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Posts posted by TaiDashan

  1. Woot!


    Since your the DL... (insert devilish grin here)  :D


    What is the best way to notify the Blues that i'm looking to be bonded? Would you post something since its your div? Should I? Where? Is there a thread open about that already? Is it Ajah specific? Guess i need some info.. :-\

  2. Name: Eric

    Counrty: USA (GMT)

    MSN: ethomefone13@ msn.com


    Division/Posistion: Black Tower Asha'man, BT: Dedicated, WY: Trainee, SG: Initiate dl.


    I am usually on about every day, my email notifies me of most things, posts, pm's etc. Hit me up with a pm, email or on msn (although 8a-5p GMT i'm working. as Sereth and a few others know that doesn't really stop me  :-[) and i should get it!


    Edit: Added some Chars and fixed rank etc.

  3. As he watched the others give their oath, Tai's mind wandered to thoughts of the Dragon. He had heard tales of the tall, dark eyed, red haired man. As if his thoughts had summoned the man, The door swung open and in walked the legend himself. No one could deny who he was. Whether the dragons glittering at his wrists, the fiery red hair, or the commanding air, Tai couldn't say.


    Jarron Al'Tanin filled the doorway and shifted his weight to one leg, hand on hilt at his waist. Something in his eyes, reminded Tai of a wild, well muscled lion tensed to charge. Before he could think, Tai had bolted to his feet, his muscles rigid. Adrenaline surged through him as he fought for the Void. Chaos babbled in terror somewhere in the back of his head about Power and Death. The lines of consciousness had blurred and he had felt Chaos fight for control when his eyes landed on the Dragon. Finally floating in the Void Tai shook his head muttering softly to himself. That had been too close for comfort. He resisted the light of Saidin for more reason than now was not the time. He would not give Chaos the chance. Not now, not ever if he had the chance, but definitely not now. Covai stepped forward and bowed.


    "My Lord Jarron, its been a while. I thank you for seeing me on such short notice." The Dragon's eyes were hard and glittered at Covai in an uncomfortable way. Covai hardly seemed to notice however and Tai's respect for the man rose.


    "So...who are these men with you Covai? I don't see Dalinarius or Andar with you, so are these men supposed to be their replacements?" the Lord of the Morning asked, his voice like steel sliding from the scabbard.


    "No my Lord. These are men who were with me at the recent battle against the Shadow in Shienar. That is the reason I have brought them with me." Tai barely avoided staring at Covai in confusion and puzzlement. He had to know that Tai had not been in the battle of Shienar. Could he have simply forgotten? Or was it a general statement to explain their presence? "Well folks. How about you get off your arses and introduce yourself."


    Tai swallowed hard, shoving down the icy fear gripping his spine along with Chaos' mad babbling about Death, He stepped forward and spoke.


    "My Lord Dragon," He said pressing fist to heart and going to one knee briefly, head bowed. "It is an honor to meet you. I am Asha'man Tai'Dashan. I-" Suddenly Chaos leaped for control again and Tai's words died in his mouth for a brief moment. Luckily he recoverd quickly and coughed into his hand to cover his pause. "I am your man should you have need of me." Expression did not change on the man's face and Tai carefully kept his face from heating.


    Walking back to his chair he did not hear the others make their introductions. Light, but why now? Ever since Chaos had taken control and battled Arath in the clearing, he had all but lain silent. Why now when the slightest sign of madness could incite the Lord Dragon to burn him to ash where he stood? Tai glanced at the Dragon but his gaze was for the others. He hoped he had not noticed his pause and guessed the reason. A fine mess this was turning out to be! He had devoted himself for over a year to serving this man who might well strike him down like a rabid dog before he could do too much damage to those around him. Ruthlessly he shoved Choas into a dark corner of his mind and forcefully cut him off. Staying standing, he was not sure he was allowed to sit without permission, he clasped his hands stiffly behind his back and took in the rest nervously. He kept his face still and waited for what would happen next.


    Perhaps Chaos' actions had to do with Ta'veren tugging. Tai did not know but it worried him.

    Thankfully Chaos seemed to have given up, for now...

  4. Tai sat there in the silence wondering what the Dragon would be like. It was into this silence that Covai barked a command.


    "Simmen, go stand guard outside the door. If anyone enters the room before you, they're dead." He eyed the man as he turned to go and Tai almost chuckled as a sudden memory of his own arrival more than a year ago flashed into his mind.


    Tai'Dashan slowed as he approached what everyone he talked to had been calling "The Farm." The dirt path he was on led to ominous, slick-looking, black stone walls. "Looks nothing like a farm." He mumbled to himself. On The outside, The Farm was a formidable looking structure, if unfinished. Through gaps in the strange shiny black walls, Tai'Dashan could see a bustling mass of people. He felt a stab of apprehension as he saw those people moving about purposefully and wondered if he would fit in.


    'What are you thinking you goat-brained fool?' He thought to himself harshly. 'You aren't exactly here to make friends. It doesn't matter if they all hate you! You are here to test. Pass or Fail. Period.'


    Already Tai'Dashan was missing his trade and his home back in Mayne. He sighed heavily in resignation and walked over to the only building that even looked somewhat familiar, an Inn. Scanning the Inn, his blue eyes finding the door, he saw men walking in and out with those black coats everyone seemed to be wearing. They seemed to wear grim looks as easily as their coats.


    'What am I doing here? I probably wont even be able to channel. What good am I, a jewelry merchant, to these strong and confident men? ' He ran a hand through his dark hair and hoisted his pack to a better position. "I'm just tired from traveling and its got me acting like a child, nervous and doubting myself." he grumbled. A woman walking by with a basket of wash, hearing him speak, paused to give him a puzzled look. 'Great, already have people looking at me strangely.' He thought.


    A long way from home, having given up everything he owned and loved for a dream, feeling quite despondent, alone and lost, Tai'Dashan sat on an overturned barrel next to the Inn's door and waited for some kind of direction.


    Suddenly he was brought back to reality and the grin slid from his face at what Covai was saying.


    -soon enough. Before that though, I want each of you to pledge your loyalty to the Dragon here and now. And I mean loyalty to the Dragon above all else, including the Black Tower. Any one who refuses better get out before I throw them out."


    Those words rang in his ears and Tai blinked in surprise. Loyalty to the Dragon above the Tower? He had never considered that the two might mean separate loyalties. From the time he had decided to come to the Black Tower to be tested, he had slowly honed himself for one purpose. Through the sickening Taint, through the days of pain and fatigue, through the nights crying alone on his bunk in the Soldier's Barracks afraid of going mad, and finally comming to grips with the fact that he had begun to. Through it all he had one purpose. Serving the Dragon until the Last Battle was done was the only reason he still lived. His life was the Dragon's. He stood and walked to where the Storm Leader stood. Falling to one knee in front of him he bowed his head, and pressed fist to heart.


    "Under the Light and by my hope of salvation and rebirth... I, Tai'Dashan, Asha'man and Guardian of the Light, do hereby swear my loyalty, my fealty, my very life and anything I have at my disposal to the Lord of the Morning, the Dragon Reborn for as long as he should have need of me or until the forces of the Light reign triumphant. This I swear above all other Oaths I have or ever will make, so long as I have breath."


    Rising to his feet slowly his eyes wide, he shakily returned to his chair and sat back down. He had heard somewhere that being around the Dragon could affect things. That him being so strongly Ta'veren could change things. He had not meant such a strong oath but neither did he regret the words. He was merely suprised by the strength of his oath. Blinking, still in mild shock he absently watched as the others swore their loyalty.

  5. My initial reaction is that Tai would have to be the bonded not the bonder... but hey, i'm up for anything. Most likely by a green?


    *eidt* now that i think of it, he would do well bonded to a blue...

  6. Tai blinked in the relative darkness as Storm Leader Covai released the Gateway and stepped through the door into the hallway. The two Asha'man standing guard released Saidin and one of them grinned in relief to see it was Covai. He must not have seen Covai's face. Tai thought dryly.


    "Tell me Asha'man, is the Lord Dragon in Tear at the moment?"


    "Yes, Storm Leader, he is. I'll bring you to his waiting room and notify him immediately." The grinning man answered.


    As they wove through hallways Tai took it all in. He was in the stone of Tear. He had heard of it of course being from Mayene, but had never been close to it, let alone inside. On top of that they were going to meet the Dragon! Awe warred with Pride in his chest, causing some difficulty in breathing. He had dedicated himself the last year to honing himself as a weapon for the Dragon, never expecting to see the man that some thought the Creator made flesh. Tai wondered to himself silently at Covai's intentions. He obviously had not known if the Lord Dragon would be here. That gave his intentions a desperate quality. No, desperate would not fit Covai. More like determined. Almost absently, Tai noticed shapes slipping down hallways watching as if for attack.


    The Asha'man from Earlier led them into a grand room. As grand as squat stone walls could be with tapestries and gilded chairs. For some strange reason there were a large amount of tasseled pillows and brightly patterned rugs on the floor as well. They looked strangely comfortable. Tai studied the Soldier that Arath had dragged along and wondered why he was here. It was rare for a Soldier to ever leave the Farm, especially one so new in his training. He shrugged in his coat. Arath was an Attack Leader as well as a friend and Tai trusted his judgment as both. Tai adjusted his coat and glanced at Sereth. The man was still grinning but it had a thoughtful quality to it as well. Likely he was taking it all in more than Tai was.


    After standing around for a while, and a nod from Covai, he took a place not far from the center of the room, settling himself on some of the tasseled pillows. They were oddly comfortable but it took him a moment of awkwardness to decide how to sit. After attempting to slouch, laydown, lean and sit stiffly his cheeks heated and he stood again, moving to a gilded chair of dark wood instead. Luckily, the others were either too distracted to truly notice, or they simply ignored him.


    Bloody pillows. He thought to himself.


    Oddly, Chaos was silent. He would normally have had some snide comment about something of this magnitude. It seemed to Tai that ever since the incident with Arath, Chaos had been more selective with the times he came to the surface. Tai shuddered slightly at the image that conjured up. Shoving down his fear he assumed the Void, refusing the lure of Saidin. Chaos had not attempted control lately, but he was not about to give him the chance now. Not when the Dragon would be here any moment.


    Quietly reflecting on the moment he set himself to wait, wondering what the Dragon would be like.

  7. "Southerner suits you well. Every one of you thinks he a hard man, yet I bet you'd never seen a single Trolloc before coming here, if your new leash holder has even introduced you to the beast-men.Oh how I do hope to be there when you first feel a Halfman's gaze, it'll be oh so satisfying to watch you curl in fear."


    The man's tone was mocking and whining at the same time. Shadar found himself despising the man further. Southerner was a name he could bear easily. Tucking both hands into the opposite sleeves of his robes his face blanked once more. Words tickled his mind, Trolloc, leash holder, halfman. He filed them away with a note to himself to mention these things to Arcon. Shadar had heard of such things at the Fortress and had even had a basic lesson on Trollocs although he had never met one.


    It has been fun Southerner, and I'd love for us to meet again, but I do have duties to attend to." The half-breed walked past him swaggering arrogantly. Shadar's eyes burned into the back of the shorter man, considering ways to work around the peace of the Shadow. His mouth twisting in what passed for a grimace he spat where the man had walked. He was nothing, as long as he stayed out of Shadar's way, he would live. Shadar would not waste energy on one such as him unless absolutely necessary.

  8. Tai was walking along, his nose buried in a most interesting book that Sereth had loaned him. The air was cold but he hardly noticed, in fact he hardly noticed anything for his attentions on the book. He had not had much of a chance to read at the Tower and this one dealt in Philosophy. He absolutely loved philosophy, although sometimes it was hard to grasp. It was in these circumstances that he felt the collar of his dark coat clasped roughly. The book tumbled to the ground unceremoniously, and he was pushed forward before he could struggle free to pick it up.


    Tai had become used to having more free time since being raised Asha'man. He was about to spin around with a few searing words words on his tongue for the man who had treated him so roughly, when his tongue clove to the roof of his mouth.


    "You two with me. We're going to Tear." Said Storm Leader Covai Seriba.


    Tai blinked and pressed fist to heart in a quick salute. "Yes Storm Leader. Right away."


    Glancing back once at the book lying haphazardly on the frozen mud he winced inside. He would have to replace that for Sereth. Striding along next to Storm Leader Seriba he studied him out of the corner of his eye. He was breathing heavily and it was not from walking. He looked ready to chew rocks and was not happy about it. Tai was glad he had not seized Saidin around the man to float the book to him on a flow of Air. No telling what would have happened considering the current situation. Wondering what the day would hold in Tear he sighed softly and focused on reaching the Traveling Grounds without angering the man further.

  9. “That wasn’t quite word for word; perhaps I should make you say it again just to be sure? " He thought she was going to until she shook her head. “But I won’t, I have no desire to waste any more of my day and I am sure you don’t want me to waste yours. Especially when you could be spending your last free day learning the yards and trying to make friends.”


    Friends? D'Ashan hadn't even thought of that, the road here had been long, and mostly alone. It would be nice to meet friends and- Suddenly the realization sunk in. She was going to let him stay and learn! He burst out in a foolish Grin as Thera waved a hand to the window.


    “When we’re done here you’ll go find an empty bed in that bunk house right there, and tomorrow you can report to me which room you’re in. Your training will begin before light tomorrow and end when your teacher says you’re done. You’ll have three meals each day and free time once in awhile to study what you wish or visit the city. A few other things to want to remember..stay away from the Tower except for the Library, the Infirmary and the Kitchens. And whatever you do stay away from the Novices and Accepted, they will get you into more trouble than they are worth. Any other questions before I shove you out of the nest?”


    Sherhianna flashed through his mind a step after Shaneevae Sedi. He had met two women who could channel in less than a few days time and now he was going to be trained to be a Gaidin. Well, a tower guard for now, but that was just as good in his eyes. Suddenly he realized he had been sitting there grinning like a fool while she waited for an answer.


    "Just one Mistress," he asked, still grinning. "How long does one generally stay at the Yard before reaching the level of a Gaidin's skill?"

  10. Shadar had to suppress a grin when the man responded to his insult in kind. It had turned into a game and Shadar rather liked it. Sweating pigs? That was the best he could do?


    "Darial, and am I to assume whatever kennel master owned you gave you a name as well?"


    Shadar forced his face into a grin, hoping it did not look as fake as it felt. It was slightly awkward seeing as how he had long since stopped showing such foolish wastes of energy. The man seemed to require some such as motivation. He felt confident that he was succeeding as he felt what was as another's lips curl. His eyes widened in mock innocence, his face a mask of faked emotion.


    "As a matter of fact he didn't half-breed. I guess you will just have to come up with something to call me wont you?" His face blanked again and he grinned to himself enjoying the other man's aversion to his own blood. Flourishing his dagger he slid it up his sleeve again and just barely nicked his wrist. Pain was as inconsequential as this whelp.

  11. "Well, you aren't worth the effort of taking the proper time to flatten Southerner."


    The man's comments flew by harmlessly, but the word southerner struck him as odd. The tilted eyes, a couple of features here and there. Yes the man had to have been from Saldea. That was what he had seen earlier. Tucking it away for later consideration he grimaced, his lips barely moving as the man snatched the paper from his hand.


    "Do the winters up North freeze your wits as well half breed?" He poured a sweet venom into his voice. He had been the victim of taunts before and they passed on with little to no effect anymore. However he had found that the ones that did the taunting were more fun to give a taste of their own bitter medicine. The halfbreed comment was a guess and only a tightening of the man's eyes gave him the insult. If it had not been for his time with Arcon, he may not have seen that at all.


    Shadar grimaced in disgust inside. This man was insolent to his bones and had the Peace of the Shadow not held, Shadar would have used him as practice for a few weaves Arcon had been teaching him.


    Quickly changing tactic to throw the man off balance, Shadar used what little Arcon had taught him in other areas than Saidin.


    "What is your name?" Shadar was pleased when the man's glare slipped for a brief second before returning. Slipping a dagger from his sleeve he casually leaned against a nearby wall and started cleaning his fingernail with it, acting as if for all the world the answer was not worth his time.

  12. Shadar had taken to wandering down empty hallways lost in thought. He liked to explore and felt better when he knew his surroundings. So he explored and thought, walking down the dark hallways of the Fortress. Arcon had shown him how to secret a slim blade up his sleeve without slitting his own wrists and Shadar had shortly after acquired two such blades.


    Sliding them out of his sleeves and back into their place, he was considering the Taint while mapping the corridors in the back of his mind. It was this circumstance that he found himself being nearly run over by a short boy with both daggers in his hands. He quickly slid them home with the peace of the Shadow in his mind and look blankly at the boy that strangely reminded him of Arcon for some reason. Realizing he had dropped something, Shadar bent to pick up the slightly crumpled piece of paper. He grimaced sourly as he noted the man was mapping the corridors as he was. He held it out to the man who had the gall to look at him as if it were Shadar's fault he could not watch where he was going! He was Carhienien, that is what it was. Or at least he sort of looked it. On second glance he wasn't sure.


    "I think you dropped this in your haste to run over me." he said dryly.

  13. Shadar grinned inwardly at Arcon's affirmative response. The fact that it was beyond his abilities to do did not matter so long as he was coming up with the how before it was taught. The fact that his power would surge was evident in just the last weeks of channeling. Shadar secretly was excited for the next jump to see just how far he would go.


    "For now, I have an incredibly useful ward, one that I'm sure you can find many, many purposes for. Though I warn you, it uses all five elements in it's weaving. It is also the first of several wards I will be teaching you, wards being weaves that trigger when someone crosses them."


    Arcon wove a complex net of all five powers. Once again, Shadar noticed that Water and Earth were far less prominent in the weave. He remained silent as he committed the weaves to memory and watched the result.


    "The power on this weave is quite adjustable, it can be used to protect documents, guard your rooms, or whatever. In a few days I'll teach you the less destructive alarm ward, but for now. have a ball."


    Shadar's expression remained blank, slowly he looked at the proffered cage and considered the weave. It took skill to weave multiple elements. It was not a difficulty that Arcon had, Shadar however did. Sometimes he felt like he was threading a needle with his feet. Beginning to weave he concentrated, using more of Water and Earth than Arcon had. Thoughts slid along the Void and he fumbled a few times, watching the weave dissipate harmlessly before getting it right. After he watched with a small satisfaction the demise of the pathetic creature, he raised his eyes to Arcon.


    "The weave works well with more Water and Earth than you used as shown by my efforts. Is there something additional you have to teach as to why you prefer to use less of said elements?" Shadar cocked an eyebrow and waited.

  14. D'Ashan had to try hard not to stiffen when the Mistress of Trainees laughed at him.


    “You are mine now D’Ashan from Arafelle, until the time I see fit for you to be raised to the Tower Guard, I trust that I will have no trouble out of you and we will get along just fine? There are just a few rules you need to learn. One. Never lie to me. Two. Obey your instructs and myself without delay and Three. Never and I do mean Never under any circumstances are you to leave Tar Valon without permission. If you do that it will be the hot irons and pinchers for you. Repeat those back to me so I know you heard.”


    D'Ashan simply sat and gazed thoughtfully at Thera for a moment. She arched her eyebrow and leaned back to wait, appearing content to allow him silence. Using it to gather his thoughts he paused before speaking. He had learned his lesson about dishonesty and he was sure he could obey without delay. He all but blushed as he realized he was delaying now. Well, he had not officially begun and he supposed that it was ok.


    "Rule one, never lie to you. Rule two, obey without delay or question. And rule three, do not leave the city without permission on pains of hot errr..." he stumbled over the word iron, the man had said he was not supposed to say it, and for some reason the woman's eyes glinted with mirth. "on pain of torture." he finished slightly flustered.

  15. The woman, the mistress of novices, sat and looked at him with a wicked smile on her face. D'Ashan had told her what she wanted to know and now was going to wait for the next question. To his surprise she stood, walking around the front of her desk to face him and leaned back almost casually. A fool would call it casually. Her eyes traced him up and down and he suddenly felt like a horse being weighed and measured. He would not be surprised if she knew all of his secrets after that gaze. Suddenly with a move like lightning she reached up and pulled his scimitars from his back. Shock warred with awe that she could do it so well and he clenched his hands tightly in his lap to keep them from trying to stop her.


    “Well made, and a decent weight. You can find better, but not bad.” walking a few paces and leaning them against a weapons rack she continued. “Now let’s see if I will be giving those back to you shall we? Tell me what you know of your weapons and what experience you have? After all I can’t allow you to wander around my yards with weapons if you may accidentally cut off your own foot.” D'Ashan felt a twinge of regret. He had only acquired them on the road from Arafelle but he had become familiar with their weight. What was done was done however and he had promised to submit himself.


    "I grew up in Arafelle," he began. He knew he looked from Mayne, his birthplace but let her think as she may. His accent should prove him true. "I fought with knives for a long time, got used to them and even was taught to use them with great skill." he paused and looked at her briefly before continuing. "Before setting out on my journey, I spent some coin to buy those," He nodded to his blades, "and then more for a man to teach me their use. On my journey here I have practiced and become familiar enough not to," He grimaced then as he quoted the woman, "cut off my own foot."

  16. Tai stepped through the gateway and into the Traveling Room of Faringal Manor. Something smelled good and tickled his nose but he ignored it at the sound of voices in the kitchen. Walking toward the sound of voices he was met by the sight of Aria, red-eyed and upset. As he strode into the room he saw the hand mark on her cheek and Michelle standing next to her. He knew Arath wouldn't have struck her and in an instant he had seized Saidin, Rage flashing outside the Void. Before he could even think of channeling, Arath had prepared a shield and barked at him to release. Confusion danced along the edge of the Void but Tai had been trained well and he trusted Arath. Half due to trust and half instinct he released the Source but held the Void. He did not trust his emotions at this point. If this was not anything other than what it seemed...he pushed that thought aside and stamped out Chaos before he could even give voice. Arath nodded at him, his eyes said he knew what he was going through and wished he could help.


    Aria pushed past Michelle murmuring softly about needing some fresh air and smiled at him weakly. He kept his face neutral even though it hurt. Michelle looked as if she was going to go after her but thought better of it and stopped, folding her arms for all the world as if this were all his fault and glared at him! Arath scrubbed his hand through his hair and looked as if he wanted to be anywhere but here once the door shut behind Aria.


    "Will someone please tell me what in the name of the Light is going on here?!" Tai asked, his voice oddly emotionless inside the Void.

  17. OOC: WOOT! A post! Yay!  ;D


    IC: D'Ashan blinked with his hand raised to knock as a voice from inside called for him to enter.


    “Enter! And be quick about it or you’ll spend the day neck deep in the privy with only your gloves as a cloth.”


    How under the Light had she known he was standing there? That voice had brooked no nonsense and he did not have time to stand about wondering. Slowly he pushed the door open and stepped inside. it was brighter in here than he had expected, and he blinked as he gazed around the room briefly. He almost jumped when his gaze came to rest on the woman sitting behind the desk.


    “Ah, so they’ve sent me more fresh meet have they? Well have a seat and get to tellin’ me why you’re here.”


    She pointed at the chair in front of her desk and leaned back, looking at him for all the world like a hungry wolf. D'Ashan gained his wits slightly at the question of why he was here, and sat in the hard wooden chair. Leaning back stiffly, he reached up to ease his twin scimitars behind him so as not to tangle in the chair. He wasn't sure he should have continued wearing them, it seemed rude. Ruthlessly taking his fluttery stomach by the scruff of the neck so to speak, he swallowed and looked the woman in the eye. He had come to learn and he would do whatever he was told and take whatever came, be it under the Light, to do so. He would not let this woman's fierce demeanor deter him. His voice came out much more clearly and steady than he had expected.


    "My name is D'Ashan and I assume you are Mistress Thera." At her short nod he continued. "My reason for being here is simple. I have come to learn more of battle. This world is a confusing, often dangerous place and to find my place i wish to learn," Shaking his head softly he paused. The thought had not occurred to him until now, but once it did he gave it voice. "I know that I may not be cut out to be a Warder," His gaze locked with hers once more in determined defiance and he almost blushed again at his own boldness. "but I will never give it one hair less of my all in doing what it takes to learn." The silence stretched for a moment but D'Ashan did not mind. It gave him time to collect his thoughts.

  18. Tai all but sighed in relief when Covai told him he had passed. Not that the man had been happy about it, on the contrary he looked ready to chew nails! He had allowed it though and Tai had to grin to himself.


    "All right now, time for the next phase." Covai said to those of them who had succeeded. When Covai stepped over to draw a circle in the dirt around his feet, Tai furrowed his brow in puzzlement. He stared at the man's back as he moved to the next and did the same. What was this about?


    ~Does it matter?~ giggled Chaos. Time to show them what you know!


    So far the tasks had been fairly odd if not simple. Lighting a candle, keeping it lit while moving it, what next? Why a candle? The common threads of fire and a candle thus far tugged at him but Tai could not quite put his finger on it. What was Covai thinking? His mind spun but he just could not figure it out.


    "This time is a little different. First rule, you can not step outside of the circle. Second rule, you have fifteen minutes to construct something that will allow you to cook your breakfast. I won't tell you what you'll be cooking, but your ingredients will arrive after you're done. So do try not to just make the usual campfire. The second rule will come later."


    Tai's eyes nearly bulged as he listened to Covai's words. Light! How was he supposed to come up with a way to cook something if he didn't know what it was?! Thoughts of the different types of things to cook and the different ways to cook them flashed through his head. Nothing for it but to try he supposed. Once Covai got them started, he began. Weaving Earth he opened a small pit in front of him and pulled up a few small walls of earth to surround it, leaving the part facing him open and the top covered. He grimaced to himself, it looked more like a small cave. Weaving Air, he chopped and stripped some larger branches from behind him and laid them in the pit for a fire. That would contain the heat should he need to roast something. Flattening and thinning the top with another flow of Earth, and using Water to draw out all moisture, he hardened it to thin stone that would heat nicely from the contained fire beneath. As an after thought he wove Earth again, raising a platform should he need to prepare anything. Sweat rolled down his face despite the cold wind. Earth was his weakest element and that was what he had used for most of it. Tai wove Fire almost without thinking and lit the branches, mostly closing it off with a final flow of Earth. He was exhausted. When Covai had said a test of endurance as well, he had thought it would be nothing. Boy was he wrong.

  19. “There, a couple weaves that are flashy and effective, I knew you’d like them. Still, being an assassin requires more than the art of killing, one with the one power even more so. It requires you to be able to kill silently, without trace. To that effect, I will show you perhaps the simplest use of water as a weapon, and this weave could almost certainly be modified to use earth or air as well.”


    At the word 'Assassin' Shadar almost grinned again. It seemed as though Arcon knew exactly how to excite him. Arcon stepped up to the next covered lump and twitched it away revealing cages of rabbits. They looked frightened, which made Shadar even more excited. He fed on the fear, relished in it. Shadar watched as Arcon opened a cage and floated a particularly frightened rabbit on a flow of air. As he watched Arcon weave the threads of Water that led to its demise, Shadar wondered at the simplicity of the weave. Most weaves during this lesson had been far more complex, using multiple flows and elements. Yet this one was simple. Once again, he tucked it aways and focused on the weaving. He could see, if he understood correctly how with a weave of spirit you might be able to weave this into a victim and waited for Arcon to finish before saying as much.


    “When you have advanced in your training, there is an advanced form of this weave that I will have taught to you. I may be a bit busy bending the world to my will by that point, rest assured that I will make sure you are well taken care of Shad.”


    Something at his words pulled at something but Shadar brushed it aside. Explaining what he had thought about and demonstrating in the air in front of him after a nod from Arcon, he sat and thought about it. Would it even work in that manner? He was not sure but Arcon would certainly explain.

  20. The man's smile continued as he spoke.


    "I'm Arath, a Tower Guard. You'll be wanting to see Thera, she's the current Mistress of Trainees." A Tower Guard? D'Ashan wondered if he should bow or salute or something. The man did not seem to expect it and instead motioned for him to follow.


    Following the man's lead, D'Ashan couldn't help but stare wide-eyed at his surroundings. The place was massive, containing hulking stone buildings and men everywhere training with this weapon or that. The site was spectacular! He noticed his mouth hanging open after the first few steps and snapped it shut, refusing to let his cheeks heat once more. After a short walk the two passed under some trees and came to a stone building that managed to look as large as an Inn while somehow being somewhat small.


    "Alright, here you are. Just knock and explain yourself when you are invited in, The man's face went serious even though his eyes still showed warmth. and whatever you do, don't say the word iron ."


    D'Ashan looked back to the man from the door he had been gazing at nervously to see if he was joking but he had already turned to go. Don't say iron? Why in the world not? It made no sense but the man had been helpful so far. D'Ashan gazed after the man's retreating form and wondered why in the world he should refrain from saying a word as simple as iron. Giving up he shook his head and stepped up to the door. He hesitated with his fist poised above the door. What if she told him to leave? What if she laughed at his desire to learn? It did not matter he decided, He would take what came and do whatever it took to learn. He had heard they were hard as a hammer on new trainees. They had to be in order to make them what they would become. D'Ashan was a little afraid, but he was determined to take what came. He wanted it that badly. Firming his resolve he prepared himself to knock loudly.

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