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Posts posted by TaiDashan

  1. The lady blinked at the mention of her troubles and for a moment Tai thought he had overstepped propriety.


    "I don't think it is anything for you to worry yourself over, my Lord.  But it would lift a weight from my shoulders to talk to someone about it, if you don't mind."


    Chaos said something particularly nasty about her shoulders and he barely kept the blush from his cheeks. Unable to speak he simply nodded.


    "I am Gia, Gia Riatin.  After my father died, pretty much the only family I had left was my Uncle Toram.  I have been searching for him for some time now.  I don't suppose you know much of the troubles in Cairhien after Laman was killed?"


    Laman? Who was that? Being a merchant's son he had heard rumors here and there but most had been wild fancy that only a fool would believe. At least that is what his mother said. He had heard plenty about Cairhien but nothing of Laman. Besides, he was enjoying looking at her eyes. He shook his head and she continued.


    "Well, my Uncle Toram felt he had a good chance at taking the Sun Throne.  In the Wars of Succession that followed, many of my House and other Houses were killed before Saighan finally succeeded.  This left many of us refugees.  Toram survived his failed bid for the Throne, but he has disappeared since then.  I have been searching everywhere for him, or others of my House.  My wanderings have finally brought me here, to Caemlyn.  I have heard a few rumors that lead me to believe that my Uncle is taking refuge somewhere in Andor, but the trail has run dry.  I haven't decided what to do next; I am trying to make a few contacts here that can send me letters with news of the area.  Perhaps a clue in the gossip of the region will lead me to him."


    She took a sip of her wine and he took the oppurtunity to reflect. The tale she had just told was grand indeed. A woman made refugee from her own home, civil war, a bid for a throne! Her father had been killed and her only surviving relative was no where to be found. No wonder she was struggling! Light the woman had almost been royalty and now she was a refugee! She smiled at him then and he believed it all. The owner of that smile could not have lied.


    "But I am sure you are not interested in my life story.  Tell me, what is your name, my Lord?"


    He had been gazing at her, struggling to keep his eyes above her chin. With a start he realized she had asked his name.


    "Forgive me my Lady, I should have given you my name before. Tai, Tai'Dashan. Your story is grave indeed. Any man, or woman," He allowed. "would be right to feel a little lost in your situation."


    He leaned back in his chair after sipping his spiced wine, throwing one arm across the back of it casually. He had acquired a grace of sorts training in the Tower. Nothing like a Warder but it had a similar effect. Some of the civilians at the Tower had said it was like the men radiated readiness, even at their ease. It made some uncomfortable. He was careful not to look too casual as he did not want to offend, but he did not want to appear as if he were a lost puppy.


    "Please, honor binds me to offer aid." He smiled again. "But my heart truly desires to do so, how may I be of assistance?"

  2. Tai tried to lose himself in his thoughts, that was without letting Chaos pipe up. Aria had shown back up and made herself a fixture in his life again whether he liked it or not. Arath had had him working at the Infirmary everyday to learn the healing weaves necessary and every night asked him if he had thought up anything to add. it was enough to make any sane man crazy. He sighed at the bad choice of words and focused on the music coming from the corner. As the soft music started to relax him, Tai forgot all about his untouched ale. That is until it ended up practically in his lap. Sensing someone nearby he opened his eyes in time to see his mug tip over the edge. Scooting his chair backward his gaze fell on the woman from earlier.


    "Oh, I am so sorry, my Lord! I am so clumsy!" Her hand flew to her cheek and she looked positively horrified. She pulled a handkerchief from her sleeve and Tai's eyes widened further and he shook his head emphatically no. He opened his mouth to protest and noticed her clothing. From what he had heard from some of the Carhienian at the Tower, those slashes meant some kind of nobility although he couldn't remember quite how. He opened his mouth to speak but Choas beat him to the punch.


    ~She better flaming apologize the clumsy goat-brained...~ Tai shut his mouth with a sharp click and shoved Chaos roughly to a corner of his mind. Shut up! He thought at him. Quickly he bent to clean up his shoes as the Lady sunk into her chair.


    "I really should have been watching where I was going.  I just can't seem to think straight today; nothing has been going right for me, it seems." Her voice shook on the edge of breaking and tears threatened. Light how he hated it when women cried! He made himself focus on cleaning the remaining liquid from his boots so that he hardly noticed her adding another goblet of wine to that already on the table. A servant started mopping up the remaining liquid and Tai rose to get out of his way.


    "Please, my Lord, come share a drink with me so that I may apologize for my ungraceful actions."


    Tai Glanced up at her from watching the servant and blinked. She was beautiful. Hurriedly he forsook that train of thought and made a slight bow from the waist.


    "My lady, the fault is mine. I never should have been so careless with where i put my mug. If it so pleases you I will indeed join you, but I insist the fault is mine." He grinned at her in what he hoped was a disarming manner. He had been told that his smile in that boyishly handsome face could melt hearts. He was not after this Lady's heart but he definitely wanted her to be at ease.


    Tai sat and took the proffered mug, leaning closer to her while looking around. He was pleased to see that it was spiced wine. "In fact," He said behind his hand in a conspiratory tone. "I truly did not want the ale, you have done me a favor my lady." He chuckled softly then. Straightening he resumed a more serious tone. "But here I am going on about myself. What trouble have you run aground of if I might be so bold?"


    Tai was not sure he could help the woman. The problems of nobles did not concern a Jewelry Merchant's son, but he had a tender heart and held little resistance for a woman in need. He silently cursed himself for wearing such finery. He was no bloody lord. True, he had seen enough of them to act the part fairly well, but he had not meant to be taken for one when choosing what he would wear. He simply had liked the way it looked.

  3. Tai walked through the door to the River's Crossing and was immediately surprised. A light haze from the tallow candles clung to the ceiling. He had left at dawn and the journey had not taken him long. The sun was just past its zenith but the Inn had small and sparing windows and what little light filtered in was weak. He had gotten spoiled with the wide windows in Faringol Manor back at the Farm. The Innkeeper was not difficult to find laughing and talking loudly with one of the patrons, and Tai made his way over to the round, red-cheeked man. He had a fringe of white hair haloing his head but the top was bare and shined faintly in the soft light. Waiting to be noticed Tai shifted his sword and delved into the purse at his belt, digging out the coins needed for a drink. He did not have to wait long. The innkeeper noticed him with a start and hurriedly excused himself.


    "Hello my Lord and welcome to the River's Crossing. My name is Franos Gintin. Would my Lord like a drink? Our ale is the finest in Caemlyn."


    Tai gave a start at being called a lord and nodded an assent to the innkeeper before realizing it. Normally he preferred spiced wine or tea but had answered before thinking and did not want to offend the man. After negotiating a price for the next few nights he pulled off his riding gloves, tucked them behind his belt, grabbed his ale and went to settle himself at table. There was some soft music from a group in the corner and it would be nice to relax and listen while tasting the ale. Lost in thought he wandered to an empty table in the corner. He was mildly surprised to find a pretty young woman sitting alone at a table. Her white shoulders were bare and she was gazing into her wine.


    ~Her skin looks soft. She is alone and you ache with hunger.~ Tai almost stumbled and a faint heat rose in his cheeks at Chaos' crude words. It had been a long time since he had shared a pillow with a woman true, but that did not mean she wanted his attentions. Attempting not to stare he sat quietly at the empty table next to hers and purposely sat so that she was to his right. He squeezed his eyes shut and muted Chaos to a buzz. Running his hand through his wavy, dark brown, ear length hair he sighed for what seemed like the hundredth time today. He fixed his ice blue eyes on the mug of ale without taking a sip and tried to loose himself in the music.


    I am not doing a very good job of relaxing. He thought to himself with a soft snort.

  4. Tai turned to look at himself in the mirror. The early morning light filtered in softly and gave him enough light to see his reflection. Lightly bubbled as the mirror was, he had been lucky to find a full length piece on one of his turns at recruiting. He was wearing a dark green silk coat with a high, crisp collar. The buttons were of a yellowish metal that shone nicely and complimented the thread of gold along the edges of the garment. His breeches where a shade darker and fit snugly. All in all he felt pleased with the look. For over 3 years he had only worn the black coat of an Asha'man. This was the first time since his arrival so long ago that he had worn anything else and it still felt odd. His hand brushed the empty edges of his collar and he sighed. His other hand strayed to the belt pouch where the Sword and Dragon pins where held. He snatched his hand away when he realized what he was doing and straightened his coat. Arath had told him, practically ordered him, to get away from the Farm. Away from his training and just relax for a few days. After a little arguing Tai had given in. With all the things going on, Aria showing up, his studying of the healing weaves, and Chaos taking control, Tai had to agree he needed a break. As if thinking of him had summoned the mad voice in his head, Chaos spoke.


    ~You are a coward. Running away from his duty.~ Chaos whispered darkly. Tai shoved Chaos into the back of his mind. He was wary around him ever since he had taken control and attacked Arath. Nothing had terrified Tai more, and he was very cautious not to let it happen again. Soon he was floating in the Void and his cares floated outside of it. He was one. One with the air, the bed, everything around him. He felt the stir of the hair on his neck and felt the pull of Saidin, calling to him with its siren's voice, beckoning him to launch into the fight for survival he had become so familiar with. He resisted the urge to engage in that battle, to feel the struggle that let him know he was alive.


    Picking up his scrip and swinging it over his shoulder by its wide leather strap, he ran a hand through his hair and sighed again. He seemed to be doing that a lot lately. Turning from the mirror he quietly stepped out the door. It was foolish to sneak around in his own house but he did not want Aria insisting on coming with him. Over the last week she had acted like their conversation had never occurred. Oh she didn't hang on him and make eyes at him, but she was never one for that. She still stayed close to him and used any excuse to be in his company. Quietly he walked down the stairs and passed the traveling room. He would travel but he did not want to announce what he was. That had been a point that Arath had discussed with him. He would go somewhere close so that he could travel by horse. He had chosen Caemlyn as his destination and promised to spend a few days in the city before returning to the Farm. Walking out the back door he chuckled. The last time he had left the Farm he had been so eager. The chuckle died on his lips. He had come home with another man's death on his hands and others wounded there wasn't much to chuckle at.


    ~Death.~  Panted Chaos, before Tai could shove him away again. ~Death and pain.~ 


    He fell into a sullen sulk as he crossed the grounds under a gray, early morning sky. He did not like to be reminded of that day, he had been forced to watch the destruction of one Asha'man and had had to kill another, one who had had much more training than he had. It had been a grim day. Greeting the groom softly he had the horse readied, a dusty gray that frisked as he mounted. Apparently he had not been walked enough and was eager to have its own rein. After passing the front gates of the Tower he let the gray run while keeping it in hand, glancing back briefly to look at the Tower until it was hidden by the trees.


    After a time he found himself entering Caemlyn by the south gate. It was strange wandering around, choosing an Inn where to spend the night. There was a slight excitement that shot through him as he was enveloped by the crowd and the rush of the city closed in. It was definitely different from the roar of exploding earth and the crack of cloudless lightnings. Soon enough he stopped at the River's Crossing. A small Inn closer to the center of Caemlyn than the South Gate. Tai glanced at the sign above the door as the man took his horse and a silver penny. It showed a picture of a flowing river, the Erinin he supposed, and a sturdy bridge. The painted traveler crossing the bridge was chipped, but looked to be whistling pleasantly. Sighing he snugged his gloves and headed inside. Might as well get settled for the night.

  5. Shadar grunted slightly as his shield was cut and continued throwing shields at the man, massive blankets of Spirit. Then the Half-Breed suddenly threw his own shield up to meet Shadar's! If that was how he wanted it..Shad thought. Repeatedly he wove shields, throwing them at the Half-Breed. Finally he felt the other man's weave falter and his own slide home. Instantly he looked at Arcon for approval, but not before seeing the glare that the Half-Breed gave him.


    "Shadar, release him. Darial, you appear to have had a lapse in judgment... Shadar is your superior in brute force, it would have been wiser to twist your weave around his."


    Inside Shad crowed with glee! His superior was he? He would watch for a twisted weave from now on. To make sure the other man would not best him.


    "We are nearing the end of our lesson, and both of you know the basic weaves you will need in order to defeat an opponent who shares our gift. There is however, much more than simply sitting here and battling with your minds. This next part, I will simply be acting as a referee. Use whatever you can to shield your opponent, wear them down, distract them, whatever it is that you must do in order to win. Still, if you weave to kill, my earlier warning stands, and I will declare you the looser." 


    Shad was starting to really tire which meant the other man must be long since. Watching for his sneaky weaves he could best the man again and truly gain the favor of Arcon. With a start he realized he was jealous of the Half-Breed and feared that he would curry Arcon's favor. Anger at the Half-Breed, at himself for caring what the Half-Breed thought or did, boiled up inside. As Arcon spoke the word to begin he seized Saidin and Savagely wove two hammers of Air and hurled them at the man. Letting them dissipate before they could be cut he swung a new hammer at the man. The Half-Breed was busy trying to cut the previous weaves and narrowly avoided being knocked unconscious. A small grin formed as he wove a shield at the man, trying to catch him off balance. He could hear the man panting lightly with the exertion of fending off the sudden onslaught.


    All I have to do is wear him down. he thought. He grinned, he grinned and he wove.

  6. Ok so i started a warder over a year ago when we still had mentor's. Posted once with him and that was about it. Haven't really done much with him since and as current he has met the MoT and is headed to find a bunk. So I am looking for a roomie! Otherwise i fear he will be stuck for another year... :-\


    Oh yes, and i just got access to the boards today which is why i have not posted sooner. :P Check out the sig below for links to bios, D'Ashan is my warder  ;D

  7. "It's been let known what goes on here.  She ... didn't take it well and needed to be calmed down."


    Tai stamped down the rage he felt at Michelle not only striking Aria but telling her about him channeling. She had completely gutted the issue and left him to clean up the entrails he thought roughly.


    "But now that you're here you can take over.  I assume you'd rather be alone while you ... catch up?"


    Tai stopped glaring at Michelle and sighed, running a hand through his hair. Arath was right, he needed to talk to Aria. He was just not sure what he would say. Quietly he stared at the door for a while before opening it. He would die in the service of the Dragon. He may go horribly insane and destroy her simply for loving him. His heart felt like it might burst and tears threatened again. Duty was heavier than a mountain. Slowly he opened the door and walked out the back of the manor. Glancing around he did not see her at first, and thought that perhaps she had left. Then he heard a soft sound to his right and turned to see Aria brushing dirt from her clothing. Tears rimmed her eyes but did not fall as she bit her lower lip. He hardened his face and floated in the Void.


    "Aria. It has been a long time since we have seen each other. The last time I saw you, you were leaving me without sufficient explanation. I was a boy then and am such no longer."


    She opened her mouth but he steeled himself and continued before she could speak.


    "I love you. I always have and I think I always will. My life has been given to the Dragon Reborn, to the Light and to Tar'mon Gaidon. I can channel Saidin, and with it the Shadow's Taint. It has affected my mind already. I have lost control once and eventually, should I live long enough, the Taint will rot my body. Most likely I will go horribly mad and destroy those around me unless I am put down like a rabid dog. Because of these things there cannot be a future between us that will end in anything but sorrow and death." He knew his words were harsh, the onslaught of his words continued as tears spilled down her face, but he could not help himself. Suddenly stars burst in his vision as her full armed slap almost unhinged his jaw.


    You have no right! she half sobbed. Her eyes pleaded through her tears while seeming to bore into him. You cannot tell me where to go or what to do. I love you and I am not going anywhere! I left  you once and I will not do it again. You may choose to tell me we cannot be together but I have been invited to stay here and do so I will. You cannot choose where I live or who I associate with and I like it well enough here!" Her eyes dared him to tell her she could not stay and the set of her jaw said she would slap him again should he suggest it.


    So she was going to stay close to him regardless of what he had said? He thought for a moment while rubbing his jaw. Light she had an arm!


    "I cannot tell you what to do anymore than I could back in Mayne." He assented quietly and her eyes softened. "I do not want you harmed, but I cannot bear to put you in danger. Live here if you must. I cannot say it will not be pleasant having you around." With that he turned and walked through the door to the manor, leaving her staring after him, alone with her thoughts.

  8. Thinking of having Tai meet up with Gianna before the bonding (yes i know, still a ways off  ;D) to kind of get to know each other IC and also get used to writing together OOC.


    Thinking something at Caemlyn. Gotta get approval obviously as its inter-div, and definitely they don't have to let each other know they can channel, just two ppl running into one another. Inn mabye? on the road?


    Post here to let me know if we have approval and to let me know what your ideas are.

  9. Ok guys, looking to do some RP's with my Dedi. I am really up to anything as long as its fun ^^ look HERE for his bio, and if you really must, HERE for his retro arrival post.


    Gimme a holler and let me know what you think. Im up for pretty much anyone and anything, and free to help with ranks or training etc.

  10. Shad looked at the Half-Breed impassively. He had almost struck home with that last weave. His clubs were small but darted like tiny bite-me's. Grudgingly he noted the difference in skill and added that to his list of why he disliked the man. Not that he minded being bested in skill, it was that the man thought himself better than Shad. Being bested in skill still rankled a little.


    “Darial, you are on defense now. Begin.”


    Shadar's lips twitched at a grin and instantly he was weaving massive hammers of Air. the Half-Breed may have the round with skill, but Shad had strength and was going to use it. Not long into the battle, his brow furrowed slightly however. For every weave he shot the Half-Breed's way, a cutting weave snaked out to intercept. Shad did not slow and felt the jolt of his weaves being cut over and over. The Half-Breed started reacting just a little slower, with smaller cutting motions. Could he be tiring out already?


    “Stop. Good. Now for the next weave.”


    Shad glanced at Arcon almost grudgingly. He had almost had the Half-Breed he was sure.


    “Time for the second of the bread and butter weaves against fellow channelers. Shielding. The specifics of this weave are… complex, and I am not here to teach you philosophy. What you need to know is this, it is near impossible to shield someone who is holding the power.”


    Arcon slammed a shield onto both students, shutting them off from the source.


    “Unless you are much stronger than them…”


    “Shadar, again, you are up first. Try to shield him, Darial, take note that you can use a shield to defend against a shield.”


    The corners of Shadar's mouth started to twist in a grin. Arcon always had him go first. Then it faltered, was that to show him how he had failed when the Half-Breed started to weave? He had no more time to consider it. The weave Arcon had shown him was simple in its complexity. He adapted it as he did from time to time when Arcon showed him weaves. He envisioned the Source as a flame and he wove a blanket of Spirit, tossing it over the man he felt the edge of it rebound and his weave was sliced again. He tried a few more times. He would best this Half-Breed!


  11. Shadar was gliding silently down through the dark corridors of the Fortress. His hands folded in his sleeves, he stroked the tip of each middle finger across the sheath strapped there. He was taking his training seriously and truly wanted to be an assassin for the Great Lord. Arcon had helped him with certain techniques, but was quick to point out where he lacked in finesse as far as Saidin was concerned. Shad was pulled suddenly from his reverie when a flow of Air spun him roughly around to face a hooded figure. He halted his tongue when he saw it was a Dreadlord. Actavius he thought his name was. The Dreadlord wasted no time in speaking.


    "Shadar Al'Niende you have been summoned this day to test for adept. Do not question, do not delay, and do not seize Saidin or you will die on the spot." Actavius intoned.


    He had the slightest strain of frustration in his voice, barely noticeable. Shadar speculated vaugely that it must have been the difficulty in finding him. He had taken to stalking the corridors frequently. Shad obeyed quickly and fell into step behind the Dreadlord, his head bowed. Hidden by his wide hood, his thoughts raced wildly. He knew this test would come eventually. That was about all he knew. Arcon had been cursedly tight-lipped about the whole thing. Following twists and turns Shad had never known existed, he was soon thoroughly lost.He prided himself on his knowledge of the many dark and sometimes dank corridors of the Fortress, yet he had never seen this part of the apparently enormous place. Suddenly they stopped, so quickly that Shadar narrowly avoided bumping the Dreadlord ahead of him. Not a good thing to do.


    "You will enter this door and make your way out again by another. Should you fail, you will die. Please the Great Lord and survive... He paused in his ominous litany for emphasis, "And you will be raised to the rank of Adept. Now go.


    This was all the warning he had before the door before them swung silently open and the light in the hallway dimmed. Silently he glided forward, refusing to give Actavius the satisfaction of seeing him glance backward. He would face what was to come, and survive. He would serve the Great Lord.


    Darkness shrouded him as the door closed behind him. Reaching back to touch the only surface he was sure of save the floor, he was surprised to find smooth stone. Running his hand across its surface a short way confirmed that the door was not there. He froze and listened to his surroundings. Actavius had said if he failed he would die. That meant this test was potentially deadly and would require caution. Silence met his breathing, the only sound save the steady beat of his heart.


    Before he could react, his flesh pebbled and everything...fuzzed. That wasn't quite accurate, but It was the best he could describe it. It was over so fast that he almost doubted it had happened.


    Lowering his hood softly, he seized Saidin. Glorious life filled him to bursting, ecstasy pounded through him, driving the Taint into his bones. He reveled in it only a moment, his enhanced hearing catching the faintest rustle ahead. Weaving the finest threads of Fire and Air he could muster he formed a small ball of light two feet ahead of him. The corridor ahead of him sprang into being, smooth stone walls flowing upward to arch into a high ceiling. No sign of the reason for the rustle. Cautiously he started down the corridor, holding the weave two feet ahead of him. Gently the floor sloped downward, carrying him into the depths. The ground leveled out and he came to three branches in the corridor. Splitting his weave he sent a small ball of light down each of them a few feet. Nothing looked immediately life threatening so he let the weaves go and channeled one single ball of light immediately in front of him. Shrugging slightly he chose the left branch in the corridor and started down it softly. Soon enough he came to another, and another, always going left. He had heard somewhere that it was the safest way to traverse unknown tunnels, that way you could always go back the way you came. Just as he was feeling like he was wandering uselessly, the corridor opened suddenly before him. Sending the sphere of light to the sides a few feet he found that the chamber was at least ten spans across. Cautiously he floated the sphere of light upward. Finally he gave up when the ceiling did not materialize. Suddenly he felt a faint rumble in the air around him. Instantly he released the weave but not the Source, his skin was pebbling again. A woman was channeling Saidir.


    Before he could react, a solid wall of air, rushed from the tunnel behind him tumbling him over and over into the chamber. It was over almost as quickly as it had begun. He crouched low on the stone floor straining for a noise, for some indication of position. His skin had smoothed once more but that did not mean he was alone. Thoughts skittered across the Void. What was a woman who could channel doing here? Where was here? Was it a Dreadlady? Suddenly a faint light appeared off to his left. He could just make out a man carrying a lamp and approaching looking confused. Shadar drew breath with a hiss. It was Galan. His eyes narrowed and he circled to the right, softly, silently. The horse trader was supposed to be dead. The thought floated outside the Void. It made sense but there he was. You could not get more reality than that. Something said that was wrong but it slipped away like haze in the darkness.


    "Hel-Hello?" croaked the man quietly. Fear drew his voice out in a quavering croak as his head swung from side to side, searching the darkness. Shadar approached silently from behind. He drew his daggers and tensed himself, preparing to strike. Suddenly Galan whirled, oil spilling from the lamp as he grew in size. Shadar froze in the ring of fire that now surrounded him and gazed up at Galan, now 3 times his size.


    "You!" his voice boomed. "How many times do I have to tell you? You goat-brained son of a Trolloc?!" Fear sliced through the Void and Shad almost lost the Source. His skin pebbled and he wove without thinking. Lashing out at the weaves he could not see. He did not catch them all however. Invisible blows of Air struck him from every direction, pummeling him. All was black outside the ring of flames, but Galan loomed in his sight. Tears streamed down his face as razors struck him from every side. Inside him something snapped. Drawing on Saidin he channeled the sun itself through his veins. The pain was close to matching what he felt on the outside. His muscles knotted and his throat corded as his cry of rage echoed through the darkness. He had had enough, enough of being afraid, of cowering in dark places and being empty. No longer would he be empty, Saidin raged through him, filling him. Filling him with heat and power. Lashing out he wove Fire and Air and Spirit. He felt contact with unseen weaves but they were beneath notice. Weaving Air he savagely beat Galan, beat him until he was little less than a unrecognizable pulp. He felt his weaves shift on contact but he was not clearheaded enough to realize it. The onslaught did not slow and his skin felt as if he were naked in Saldea. It was someone else's skin, someone else's hands. Blows landed as he screamed in defiance. Up ahead he saw a door and blindly crawled toward it, his body aflame with agony.


    "I will be empty no longer! I will serve the Great Lord! I will be his hand in the darkness to silence all those who oppose him! I WILL NOT BE BEATEN AGAIN!"


    His throat was raw and he tasted blood. Every breath seared like inhaling flame. Saidin was gone, but so was the darkness and pain. Weakly lifting his head from the floor he squinted in the dim light.


    "Adept Shadar Al'Niende, your test is complete. Up the stairs and to the left you will find a door. Exit by this door and none other. From there you should find your way to your room easily enough. Well done."


    Getting slowly to his feet, Shadar did something he had not done for a good many years. He grinned. Tears streamed down his face in open joy but he could not stop the emotion from his face. At last, he was empty no longer. He would serve the Great Lord.

  12. Fanten stood there breathing hard. The man stood,almost calmly and spoke.


    "I do not jest over such matters. I am sorry for what I have caused you, but in all honesty, I believe you will thank me for it one day. For in truth, I have given you the gift of Saidin. Look around,Each one of us knows we will be put down from madness, perhaps taking some comrades with us, die a slow rotting death as the taint of Saidin literally knaws our flesh, or we will die in  battle, in the service of the light and the Lord Dragon Reborn. There will be no growing old, no buying a farm and raising two dozen children. We will die."


    Fanten blinked. The man was not intimidated, and his cold logic cooled the flames of his temper almost as quickly as they had begun. The man knew he would die, he was not afraid. Fanten sat down heavily as the man continued.


    "Now ask them if they would trade Saidin for the life. Go ahead, I'll cut them off from Saidin myself if that is their desire, but you won't find a single man who would give up the One Power. Despite everything... it is a gift."

    Sereth exhaled sharply as if dusting his hands of an uncomfortable task.

    "Now, follow me Solder. I will get you your coat, and show you the barracks, as well as a few other important structures. You will be spending a lot of time here..."


    Fanten just sat there staring at nothing. He was used to making decisions in an instant, but this was hard to wrap his mind around. His whole life he had ridden into battle, his rage fueling his effort to strike at the Shadow. Alone and separated from his family ties he had ridden after the horn, hoping to strike an epic blow to the powers of the Shadow as well. Now he could channel. Numbly he rose and followed the man out of the inn. His life had changed more than he ever expected. He better still be able to ride his horse, he thought glumly as he was led outside. That, and no one was taking his sword.

  13. Shadar watched his Mentor as he studied the two of them, not allowing the Half-Breed the pleasure of a glance. His dislike for the man had grown as he stewed over his snide attitude. He was proud and arrogant. A combination Shad found fun to work with. He was sure the Half-Breed would be as tough as hard ice to crack, but just as much fun to watch shatter.


    “This will be a simple exercise. Shadar, you are familiar with the format, but for Darial I will explain it. It is simple, first I demonstrate a weave, and then you perform it in a context of my choosing. Though today, there will be a match using all you have learned thus far in your training. I will warn you, if you weave to kill, you will find yourself on the receiving end of an advanced spirit weave known simply as pain.”

    Shad shifted his stance, which in other men was as good as capering. He half considered forming the killing weaves simply to see the weave, not to mention the chance of getting rid of the Half-Breed. He rejected the idea immediately however, no use in breaking his Half-Breed toy.

    “First weave up for today. Cutting. Used simply to stop an opponents weaves. Shad, club of air.”


    Shad seized and wove as instructed without delay. He knew what was coming but never questioned Arcon's order. Grunting softly in spite of himself as the weave recoiled, he released and stood ready again.

    “It does have the feedback effect.”  He returned to instructing them both once more. “Shadar, you’ll be cutting first, Darial, try to avoid his weaves and get in for an attack. Do not press the attack; a light touch should be sufficient....Begin.”


    Shad seized the Source the instant Arcon allowed and prepared the weaves he had practiced. He noted that the Half-Breed had seized only a moment later than himself. The Half-Breed formed a club of air and hurled it at Shad, contemptuously he sliced the weave, readying for the next attack. Feeling him out, the Half-Breed sent a few more in to be sliced before really trying. Shad's eyes widened a hair in surprise when the man really made an honest attempt. The man was deft and quite nimble if not at all near the strength of Shadar. Slicing his weaves a few more times he barely missed getting what he assumed would have been a nasty bruise before Arcon told them to cease.

  14. Shadar strolled down the dark corridors. At least he tried, but the thought of a private lesson against a fellow channeler excited him and his pace quickened despite himself. The wide, deep hood on his black robe hid his face from those he passed and his hands clasped his wrists inside the wide sleeves as he glided along silently. He had been fairly successful at stealth as of late and moving quietly had become second nature to him. He blankly admired the silver scroll work along the cuffs of his robes and pondered how the lesson would go.


    Shadar had also been working on faking emotions as part of his subterfuge. He still was not good at making them completely believable and Arcon had muttered something about fooling a bear, let alone a Carhenien. Arcon had seemed impressed with him up until this point. He had explained to him that while he was impressed with his strength he was about as deft as a bull around Sea Folk Porcelain. Shadar had experienced this before with some of his weaves, it was like trying to shave with a battle axe, it could be done, it just was not easy.


    Shad tossed his head, letting his hood fall back. He walked into the room and inclined his head at Arcon before noticing the other initiate. He merely stared blankly at the man. Of course it would be the Half-Breed. His face not changing a hair he turned back calmly to Arcon and waited. Silence suited him well and he was prepared to let Arcon do the talking.

  15. Sereth sat and looked at Fanten for a bit, shaking his head lightly. He sighed before speaking and Fanten made a concious effort to smooth the scowl from his face. He did so with a measure of success. He watched as a Sereth's hand turned palm up above the table. A sphere of light flowed into being as the man spoke.


    "Can't do this? Well, to be honest I don't know and neither do you, not without testing you at least. I must apologize for my earlier straight forwardness. I have a habit of being brash..."


    The words hardly registered as Fanten was intrigued by the swirling ball of light. The man was obviously using the One Power but that did not concern Fanten as it would some folk. He almost make out currents in the sphere, swirling back and forth. It was a very impressive display. Suddenly it swirled in on itself and started to change hue. The soft white light slowly took on a warm, pale glow.

    "A hunter though? For the Horn? Why would one such as you be here on the farm? I assure you, we do not keep it around for special occasions, well, at least to the best of my knowledge."


    The words were a little too close to reality for Fanten's liking but he shrugged them off. The sphere was starting to take shape of the Horn of Valere. Whether following the man's thoughts or on purpose, it was striking and similar to what he had seen in his dreams. He was caught up in his dreams for a moment while watching the glowing horn. They had started when he was young and had not happened more than a few times. They were better than the others however, the ones with the One Power, the One Power and Death. He pulled himself back from those thoughts and watched as the horn obtained an ivory inlay and engravings. The detail was impressive.


    "Or perhaps it is the thought of the dragon being here that lures you? If such a legendary artifact is to be found, surely his great ta'veran powers will be at the heart of it."


    Fanten nodded before he could catch himself. He was about to wonder by what trick of the Power the man had read his mind when Sereth's hand closed suddenly, violently extinguishing the fascinating marvel.

    "You... are quite wrong, and I must apologize... The ability is so rare I didn't think any harm would come from putting on a bit of a show..." Sereth took a deep breath before continuing. "Welcome to the Black Tower, soldier. Your classes on controlling Saidin will begin tomorrow..."


    Fanten blinked in confusion while the man spoke. Wrong? He had not said anything. Apologize? Ability was so rare? Harm from putting on a show?


    Suddenly realization dawned like a Blight Worm rearing its ugly head. His lips drew back in a snarl as his hand flashed out, overturning the table with a loud crash. Mugs smashed to the floor, spilling liquid across the rough floor as he leapt to his feet. Spittle flew from his mouth and veins bulged from his neck as he roared wordlessly at the man.


    "If you think to jest Asha'man, you do so poorly!" His eyes glittered angrily down at the man who was still seated. His voice quieted as he realized everyone in the room was staring. A few of the black coats had risen to their feet and had the air of tense readiness. Anger surged along his veins, sweeping away reason. They were hiding the Horn, keeping it for themselves! Angrily he glared at the man as he towered over him, fists clenching an un-clenching convulsively.

  16. As he entered the Inn, Fanten glanced around at the men doing everything from drinking to dicing in the corner. He motioned for a serving girl without thinking. Although he had despised his upbringing as a noble, it was in his bones whether he liked it or not. Frowning he watched the man in the black coat approach him. He noted the red enameled creature at his throat in addition to the silver sword. Quickly he re-calculated the man walking towards him calmly.


    "Hello, my name is Asha'man Sereth Arian. I wonder, have you been tested yet? You look a bit too calm for someone who has just been told he can channel Saidin."


    Fanten's frown never left his face as he listened to the man. In fact, it deepened slightly at the implication. Before he could disabuse the man of the ludicrous notion however, the Asha'man continued.


    "If not, I would gladly help you. Scary or not, it really is a wonderful feeling... not even the taint can fully counter the full joy of weaving the power... It's as if..." He let out a nervous chuckle, and scratched the back of his head before continuing on. Light! The man hardly seemed to draw breath! "Oh, sorry, ranting again. Don't worry, my old philosophy teacher chided me for this for years, even before it was discovered I could channel. Oh! And I'm doing it again! So yes, have you been tested?"


    Fanten took a deep breath and tried very hard not to sigh as the man admitted his own fault. He had dealt with more trying folk than this. This one could channel however. The thought still made him slightly uneasy, but he had that creature everyone was calling a dragon on his collar and that must mean he was close to the Dragon Reborn. No use offending such a man. He motioned to the table nearest them. As Sereth sat, so did Fanten, his armor creaking. He had gotten a couple strange looks for the blade at his back but less than he had expected. The serving girl brought him spiced wine and he waited for her to leave before speaking. She was trained well he noted as she walked away, and pretty. Turning his gaze back to the Asha'man he tried to put on a patient face. That was to say that he was scowling, patiently.


    "I am a Hunter, not a..." His thick Saldean accent faltered slightly as he attempted to choose his words carefully. "I cannot do what you think." He finished, his scowl deepening. He hoped he had not offended the man, he was currently looking thoughtful.


  17. OOC:


    his fist colliding with Jarron's face, sending him flying back into the chair.  :o OH NO YOU DIDN'T!!!  :D




    The Dragon settled into the chair still keeping that deadly grace of his.


    "So tell me...what exactly is it that brings you all here. I hardly feel you're here for a social visit."


    Tai suppressed the urge to laugh out loud at the absurdity of the comment. He found himself looking to Covai. The man had ordered them here, that was all Tai knew of their mission in Tear. Something tickled at the edges of his mind as Covai replied, but Tai couldn't quite put his finger on it.


    "No my Lord Dragon. We're here to report about the battle with the Shadow in Sheinar?"


    Tai barely had time to consider this however, the Dragon's hand clenched around the chair arm, producing a squeak of stressed wood. Anger flared in his face and he spoke through clenched teeth.


    "What battle..?" Tai once again noted Covai's seemingly fearless attitude with the Dragon, caution was a screaming auger between his shoulder blades. The Storm Leader didn't even flinch, on the contrary. He hardly hesitated before answering.


    "Last week, four of our Asha'man in Sheinar returned to the Black Tower. The one's that survived reported an army of Shadowspawn larger than anyone had seen before. But there was something else they had to report...the shadow had channelers admist their ranks."


    The Dragon shot to his feet and Tai actually took a step back before catching himself. Light! The man was an avalanche hanging by a thread! He was glad he was not the only one who looked at least half concerned in the room. Glancing around the room he noted more than one furrowed brow.


    "And just how many of your boys did you loose in the battle against them?" At the word boys, Tai's brow sunk lower. Some of those men had been his friends who had never come home. Tai had wept for some of those men, men risking life and limb for the Light. Men ordered to this end for Jarron! And this fool man, Dragon Reborn or no, had the nerve to be so flippant about the lives lost?! Anger seethed, white hot along the outside of the Void. Suddenly Covai crossed the three or so feet between the two of them, his fist colliding with Jarron's face, sending him flying back into the chair. He did not simply loose the Void, it shattered. Breaking into a million white hot needles, flaying his mind. His recovery was on instinct though, Tai could not tell who had Seized the Source first between himself and the Dragon. All he knew was Chaos was back, Screaming wildly in his head.


    ~No!  Light No!... Anything but this! Kill them all now! Now I say, before you are lost!... Oh Light!~ Tai could feel Chaos grasping at the Source desperately, it was like trying to keep someone from prying ice out of your hands, his grip slipping continually.Light not now! He held on by a fingernail. Stillness claimed his form and sweat poured down his face, as he battled for control. It felt like an eternity but Jarron had barely gotten to his feet when Tai was able to regain control. He had not sweated in a long time, Arath had shown him the trick of it over a year ago. Tai watched the two men in front of him warily. He was sure had he placed his hand between the two men's gazes he would pull it back burned, so intense were their glittering gazes. Covai had not seized the Source. Conflict warred within him, He could not let this young country boy strike down his Leader unarmed, on the other hand, the man was the Dragon Reborn... And he had sworn an Oath. Tai resolved to do whatever was necessary to protect Covai short of killing the Dragon. Covai was a Leader, and more importantly a friend. Light he really had struck the Lord of the Morning! Sweat was threatening his brow again and he had to clench his fists to keep from shaking. The tension grew as Covai spoke once more.


    "At least those Asha'man died living up to their name. When was the last time you actually got off your damn arse and started doing something Jarron?"


    The heated words struck Tai like gong peals , one by one. He changed his breathing as he had been taught, Saidin increasing his awareness and waited for the next move on the balls of his feet. He would be prepared.

  18. Seconding a Blue I think Tai would work well with a Green as well, this is all IC musings however, it may be that he works ok with a red and i get along GREAT with the writer...i'm up for options, just have a basic idea in mind (i.e. bonded to a blue or green..)  ;D

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