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Posts posted by TaiDashan

  1. *wanders in, humming casually*


    "Hmm I wonder what is going on on the div boards. I -"


    *realizes he walked in smack dab in the middle of a conversaiton."




    lol you know I'm in. I'm SO in!  ;D Owen, it will be a pleasure. Heck, it will be fun to RP with all of you! :D

  2. "I am not sure if it is the same, but I have something like that.  When I use it, all distraction, sound, and senses leave me, only leaving the darkness and the quiet.  I can concentrate and think with that kind of quiet.  Does that make any sense?"


    The boy looked to him with desperation painting his face. The lad was young, and Fanten felt a sort of responsibility to aid him. After all, he told himself, he was his mentee. He nodded to the boy before speaking, thoughts of the Borderlands filling his mind once more. He had been away from home for some time...


    "Good enough lad, I have heard stranger that is for sure... Let us begin using this cave of yours. The technique I aim to teach will allow all distraction to happen as if on another planet, to someone else." He continued on like that, explaining to be sure the lad understood and letting him ask a few questions. Satisfied that the lad understood and could safely assume the Ko'di of sorts, he moved on.


    "Now, I assume you have little to no knowledge of Saidin. As such I will start from the beginning." He assumed the Oneness and instructed the lad to do the same. His voice flat and hollow sounding to his ears, he continued on with the lesson.


    "I want you to close your eyes lad. 'tis always easier that way the first few times. Now feel yourself in the cave, all sound, all thought is swallowed by the darkness." His voice continued on in a steady, comforting way.


    "Stretch out your awareness, feel the dark emptiness surrounding you. In this darkness you will sense a light. To some it dances like a flame just out of sight. To others, it is like the sun on your back. It will call to you. This is Saidin." Fanten remembered his first few times sensing the Source and smiled faintly.


    "Let me know once you can sense it lad. We will move on once you do."

  3. D'Ashan watched as a pretty girl came over and sat at the table.

    “You’re from the Yard right,  I’m Addison.” She stuck out her hand while almost choking on her ale. D'Ashan grinned broadly before leaning in to answer over the noise.


    "Yup, just a few days there so far. how 'bout you?" Before she could answer, Adamin said something about a bull and chuckled. D'Ashan missed it in all the noise and was about to ask him what he had said when he noticed the singer making her apologies. D'Ashan grinned into his wine as the singer came to the table to join them. Adamin leaned in for a kiss when suddenly a large man grabbed him by the collar and hoisted him in the air.


    "Oy there pretty boy.What do ya' ken your doin' with ma' girl?" The man rumbled. D'Ashan glanced apology at Addison and swung his legs over the bench, getting to his feet.


    "I'm not your 'girl' Bart! Now set Adamin down!" The singer retorted. It sounded a familiar scenario and D'Ashan felt bad for Adamin. The place had started to quiet slightly but not everyone had noticed the commotion in all the...commotion. Just then a flash of steel and Adamin made an impressive move ending up bare to the waist and looking as if he should bow like one of those painted fools always tumbling about.

    "Now now, come on... Bart, was it? I'm new to town, didn't know you had any claim to Cassie..."


    "Her name is Cassandra!" The big man roared. He swung a fist close to the size of D'Ashan's head at Adamin which the man narrowly avoided. He tossed a wink to his twin and got a fist in the gut. The aforementioned fist sent him flying and D'Ashan's pretty friend from the yards stepped in between the two. D'Ashan cursed himself mentally for not coming into the city armed, but hadn't thought it had mattered. His respect grew slightly for the woman and he briefly wondered if he might see her again. D'Ashan would not have pulled such a daring move but he was definitely not want Adamin hurt, he liked the man. With the draw of steel the remainder of the patrons were alerted and fell silent, just as a tower gaurd's voice rang out into the silence.


    "Shes drunk and drew steel against someone the tavern owner wants here bad enough to tolerate these jealousy fights. She has her arm fully extended meaning she cant thrust if she really did need to kill him. She put herself in the situation where its a matter of if a drunk trainee can pull back her arm and thrust several pounds of steel faster than Bart can deflect the blade away with his bracer and punch her in the head. The object of his affection is already behind him and your brother in front of him so Bart already has what he wants. However he cant very well give the impression that its ok to draw steel on him either. She will be lucky if he just twists her arm behind her back, throws her over his lap and spanks her before he throws her in the trough out back... then again... she still will have to deal with Thera." He said with amusement. Suddenly the man seemed to notice everyone had heard him. He actually looked as if he wanted to laugh.


    This was getting interesting...

  4. Finishing up in the woods, Rahien trudged his way back to the back of the cottage. Snow was at the treeline waiting for him and he bent briefly to scratch her behind the ears and look into her eyes.


    ~Can you really understand me?~ He thought tentatively. He felt her affirmation in images he couldn't quite put words to. It was like a mother or a sister talking to a son or brother, the way Snow felt in his head. He sat and stared at Snow for a bit before rising with a sigh.


    Luckily the snow was only ankle deep, and making his way back to the cottage presented little difficulty. Rhya was leaning against the cottage with an apple in her hand, munching happily. She was a pretty woman, not much to his liking but pretty. Casually he walked up to her.


    "I just have a few things inside to get before I am ready to leave." At her nod of assent he darted inside, to gather his meager belongings. The interior smelled strongly of woodsmoke and something Rhya had said tickled his mind with light fingers.


    That you smell things from further away? It was true, he was able to see better in the dim light, could smell things more strongly than before.


    His cloak would come in handy if he was going to be traveling far. Grabbing it from the floor he glanced around. There were a few items he would like to have. He grabbed them and dropped them into his scrip. Throwing his scrip over his shoulder, he grabbed the last of the food he had gathered and stuffed it in his belt pouch. He paused for a moment. His earlier pace had been brisk and purposeful, now his steps slowed and hesitation weighted his limbs. Shaking his head he slowly climbed the stairs.


    Stepping into his parent's onetime bedroom, he sat on the edge of their bed. He allowed himself a moment to say goodbye and gathered a couple of things from each of them to take with him. From his mother, a richly hued amber stone worked with a pin. From his father, a strap of braided leather that he had used to tie back his hair. Pinning the stone to the braided leather he tied his dark brown hair back with it at the nape of his neck. Nodding to himself he said his goodbyes and headed back downstairs, two at a time. Personal demons chased him to the back door.


    Popping his head out of the door he called to Rhya. "Ok, all ready. Going through the house will be faster than going around." What he didn't say was that he wanted to walk through one last time before leaving, the house he had been born in.

  5. "Final warning Dhjorn."


    The words drifted slowly through the haze that was creeping in at the edges of his vision. His head felt stuffed with cotton and his vision was growing increasingly dim. Somewhere in his mind something screamed that he was loosing consciousness. Suddenly he was flying through the air and struck something cold and hard. His mind was still fumbling with what was going on when his body reacted. Breath ripped down his ragged throat in burning gulps. slowly vision returned and he realized he was slumped against a wall were the fade had thrown him.


    "Now Shadar, watch closely. I use a slightly different weapon group than you, but the basics are essentially the same for all bladed weapons." Shadar felt the shield on him lessen. His fury however, remained as strong as the moment he realized fully what had happened. He watched with a cold satisfaction as Arcon shifted his stance and took the Fade's charge.


    "The Cat Dances on the Wall," He called out, countering the Fade. "Cutting the Clouds," He called out again, this time on the attack. Shadar commited what he could to memory for practice in his room later. He could see the Fade's eyeless face painted with rage at Arcon's almost casual naming of the forms. "The Dove takes Flight."


    They fought for a while. While Shadar hated to admit it, Arcon might be better with a blade, but the Fade was fast. Fast and strong. They stayed fairly evenly matched however until Arcon brought his blade down in a skull-splitting move, adding a gust of Air to knock the insolent slug backward. "Courtier taps his Fan,"


    That little move with the throat had buried a worm of hatred for Fades deep within Shad. He would use them as tools to carry out the Great Lord's work because he must. Only because he must.


    "Shadar, I demonstrated many sword forms, though I doubt the Fadeling here picked any up, concentrated as we were. Stand up, and face Dhjorn again, and try to incorporate some."


    Shock painted Shad's face before he could stop it. He thought the lesson was over. He nodded to himself slightly. If Arcon asked him to fight again, he would. Arcon always knew best, and if the Fatherly man wanted him to have another go...he would do it.


    Drawing his blades he clumsily tried to assume the stance he had seen Arcon take. He felt a slight flow of Air correct his stance unseen and almost smiled in gratitude. The fade came at him with a sort of grin on its ugly, pale face. Shadar danced to the side surprisingly easily and attempted a move Arcon had called out that had something to do with a hummingbird. He jabbed at the Fade's face and caught it off guard, which meant it flowed away from his dagger and changed tactic. It went on like this for some time, repeatedly ending up with Shadar on his backside or up against a wall. Every time the Fade released him and/or waited for him to rise before attacking once more. A few warning words from Arcon saw to that. Cold hatred boiled along his veins and it grew with every strike.


    Finally Arcon called a halt, releasing the shield on Shadar and calling an end to the lesson. Without changing his face a hair, Shadar seized the Source, filling himself with the avalanche that told him he was alive. Within two beats of his heart he had slammed the Fade against the far wall with Air, crushing it against the wall. He knew he was most likely making it hard to breath for the slug but he could not bring himself to care. He strode across the floor and put his face inches from the pale, unnatural flesh. His voice slid softly from his throat like frozen steel from the earth, pitched for the slug's ears alone.


    "Listen closely slug. If you ever try something like that again, remember that I will not be so helpless next time." Cold fury burned in his eyes and tone. "The Great Lord has given me power to rip you limb from limb. Only the Peace of the Shadow keeps you alive at this moment." His lips curved into a dark smile. Abruptly he turned on his heel glancing at Arcon before settling again in his seat and releasing the weave. He would not disrespect his mentor by leaving without dismissal, but he clung to Saidin as hard as he ever had, preparing for retaliation from the Fade.

  6. Rahien half stumbled out the door, blinking after the relative dimness indoors. Snow crunched under his feet where it had frozen in the shade of the cottage. Thoughts whirled madly though his head as he gulped the icy air and he almost missed the words floating out the door behind him.

    “Yes, of course, We have some time.”


    Snow padded out to sit by the door and watch him. He was more than grateful for her presence. She had come to him when he had felt most alone, had almost convinced himself that no one would ever understand or care. He had abandoned his normal routine of hunting and fishing that morning to sit and stare at where she had disappeared into the trees. That day was when he first started getting those images in the back of his head. The images had frightened him. He had fought with himself over whether he had finally gone mad or not.


    Amidst his whirling thoughts one stuck out. He had not considered that others might think him darkfriend or attempt to harm him because of the changes he was going through. His Mother and Father had tried to understand, but he knew they were afraid of him and what was happening. Oh they didn't say as much, but the lack of discussion, having trouble meeting his eyes, the sudden departure. It all suddenly made sense with the new knowledge Rhya had given him.


    He felt the morning call of nature and tossed a quick glance over his shoulder toward the cottage. The doorway remained dark and it seemed that Rhya had not followed him. Walking a short way into the trees he busied himself with untying the strip of cloth at his waist, and let his thoughts drift to what Rhya had said.


    We do not force people to accept help but should you wish it, you are welcome to return with me and meet the others, to live with us and learn all of that which you need to know.”


    It truly did sound good, and Light knew he needed help. Relieving himself with a sigh, closed his eyes.

  7. Slowly he chewed his tangy cheese and listened to her explanation. He caught a whiff of wood smoke and realized the chimney had not been cleared out for some time.


    “We don’t know why this happens, Rahien. What you are experiencing... have been experiencing... is called the Howling. You are old for it, as I was. Most people are younger. The images you get from Snow are part of it, a kind of communication that few people will ever know. That is the kinship for which we are named. Kin to the wolves. No, I cannot read your mind any more than you can read mine. Your bond with Snow is special, though you may talk to other wolves too if they choose to allow it. It seems that you have found your wolf companion... or rather, she has found you. Some of us are lucky to gain that companionship early, others take many years and yet others never do.”


    She paused for a moment and Rahien took a moment to consider her words. He pondered this so called Howling she spoke of. He did feel like howling from time to time that was for sure. His golden eyes swept around the kitchen's interior. This was the home that he had grown up in for some of his life. The home that he had lived part of his life in. It did not feel like home though. It had not for a long time.


    After his siblings had died, he had fled to the refuge of the forest. Solitary reflection and a sense of peace had come from the simplicity and beauty of nature. Rahien remembered days swimming in the pond and catching rabbits for food.


    “What may give you that impression is another ability the ‘Kin have. Our senses are stronger, sharper than ordinary people's. Have you not noticed that you can see better in the dark than before? That you smell things from further away? That your movements are more agile, more stealthy? All of these are but a small part of our gift.”


    Some of those things he had indeed noticed. Most of it had happened so gradually he had taken for granted the change until it was noticed by his family. He had stayed away from those thoughts when mentioned, but now considered them in the full light of contemplation.


    “As to what will happen to you... that is up to you... Dawn Brother,” Instantly he was wary again. How had she known that name? She had said she could not read minds yet he had only heard that from Snow previously. Years of pain and isolation crashing in, his emotional wall slammed back into place. He had relaxed to far. He realized with an inward start that he had started to rise from the table. Hastily he relaxed slightly, and let himself remain seated.


    “You have a choice before you now. Stay... and be alone here with only Snow for company, facing the risk of attack from other humans daily. Or come with me, meet your new family and gain safety and support from others who will understand and teach you. Make no mistake, the decision is fully yours but make it quickly. Time is not standing still and the risk to all of us grows greater the longer we tarry.”


    His feelings raged within him. The warmth of hope, sliced to shreds by doubt and fear. waves of panic, surging up within him and crashing heavily against his thoughts. Snow quickly rose to her feet looking at him urgently. He realized that this time he had risen out of his chair and was slowly backing away. It was all so confusing, so new. A part of him knew what Rhya was saying had to be right. That part of him was currently drowning in a sea of conflicting emotions. He just had to get his head clear, just needed a moment to think. the walls, they were to close and the air in here was too smoky, he just needed to.. he just needed to... Tensed to bolt out of the cottage and into the trees he was stopped dead as thoughts blossomed in his head.


    ~Peace Dawn Brother, safety.~He glanced at Snow, feeling concern coming from her.


    "I just need, some time to think." He said haltingly. His hand to his head he slowly headed for the door. "Just some fresh air.."

  8. Rahien listened carefully, but warily, to the woman's words when she spoke. He forced himself to so that he could think clearly. 'Hasty actions spoil the effort' his dad always used to say. That threatened to fan the embers of his tumultuous emotions, and he ruthlessly stomped them out.


    “Where I come from, we greet guests a shade more politely than that, but I can see that I’ve interrupted a... rather personal moment. My sorrow and my apologies for so doing but I had thought perhaps the occupant was under attack. The ‘Kin often are when they’re first found you know.”


    His immediate reaction was to retort that where he came from they didn't barge in to other people's houses. The retort died in his throat as her words rolled on. Her apology dampened his anger slightly before confusion rolled in once more. Kin? What on earth was she talking about? Her kin? No, she had said the kin.


    “I belong to a group of people just like yourself... like both of us,” She pointed at her eyes and with a start he realized again that they shared a color with his own, if darker. “We are called the Wolfkin or ‘Kin and we live together in a special place where we can learn about our gifts and protect each other from harm. You do realize that you can communicate with wolves?” She asked, pausing briefly. “Of course you do or your friend Snow here would not have contacted us for assistance.”


    Her words rolled over him like an avalanche rolling downhill. His hackles still stood on end but-. His thoughts swirled in the fog of confusion. What? Hackles? Humans didn't have hackles. Before his thoughts could come together she continued.


    “The ‘Kin have abilities which are ancient, from a time past but come again. We are not darkfriends nor evil, though some would have it so when they see our eyes and many of us are attacked or hounded from our homes, rejected by family or simply alienated from all that is familiar to us.”


    That struck a chord within him and years of loneliness resonated across the chasm of his soul. He waited for the emptiness to be filled with pain as so often it was, but softly another feeling whispered within him as she continued to speak. Hope filled him cautiously, hope and...belonging.


    “You are what we call a Wanderer, one who is lost and must be brought to their true home. I, for the moment, am what we call a Tracker, someone who finds and helps a Wanderer. We do not force people to accept help but should you wish it, you are welcome to return with me and meet the others, to live with us and learn all of that which you need to know.” A dark furred wolf stepped into the room and casually moved to stand next to Rhya. Golden eyes studied him from within a face as dark as Snow was white.




    It came so strongly this time that he had to blink. He felt it to his toes, a place where the sun shone through the trees. Children laughing and playing with wolf cubs, a group of people who truly understood one another and cared. Home didn't quite do what he felt in his head justice, but it would do.


    “You can ask any questions you like, my friend," She said, reaching down to scratch the wolf between the ears. but it would be helpful if you could tell me your name and perhaps we might eat while we talk? It has been a fair walk from last night’s camp.”  Her stomach rumbled and he watched as a faint heat rose in her cheeks. Rahien slowly sat in the only remaining chair. It was not for fear of the wolf next to Rhya, or of the woman herself. His mind was simply trying to take it all in and his absent motions surely conveyed such. He needed time to think. Snow padded softly over to him, another shock, and rested her head in his lap. Her golden eyes shone in the dim interior light, and again he felt those almost-words flare in the back of his head like a sunrise.


    ~Come, Brother of the Dawn. Safety. Family.~


    He had never before felt a name for himself in one of those sendings. He could not explain how, but he could not deny it was attached to him. Maybe it was more like Dawn Brother. He gazed into Snow's eyes. Slowly he stretched out his awareness with his hand, slowly and with caution. He softly scratched the white wolf between the eyes and tentatively thought,


    ~You are family now. I will come.~


    With a start he realized that he was sitting in the only chair, and that he had left his food by the stove. Getting to his feet embarrassed he motioned to the kitchen.


    "I have some bread and cheese, and a fire to warm yourself." He said cautiously. "Forgive me for my wariness but these are dark times and a stranger at your door is not always a welcome thing." His stomach rumbled and he realized it was getting close to mid-day.


    Snow seemed at ease with their presence although what she said had sounded somewhat hard to swallow. But it made a strange sort of sense when everything in his world had ceased to do so. He would sit and eat with her a while and try to find out more, maybe he wasn't going crazy. Maybe she would be able to provide some answers. Leading the way into the kitchen he was pleasantly surprised to see Snow follow him and lay by the fire, her head resting on her paws. He took a seat by the makeshift bedding and offered Rhya some bread and cheese.


    "I have some questions for you as I assume you would expect." Realizing that he still had not told her his name he covered his blush by taking a bite of cheese. After he swallowed he spoke. "My name is Rahien by the way. I am sorry for my rudeness, I have not been around another human for sometime now." She nodded slowly and he hurried on to fill the silence. "Why does this happen? Why can I tell what she is thinking sometimes?" He motioned to Snow. "Can you read my mind too? What is going to happen to me now?" He had a million more questions but stopped and took a steadying breath. No need to flood her with questions. It was just nice to finally find someone who could tell him what in the Light was going on.

  9. D'Ashan listened with only half an ear while he chewed his cheese. Thoughts of becoming a Gaidin had brought his mind off on a tangent. The blue veined cheese was hard but it was tasty and he followed it with some crusty bread. It was all washed down with some water before he heard Hall's question.


    "Would you prefer a look of the yards, or do you wanna head down into the city and I can teach you how to get around.." D'Ashan shrugged and nodded to Jac,


    "I'm ok with looking around town, figure I will get enough of the Yards soon enough. What about you?"

  10. D'Ashan was staring after that serving girl wondering where his wine had gone when he noticed with a start that there was a woman sitting next to him. She had the most beautiful eyes and was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen. She leaned in closely to be heard over the crushing noise. Her grin was just short of suggestive, and definitely friendly.


    “I am not sure who you are. But I would like to know why you are sitting at our table. Don’t try to use the excuse that my brother asked you, because when he is fixated on a woman like he is this one I can guarantee that he doesn’t even know you’re alive. Not that you are not pretty you understand, you are just not his type.” She said, her words at odds with her grin.


    D'Ashan blinked. Not his type? Suddenly it dawned on he felt his cheeks flood with a crimson mix of embarrassment and flustered heat. He sputtered and stammered trying to get something sensible to come out of his mouth. Or he would have if the man who had invited him to the table had not mercifully jumped in.


    “Don’t mind her friend, a couple bad experiences on the road and a life with a wonderful brother like me as put her a bit off as to men.” He chuckled and patted D'Ashan on the back. “Now, Adela, just give the guy a chance, if he tries anything fresh, I’m sure you’ll give him the normal star treatment." The man chuckled again and turned his gaze back to the singer.


    D'Ashan turned his wide-eyed, innocent gaze on the woman. He spread his hands wide and shook his head. He knew his face must almost have a look of horror on it but he couldn't help himself. He had always been passionate for sure with women who had shown interest, but he had always been the epitome of polite. He was truly horrified at the suggestion that he might be otherwise. An exchange passed briefly between Adela and her brother. The man had forgotten to introduce himself, he was simply to enthralled with the woman on stage.


    “Keep your hands to yourself and you can share our table.” Once again his eyes widened in innocence. "Why are you in Tar Valon?" Before he could answer, her brother spoke. “Dearest sister, sorry to interrupt, but you remember that time you caught me with Rilke? At the inn a few years back.” He nodded towards the door and sighed.


    It confused D'Ashan to no end but he spoke up as he spotted the woman finally weaving her way throught the crowd with his mulled wine. "My name's D'Ashan, i'm a trainee of the Warder's yards." He hadn't spoken loudly enough it seemed and no one had heard him in the din of the room. He was about to try again when Adela spoke again.


    “The man in red cloak? I swear Ada, one of these days your damn eyes are going to get us killed. Has he noticed your mooning? If he warned you, maybe he could help? And I am sure my new friend here would be willing to stand up with us." She gave D'Ashan another smile, this time seemingly genuine and he nodded, wishing Thera - the Mistress of Trainees he corrected himself, had not taken his scimitars. He shrugged uncomfortably, suddenly aware of the lack of their weight.


    "It couldn’t hurt to ask Ada, invite him over. Do it Adamin, you got us into this, you can help get us out…this time.”


  11. I know there have been a few sites put up to catalog the sword forms used in the books for RP use. My question i lay at the feet of the community here however, is do we know if something similar truly exists in real life. I know that RJ based a lot of things in his books on real life people, places, etc.


    I would love any information (websites, books etc) as to the sword forms used in the books, teaching materials (books, courses etc), anything really. I am a big lover of swords etc. and would love to learn the sword forms as a form of exercise. (also lets face it, they would look cool  :D)


    Any information is appreciated and as far as the location of this post, if i put it in the wrong spot i apologize, I couldn't find where else to put it.  :-\


    Thanks Guys!

  12. OOC: *winces as he steps into the thread* Kura said to jump in, so don't thwap me to hard Eqw if D'Ashan wasn't supposed to be out in the City  :-\ Was hankerin for an RP anyway...yes, i just said "hankerin"  :D


    IC: D'Ashan wandered through the streets of Tar Valon. Hall had shown him around a bit the other day, but he was still a little lost. He walked through the streets, oblivious to the people  he bumped against. The buildings swept to the sky like hands raised in prayer. Glistening white walls and spires reached as if to pierce the heavens. He was almost run over once for his carelessness but he could not help it.


    Forcing himself to turn his eyes downward, he focused on his surroundings. The streets were still wide this close to the outer walls but cloak-wrapped people filled them as thickly as the smells. Some rode horses, some on foot. Here and there a hawker cried their wares, adding their voices to the symphony of city life.


    He had a free day to enter the city and look around. To do anything he wished really. So far it had been a welcome break from the rigorous sunup to sundown training. Oh he enjoyed it to be sure, despite the difficulty. Breathing in the cold air he decided it was time to sit inside somewhere warm and have some mulled wine to chase away the chill. Eyeing some as he walked he passed them by. He did not have much coin and some of the finer inns would charge too much, even here in Tar Valon. Finally settling on one, he stepped inside.


    Warmth and noise closed in around him like a fist in the smoky dimness. He grinned to himself as he looked around the common room. Laughter filled the room with echoing mirth as a singer's voice threaded through it all. He could almost make out the tune from across the room.


    Making his way through the maze of tables and people, he headed for that soprano voice. Two men parted in front of him and he suddenly saw her. She truly was as stunning as her voice. For a brief moment D'Ashan just stood there until with a start, he realized he was in a serving girl's way. He mumbled his apologies and quickly pressed to one side to let her pass. She pursed her lips disapprovingly, sniffed and hurried past him.


    He looked around for an empty table but it seemed that all the tables were full. The smoke hung thick along the rafters from so many pipes. It was acrid and his eyes were beginning to burn slightly. Lately it was hard to come by a good smooth leaf of Tabac. The sudden snap of cold had killed off any lingering plant that the unnatural heat had not killed prior. At least that is what he had heard a merchant say. Glancing at a table that miraculously held only one man he made his way over. Just as he got there he hesitated, glancing at the tables around him. Luckily the man tore his eyes from the singer long enough to notice him and after a quick glance at the tables around, realized his was the only one. Motioning for D'Ashan to take the bench opposite him, he grinned and cut his eyes at the singer.


    "Beautiful eh?" He asked as D'Ashan sat down. His voice was pitched to carry over the din of the common room and, D'Ashan suspected, to the singer herself. He nodded to show his agreement and grinned. He would have to crane his neck to get a good look at the woman so he settled for waving down a serving girl. She looked haggard and tired on her feet. It was a busy night. The other man seemed content to promptly ignore D'Ashan and return his focus on the singer. Leaning his elbow on the table he waited for the girl to bring him his mulled wine.

  13. Rahien froze. Standing completely still with muscles tensed, he was ready to spring at a moment's notice. The fact that it was a woman in the doorway did not put him anymore at ease either. These were ill times and a woman would slit your throat for half the reason and with twice the conviction. The feelings from Snow had happened moments before this woman stepped into the cottage, and had not given him time to be anything other than surprised. The racing of his disjointed thoughts started to slow and he noticed with a shock the woman's eyes. The only other time he had seen eyes close to that color on a human was he himself.


    Her hands fell open to her sides and she spoke softly and slowly. “I’m Rhya. Your friend Snow here requested my help,” Confusion clouded his mind like early morning fog. How did she know Snow? It had to be some kind of trick... “I can see why if you’re in the habit of breaking furniture. Wolves aren’t too good at housekeeping.” The note of humor in her tone was swallowed in that fog, leaving only the shadowy outline of her words to reach for him. His eyes tightened and a low growl rumbled faintly in his throat. She had no right to intrude on him in such a private moment. She tilted her head.


    Rahien realized his hands were flexing slowly and forced them to stillness. With an effort akin to holding back the motion of the Earth, he slowly pushed the seething mist of pain-filled rage downward. He had to think clearly.


    Snow brushed past the woman's leg and through the cottage doorway to gaze at him silently. She never before had come under this roof. She stayed but a few steps from the doorway, her unease apparent, but her gaze never left him. Urgency flooded his mind from her and he glanced once more at the woman, Rhya.


    With an effort he forced his voice to stillness, only a hint of gruffness and pain remaining. "Who are you, and what are you doing here?" The question was simple but it hung in the frosty air like the plumes of their breath. He would give her a chance to answer. He owed Snow that much. That was the only reason his belt knife was still at his hip.

  14. OOC: Young man? Fanten is 42 :D


    IC: Fanten glanced around the Training Grounds and almost sighed. He had mixed feelings about this Tower and what he could do, but simple truth was just that. If he did not learn he would go mad or die first. He was resigned to it, regardless of if he liked it or not. Finally he noticed the Soldier. He noted that the man was missing most of his right arm. This was not a shock as it might be to some men. He had seen much worse along the Blight. Men missing parts of their face, pieces of limbs simply rotting off, and much worse. He stood and clasped both hands behind his back waiting for the man to approach. The Soldier surprised him with a bow, but he was late and had kept Fanten waiting. Despite himself his brow furrowed slightly.


    "Soldier Kerris Asech reporting for duty, Dedicated Fanten.  I do not know anything of Saidin, I am like a babe taking its first hesitant steps to a proud father.  Hopefully under your tutelage I will soon be walking steadily." Kerris said. He was a slow, soft spoken lad. Tai had told him a small amount about the boy. He was fairly new and somewhat timid. Some may mistake the boy for slow but Fanten could see better. Reading people had been bred into his bones along with politics.


    "I will be honest with ya lad." He said gruffly. "Your arm doesn't bother me. I come from Saldea where people die screaming devoured by things you would wake up screaming about. I want to get that out of the way in case you have had some strange looks here. I came here looking for something and found Saidin instead. I am not so sure I like being what I am or even being here. But it is what it is. We have been given Saidin, like it or not, and if we do not learn to wield it we will harm innocent people and/or kill ourselves. So we will do what we must." Warmth entered his voice at the last as he commiserated with the boy. "Don't be put off by me boy, life has made me a tough old man but i won't mistreat you, understand?" He waited for a brief nod before continuing. He was slightly surprising himself by the length at which he was speaking, but his father had always said a leader knew when to take charge. Seizing Saidin he wove Earth to raise a low stone platform a few paces across under the snow. Next came Fire to clear the stone and heat it to a comfortable warmth. Motioning to the stone he sat, indicating the boy should sit across from him. Once they both had taken their places, Fanten looked the boy in the eye.


    "Let us begin." His mind drifted back to his first lessons with Tai. "First thing you should learn is the Ko Di. Without this your mind and possibly your body may be scoured out of existence by the raging power that is Saidin. Some call it the Void, or the Oneness. It is an emptiness that allows you to shed distraction and focus more intently. Have you heard of such a thing?"

  15. "Many a person can claim to be serving the Light, from the ascetic altruist to the zealot who scrawls a Dragon's Fang on the door of a man he disagrees with.  You say 'most currently' as though you have also served forces in the past besides the Light.  And 'what ever cause is needed' seems to suggest a mercenary of sorts, lending your strength where you see fit.  You could call me an observer of human nature, so I would learn more about this.  So tell me, Tai'Dashan, how do YOU define serving the Light?  And what brought forth a young man from the relative safety of Mayene into this dangerous world of armies and bandits and the Dragon Reborn?  What coin was used to buy YOUR allegiance?"


    Tai sighed inwardly as Gianna started to speak. Before she was done however, he was thinking furiously. Tai was not one to lie and would not do so here. How could he explain his comments. He had tried to avoid the question while giving her an answer but she had deftly avoided it and dug straight to the heart. His respect for her grew and he shot her a sidelong glance at her before responding. He chose his words carefully and kept his tone cheerful despite his anxiousness.


    "My Lady, if you must know you are correct. Many people claim to serve the Light. No, I have not served forces 'besides the Light' in the past. Just not so directly have i fought for a the Light until now. You see I was young." He chuckled then at his own comment. "Still am. No I have not spent time as a mercenary. However you will find, should i continue to have the pleasure of your company, that i tend to fight vehemently for what I believe in." He paused a moment, considering how deeply to reveal his past. Finally he nodded slightly to himself, deciding and continued. "My father was not around from early on in my life and my blessed mother raised me. She was murdered when i was just 16." He paused to control his voice, the pain was still somewhat fresh. "I swore that I wold do my part to fight the forces of darkness anyway i could. So I left and joined the ranks of the Dragon. THAT is how i define serving the Light." He glanced at her to read her expression but her face may has well have been the still surface of a pond for all it told him.


    "Fair is fair," He commented after a moment. "You speak of living through the Aiel War among other such hardships. It seems you yourself share a quality i fancy in observing things about those around me. If it pleases you I would hear more of how you came to know so intimately, a war that is surely before your time. You did speak of living through the war and being hardened by it did you not?" He suppressed a smile. He had given her true answers, all the while keeping his true identity hidden. He prayed that Arath wouldn't be too cross with him.

  16. "Good, Dreadling. Now let us begin, shall we?" The fade said. Shadar looked at the thing, feigning relief. Finally. Arcon stepped in with more commands for the Fadeling. "Dhjorn, less banter. Move through basic sword forms." Shadar wondered if all Dreadlords treated shadowspawn this way or if it was just Arcon's ease of command. "No, he would cut off his own foot if he tried even the most basic of forms, look, he can barely hold the daggers in his hands." Shadar bared his teeth at the eyeless in what might be taken for a smile, if you were blind.


    Suddenly the thing approached and gripped his wrists, shock hit him again. The thing was strong. "Like this Human...More power on a thrust, as well as a better guide for a slash," The Fade moved his grip and showed him where to place his thumbs. Shadar almost grinned. He could see that the Fade was teaching true. The Fade took a few steps back and brandished his own blades. "Now, come at me human, use that pathetic, frail body your whore mother gave to you, and try to strike me." The insults rolled off him and this time he did let a smile blossom on his face. Let the Fade make of that what it would.


    Shifting into and awkward stance, he was once again corrected by the Fade before he had even begun. He cursed in his head the lack of knowledge he had. Soon, he soothed himself. Soon. Leading with his main foot he struck while keeping his offhand ready for a counter attack. The Fade simply flowed in and pushed his chest lightly sending him off balance. Stumbling a few steps he tried again, shifting his feet. The Fade stopped him and showed him how to place his feet and told him to try again, the whole time insulting him. He wanted to see a reaction to his slights, some form of them striking home. He did not know who he dealt with. Stepping in for another strike the Shadowspawn swept his blade aside easily and countered with his other, stepping close. Seconds before impaling Shad the Fade flipped the dagger, implanting the hilt hard into his ribs instead. Shadar grunted and swept back into a ready stance again, refusing to rub the spot. He would not concede more than he must.


    The fade threw out instruction peppered with insult, but slowly Shadar got to a place where he could stand comfortably and his actions seemed more fluid. He grudgingly noted that the Fade was more fluid than he could ever be, it seemed almost boneless. Rotating his wrists to work out the ache he attempted a move the fade had just shown him. he lunged in, feinting with his offhand and dropping into a crouch. He was supposed to strike low with a jab of his lead hand, but instead threw his own into the mix. Leaning down and away he brought his head around to look over his shoulder at the Fadeling, bringing his lead hand around in an arc and slashing at the Fadeling's thigh. He completed the motion, rolling past the Fade and almost burying the blade in his own thigh with his clumsiness. it was a small cut but in a moment the Fade had him by the throat, his feet off the ground.


    "Dhjorn." Arcon spoke the word crisply and with warning as Shadar scrambled against the shield wildly despite himself. The fingers of the slug white flesh dug into his throat, making it hard to breathe. "Release him Dhjorn." The threat was obvious in his voice and Shadar felt the shield lessen slightly. He doubted he could break it if he tried, but it was slightly less.

  17. Rahien woke slowly from yet another dream of running with the wolves. He could feel the the wind in his fur, could almost taste the metallic tang of blood on his tongue. He woke up more fully with a start at that thought. He didn't have fur. His head flopped back to the cloak he had been using for his pillow. In the weeks since returning to his family's cottage, Rahien had slept in the kitchen by the wood stove. It was the warmest place in the house with what meager wood he could find and he had grown accustomed to sleeping in the forest and not indoors. He sat up with a sigh and pushed aside the spare cloak he had lain over him for warmth. Poking the sleeping embers with a stick, and adding more wood to the stove he got the fire revived in short order. He set about warming his hands and eating some dried meat, alternatingly washing it down with his waterskin.


    His last trip away from home had been a few months. Truth be told, he had lost count exactly how long as his return trips to the cottage had been brief and only to replenish supplies the forest surrounding their home could not provide. He stared into the flames... through the flames, and they danced in his eyes as he thought about why his parents had left their home. Pain had driven him away from home, away from his family. He suspected that it was pain that had forced his parents to leave the Cottage. He was angry with them for leaving, angry with himself for staying away so long, angry at the Creator for allowing his siblings to perish. Amidst the anger a familiar image brushed his mind. He had been confused at first by the images that entered his mind. Most of the time they seemed disjointed and jumbled. There were times they made a sort of sense however and one image, group of images really, he had come to recognize every time. The she-wolf stepped into the doorway and looked at him with the golden eyes that mirrored his own. Snow wasn't exactly the image he got from her, it was more than that. It was fresh fallen snow at the breaking of dawn. When the light first broke over the horizon, the moment of illumination. The smell of the Winter wind, The purest white of the unbroken snow. It was all these things and more.


    She had been the one in the clearing that day, she had been the one to comfort him when he returned to the cottage to find his family gone, and in a way she was like a sister. He could not explain exactly how. Rising to his feet he met her at the door. He knew she would not come into the building as it made her uneasy. She licked his hand and turned to go. Trotting a few steps she glanced back, tongue lolling. Again images flooded his mind and he shook his head. "Not today Snow." With a final look she trotted back into the trees.


    The images had scared him at first, He had thought he was losing his mind. He still was not entirely sure that he wasn't, but had accepted the fact that sometimes he knew what Snow wanted. For instance that she checked on him every morning, and every time wanted him to leave the cottage and return to the forest with her. He got images from other wolves too. But none so common or familiar as Snow. As he turned back into the home, he caught sight of a piece of wood his father had been working. Picking it up he felt the anger surfacing again. Why hadn't he done something to protect his family? Why didn't he try to understand his pain? All he ever did was tell him it would be ok, that the Wheel wove as the Wheel willed. Tears filled his eyes and he dashed them away angrily. Picking up the ladder back chair he hurled it explosively against the far wall with an anguished cry. Images flooded his mind, almost drowning out his anger someone was coming. Snow felt happy about it although he was not quite sure how he knew that. Just then a figure stepped into the doorway.

  18. "Sounds like a good enough reason to me" said a boy walking up to the table. His smile was wide and friendly. "I bet half the men in here have come looking to be the next Gaidal Cain or Rogosh Eagle-eye by their arrogance." Jac shook his head and laughed. "Oh, sorry, Hope I'm not interrupting. I'm new here, just arrived actually. Name's Jac, Jac al'Caar. Is it alright to sit here?"


    D'Ashan blinked. He hadn't seen much arrogance. If most people here were going to be like that... Hall spoke into the brief silence.


    "the more the merrier..Hall, I'm up from Saldea" He said extending his hand. Waiting for the two to exchange pleasantries he stuck his hand out over his tray and smiled broadly. "D'ashan, I'm from Mayene. I'm brand new here myself, good to see someone else is a little lost." He said laughingly, he liked this man already.


    "I been here some months myself, going to be showing D'Ashan around after the meal, your welcome to come along, I'll have classes this afternoon though..."


    "Oh right!" D'Ashan exclaimed, you should come with us. Do you have a room already? I kinda barged in on Hall here and just hung my saddle bags on the bunk." He chuckled softly. Embarassed at his eagerness he scratched the back of his neck nervously and shoved a piece of cheese in his mouth, chewing away studiously.

  19. Yay! *does a little dance*


    Haven't gotten my bio up via my signature so HERE is a link in case you wolfies wanna check it out ;)


    Can't wait to get to know all of you, be warned i am one of the more active ppl posting at least every couple of days on the low end, multiple times a day on the high end ;)


    WELCOME POL! Good to know i'm not alone  ;D

  20. OOC: Sorry for the wait, Sereth was going to step in and so i was giving him time to post, but it seems like a certain girl is monopolizing most of his time  :D


    IC:Shadar noted that the man did not have to fumble too much before tying off the weave.


    "Shadar, I am ready to move on when you are."


    "Good, you did well with tying off the weave, remember to be careful with what flows you tie off and which you maintain." With that last cautionary statement he filled himself with Saidin in preparation for the final step. "So far you have learned weaves that will be extremely useful, even deadly against non channeling foes." Shadar paused a moment to let the thought of fighting another channeler sink in. "Now I will teach you how to cut the flows of others."


    Shadar wove Spirit, Air and Earth and demonstrated the weave. It was a simple weave, but cutting another's flows with accuracy was not. Instructing Alliveer to weave a Fireball he sliced it before it could fully form. The sliced weaves snapped back into the man and made him grunt.


    "There is always a recoil when your weaves are cut. Do not let it be a distraction as any such distraction could mean your death when fighting with a channeling opponent." Now that he had felt the recoil he could learn to be ready for it next time, and not allow for that moment of distraction. "Now I will construct simple shields of Air and I want you to practice cutting them."


    Shadar promptly did as he said and wove Air int a shield between them and braced for the recoil.  Even though the weave used 3 elements, Alliveer was able to easily weave it. Slicing his own weave was another matter. Shadar had put this man on a level with himself at that stage and assumed they would be fairly close in power and skill. He remembered how hard such precise task with the power were and still could be given the weave. Strength would be no foe to Alliveer and himself, but the Great Lord had not gifted them with much Skill. Arcon had compared him fondly to a cow in a Seafolk Porcelain shop. After the slicing of weaves Shadar ran the man through some final exercises on merely seizing Saidin. At this stage it was chance at best for the man and he needed the practice. They all did at that stage. Over time he could see the man was wearing out.


    "That will be enough for today's lesson." He said finally. "You have done well for an initiate, I am sure Arcon will be pleased." He assumed the man had a liking for Arcon and gave him the praise in honesty. "Before we adjourn do you have any questions for me?"


    OOC: I figure we can end with your post, if you feel like taking it further just post ooc and explain where you would like it to go.  ;)

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