "J"! Now, what could that last letter be? JAZZ UP MY COZY _EN Letters guessed so far: A B C E I J K M N O P R S T U W Y Z 7 notches.
  18. Well, I suspect it has all to do with peer pressure and the social contract, as you briefly touched on in your post. Guilt is how the social contract is enforced, and it is only necessary to enforce it when people are trying to do something they want but society doesn't want them to. Of course this changes over time, and different groups apply different pressures. For instance I think a random westerner would feel less guilty about smoking a cigarette 50 years ago than what they would today. Similarly some cultures used to associate obesity with beauty, while today we know it is generally unhealthy to be obese so society tries to make it clear that overeating is something you should feel ashamed of. Similarly with different sexual orientations, how much responsibility to take for your kith and kin, whether anything you do to your body should be your decision etc. I feel that even when society says no to something as innocent as liking cartoons as a grown-up, it is a remnant of a time when grown-ups weren't supposed to have time to do much more than care for their family and jobs and hanging on to parts of childhood went contrary to this. And even then you have famous people in the past who clearly saw the value in hanging on to more lighthearted things. CS Lewis has a famous quote for instance: But was his ability to grow up in this manner a privilege of his position in society? Would e.g. a contemporary coal miner have had the opportunity to hang on to their childhood, or would work and family have taken all their time? Tbh. I don't know enough about early 20th century England to answer that, but it is interesting to think about. At any rate I agree that some balance between giving in to your urges and restraint needs to be found unless we want to live in a completely hedonistic society. And that doesn't even touch on how one's actions might affect others. Shouldn't we frown on that person wanting to drive their Porsche at 75 mph past the kindergarten? Expect them to feel bad about that? Of course this examples are codified in law, but law arises from what people in general agree one should feel guilty about. Anyway to get back to the main drive of this thread, I think your example about watching cartoons as a grown-up is one of my guilty pleasures. Not something I feel all that bad about, but not something I'd bring up with most people I know either.
  19. There is indeed a "Z", and in this phrase it is the most popular letter. You are getting close, but will you guess in time? _AZZ UP MY COZY _EN Letters guessed so far: A B C E I K M N O P R S T U W Y Z 7 notches.
  20. No "B", but a "C". Only 2 notches left now! _A__ UP MY CO_Y _EN Letters guessed so far: A B C E I K M N O P R S T U W Y 7 notches.
  21. I like stabbing with a glint in my eye *stabs Arie in the eye*
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