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Everything posted by EirikDaude

  1. Both I and F is there! And please be careful with that dagger, oh Great Lady, you wouldn't want to suddenly be without an executioner, would you? _RA__ _IR_S SING ON ROOFTOPS Letters guessed: A E F G I K L M N O P R S T U 5 notches
  2. There's a P! _RA__ __R_S S_NG ON ROO_TOPS Letters guessed: A E G K L M N O P R S T U 5 notches
  3. There is a G. _RA__ __R_S S_NG ON ROO_TO_S Letters guessed: A E G K L M N O R S T U 5 notches
  4. I'll be crossing my fingers for you. Until you get your own offices, you have my sympathy. It sounds like a job where you could use a bit of privacy!
  5. No K, no U. Over halfway to the execution now! _RA__ __R_S S_N_ ON ROO_TO_S Letters guessed: A E K L M N O R S T U 5 notches
  6. I like your politeness, but there is no M. R and A appears though! _RA__ __R_S S_N_ ON ROO_TO_S Letters guessed: A E L M N O R S T 3 notches
  7. There's an N, no L. I tried increasing to double spacing between the words, does that help? _____ ____S ____ ON _OO_TO_S Letters guessed: E L N O S T 2 notches
  8. There's a T! _____ ____S ____ O_ _OO_TO_S Letters guessed: E O S T 1 notch
  9. Ah, yeah, I am not all that familiar with South African culture, so I'm mainly guessing. That is quite interesting! Hmm, actually I did listen to Trevor Noah's biography not too long ago, but I guess he comes from different circumstances than you πŸ˜…
  10. Are you saying we should understand each other? >_> I do have a friend from the Netherlands, who said he learned Norwegian really quickly when he moved here, because the two languages are really similar. I think Afrikaans is very closely related to Dutch?
  11. It's mostly English, with a few Norwegian variable names πŸ˜…
  12. Lots and lots of Os! _____ ____S ____ O_ _OO__O_S Letters guessed: E O S 1 notch
  13. *is totally okay with not seeing pictures from the emergency room* And that sounds like a bit of a PITA, Lily Sedai. Or is it an arrangement you are okay with? I have no idea what you do, so a bit hard to guess for sure πŸ˜… When your boss likes having a yearly calendar in PowerPoint for planning tasks, and you get the task of updating it for the next year 😐
  14. No E πŸ˜• _____ ____S ____ __ _______S Letters guessed: S 1 notch
  15. There is an S! Well done! _____ ____S ____ __ _______S Letters guessed: S 0 notches
  16. *dusts all over the points thread, with intermittent stabbings of anyone around* There was some talk about points in the intro post to the Executioner thread too, oh Great Lord of the Dark! Do you want me to tally them for you? *grovels shamelessly* Oh, and I notice it is the 14th today, is there a current Nae'blis for tomorrow?
  17. I was just preparing one, oh Great One! *thumbs his axe blade* Unfortunately no one's been stabbed by my axe yet, but maybe this time? _____ _____ ____ __ ________ 0 notches
  18. The "ol" in the middle of both the first and last word helped. I really couldn't come up with a scenario where one of those didn't end in a "D". But yeah, there was a while there I was worried I'd be personally responsible for all the notches πŸ˜…
  19. I'm gonna guess "Cold rocks hold" then. It was a tricky one! I feel you should have felt more excitement at getting the opportunity to stab us all to pieces with your axe though πŸ˜‰
  20. Good thing I didn't guess "Gold rocks cold"! I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and guess "G" next.
  21. Hmm. "Gold rocks cold" or something like that? Too early to make a final guess yet, I think, but I will guess at there being a "C" in the phrase. It helps once you have a few letters to base your guess on! πŸ˜…
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