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Posts posted by TaiDashan

  1. OOC: Sorry...I looked at the post and said "I will get to that tomorrow." Then I forgot about it till now.  :-\


    "Good work men. Some..... interesting ideas from some of you as well. Considering how many failed though, I'm not sure whether to be impressed or disappointed. But for now we'll leave that to the later rounds to decided. As for the next round, it will be more of an endurance test for each of you."


    Covai explained the next contest and Tai figured it could not be too hard to do. He could feed Fire into the flame to keep it strong against any gusts, he could weave a shield of Air to keep it from going out...It truly was a long way to go. Stepping up and taking his turn he focused on the candle. Weaving Air he raised it to eye level, it guttered dangerously and he quickly split his flow, weaving a shield to keep it from going out.


    ~Don't fail!~ Chaos clamored. Tai shoved him roughly away and focused on the task at hand.


    By the time he had it halfway to the trees, sweat beaded his face. Maintaining a split weave was hard. He hesitated momentarily. If he attempted to weave something more complex, and hold it all the way there he was sure he would fail. However, if he...Weaving Spirit Tai opened a gateway large enough to pass the candle through, the trees could be seen much closer now through it. Extending his weave of Air he passed the candle through it and watched it settle to the ground still lit on the other side. He released his weaves and looked at Covai. The Storm Leader did not look well pleased, but he had said they could use whatever weaves they liked to carry it to the trees. Shrugging he went to join the others and wait for the rest to finish.

  2. Tai watched as Arath stepped through the gateway. He caught a brief glimpse of the traveling room in Faringal Manor before it winked out behind the man. Tai sighed and scrubbed his hand through his hair. This was a bloody mess. Arath was right though. His words echoed in Tai's head.


    The question is, can you forgive her for leaving you?  And can she accept you for ... what you are now? That really was the heart of it. As always, Arath showed wisdom for his age.


    Tai thought about it for a moment. He was sure that he could forgive her, he still loved her. It would take time and he wanted to know why she left, but he thought that was possible. Her understanding what he had come to grips with however...that was another matter entirely. Most people, like him, had been taught growing up that a man who channeled was deadly and tainted by the shadow. A wild and dangerous creature to be feared. How would she take it, knowing that the man that she loved could channel?


    ~She does not love you. Her abandoning you should have shown you that. You are a wool-brained fool if you think otherwise.~ Chaos muttered sourly. ~Tripping yourself over a pretty face.~ He scoffed. Tai shoved him back to the corner of his mind roughly. After that little episode with Chaos taking control, Tai was more frightened of him than ever before.


    Seizing Saidin, Tai rode the icy avalanche of liquid fire that told him he was alive. The taint slid through him like an oily shadow, but the filth was welcome just to feel the sweet life of the One Power. He simply held it for a moment before weaving a gateway to the traveling room. Arath would be gone by now which would mean that it was safe to gate in. Apprehension skittered outside the void like colors on a soap bubble. He stepped through the gateway and let it wink out behind him. This was going to be interesting.

  3. Tai smiled as he watched the men work. The two had come far, and he beamed proudly as he watched them weave. They had both come a long way indeed. Tai had been discussing Toram being raised to Dedicated. He had grown strong enough in the power now, based on the things he could do with Saidin.


    He had started work on making a sword for Dazar. This was a big deal as although the man was his brother, the two had never really been on good terms. Not that Tai hated the man, or even wanted nothing to do with him. It was more a matter of being thrown together in such an intimate position so abruptly. Bringing up painful memories long buried. Relationships aside, Tai had been learning from Arath how to craft weapons. He was more of a jewelry smith himself, but Arath had shown him that there really were not that many differences. The blade was coming along well. He hoped that it would be an offering of peace between them. Coming out of his reverie, Tai noticed that Dazar had produced enough rough materials as far as stone was concerned.


    "Ok Dazar, that is enough."


    "So what is next?" Dazar asked. Tai had noticed the look of shock on the man's face when he was able to channel a fountain of water and almost smiled. When he saw the grin of pride on the man's face, he did smile. He should be proud. He had worked hard and earned the pin at his throat. Turning to answer the question to the both of them he grinned.


    "Now we set to work boring holes for the footings and such, this is where it gets fun." His grin widened as the two groaned almost at the same time. He wove Water, and then Earth, showing Dazar what he wanted done. Having the man pull all the moisture out of the Earth with Water truly was not necessary, but it would give the man a good exercise in discipline and help him to hammer out his weakness in Water. The weaves for Earth were to clear out a small, hidden space below the shelter to be accessed only by gateway. Showing him how to create the space and reinforce it with stone he left the man to it. The stone blocks would have to wait. Turning to Toram he showed him how he wanted the trees cut to make wall and roof supports. Then showed him how to make the slats for the roof.


    Weaving Air, Fire, and Spirit Tai wove a throne of the Power. He had been working on this for a while and was fairly proud of the impressive weave. The throne appeared to be made of solid flames, flowing and dancing in a constant motion. It was contained with Air and Spirit so that it could be sat on of course, but overall the effect was stunning. Smiling to himself he sat and watched the men's backs as they worked. Neither had seen him weave it, it would be fun to watch their reactions. Resting his hands on the ends of the seat's arms he leaned back into his construction, the top of it reaching above his head by a few hands. The weave needed to be held because it contained Fire, and Tai thinned the Air just slightly so that the seat created a slight warmth. The heat soaked pleasantly into him. The shelter was coming along nicely. After all of their hard work, the men would be free to use the upper level as they pleased. They had earned that right.

  4. "I guess that we are still waiting for Dazar?" Toram's voice broke the silence. Tai dropped his gaze from the sky and nodded at his mentee. Dazar was late. It was a minor irritation and Tai decided to let it go. Returning his gaze to the sky, the two men waited in silence. After a few minutes Tai heard someone crashing through the trees and turned to face his pupil. He quickly saluted. Tai had tried to convince the man that was not necessary but he had grown up in the borderlands. That and Tai was not going to try too hard to dissuade the man.


    "Sorry I'm late, I got kind of distracted." Tai glanced at the Sword pin on the man's collar. He was mildly shocked. He and Arath had discussed Dazar's raising, but Tai had not known it had happened already. He nodded to himself, Hopefully he would match the Dragon pin on Tai's collar just as quickly. Tai turned to the northeastern edge of the clearing and envisioned the shelter. How should they start? Thoughtfully he tapped his finger against his chin.


    "First thing's first." He said after sighing. "Toram, Dazar, step in close to me." Tai motioned for the men to approach and when they did he seized Saidin. Weaving flows of Air and Fire he melted the snow beneath their feet. Weaving again he created a wall of Fire and Air, pushing it outward he cleared the snow from the rest of the clearing. No use having a cluttered, mucky workspace.


    Tai knew his mentee's weaknesses. Toram was weakest in Air, Dazar in Water. Not that Water would be used much here, but he was next weakest in Earth and that would suffice. He was a firm believer that if you practiced with your weakest element, it would have that much less of a chance to be your death when the time came. Turning to Toram and Dazar he explained.


    "Today you will be training with Saidin, we are going to create a shelter here for times like this when we are training." Looking at Toram he gestured for him to follow. Bringing him over to the right of the pond he marked out with stone pillars the area he wanted. "I want you to use flows of Air to strip the trees of branches, fell them,  and stack them over there." Tai pointed on the other side of the pond, now mostly frozen over.


    "Dazar?" He said motioning for the man to come over. With Toram already weaving his flows, Tai pitched his voice for Dazar to hear. "Congratulations on the rank." Smiling warmly and clapping him on the shoulder he straightened. "Now, I need you to start pulling up blocks of stone about this size." he briefly showed the man what size for what pieces and set him to his work. Watching his mentees set to work he smiled. Yes, today was going to be a good day.

  5. Tai sighed when Arath gave him permission to channel. Weaving Air, Water, and Fire he cleaned and dried his clothes. Weaving a thin flow of Fire he warmed himself and held it. Slowly the shivering lessened.


    "Judging by how hysterical she was when you took off without a word, I think her feelings about you are pretty clear.  She was barely coherent when I left." Light, but she made his thoughts a jumble! Tai had heard once that the Creator made women to trouble man. Right about now he believed it. He allowed himself a moment to imagine a family with Aria but he tears threatened again.


    "As for what's going to happen ... who can say?  That depends on what you decide.  Being a weapon for the Dragon and loving someone are not mutually exclusive things.  Dozens of Asha'man have families living here.  Light, you ran right past most of them on your way here.  The question is, can you forgive her for leaving you?  And can she accept you for ... what you are now?  I get the feeling that she doesn't know what goes on here, other than some sort of military training."


    Those words sunk in and Chaos howled with dark laughter. She didn't know? Of course she didn't. She must not have been here long for him to just have seen her. But if what Arath said were true...


    "Either way you have to make a choice.  Cower in your muddy clearing, or go back and face her." Arath smirked. "Me?  I would get back there as quickly as I could, before Michelle finished off whatever good impression's Aria might still have." Tai's grin twisted in distaste.


    "Don't know why she hates me so much." he mumbled. Arath was right, He had better get back and have a long talk with Aria. Looking at the man his eyes were pleading. "Give me a minute alone? Gotta prepare myself." Arath wove a gateway and Tai stood. "Hey Arath?" he asked. Arath halted without turning around. "thanks for, for everything."

  6. "Arath if you don't talk to me right this isntant-" Arath's voice was like frozen steel.


    "I need to be sure who it is I'm talking to.  Dedicated Tai'Dashan, or ... Chaos?" Arath had never spoken to him like that. Tai hesitated in confusion. What in the Light was going on?! Then Arath's words hit him. Chaos?! Why would- Suddenly it all made sense. Horror flashed within him and he almost vomited. "I'm going to assume that you're Tai again, and I'm going to release the shield.  However, you are NOT to touch the source.  If you do, I will kill you.  Understood?" Tai nodded. He was numb and not for the cold. Instinct merged with Choas' blabbering in the back of his skull and he barely caught himself in time not to reach for Saidin. The strain was almost painful.


    ~Just to know it is there.~ Panted Chaos. Rage poured into him again and he ruthlessly shoved Chaos into the back of his mind. Arath nodded when he saw that Tai refrained, motioning for him to take a seat.


    "Now then.  Tell me what's so bloody terrifying about this woman that you have to run halfway across the farm to escape her.  The only reason any half sane man would have for running away from such a looker is bad history." Tai sighed and put his head in his hands. Warmth had returned to Arath's voice slightly but Tai had no clue where to start. Part of him wanted to punch the man for calling her a looker. Part of him wanted to channel enough of Saidin to incinerate himself. He was a jumbled mass of raw emotion. Long buried pain shredded into millions of painful pieces and brought roughly to the surface.


    Tai looked up at the man, and looked him in the eyes. His mentor, his friend. Arath had been the first one to truly act like they cared about him since..well, since Aria left. He had become someone to look up to, a friend in a strange place as he started a journey towards madness or death. Someone to understand and not just treat him like another tool. The tears started again as he spoke.


    He laid it all out before the man in hollow tones.Emotion choked his voice close to sobs at times as well. He told him about everything. His mother's death at the young age of 16, what Aria had meant to him in that time of grief. Her decision to leave 3 years later, and her lack of explanation. Tai explained how he had blamed himself, about how after his mother died and Aria left, he had had to find a reason to live.


    "And so I came to be here, to give my life to becoming a weapon against the Shadow." He finished. "Light Arath, it has been so long. So long, and now she simply waltzes back in? She doesn't belong here. Part of me wants to tell her to leave, that she no longer has a place in my life." Tai stood in agitation and his shoulders slumped despairingly. "And part of me longs to hear her tell me she loves me again." He dissolved into sobs once again as he landed heavily back in his seat. He knew he shouldn't be showing this kind of weakness in front of the man, even in front of Arath.


    ~You are a blithering fool. The man has better things to deal with than your childish problems.~ Tai was too weary to push Chaos away. Instead he simply ignored him. Hard to do with someone that was inside your head. Wiping his nose on his dirty coat, he looked up at Arath. "Can I at least channel my clothes clean? Or maybe you could do it, I'm filthy."

  7. Darkness, he was floating in complete darkness. Sensation bled slowly back into him. Light flickered softly behind his eyelids and he was cold, Light so cold. Tai groaned softly and rubbed his face as sensation returned fully. His body ached like he had been in the middle of an avalanche of boulders. Rolling onto his hands and knees he opened his eyes. He stared at the cold mud below him, the clearing? That's right he had been heading here. But why was he lying on the ground?


    Picking himself up he stretched out to the source to channel the mud from his clothes and- found nothing. His attempts struck the smooth wall, he was shielded. He glanced around in a panic and saw Arath sitting on a stone seat.


    "Arath? What in the Light?" he mumbled, his throat felt thick. Why was Arath looking at him so strangely? "Arath," he mumbled. "What is going on? Why are you shielding me? I'm not that upset."


    Tai assumed the Void but the absence of the Source was like missing a leg. Roughly he shoved it away and anger flared up in its place. First Aria shows up in his home so long after ripping his heart out and now Arath held him shielded for no reason. Arath had not even said one word this whole time. "Talk to me burn you!" he growled at the man.

  8. Tai assumed the Void and shoved the pain away, or rather he tried to. The Void kept slipping like the tears down his face. Angrily he scrubbed the tears from his face and stumbled on.


    ~Death, death will end the pain. No pain in the darkness of death.~ Sang the voice in his head gleefully.


    Shut up Chaos! He screamed inside his own head. The Light burn you to ashes you goat-brained, son of a trolloc! For once spare me your vile filth. Tai felt Chaos pull back, it felt...stiff.


    Tai grappled with the Void until he felt it slide home. Aria, Light... Aria! Pain lanced the void and Tai hit his hands and knees. Kneeling in the cold mud he didn't notice the Soldier staring at him. Clenching his fists in the mud he watched it squeeze out between his fingers. His hands shook with the force of clenching them.


    She had left so long ago. Wrapped herself so tightly around his heart that it beat in time with her breath, and she had left, tearing it out of him. The gaping hole she had left in him had left him weeping at nights until his eyes and throat were raw, cursing and professing his love in turns. He had forced himself to go on living when no life remained in him. Day by day he had succeeded in rising from bed one more time, only to return to it in the dark, alone. He had made it through those cold and lonely nights. Come to terms with her absence.


    Getting to his feet he channeled carefully and removed the mud from his hands and clothes. That gaping hole had been mended, scarred and unsightly, but mended none the less. Or he had thought so until he saw her face. Everything had come rushing back to him in that moment. Almost crushed him with its weight. He was lost and needed time to think. This was where he found himself, walking woodenly toward the clearing. As he pushed through the trees he floated in the void. He-


    ~You are alone, so bitterly alone. She does not love you or she never would have left!~ The voice hammered at him as he staggered through the trees. What did you expect? It sneered. Do you really think she loves you? That she is here to take you back as if all was forgotten? She abandoned you like refuse.


    Tai dimly was aware of branches whipping him as he staggered through them, his pain lancing him along with Chaos' words. Crashing into the clearing he numbly stopped himself from falling.


    "I've never seen anyone run so hard to get away from a pretty woman.  Is she that dangerous?"


    The Void shattered and the last thing he remembered was a thousand needles piercing his soul and a raw throated scream that echoed inside his head.


    A snarl painted his face and he crouched like a trapped animal suddenly finding itself free. Chaos looked at the man Arath, that was his name and spit.


    "~You think to help his pain? You and all the others who pretend to care about him?~" Mistrust and Hate ran deep within Chaos and he reached for Saidin, filling himself with it. "~You parade around with your fancy titles, acting like you know whats best. You disgust me.~" Again he spat on the ground. Arath rose to his feet with a slightly confused look on his face and Chaos struck. With blinding speed he channeled. Spirit to shield the man and air to bind. He would not allow the man to harm him.

  9. Tai looked around the clearing in the snow and sunlight. It was beautiful. The small pond was mostly frozen except where the spring bubbled up and flowed through it. He had asked his two mentee's here as both needed some training. Toram should be raised to dedicated soon, and Dazar was still up in the Air. Tai had asked Arath about it but the man had not had the time to go over it. Toram had worn his sword for nearly a week now, everywhere he went and was getting better with it. Tai had worked really hard with the Power to make Dazar's, he was his brother after all. A light dusting of snow fell and slid across the bubble of Air he had woven around himself. That weave he could afford to tie off. The weave of Fire he had under his feet, kept the ground clear of snow. He held that one so as not to let it get out of control.


    Sighing to himself he waited in the early morning sunlight. He had started with a plan to make a one room shelter for times like this but figured expanding slightly couldn't hurt anything. Room for a few beds and maybe two fireplaces and a loft might be nice. Tai continued to gaze into the cold clear sky. A hawk winged by and he smiled. Today was going to be a good day.

  10. "I can't accept this. This is too much, it must have cost a fortune!


    Tai grinned and clapped the man on the back. He was glad he liked it.


    "Lets just say I know a guy. You are about to be raised Dedicated soon," He laughed at the look on the man's face, he really had come far. "Yes Dedicated. Soon i said, not tomorrow. The point is i wanted to get you something to show you I was proud of you. Meet me tomorrow we will train some more." Tai walked the man back to the Inn. Both of them would be dedicated soon. It happened so fast.

  11. "Begin?" Tai blinked as the man crouched like a scared frog and awkwardly lifted the blade. He had not thought about the fact that not everyone knew the basics of a blade. Sighing inwardly he walked over to the man. He was a stark contrast to Dazar. So open, so willing to learn.


    "Here hold it like this, And dont crouch so far down. Bend your knees just a little bit and have your lead foot behind the other foot." The man caught on fairly quickly. He nodded as Toram checked that he was doing it right and continued. Might as well teach him some basic forms. Skipping some of the easier forms he tried to show the man how to swing a blade. "The first one that you shall learn is called Boar Rushes Down The Mountain. This is a fairly simple maneuver in which you do a vertical slice from top to bottom." He showed him a couple of times and then backed away for the man to try them himself. He watched as Toram added his own flair of sorts to the form and nodded in approval.


    "Alright that's enough of that one." He said, stopping the man. "Try this one now. It is called Arc Of The Moon. It is basically a curving horizontal slash." Once again he showed him a couple of times and let him try it.  After a time, the man had tried a few more forms that Tai had shown him and looked slightly tired. Grounding the point of his blade he leaned on it and spoke.


    "Sorry Tai, I have to rest for a moment. I'm just an innkeepers son, not any soldier or anything like that." Toram chuckled then. As a matter of fact Tai was somewhat tired himself, he head been training for a while now and the sun had started to fall from its zenith.


    "I could use a rest myself Toram." he grinned at the man and channeled Earth and Water. Two cups of stone rose from the ground and were filled with water from the spring. Tai wove Air and floated the two cups to them so they could enjoy the cool, clear liquid. He looked at the man considering his mentee. Draining the water he spoke. "I want you to practice the Void. You are getting better and soon should be able to do it with no problem. That will give you a moment to rest." Quickly he gathered his things and pulled his shirt on over his head. Once his head popped through he glanced at the untied laces and left them. Buttoning up his coat he said to Toram, "I will be back shortly" With that Tai wove a gateway and stepped through.


    Letting the gateway wink out behind him he breathed in the air. Soon enough he was inside the walls and had walked to a blacksmith. The blacksmith's assistant glanced at his velvet black coat and his pins and swallowed, dry-washing his hands.


    "Good day sir." The man said over the ring of hammer and anvil. "What can I offer my lord?"


    Tai had the man show him the swords he had for sale. Many looked like they would do but he was looking for something-


    "Ahhh, that one." Tai said pointing at a newly finished blade lying against the door to the forge. The assistant insisted that was not for sale and at Tai's insistence went to get the Blacksmith. After much talking and agreeing to pay twice the swords worth, Tai stepped outside and went back to where he could safely weave a gateway. Stepping back into the clearing he tossed the wrapped sword to Toram. It was light for a reason and the man caught it easily. "Maybe if you have a fine sword to practice with it will encourage you." He grinned at the look on the man's face. He couldn't wait to see it when he unwrapped it and saw the roaring lions on the hilt and the roses climbing the blade. The lion's where back to back and on their hind legs forming the hand guard to either side of the blade. It truly was fine craftsmanship. "Go on, close your mouth and open it." Tai urged laughing.

  12. Name- Tai'Dashan

    Rank- Asha'man

    Attitude- Began with an Awe of Aes Sedai thinking them the creator's gift to men. After coming to the tower that has been dulled to a muted respect/admiration.

    Watchers- Was at the tower and heard of the events, has met a few of the bonded AS and understands the need for bonding.


    Just as the others have said, dunno how you could use Tai but glad to be in another RP, heck, im always glad to be in another RP  :D

  13. "Dedicated Tai may I have permission to leave?" Tai raised an eyebrow. The man had never sounded quite so meek. In truth he looked somewhat shaken.


    "Yes, you have done well Dazar. Meet me again tomorrow we will go over some combination training with Saidin and the sword." Nodding with satisfaction at the man once his back was turned, he turned to Toram. "Toram, you seem as if you have much free time of late. A Soldiers every spare moment when not taken up with training should be dedicated to forging himself into a weapon for the Dragon." Tai counted off on his fingers the things a Soldier spent his day doing. Chores, Weapons Training, Basic Weave Training, Basic Saidin Training, Complex Weave Training. The list wound down and he looked satisfied at the look on Toram's face. Good. The man understood that there was no time to be aimlessly wandering about. "When it comes time for your lessons i will summon you. Now, today we will learn about the sword." Tai walked over to the pond and grabbed the second sword he had put there for just such a purpose, and handed it to Toram. Weaving an edge of Air he dropped into a ready stance for the hundredth time today. "Begin."

  14. Dazar started in on the attack. He started with Arc of the Moon, which led into the Boar Rushes Down the Mountain and finished with Bundling straw. With every attack Tai countered it perfectly. Tai had to try hard not to grin, this was too easy. He knew the frustration that must be pounding at the other man.


    Settling into Lion on the Hill, Dazar instantly followed with Lightning of Three Prongs. Tai gave ground, hoping to bait the man. It was a similar weakness in the two men if for two separate reasons. As Tai expected, Dazar grinned and pressed forward with all he had. Sweat beaded on the man's face and he danced the forms. Tai felt his ward trigger outside the Void and worked his way left, sparing half an eye for the trees. His Saidin enhanced vision picked out Toram. Tai would have to have a word with the man about how things worked at the Farm. He seemed to wander far too much. Letting his thoughts return to Dazar he quickly suppressed another grin. The man had taken his inattention for weakness.


    Dazar's blade darted in with Bundling Straw again. Before he could arc Tai dropped to on knee, his thrust becoming The Grapevine Twines. The look of shock was priceless as Dazar's blade was locked and thrust upward into the air. Tai almost nodded when the man didn't even glance up. Tai whirled on one knee and struck Dazar's knee with the butt of his blade. In the same motion he arced his blade. As Dazar came to one knee, Tai's blade quivered inches from his neck. Dazar rolled to one side, away from the halted, be-heading blow. Catching his Blade he handed it back to him.


    "That was good. However," Tai held up a finger and getting to his feet. "You must be calm, you must never get over confident at an advantage. As I have shown you, an advantage can be turned to a deadly disadvantage in an instant."


    Dismissing the man with a wave he released the shield, and chuckled as the man filled himself with Saidin. Getting another drink from the spring he called to Toram.


    "I know you are there Toram, come out. We need to have a word."

  15. Tai tied the flows holding Dantar, except his shield, and walked hurriedly over to the spot he heard the most commotion from. On his way over he sadly looked over the dead littering the field. There were so many.


    ~So much death. No one to hear the screams, screams that echo through the pattern.~ Tai shrugged off the voice as he approached through the trees. A man was lying on his back, his hands and arms burnt and blistered horribly. A couple of women crouched around him, one looked like a medic.


    "I have some small ability with healing," he began. He didn't get to finish. As he took a step towards the man the medic exploded, shaking her finger under his nose. Tai was suddenly quite aware of Dantar pushing at the shield that held him from the Source. If he broke free... Tai was brought back to the scene in front of him and was surprised when he realized he had stepped back a few paces under the onslaught of the woman medic.


    "Look, ok.." He said weakly spreading his hands. "No problem." Without letting her finish her tirade he turned on his heel and strode back to where Dantar was being held. The man was pushing hard at the shield and Tai could feel it bending. Horror streaked outside the Void and Tai's pace quickened. Dantar was still in the same position, hands pressed to his sides, but he grinned at Tai wickedly. He could feel the shield bulging outward and Tai was weak from the fight. Light he was strong! Panic threatened to shatter the Void, if he got free... Tai glanced back toward where the others were. Those lives were in his hands. Sweat beaded on his face from exertion.


    ~Do it boy! Kill him! Kill him now before he breaks free!~ The voice was right, a simple weave and.. Tai cut off that thought but another replaced it. Quickly he ran through the options in his head. He was quickly weakening, Dantar apparently still had enough strength to break through the shield and Tai could not hold out forever. The man was mad and a danger to himself and anyone who came in contact with him.  Tai could not remove the Source from the man's grasp forever except by-


    Tai quickly sacrificed some of what he was putting into holding the shield into a tight spiral of Fire. Weaving it tighter with a flow of spirit he launched it at the mans head just as Dantar broke through the shield. The man's headless body fell to the ground as Tai turned and retched. He had never killed someone before.


    ~He would have killed you and the others!~ Crowed the voice triumphantly. ~Do what you must, weep for it later.~ The voice burst into fits of giggles and Tai wept.

  16. Tai sighed and resisted the urge to roll his eyes when the Soldier saluted. He had been practicing one of the healing weaves when the man had came in, and the man was all but bouncing on his toes with impatience. He hated all the saluting and 'Sir's' that he was getting now as a dedicated but supposed what must be endured could be. He assumed it would only increase with rank.


    "Attack Leader Arath Faringal sends a message for you Dedicated Dashan." The man looked flustered and had that uncertain look about him. A new soldier unless Tai missed his guess. What would Arath send a new Soldier to tell him that he couldn't just tell him tonight? Quickly he motioned for the man to spit it out. Tai blinked when the man relayed the message. A half hour? Travel a lot? What was Arath up to?


    ~Hesitation makes your soup cold~ That was odd coming from the voice. Then again Chaos, the name he had given the voice in his head, had never really made sense. Tai suppressed a shudder at the thought of naming a part of himself, separating it from him and giving it its own identity. What must be endured, could.


    Once outside he wove a gateway to the Manor. Quickly he ran up the stairs, taking them two at a time. When Arath said hop Tai used the Power to make it the jump that much higher. Quickly considering and discarding black coats, Tai chose one silk, and one velvet. Arath had said a lot of traveling and the Light only knew what that meant. Stuffing them into his saddle bags he grabbed an extra wool coat as well and added that to the rest. Once he had most of his daily needs covered he slung the saddle bags over his shoulder and headed outside. Seizing Saidin, once again he wove a gateway as close to the stables as he dared. The things could be dangerous, he had seen trees and other things sliced as cleanly as the sharpest blade. Jogging up to the stables he whistled to himself tunelessly. He hoped he had not taken too much time. It would be nice if he were early. Arath always did call him eager. Tai grinned and kept right on whistling.


    OOC: You can have Tai be late (the soldier took a while finding the infirmary) and let out some irritation on him, or you can have him be early, (there when you arrive)  or just arrive when you do, either way works.

  17. Weaving Air around Dazar's blade, Tai instructed the man through the forms. Most of them he knew, but Tai led him through them anyway. Step by step, through the dance. As he passed through the exercises Tai thought about their father. Dazar had not said much about the man. Simply that he was a Borderlander and nobility. Tai let that thought roll around as if tasting it. Were it true, that would mean that he was nobility by birth as well. The thought made him chuckle out loud. Him? A noble. That was just too good. He tucked the thought away to laugh with Arath over later.


    Dazar was getting a drink now, he had been working through the forms for about an hour now.


    "I know you are used to that sword at your hip." Tai said to the man. "By the way you wear it you have had at least basic training in its use. A jewelry merchant learns the making and selling of jewelry. Be that as it may, i may have a thing or two to teach you. Come, let us spar."


    Tai wondered what the man was thinking. He was as over-confident as Tai was over-eager. Being trained in the borderlands had most likely given the man the idea that he was fairly good with a sword. But Tai had seen the slips in the forms. The mistakes he had made. Channeling to clear the space they would spar in, Tai drew his blade, wove Air around it, and waited for Dazar to do the same.


    "I am going to leave you shielded. It's not that I am afraid of you channeling," Tai grinned at the man to soften the comment on the other man's weakness. "I simply want you to learn how to fight without Saidin." Waiting for the man's acknowledgment Tai nodded and dropped easily into a ready stance. "Begin."


    OOC: Feel free to RP some of Tai's actions and fight around a little. Throw in Dazar's POV and maybe even some attacks from Tai.

  18. Tai had long since let the Flame Aura vanish as it did not seem to be doing any good. Tai ducked behind another piece of shattered rock as a flame arrow flew past. The ground shook as Dantar crouched, thrusting both palms into the earth. It was as if a bell had been struck and the earth flattened in a massive ripple around the man. Weaving Air he brought up a shield just in time to shield himself from the rock and debri that crashed forward, clearing a space around them. Hatred glittered in Dantar's eyes, but Tai did not see it. Below and to the left of the man crawled two soldiers.


    Tai had seen some of the soldiers in the beginning, and feared they would attack him as well. Apparently they somehow knew the situation and were attempting to help battle the crazed Saidin wielder. He could only assume this was the party of Band members they were out here to meet.


    Thank the Light for that. He thought to himself. Suddenly the hair on his neck rose and he wove without thinking, deflecting a lightning bolt. He had to keep the man's attention focused on him. Scooping to pick up a rock, Tai channeled a hair thin thread of Fire into it. Adding Spirit he focused and compressed the weave. Flinging a fireball from his left hand he rolled to the side and hurled the stone. Dantar caught it easily in a flow of Air. Slicing the weave, Tai grinned. As the stone exploded, dust rained down and pieces of stone flew out to pierce the man's cheek and left eye. In a rage, the man channeled. Flinging Earth and Fire about in generous quantities. A rough stone pillar shot from the ground to catch him under the chin just as he saw an arrow fly past the man, grazing his sleeve. Stars danced across his vision. He felt the man channel and his vision cleared in time to see  a wall of flame shooting towards the treeline.


    That was the vague direction the arrow came from! He thought. Without thought, he channeled Spirit and felt the shield slide home, cutting the other man off from the Source while he was distracted. Dantar howled as Tai wrapped him in flows of Air. Tai sighed and straightened his dirty, torn uniform.


    "You can come out now, if there are any of you left for me to thank." He called weakly. Light but he was exhausted. Glancing at the sun he realized they had been locked in a battle for survival for nearly two hours.


    OOC: I can have Dantar break free, or one of you can put an arrow through him where he stands. Let me know if i need to edit for the burning thing. Tai is also a fledgling healer although he wont be of too much use as he is pretty wiped out.


    Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving for those of you who celebrate!  ;D

  19. "So if you just tone the fire down a little bit, it shouldn't be so hard to control the weave,"


    Tai nodded. Arath had been explaining this all the way back to the house but he just now caught on to what the man said. He had thought that- No, that was not important. Arath gave him tips here and there, little things that he could have done better. It pleased him that Arath seemed to approve of his progress. Tai truly did try hard to have the man proud of him.


    Arath finished pointing out a particularly bad tendency Tai had to be so eager when the walked up to the front door. Tai was looking forward to a nice hot bath, and maybe a meal at the Inn after. He stopped to glance at the roofing directly above the door, wondering when they would have to repair it. He heard Michelle inside going at full speed about the Light knew what and followed Arath's back into the house.


    "Uh ... what?  I ... I guess ..." Arath said sounding confused. Tai heard Michelle introducing someone and peeked around his back.


    "Arath, and oaf, this is-"


    "Aria?!" Tai broke in, his voice pitched in disbelief, he stepped around the man. The fact that Michelle had called him a name yet again sat on the surface of his brain like a rock on a frozen pond. His mind was numb. The blond curls, the blue eyes, those curves. Light but it couldn't be her! Michelle protested that this woman's name was Mahdi not Aria. But Tai hardly heard, he didn't notice the strange look Michelle gave when the other woman blushed either. "Aria?" He whispered. It was so faint he was sure she wouldn't have even heard it. She nodded ever so slightly. Pain crashed in around him, squeezing his heart painfully. Joy warred with Pain, his throat constricting until he was sure it would turn inside out. Tai swallowed the lump in his throat painfully and dashed tears from his eyes angrily.


    "Tai I," She began softly.


    He didn't give her a chance to finish, or if she did he didn't hear the words directed at his back. Almost before he knew what was happening, he was back outside and heading southwest. Toward the clearing. The fresh air ran through his hair like a fond hand. The tears came more freely then. What under the Light was she doing here?!

  20. Tai watched his mentee stride into the clearing. The man was his brother. Strange as that seemed, it was entirely possible. He had wrestled for sometime with that fact and that he truly disliked the man. He was proud, hard headed, and thought he was better than everyone around him.


    Dazar went over and dunked his head in the spring and Tai winced inwardly. He had done just that not ten minutes ago. It still was not comfortable to find that the two of them shared more than a father. Dazar drew his blade and grinned slyly.


    "Ready whenever you are Tai." Tai frowned at the man and gave his sword a level stare.


    "You forget yourself Soldier. I did not tell you to draw." Tai suppressed a satisfied grin as the other mans eyes widened just slightly with shock. It took him a moment but he sheathed his blade once more and stood there stiffly. At least that stupid grin was off his face.


    ~How DARE he?!~ Howled the voice. ~Kill him! Strike him now, where he stands!~


    Ignoring the voice, he nodded in satisfaction. "Good, now stand between the stone dummies." Tai slammed a shield in place as yet another flicker of shock and possibly fear ran across the man's face. "Are you ready to begin?"

  21. Tai pulled his head from the cold spring and spluttered a bit before weaving Air to clear the liquid from his eyes. Despite the cold he was stripped the waist, black velvet coat hung on a branch nearby. Three stone dummies stood silently in a loose circle, chipped and missing chunks in some places. Pulling his blade from the earth where he had left it he wove Water, lifting a fountain of flowing water to his lips to drink. Shaking his head vigorously he returned to the center of the practice stones.


    ~He may be your brother, but he will kill you for sure. End his life and spare him from the Shadow. Never trust, trust is death!~ Savagely Tai forced the voice to the back of his mind and stepped through the forms once more.


    It had discomfited him  at first that the voice could be heard inside the Void. But now he simply took it as a matter of course. He had wove wards to alert him of someone's presence as usual about 100 paces from the clearing in all directions. He would know when his pupil arrived.

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