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Posts posted by TaiDashan

  1. The Storm Leader dealt with, Tai turned his focus on the battle between Brent and Arath. He would grieve later. A soldier stood with his sword out, guarding Aria. for once Chaos was silent. Whether drowned in a sea of emotion, or simply silent he was not sure. It looked as if Covai had returned to the fight, but with the shifting crowd that had sifted between them it was hard to tell.


    "When the stretchers return you can escort the girl's body from the field so she can receive a proper burial." A man with the dedicated pin on his collar, Valeran he thought,  spoke to the Soldier guarding Aria. With a wild, steel cold look he could not force from his eyes, he gripped the man's arm above the elbow. His eyes bored like augers into the other man and he swallowed for a moment before speaking.


    "When this is done, find me. Take me to her before it is done. That is an order. Do you understand?" The man nodded, looking slightly afraid. He was grateful to the man for the honor he had shown her, is braids marked him Arafellin and a borderlander, but he would not miss his chance to say goodbye.


    For now there were more important things to be dealt with, there would be time for grief later...

  2. The Storm Leader was obviously mad with the Taint. As his emotions hit, Tai almost lost the Void. He would have closed his eyes if not for the man in front of him. Rage, Pain, and cascade of other emotions battered the Void, crashing over him like massive ocean waves. Into the Flame they went. All his sorrow, his anger, his fear. And he was calm. Cold and calm.


    Pulling Saidin into himself until it felt he would scream from it, he added to the distracting blows of Sereth. Clubs, Whips, and Razors of Air. The man wove furiously, but both Sereth and Tai were about his strength and with skill to match. Methodically Tai supported Sereth's attacks on the man, overwhelming him with blows and cuts.


    Slowly he used a fraction of his weaves, branching off trickles of Air and Fire. A net slowly started to form around the man's body. His eyes widened slightly as Sereth threw shielding weaves into the mix. More blows and cuts struck home as the man wove to cut both the shielding weaves and Tai's net. He knew what was coming, and that made Tai smile.


    Completing the weave, Tai brought both hands into fists, bringing them downward across his body and crossing his wrists. The weave of Air Razors, coupled with Fire collapsed inward. The man's body was instantly sliced into hundreds of tiny pieces, and incinerated with a weave of Fire. A weave of Air touched with Water slammed the ashes from the air and into the ground. The entire ordeal had taken seconds, but had felt as if it stretched out for eternity.


    Tai locked eyes with Sereth. Surely no man's eyes could have held such a gamut of emotions as his. Gratitude for the help, disbelief at what he had just done. So many things. He had never killed a man before...

  3. Rhya swept in with the cold air, eliciting comments from some of the smiling patrons. She grinned at them and hastily closed the heavy door. She noted Rahien and after waving to a barmaid she approached. He had heard in a passing conversation that Wall was in the cellar doing something or other.


    Removing her cloak, Rhya sat. Rahien noted her auburn hair falling in waves down her back. It was pretty.


    “Greetings my friend...Is our Aislyn not looking after you well enough that you need to seek out sustenance here?”


    Despite himself, a chuckle escaped his lips. Rhya had put him at ease again. Knots in his muscles he had not known were there, loosened with the expression of mirth. The barmaid arrived just then with his spiced wine, and he took the distraction it gave to order his thoughts.


    Suddenly a chill of panic swept through him. What would he say? Why would she help him when he had gotten her into so much trouble? That thought weighed most heavily on his heart. He felt bad for inducing such punishment and helping had not made it any better. Sure, she had chosen to leave the Stedding, but it was because of Snow's sending and by proxy because of his need. Sighing, he put a smile on his face.


    "Game of Stones?" At her nod he went over to the shelf where Wall had shown him they were kept, and brought back a board and the cups of stones.


    Rahien knew that Rhya was studying him curiously, but he kept his head down, focusing on placing his first stone. Placing one of his stones on the intersecting lines near the corner of the board, he waited to see what her opening move would be. If she was smart, she would place in one of her own corners to begin claiming that territory. He would keep her wondering a little longer, at least until he could organize his thoughts...

  4. Glancing quickly around the crowd, Tai was glad to see Sereth Arian. He was one of the only men in the Tower that knew of Chaos, one of the only men he fully trusted.


    Tai watched as Arath launched an attack from around the quickly crumbling Stables. Missles of flame took Rasin in the chest and throat, and drove home the reality of the battle in front of them. Oh Tai knew it for a battle, but the shock had not fully worn off until that moment.


    Dust filled the air as Arath sent fireballs streaking towards the men. A ring of earth Tai was jealous of, came on next, speeding outward in a ring. Knocking the M'Hael to the ground- no...Brent. He would not call him the M'hael. Suddenly a return volley of Fire was arcing towards Arath's general direction and he heard a few men cry out in pain.


    "Out of my way fools! Move for an Asha'man, you goat brained..." The remainder of the words were lost in the noises of outrage and even pain as someone pushed his way through the crowd with elbow and Power. Tenim Wulwind, the fool! Tenim was the third storm leader in the little group that lay one down out there on the field. His rank clear by the embroidery on his sleeves. If he made it out there, Arath didn't have a chance.


    Tai's eye caught Sereth's and he nodded at the man, moments before he caught a blond head in the crowd, directly in Tenim's way. No, Aria! His heart leapt into his throat. If the man hurt her...Shouting quick orders to the soldiers around him, he plunged through the crowd, catching Sereth's eye again. He knew that desperation shone in his eyes, that the other man could see it, but he didn't care. Suddenly the crowd opened and a tight ring formed around Tenim...and Aria


    "How dare you?!" Aria screamed in outrage. It looked as if the man hat hit her, judging by the mark quickly reddening on her face. Tai muttered a heated oath and got a few surprised looks from the men next to him as he made his way by. Aria was hotheaded and stubborn, she adored Arath almost as much as she did Tai, and would not stand for him to be hurt.


    Tenim grinned wickedly. "Get out of my way." He said, his tone low and dangerous.


    Aria planted her hands on her hips. "No." She said simply. Her jaw set.


    It was too late, the man was too fast and too close to her. There was nothing Tai could do, but he tried. half formed weaves, formed too slow, were released as Saidin surged up in Tenim and Aria cried out, crumpling to the ground. Tai pushed through the last of the crowd and caught her with a flow of Air, just before she struck the ground. With the same flow, he lowered her gently to the earth. Tai was sure she was dead. The caved section of her skull and the stillness of her breast gave no hope. A black coated man dropped to his knees from the crowd, running his hands over her. He had no time to see what rank, he turned his murderous gaze on Tenim, fury exploding outside the Void.


    "Tenim Wulwind." He said to the short Carhenien. "You will die for what you have done this day..." Tai's voice was like molten ice. Like the power of Sadin itself. He saw Sereth circling around behind the man, he merely hoped he would not rob him of the pleasure of justice.


    OOC: Feel free to have a soldier or dedicated jump in here and try to heal her guys, whoever posts first  ;D

    no good tho..she is gone :P

    Kura, lets do this.

  5. After taking the dishes from him, Aislyn led the way down a long hallway. Stopping at the kitchens she left the dishes to be washed by a particularly cute girl. Mentioning that he could return should he feel the need for a snack or something like it, she swept him out of the room before he could more than smile at the lass.


    Luckily she only stopped a few doors down and showed him his room, the thought made him smile behind her back.


    "This will be your room for a while....But first a bath." Rahien could swear that she almost wrinkled her nose.


    They came to the end of the hall and turned the corner, Aislyn pointing at a door just a few down the way. "This one is my room, call on me should you need anything." Halfway down the hall Rahien caught the scent of soap and steam. Aislyn turned them down a flight of stairs and the air grew warmer. They pushed through the door that stood ajar, and into a small changing room. Rahien could feel the hot, moist air from the opening in front of him.


    "Off you go, leave your clothes outside the door and we'll wash them and return them to you in the morning...Tomorrow I'll find you a mentor. They will help you in your training, but for now, the bath!" Rahien went a deep shade of red as she stood there grinning at him. Once when he was younger a wisdom had had to look at him in his small clothes to check his physical fitness. He wondered if Aislyn planned to do the same.


    "You want me to, I mean that is, um you are going to..." He stammered as he gestured to his clothes...

  6. Tai trudged back and forth in the rain, cursing the Light-forsaken weather. If the rocks were not bad enough, the icy rain slipped between his hands and the rocks that seemed to weigh more than he did. It felt as he had been doing this his whole life, each rock weighing more and more. Hefting another rock he carried it to the pile, arms trembling. He wasn't sure he could continue in this manner for long. Life in the woods had by no means been easy, but it was not exactly hard labor to be sure.


    The rumble of his stomach for the millionth time announced unnecessarily that he was hungry. It was as if his stomach thought he needed reminding. It already felt as if it were gnawing on his backbone! Pausing for a moment after dropping the millionth rock, he rested while Winter and Rhya deposited theirs. He felt tired in his bones, and his muscles shook slightly with fatigue.


    On the weary trudge back to the Light-cursed pile of stones, he noted that there was someone waiting for them with quite the bundle. He had seen the girl around the Infirmary once, or maybe twice in truth, but did not know her name. Thinking this was part of whatever had Rhya out here he shared a questioning glance with her. She shook her head just slightly, showing that she did not know either. Trying to keep a puzzled look from his face he finished the walk over to the girl.


    "Hello. Soup?" On cue his stomach growled loudly again, he had not eaten anything this morning and the work had left him tired. He found the strength to blush fiercely however. Silently he waited for Rhya to speak. Was this ok? It was her punishment, she would know the rules...

  7. Tai walked the Tower grounds trying to clear his head. Aria had been at one of her almost childish games again, seeming to delight in attempting to make him miserable. It had been hard not to snap at her. The happenings of the last little while bore heavy on his mind and Aria's games were the last thing he wanted to deal with.


    Covai had swung by the house and pulled Arath aside, the two men whispering before heading out. No doubt it was over Brent's reaction to Jarron's order. Aria had not believed him when he had said he had met the Dragon Reborn. He chuckled at the thought, remembering her face.


    Just then he heard voices to his left, near the stables. They had the sound of confrontation and one sounded like Covai. Turning a corner he was greeted by the sight of the M'Hael and two of his lackeys, confronting Covai and Arath.


    You would betray us all into the hands of the Aes Sedai!" roared the M'Hael. Like puppets the two men behind him nodded woodenly. Covai retorted, heat finally entering his voice.


    "...How many Asha'man need to die for your arrogance?  How many many men and women need to be slaughtered by shadowspawn because of your pride?..." A crowd had started to gather outside the stables, mostly men without the Dragon at their throat although he did recognize a few in the crowd.


    Suddenly Saidin filled Brent. Light no! A Flame Arrow flew from His fingers and Covai barely had time to throw up a shield. Part of the Stable collapsed as torrents of Saidin filled him. He immediately felt a stab of regret at seizing Saidin. What was he going to do against Brent and his two henchmen? He felt a few of the others fill with Saidin as well. Suddenly Brent sent another bolt crashing through the stables and Tai felt a man start to weave behind him. Whirling he spotted the man, and called out over the noise.


    "Stop! don't be a fool Berthos." It was one of the newer men, not yet Dedicated. "Brent would kill you without thinking twice." The man released his weave but not Saidin. Suddenly Tai whirled again as the stables crashed and a whole section caved into dust and rubble. Arath....

  8. Rahien sat at the small table by the window in the Hole in the Wall. He had been staying at the Infirmary for a few months now and had been growing increasingly restless. He drained his tea and motioned for some spiced wine, it would be nice for a change.


    ~Brother, you are restless.~ Snow sent, her concern for him tinged with amusement. More and more he had started to understand the way Snow communicated. Other wolves were still a little difficult to understand from time to time, and not ever at the level of understanding he had with Snow.


    ~Yes,~ He thought back at her. ~This is not a comfortable thing I do.~


    Sighing out loud he leaned back into his chair, crossing his feet at the ankles under the table. He had asked Rhya to meet him here and had chosen a table by the window for privacy. Aislyn had noted his restlessness and told him that it was permitted for those of the kin that wished to build their own homes.


    He wanted to ask for her help, but he wasn't sure how to go about it. He was not yet comfortable with others and kept mostly to himself. Rhya was different however, sort of. In all reality she had been the first human that he had made contact with in years. The first person who had shown any kindness or understanding.


    His parents, while he knew they cared about him, had not shown a care for anything other than his safety. His brow furrowed at that thought. Was that fair? Before he could continue, he was pulled out of his reverie as a blast of cold air came from the door announcing an arrival

  9. Hey all!  ;D


    I am going to be doing an RP where Rahien sets about completing a home for himself and wanted others to join in. Here are the key factors that i need your opinions on however:


    • A.) Rhaien has been alone for a good part of his childhood, living by himself in the woods and feeling shunned by his family. This has obviously left deep emotional scars and makes it hard for him to be social and to trust/open up to others.


    • B.) He has developed a bond most recently with Snow (wolf companion) and Rhya (the one to pick him up and bring him "home") The fact that he has opened up to this degree (by way of his emotional state) is phenomenal. It also has left him a little emotionally unstable and vulnerable.

    • C.) He definitely could not turn down an offer of help as he is too "nice" for that, although would not necessarily want help initially.


    As you can see this makes this rp kind of difficult as the WK would not leave one of their own to build their own home unless told their help was not needed bluntly...


    He does however as a character (whether he wants it or not)need to develop further in way of opening up and bonding more with the other members of the Kin.


    I figure it will require a thread with Rahien and Rhya more for Char dev pertaining to their relationship first, and then a separate thread actually building the house and opening it up for others.


    That is where I am stuck, that second thread. Winter would likely be another candidate to accept help from as Rahien has started to warm up to him... I want to provide the opportunity for others to join in as well, just for a chance to RP and to possibly earn points towards ES. Unfortunately I have not read everyone's bio or gotten to know their characters as well as you the Player has. What are likely scenarios? Would your char even offer help? Maybe simple curiosity would drive them there?

  10. Shadar silently slid down the dark corridors of the Fortress, following Alliveer. Arcon had asked him to help this Initiate learn the value of humility. He was far too arrogant, too confident. The Shadow held no mercy for those who stepped beyond their bounds, and this Initiate was too powerful a tool to loose in simple foolishness.


    He was covered in his black robe, the hood well up to hide his face as he had been the day he had participated in the man's training. Alliveer was foolishly poking his nose into random doors, apparently unaware that while he currently was in a fairly unoccupied area, there were dangers. Most that Shadar knew, like himself, had set weaves to protect their quarters. The last initiate to poke his nose into Shadar's quarters had been severely burned in the resulting flash of flame in his face. He was left to heal naturally and forbidden to have it done so with the Power as a lesson on caution.


    Pulling one of his daggers from the wide cuff of his robe he tapped it slowly on the wall to get the man's attention. Tap-Tap-Tap-Tap. Alliveer whirled and Shadar wove a trickle of Saidin. The weave was inverted and merely changed his voice so that the man could not recognize it. Shadar chose the voice that he had heard not long ago, the Fadeling's rasp like a snake in dead leaves.


    "Alliveer, for too long you have been blind. Oblivious to the world around you, it is time your eyes were opened by the Shadow.."


    Stepping back slowly into a pool of shadows he held perfectly still. He knew that Arcon was concealed nearby and was going to weave Folded Light and invert the weave. The whole effect would be utterly terrifying, Arcon's brilliant orchestrating would look to the Initiate as if Shadar had simply melted into the shadows to disappear, creating a disorienting, confusing atmosphere.


    OOC: Kura asked me to step in, i'm not sure if this is what he wanted exactly but...Hi!  :D good to get a chance to RP with you again.

  11. fair enough..


    *looks over his range of chars, none of which require posts and sighs*


    *sits down with a EoTN and a steaming mug*  ;D

  12. Aislyn assured him that his clothes would be returned after be seen to. He noted with surprise that he had cleaned his plate and was idly licking the crumbs from his fingers as she spoke.


    The thought of not being allowed to leave the Stedding made him nervous, even with her explanation that he needed training first. Aislyn made the Stedding sound wonderful and Rahien found himself somewhat looking forward to it. Indeed, it was akin to how he had felt back home in the woods. The solace, the peace and ability to live his life without outside interruption. He thought he might be one of those that never left after all. Only time would tell.


    Have you any more questions? And would you prefer seconds or a slice of pie?" She asked, obviously amused at the clean plate, now forgotten in his lap. He nearly blushed again, but made himself look her squarely in the eye.


    "some warm pie sounds awfully nice about now, it has been a long time."


    She smiled at him and took his plate, bringing the pie to him. He had more questions but figured they could wait. Digging into the pie. He asked for more tea and after finishing the pie, taking his time to enjoy it, he drained the tea.


    "So, what now?"

  13. "You first."


    As Winter closed his eyes to help block out sight, Rahien had time to study the other young man. He had come along to help Rhya with no such compunction as his own guilt to prod him along. That went a long way in Rahien's book. In truth, it was odd to be around others. To speak with them, to have things expected of him. But slowly he was growing to like this place. No one demanded things of him, training was done firmly but gently. Above all, no one pressed him further than he felt comfortable.


    So he was supposed to go first with an emotion was he? Owen had chosen anger, so that was out. No use trying that one, it was too fresh. Rahien finally settled on fear. Conjuring up an image he was taken back into the past.


    ...He woke cradled in the dark of the forest. It took him a moment to realize that the wood was silen,t save a small unidentifiable sound. Sitting up he froze, the large hulking shape of a bear sat snuffling at the cord he had tied the remains of his rabbit to. It was easily within reach as he had not been overly concerned with bears in his makeshift camp...


    Focusing on the fear he had felt as he tried to lie still until it left, wondering if he would die alone, he felt his body go cold and his heart pick up speed. he did not speak while feeling this, he knew his voice would betray him. Staring at Winter he kept his face a rigid mask should the man open his eyes. He felt as if he were sweating fear, if Winter couldn't pick up on it his nose was broken.


    Concern for him came from Snow, somewhere in the woods. It put him off balance for a moment but he quickly maintained his focus on the Fear. He wondered how long he would have to keep it up...

  14. Rahien struggled with yet another child sized boulder, moving it to the treeline. It was an interesting task, and he was not quite sure what the point was despite pointless labor. Grunting despite himself, he heaved the rock to the pile mindful of it tumbling down the pile onto his foot. That had happened one already and it was still throbbing a little.


    His cloak had been whipping about steadily since picking up the first stone, but work had warmed him beyond the need for it. Hanging it on one of the trees, he had tied it to make sure it had not blown away in the wind.


    The thought of the wind brought him to the realization that it had died down a bit. Glancing at the sky he noticed the clouds had grown darker and it looked as if it might rain.


    Silently cursing, he trudged his way back to the pile of rocks. His hands hurt where he has scraped them and the dirt stung. His thoughts however were on Rhya and how she had broken the rules to save his life.


    He had spoken to others here at the Stedding about the Howling and its effects. Going feral was something he was truly scared about as he could see it happening all to easily. He liked the dreams he had of being a wolf. It felt right. She had risked her life, and this horrible punishment, to come to him in his time of need. He would not abandon her in hers simply because his hands hurt a little.


    As he bent to reach for another rock, a groan came from Rhya. Before he could think to look up to see why he felt it. The drizzle was soaking through his clothing quickly as he carried his burden to the treeline.


    Just how annoying this light rain would prove, became apparent on yet another trip for the treeline. The rain made the rocks harder to hold and he almost dropped it on his foot, the other one.


    Rahien thought about the fire and his tea. Today was turning out to be most unpleasant...

  15. The room erupted with outrage, it was palpable in the air. Voices started shouting regardless that the Dragon had just given them an order. The Illianer erupted as well, his native accent thick in his throat.


    "...You do be mad if you think we be doing this." Tai frowned. That was probably not the right thing to say to the Dragon. He barely had time to think it however before a blaze and an earsplitting crack thundered in the room. Amidst dust and rock the Dragon's voice dripped acid from his lips "I did not make a suggestion Brent.  I gave you an order.  You WILL find a way to make peace with the White Tower....Tarmon Gai'don is coming.  The first blows may have been struck in Shienar.  And I will not tolerate another failure like that."


    Silence settled around the room for the most part, men muttering to themselves. Chaos scrambled for the source and Tai forced him back with an effort. The voice was mad! He almost chuckled at the thought, of course it was..just more so than usual!


    Brent changed colors again, putting a chameleon to shame. "If this peace be so important to you, then why do you be leaving it in my hands?  Why do you no go to Tar Valon yourself?"


    The question was ridiculous. He knew it and so did everyone in the room. The Dragon, the Hope of the world, could not simply walk into the tower...especially not after Dumai's Wells. Tai was surprised when the Dragon answered.


    "Thousands died, Asha'man included, to keep me from being carried to the White Tower.  I need to be free to prepare the world for what is coming, not locked in a cell beneath the Tower to dance on Aes Sedai strings..." Jarron paused, turning his attention to the rest of the room, some men looked at him uneasily. Tai knew it had to be done, knew it in his bones. From the conversations with Arath, to the proof of Shenier. "These are my orders, guardians.  Will you see it done?"


    With passion and conviction he saluted the man, fist to heart his eyes shinning. He would serve this man to end the Shadow's reign.


    "It is settled then.  You have a week Brent...I don't think you'll want me to be upset the next time I come here.  One week Brent." The comment was made more ominous by the stirring of the dust of the council table with Callandor. "I am returning to Tear.  You will notify me when this is done."


    And he was gone. Through a gateway, the Dragon had left the building.


    With Brent's angry command, Tai did the same.


    OOC: Sorry couldnt help it  :D

  16. Rahien sat by the window, where he had sat sipping a steaming mug of tea by a roaring fire. He was pleasantly warm in comparison to the storm outside. He gazed out at the mighty oaks as they swayed and reached for the leaden sky above them.


    The clouds looked as if they might bring more snow. Summer had held on for far too long, but no one could deny that winter had returned with force as if to make up for time lost. The tea had begun to cool while he sat, and it was almost gone.


    He was about to turn away from the window, when he saw Owen and Rhya walk out into the open. Rahien had not seen Rhya since his arrival at the Stedding and had only seen Owen once. Apparently he was to be his personal teacher of sorts and was Rhya's already. Rahien was curious to see what was going on. He watched as the silent exchange was had between gestures and attempts not to be pushed over by the wind. It seemed to be a little better thanks to to trees rimming the clearing, but not by much.


    The two finished and, much to his surprise, as Owen walked away Rhya bent to an enormous pile of rocks. She struggled with one and slowly waddled over to the treeline, dumping it unceremoniously to the ground. Rahien's eyebrows climbed higher as she moved back to the pile, obviously intent on repeating the feat.


    Draining the last of his mug and tossing his cloak around his shoulders, he made his way out of the room, and to the front door. It was closed tightly and he opened it letting a draft blow in, reminding him to make sure his cloak was pulled tightly around him. He had caught the fox himself to fur the cloak.


    Stepping out into the wind he braced himself and made his way over to the pile. He did not understand all of it, but he was smart enough to put two and two together. It was his fault she was having to do this and he was not about to let her endure it alone. He barely noticed Winter off to one side. Without attempting to be heard above the wind, he bent to heft a stone the size of his head.  Passing Rhya on her way back he kept his eyes down and strained to the treeline.


    He would not let her suffer alone. Not for this...

  17. So I know there was a lot of posts explaining things when all this got started...


    My question(s) is/are...um yeah..


    1.)I know things are going at the BT, what does the timeline look like should things continue to progress before the Bonding with the Reds?


    2.) How long after the Red Bonding will the other bondings follow, is this time-warp material? We waiting a set amount of time?


    *sits down and takes a breath*


    Im confused... :-\

  18. Shadar sat alone in a large dark room. The room contained one chair which he currently occupied and a mirrored stand lamp at the far end. He had been sent a note from Arcon. It had brief instructions and if it had not had a particular phrase he would have never have come under these circumstances.


    He had been given explicit instructions that under no circumstance save threat of death was he to channel. He was to leave his blades in his room and dress only in his robe. He would find the room marked in rough charcoal and enter. Immediately he was to go to the back of the room without delay and find the chair in which he now sat. On it would be a blindfold which he was to don as soon as he was seated.


    So, in silence he waited. His ears strained for sound, the lamp at the far end of the room was a dim flicker behind the blindfold. Going through the exercises he achieved the Void. Like bugs, fear and confusion skittered lightly across the surface of the Void. What was Arcon up to? Why the vulnerability?


    Arcon had asked him to do things before that had not made sense, but afterward turned out to be a lesson. This was most likely another of those, but Shadar could not help but feel uneasy. After the incident with the fadeling, Shadar had realized that even Arcon was human. That thought had shaken him at first, but it had been a needed crash back to the hard ground of reality. Arcon was a Father of sorts, given to him by the Great Lord to guide him in His service. That did not mean he was perfect.


    Out of the darkness he heard a sound and bit back a question to strain for another sound.

  19. Shadar checked his knives one last time and checked in the mirror. Today he had chosen a different type of outfit than his typical robe. After the training with the Fadeling, he had made it a point to acquire a pair of dark leather breeches, almost black with a hint of deep, murky crimson. Lacing the neck of his shirt he admired where he had  cut the lace from the collar. He did not care for lace as some did.


    Arcon had had a message delivered to his quarters late last night, requesting his presence. He had been brief and vague, as he always was in messages not delivered by mouth. From past conversations and Arcon's message he had garnered that the meeting would have something to do with learning more about Saidin and the, shall we say, finer aspects?


    Shadar chuckled to himself. Before coming to the Fortress his hair had grown quite long as he had not cared too much about his appearance. He had cut his hair short so that it hung close to his skull, just barely brushing the tops of his ears. Moving fluidly to the door he pulled it open and stepped into the hallway. He bit back a curse as an initiate nearly tangled his legs. One look at the scowl on Shad's face, and the man went a shade more pale in the dim light before scurrying on.


    Taking a deep breath to settle his nerves he smoothed his face to stillness. His test for adept had snapped something deep inside of him, like a dam walled up to hold of raging flood waters. It had shattered and the resulting flood had been hard to master at times. For a full three days after he had stayed in his quarters with only Arcon to accompany him. He had raged, throwing things around the room only to collapse in a fit of uncontrollable weeping. It had gone on like that for most of the first two days, with things slowing down on the third. He still became emotional now and again, but no more than some. The aim of Arcon's comments were to guide him to how to control those emotions completely.


    Shadar wound his way through the corridors, the cold stone drawing heat from the air. The torches that burned here were of good quality at least, and the smoke that clung to the ceiling was thin and did not smell of rancid fat. He was grateful for that.


    Silently he glided down the passageways, twisting and turning until he found the door he was looking for. This cursed place could be the worst sort of maze for those who did not know to be wary. After a brief knock with a flow of Air, he was instructed to enter.

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