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Posts posted by TaiDashan

  1. OOC: Sorry for the disappearance last night, internet went down and decided to be finicky :-\


    IC: Arcon nodded and a muscle loosened in his back that he had not been aware was tense.


    "Good Shadar, you mastered one of my own custom weaves, and even managed to modify it slightly. Even a well trained army of light-fools would stop and think about attacking you after that demonstration. Not to mention the absolute terror that will be unleashed when they realize a male channeler is in their midst." A chuckle escaped his lips, a hollow sound. "Following that line of thought, let us use one of the elements I truly have no talent for, Earth, combined with fire."


    Shadar thought on that comment, had not talent in Earth and Fire? As always he tucked that bit of information away and listened patiently as Arcon explained the next weave.


    "This weave is a bit simpler, and doesn't require quite so much finesse as the explosive ball does. However, it also has the advantage of being faster, not requiring a secondary step to the channeling."


    Watching him weave Earth and large amounts of Fire into the ground, Shadar's eyes widened slightly at the resulting explosion. Shadar liked fire and was pleased with Arcon's self professed modification to the weave. Shadar thought that he could see a way to alter it with Spirit and...no no no that was for another time. Right now Arcon was motioning for Shadar to try.


    Shadar assumed the Void, what Arcon called the Ko'Di, seized Saidin,  and filled himself with it. He felt like his bones must shatter from the cold, like he must have the blazing sun pulsing along his veins. Life along with Death flooded through him as well, and once again he pondered briefly what it would be like sans the Taint of the Great Lord.


    Earth, and mostly Fire, had come fairly easily for Shadar and he reveled in showing what little power he had. Mindful of control, he wove the elements out and down, plunging them into the earth. The ground shook and a section of stone erupted upward. A gout of flame errupted sending ash and molten rock surging upward for spans before plunging back to the glowing hole he had created. His lips actually curled slightly as he wove Earth again to smooth the stones of the courtyard, repairing the damage. This weave was fun.

  2. Shadar waited expectantly for his first lesson. Over the weeks he had been here Arcon had continued to teach him something new. Today was no different.


    "Fire and air are potent when combined. I have shown you a basic fireball before, and it is a lethal weapon to be sure, but it has limits. It simply burns, when it can be made to do more. Namely, explode and utterly destroy an opponent, or as the need fits, opponents." Arcon explained. He had always patiently explained what he was doing and for this Shadar was grateful.


    Shadar watched closely as Arcon wove. Air and Fire began in the usual way, but then the Air pushed outward, the Fire ballooning outward so quickly that it resulted in an explosion. Shadar nodded to himself. That would be most effective, especially on a larger scale. Stepping aside, Arcon motioned that it was Shadar's turn. Shadar studied the melons Arcon had pointed to and thought. The expansion of Air did not look so difficult, however doing so without proper control could be messy. He furrowed his brow a hairs breath and planned it out. Weaving Fire and Air as shown he duplicated the weave almost perfectly the second time. Looking at the third melon Shadar twitched in a grin. Weaving Air he tossed it high above their heads. Thinning his flow to a minute level he wove Air into the melon, piercing it to the center. Quickly as it fell he wove Fire to wrap around the filament of Air. Without stopping to look at Arcon he sent a surge of both into the center pushing outward. The melon flew apart harder than the first two and most went to ash before he wove a shield of air to stop the remainder. He knew he had not done what Arcon told him, but his idea had worked. Blank faced he turned and looked at Arcon. How would he react?

  3. As Shadar approached Arcon straightened from his casual leaning position and spoke.


    "Evening my friend. It is about time we kick your training up a notch." Shadar barely suppressed a twitch of his lips. He had come to enjoy being pushed. He was learning faster than with any single other subject he had ever studied and it was thanks to Arcon.


    "Most do not know this, but if you soak lathes in water for three days, they become almost the exact same strength as a human man's neck." Watching as the bundle was tossed, shredded and blown his way, Shadar's eyes glittered with excitement. He watched the way it was woven and was sure he could duplicate it if not as deftly.


    There are many, many ways to kill with Saidin. Especially those who can not channel themselves. I will be furthering your education on these methods today, using nearly all of the elements. It is time you became what you were born to be Shadar, a powerful warrior, and an assassin in the Great Lord's name." Shadar found himself trembling slightly and breathing in quick, quiet breaths as he bowed submissively. In a more expressive man he would be weeping with joy. To be an assassin! To serve the Great Lord in such a capacity! He was sure that the Great Lord was not the only person Arcon wanted him to serve, but he was more than alright with that option. Arcon would provide for him the ability to become more powerful than most people ever dreamed of being. For that he would kill for the man on simply a wave of his hand. He was fairly certain that Arcon knew this, but he was not one to make the man sure. There was no need to give the man complete power. He had learned that from Arcon himself. Recovering from the praise he raised his head and twitched what counted for a grin at Arcon.


    "As you wish Arcon, I live to serve." He mumbled humbly.

  4. Shadar stepped silently through the shadows on his way through the halls. The dim corridors called to mind the dregs of the taint. He had considered the filth the past weeks, and wondered at the genius of the Great Lord of the Dark. Tainting the male half of the Source was brilliance. Sadian was a brutal, destructive force. To destroy those who dared wield it against him was indeed a brilliant plan. The fact that the weaker half of the Source, the female half,  was left untainted was of no consequence. He did not know much in the way of history, but for the Great Lord to leave it safe for mortals showed his unconcern of it being used against him. Arcon had told him that he would eventually receive the Great Lord's protection when he had proved himself worthy. Simply thinking of touching Saidin, whole and clean made him shiver in delight.


    Channeling on his own was not encouraged. As a matter of fact, he had seen one young one stripped of clothing, held upside down against the rough stone of the courtyard and beaten with the Power. The rest were told that this was a small taste of what Saidin could do if the wielder where not guided properly. The seductive call of that burning, frozen life was almost worth the risk. Almost.


    He came to himself, gliding silently down the hallways had become second nature to him now, and pondered what he would learn today. He had taken to wearing a dark hooded robe of brushed velvet. He had purchased two such robes from a darkfriend peddler who had been gated in last week. The one he currently wore he had practiced his arts of intimidation on the peddler and threatened the man until he added the third for the price previously agreed upon. Stepping into the Courtyard he walked silently up to Arcon. The man had effectively became his instructor and when he said come, Shadar did not hesitate.

  5. OOC: Thank You! Was starting to think i smelled or something..  :D


    IC: Just as he had steeled himself to wander around making a fool of himself to those that knew better, a man walked up in impressive garb. His red cloak hung behind him and his armor gleamed in the sun.


    "You're looking a bit lost, do you need some help?" Relief flooded through D'Ashan at the man's smile. Finally someone had come to his aid, and seemed friendly to boot. His journey had not been a pleasant one and nothing had gone as expected. D'Ashan recalled the Inn and what had been said, the drinking to forget and the following morning. His cheeks heated slightly, and he kicked himself for blushing so easily. Bowing to the man respectfully he spoke.


    "I am D'Ashan, I come looking to learn to be a Gaidin and serve the White Tower. Shaneevae Sedai told me of a Mistress of Trainees that I was to see. Unfortunately I seem to be a little lost." He smiled back at the man and hoped he had not sounded the fool he felt.

  6. Arcon smiled. "Good! Now, to get a bit more advanced. Weave the threads, use multiple elements. nautural law usually applies to the power. Air makes fire bigger for instance, water and earth make mud or some variant. This weave is called a grenade, the first of the true combat weaves I'll be teaching you." Arcon wove Fire, and Air into the rock and tossed it. It exploded neatly into a shower of dust and debris. "Barbaric, but effective. Most of the true attack weaves are a combination of earth, fire, and air. Of course the others can be used as well, but these are the simplest."


    Shadar took it all in. The man was going on as if all were forgiven, truth be told it mostly was. The logic of the situation appealed to Shadar and he understood the tactic. One a side note, the gernade weave could be interesting. Taken to bigger scales it could turn walls into dangerous tactical locations. Not that Shadar had the strength for that, but as with everything, he filed it away for later consideration. Arcon showed him the globe of light before pushing more Fire into the weave and adding Air. It flashed to flame and burned before Arcon released it.


    "Though in truth, you've got the basics of weaving down, and over the next couple weeks I will pound so many weaves into your head, it'll be a wonder if you remember them all on the first try. I want to teach you something more today, how to make a weave last." Arcon wove Air and Fire. He waited until was sure Shadar was watching and deliberately twisted the ends of the flows, tying them into a knot. It was a simple knot that Shadar was sure he could unravel but that was not the point. Arcon stood there after releasing, but the globe remained! "Try it, it'll be another thing to practice."


    Shadar stood in thought for a moment. Saidin sang along his veins and cried out to be used. Weaving a web of Fire laced with Spirit, he added a small flow of Air and held it. The weaving was complex but it did not seem to do anything. The corners of his mouth twitched downward ever so slightly in what for Shadar constituted a frown. Releasing the weave he tried a few others, using all the elements and practicing the slicing he had been shown. Finally he balanced a small ball of Fire and Air on one finger, twisted the ends and knotted it. Releasing the Source he looked at Arcon.


    "You have taught me much. For that I am thankful." He paused and considered the man. Nodding slightly to himself as if deciding something he continued. "I will do my best to learn any weave you teach me. I live to serve." Bowing he hid the briefest upturning of his lips. He had heard that term murmured in the halls one night as he was drifting off to sleep. He had liked the sound of that.

  7. "I'm sorry Shadar. I am still new to teaching, and I thought if I forced you, you would prosper. It looks like I was wrong." Shadar watched the man approach with eyes flat as gray slate. He was not sure what he could do against the Adept should he choose to attack again, but what the man had said made sense. He tensed slightly as the man lay a hand on him and nearly struck out with the Source when he felt Arcon's Channeling.


    "What you did, you fell into yourself... You took the pain. I have seen that before, when people are so accustomed to it they simply grunt through it." Shadar nodded slightly as Arcon stepped back a few paces. "I am sure that reflex has saved you in the past, but..." Suddenly he wove a torrent of Fire and rocks exploded over head. "Against a channeler, your only chance is reaction. That is what I was trying to teach you. Now release, grasp, and weave something 10 times. Get used to the feeling of it leaving you Shad, and force it to come back to you whenever you desire. I don't care what you weave."


    Arcon stepped back and released Saidin. Shadar considered the man for a moment. the fact that he left himself defenseless, or as defenseless as the man was being the more experienced, spoke more for his earlier explanation than any words. Nodding slightly Arcon released. It only took a few tries before he was able to fill himself with Saidin on command, there must have been something to that little exercise after all. Weaving Earth as Arcon had, Shadar shot balls of stone into the air and turned them to dust with weaves of Fire flying from his fingers. The corners of his mouth twitched upward slighly as he wove. It felt good to redirect the pain outward again.

  8. "Good morning Shadar. It is time to teach you the basics of weaving the one power."


    Shadar looked at the man consideringly. He had suspected that he was no where near competent in his control of Saidin.


    "You've done pretty well for how long you have been here Shad, but its time to train you how to really become a channeler of the shadow." Arcon seized the Source and slowly wove flows of Air. They were fairly basic but before the weave could make sense Arcon spoke again. "I have shown you two basic shields, earth and air. Use one to guard yourself." With that he struck, multiple weaves flying towards Shadar at once.


    He had not even been in the Void, waiting for the command to seize Saidin first. He floated in the Void as the first blows struck. Long ago Shadar had learned to shut out physical pain, he didn't even grunt as one struck him a blow that made his head ring. By the time the strikes returned he was far more prepared. He fumbled for the Source as soon as he was in the Void, fumbling truly was the word. On his third try he was successful. He drank deeply and filled himself with its bone-shattering, molten, filth coated life. Two more clubs of Air caught him, one in the ribs and another to the jaw before he could throw up a shield of Air. Grim determination settled outside the Void like a dustcloak. A small piece of Shadar's mind screamed for him to strike back, to kill the man that had attacked him so suddenly. Instead he watched the weaves used against him and countered as fast as he could. Still many struck, knocking him off balance for yet more blows to fall. Not that it exactly caused him pain. Not in the sense that most people would feel it, but he was aware and not happy. The more he struggled the faster they came. He was only fending off about one third of them when suddenly they ceased. Shadar realized he was crouched slightly and calmly straightened. He gazed at the Adept warily. He would not underestimate this man again.

  9. Shadar dressed hurriedly in near dark of the early morning. Arcon had sent someone to meet with him in his room and said that he wanted to continue his training. Shadar had been at the fortress for about 2 weeks now and mostly had stayed to his rooms save when he needed a meal. He had been practicing with Arcon, the Adept asking him to try things increasingly more complex. He still struggled to seize Saidin when he desired, and still fumbled weaves. Shadar suspected there was something of a testing or measuring quality to their sessions, however he was learning quickly and that was enough for him so far. Most people here seemed fairly content to keep to themselves and Shadar was ok with that. He was quiet and really did not like people as a general rule. He had taken a liking to Arcon however. The man had earned his respect at least as far as most people had in a long time and worked hard to train him.


    Quickly making his way through the hallways he practiced moving silently as he sometimes did when alone. He prized making himself as silent as possible. Walking on the balls of his feet and keeping close to the walls he sidestepped quickly, one foot crossing over the other. He was sure it was early enough that he would not encounter anyone, and walking quietly had its advantages. Coming into the courtyard he slowed to a more reasonable pace and walked in a more normal fashion. Pulling his cloak tighter around him against the chill, wet morning air he walked to where Arcon Waited for him. Inclining his head slightly as he had taken to doing, he spoke from beneath his hood.


    "Good morning too you Adept Arcon. I am here as instructed."


    He watched the man silently and waited for his lesson. Already Arcon had brought him far. He would take him farther if Shadar had any choice in the matter.

  10. "It is the single greatest weapon against another channeler, and not all that difficult a weave to do, but for now, it is far beyond you." Then he would work until it was not he thought to himself. Arcon directed him to reduce the flow of Saidin. Almost as if rolling it between his fingers, Shadar thinned out the Source to minute amounts. It was hard at this level but under the direction of the Adept he was able to slowly sink a hair thin flow of Earth and plant the flower.


    "Alright, now keep your power low, and watch very carefully." Shadar watched very intently. He had begun to see the weaves more so now that he could recognize them while he held the Source. Arcon wove a good amount of Spirit and twisted in Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. Shadar committed it to memory but knew he would have to try it a few times before he would grasp the concept. There was no practical purpose that he could see, but he was one to know that things were not always what they appeared to be.


    "This is called a keeping, and it is an infinitely useful weave. It quite simply stops rot. Food under the keeping will never rot, and this flower will never wilt. For two years I have been here, and I have a flower from my first few weeks, the dew from that day still trapped upon it."


    Arcon finished by flashing the thing to ashes. Frowning slightly, Shadar hesitated for a moment consideringly. So far he had been able to handle the weaves the man had asked and the risk had seen relatively low. However the risk of failure, to Shadar, was far greater a risk than merely losing the ability to channel. Almost as if he could read Shadar's mind, Arcon spoke.


    "Go slow, no harm shall come." Inclining his head slightly, Shadar began to weave. Drawing a flower to him that had an ant in the center he slowly, painstakingly wove with more precision than his other weaves combined. Sweat stood out on his face in a light sheen but he completed the weave at last. He had chosen the tiny ant in the middle to suit his mood. If what Arcon had said was true, it would stay there with that flower for years to come.

  11. "Good, Shad. Now, stop channeling, and listen very closely. It is time to start weaving. Pay attention, extend all of your senses."


    Watching as Arcon wove, Shadar was not sure he could duplicate the feat.


    "Alright, that was simple for me, but might be infuriatingly difficult for you. Don't get upset with yourself if you accidentally set the flower aflame completely. Now, pick a flower with air, and bring it to you, and do as I did. Don't worry, I can stop any flow and the source if you mess up."


    Turning his focus back to the Source he felt out Air. Seizing it clumsily away from the rest he wove it like a thread toward the bush. Or tried to at any rate, it was a fair approximation of what Arcon had shown him but lacking in the finesse of the more experienced man. Reaching a few times, Shadar initially tore off a branch of the bush. Thinning the flow he stripped some leaves and a flower off and floated them over. Determination danced around the edge of the Void. The Void had been one of his favorite things about learning to channel, before he actually touched Saidin that was. next came Fire, this one felt slightly easier to notice. Control was another matter. Thinning the flows to precise uses was difficult to say the least.


    Three flowers went up in a small gout of flame, and another branch torn free before he got the right of it. Next was Water, weaving a small amount it doused the flame. Holding the flow of Air was even harder and made it next to impossible sometimes. Weaving Earth a large mound rose suddenly and almost knocked him over. Trying again a large crater formed before the weave snapped back into him. It was nothing compared to the lightning crack of a horsewhip though and the man simply furrowed his brow in concentration and continued. Once he had finished he looked up at Arcon.


    "I cut your weave just then." Arcon explained when Shadar asked about the whipping sensation. Shadar's eyebrow rose ever so slightly at that. He was interested. A way of stopping what someone else was channeling? That definitely had its uses.

  12. "I know, as you can not have done this to many times before, that it is hard to hold onto the source. You probably can't even imagine doing anything with it at this point, but you will. Look inside of the source as it fills you. You should notice something, it is not a solid thing. It is in fact made up of five elements."


    Shadar listened as the man explained how to see the different elements. Focusing on that searing bolt of light flowing through him, he could almost taste the different flows. Arcon listed off the elements. Shadar thought he could almost see something as he did but more than anything, he could feel each one more strongly as Arcon listed them. He watched patiently as Arcon showed him something with each until the Source suddenly disappeared. Confused, Shadar reached out again only to run up against an unseen something. Almost like a smooth wall of warm ice.


    "It is quite shocking, suddenly being unable to channel, and I assure you that feeling of loss you are experiencing, never goes away. Claw at the source all you want, until I will it you will not be able to channel, and you are at my mercy." Panic lanced through Shadar in quick, jagged bolts. He hated being powerless. Frankly it terrified him. Arcon continued, easing his terror only slightly. He kept his face as blank as Shadar's. "Or you would be, but here in the fortress, there is something known as the Peace of the Shadow. No killing inside these walls. Be very sure you abide by that rule, it is not pleasant to disobey it. Now, I want you to embrace the source again,"


    Shadar felt the freezing fire fill him alongside the shadowy taint almost as the man said it. He almost missed Arcon's next words for wondering at the need to Seize Saidin. Oh but the power! He very nearly grinned. try to pick out the strands of the elements, and just drag them out, extending them with your will. Don't try to weave anything, just, hold them out, one at a time, release, and then the next."


    Once again Shadar felt for the unseen strands blindly feeling for their flavor. Doing as instructed he relished in the Power.

  13. "Alright then Shad, the first step is hard for most, but you look quite capable. You must first achieve Ko'Di, or oneness. This is often called the Void. The first step is to form a flame in your mind, usually a candle. Then, feed your emotions into the flame, then your memories, until everything that you are is consumed by this flame. When this is achieved, you will have achieved the Void, a near emotionless state that allows for supreme concentration. Within the void, Saidin should be waiting, a pulsating sphere of power, covered with the taint of the Great Lord of the Dark."


    There were not many differences save the name and Shadar quickly assumed the Void. It only took a couple of tries this time. It was getting easier. The man's next comment elicited a small twitch at the corner of his mouth that almost became a grin.


    If I might make a suggestion Shad, don't try to manipulate me. I assure you I am better at it." His respect deepened for the man and he evaluated him differently. He had known he was Carheinien from his height but.. a grin and he was continuing. "The next part is a bit trickier. Fill yourself with Saidin, prepare to go to battle, it is a raging torrent of ice and flame, filled with the taint. It takes a good while to get used to any of the effects, and to be safe, do not draw to much. I warn you, you can burn the ability to channel right out of yourself, or even commit suicide by drawing too much."


    With a small nod Shadar reached out as Raylor had shown him and seized hold of the Source. Or rather tried to, it took a few times but finally he felt the life and shadow filling him. Raylor had warned that if he felt pain he had gone too far. It was hard to stay in control, let alone focusing on drawing any more. The freezing filth that threatened to shatter his bones filled him, along side the molten heat of life. Focusing his dark eyes on Arcon he waited.

  14. Shadar watched interestingly as a small smile spread across Arcon's lips. Years of being beaten for the smallest expression change had schooled his features to stillness almost without thought. It was rare that he showed emotion on the outside and this was no exception.


    Shadar Al'niende, eh? Well, I suppose you have been found again." Shadar had not a clue what the man was talking about but did not have time to do more than tuck it away for inspection later before the man continued. "Before we get to any formal training, I suppose I should show you a bit of the Fortress, though I honestly doubt anyone knows every corner of this blasted place. Afterwards, I'll teach you the first steps of Saidin."


    So he would teach him the first steps to Saidin? He would allow the man to show him the things Rayol had. It would be interesting to see if there were differences in the teaching and there was no use letting the man have any advantage in knowledge than he must. They walked around the Fortress and Arcon showed him the Adept quarters.


    "I don't suggest coming here uninvited, things tend to explode if I don't want you touching them." Shadar blinked slowly and mulled that over inclining his head slightly to acknowledge the admonition.


    In all honesty, Shadar was just as lost when they finished, as when they begun. True he had only been paying half attention, but matters demanded his thoughts.


    "First I must know if you have had any kind of training, or if I will have to teach you Ko'Di, as well as how to embrace the source." Shadar nearly snorted. embrace Saidin. It was definitely not an embrace but more of seizing and fighting it for control. Instead he took a breath and spoke.


    "Let us say I am clay in your capable hands. Instruct from the beginning that I may know how you would have me serve." Let him take that to mean the Great Lord or himself. Shadar did somewhat like the man. Trust, however, was another matter. Shadar rarely trusted.

  15. Shadar was a boiling mass of emotion inside but a stormy calm on the outside. He would not let one muscle twitch unless it had purpose. He still had not been told why they had stopped here, only that they were supposed to. Rayol had not said much on their journey, he was not one for words. That suited Shadar just fine. They had run horses to death to get here in this short of time, the strange part was that the horses looked fresh as they collapsed beneath them. Shadar was sure it was due to the Power. On the journey Rayol had instructed him in how to touch Saidin, to fight to control it and not be swept asunder. Didn't want him killing them both he had growled in way of explanation. Shadar was not sure what lay ahead, other than service to the Great Lord and learning how to wield Saidin.


    Ahead a silver line of light rotated into a doorway and Shadar arched an eyebrow slightly as the woman stepped through. Catching a glimpse of dark bed chambers before it winked out, he eyed the woman behind calm, stormy gray eyes.


    “Riadra? I’m honored; you actually got out of bed for me.” Rayol said smiling. Her laughter at this caused her scant domani dress to do interesting things.


    “I suppose that is enough games for now.  There will most likely be an Adept waiting to pick up your tag along, so let’s get this business done with. You know I’d much rather be playing…” she said.


    Another line of light appeared but this time it showed what he assumed was the Fortress. Rayol had told him of it briefly in their travels. Shadar wondered which one had made the doorway in the air. As they stepped through they were confronted by a short, pale skinned man with a patch over one eye. The others spoke briefly and he was left with the black haired man.


    “I’m sure you heard, but I am Arcon Dadred, Adept of the Fortress, which is where you are now. To put it simply, this is where dreadlords and dreadladies are born. Since you are here, I assume you can channel, and it will be my job to teach you how, at least the first few steps. First of all, what is your name? I can’t very well be calling you ‘boy’, as you do look a bit older than me.” For the first time in days, Shadar opened his mouth and gave voice to his thoughts. As he spoke he bowed respectfully.


    "My name is Shadar Al'Niende, most call me Shad. Preferably the shape you whip me into will be a deadly one." A slow grin spread across his face as he waited to be instructed. He would wait and learn everything he was given.

  16. Tai jogged into the stables and laughed out loud in delight. He was early. His delight was short lived however, as Michelle walked in with Arath and the man spoke.


    "Ready for an exciting shopping trip Tai?" Tai's mouth dropped open. THIS was why he had almost broken his fool neck rushing to get here early?! A SHOPPING TRIP?! Arath must be joking, he did look as if he wanted to laugh. Then, he turned to Michelle.


    "Go pick a horse," Waiting for her to leave he rounded on Tai, a particularly nasty grin on his face. "What?  You think I was going to suffer through this alone?  Think of it as a penance for scaring her last night." Tai groaned and muttered darkly about it being Arath's fault in the first place for not telling him she was coming. Now he was going to drag Tai along on a trip for the Light knew how long. Michelle rode over all smug satisfaction and spoke in that sickeningly sweet way she had.


    "Ready to go boys?"


    Tai stalked off muttering to find a horse.


    "Pretentious, presumptuous, self absorbed, spoiled little...." He muttered under his breath.


    The woman grated him to no end! Every time he thought he found something nice about her, she did something to show how spoiled and rude she could be and set his temper burning again! Not for the first time Tai thought about freezing her bath water solid. And Arath! What had he done to deserve to be dragged into this? Arath brings the spoiled brat back from wherever she crawled out from and...Tai's cheeks nearly heated with shame. He was being rude, if only in his thoughts.


    ~You are not alone in your thoughts.~ Chaos cackled before Tai shoved him aside. Choosing a horse he walked it back to where Michelle was waiting, he would not ride just to put himself on the same level with her. So what if she looked down on him from horseback? Her attitude be burned. His mood was no longer a good one, and it seemed as if the day was only going to get worse.

  17. Fanten absently patted the stallion's neck as he gazed at the walls of what looked to be quite the settlement. Reaching up he re-tied his shoulder length, curly black hair with a leather cord and frowned, settling his wrists on the pommel once more. He normally looked as if he disapproved of something, however the view in front of him had him worrying slightly as well. This "Farm" as he had heard it called looked more like a small town, with black coated men striding about purposefully. He had come looking for the Horn and had expected...what? He wasn't sure what he had expected, but the thought of hundreds of channeling men gathered in one spot had sounded like the stuff of legends. To Fanten that sounded like the perfect place to birth the Horn of Valere. If not, he would ride on like he had countless times, the fact remained it must be found. Dismounting, he checked the horse's bridle and saddle unconsciously while considering how to approach and what questions to ask.


    Leading his horse, he approached the two men standing at what could be called a gate, If it had a gate between the walls. In armor with a sword at his back he would look intimidating he knew, especially on horseback. But one man, dismounted walking into a nest of channelers should not cause too much alarm. Still the men stiffened and eyed his approach carefully.


    Good. He thought to himself. They knew their duty and were trained well.


    Speaking briefly with one of the men he noticed one had a sword pin on his collar and the other did not. His dark tilted eyes did not miss who gave the orders of the two either, and quickly took note of the ranking system. It would not do to overstep himself with someone of rank. Ignorance was never an excuse. The two men directed him to a tall structure near the central area of the settlement and it was not long before he found himself slipping a silver penny to someone for taking his horse. He tucked his riding gloves behind his belt and strode to the front of the Inn. He might as well get a feel for the place and rinse the dust of travel from his throat. The sooner he asked his questions the sooner he could either find what he was after or move on.

  18. Yay! Fresh Blood!


    I mean...er...um... Welcome!  ;)


    Seriously though, good to see you on board with the BT, Tai'dashan is an Asha'man that is really getting interesting of late.  ;D Take a look through his bio page here for a short heads up and links to his threads (ongoing are marked) and let me know if you think up something fun!


    Welcome again!

  19. OOC: Looking for some direction, first post in the Div. Go Here for his Bio and Here for his arrival in Tar Valon. Just in case you would like some backround.  ;)


    IC: D'Ashan nervously reached over his shoulders one at a time, and adjusted the Scimitars on his back. He had left the stables behind and his confidence with it. The wide stone yard stretched out in front of him,and steel rang on steel as men practiced with assorted weapons. Not for the first time, he thought to himself that he was a fool. The previous nights headache fading along with this morning's experience almost heated his cheeks in embarrassment.


    I am a fool, but i have made up my mind. He sighed heavily. It was time to be about it despite his hesitation. He truly did not know what to expect. Shaneevae Sedai was not exactly forthcoming about things, and truth be told that hadn't really been his focus right at the moment. This time his cheeks did heat as he blushed. Whatever was to come his way, he had come here to learn. He would do what he was told when told it, and he would learn every scrap he was thrown. Sherrhianna had mentioned the Mistress of Trainees and whoever she was, he figured that was as good a place to start as any. Looking around he attempted to decide wich way to go first, and who to approach. They all looked busy and quite scary. Shuffling his feet slightly he berated himself for his childish unease.


    Get on with it you wool-headed idiot! He thought to himself gruffly. His apprehension be burned, standing around all day was not going to get him started.

  20. OOC: Good point, at least we have closure right? I left it somewhat open at the end if Sherrhiana wants to walk him to the yard  :)


    "thats the stables down there, go around it and you will find your way by the sound of metal" She pointed in a general direction. Seems as if he was to find his own way. D'Ashan let himself look where she had motioned before glancing back at her. Her back was already turned and he was about to head off when she spoke.


    "You know life always throws bumps, its how you deal with them that define you" She nodded then and D'ashan grinned.


    "That sounds like some pretty sound advice Sherriana." his voice softened and his face even heated slightly. "Thank you for your help." Turning to go, D'Ashan wondered if he would ever see her again. Strange thought for one heading to train as a Warder. Suddenly he remembered he was carrying his weapons under his arm. Bending down he lay both scabbards on the ground. One at a time he strapped the scimitars across his back, and replaced his coat. Both hilts stuck up above each shoulder. Sighing he glanced at the stables.


    Time to begin.  He thought.

  21. Excellent, being on my own doesn't scare me too much as i have RP'ed a BT member for a while now. ;) I do however need a layout of Tar Valon (from the infirmary) in order to find my way around...(any good links you know of that i can reference while posting?) I was thinking of maybe running into your char to get started? Let me know in PM or here if you have any ideas you would like to discuss. Otherwise i will start reading up on my Warders Yard Posts and get with what has been going on lately. ;D

  22. Hey, i have a char D'Ashan who has a bio up on the wiki. I started him a long time ago but my mentor posted once and then left with the massive migrations to the arie-ronshor boards  :-\ I would like to get my warder started again, he is currently at the infirmary on one of my last posts but i am more than willing to start over posting a anew arrival thread. (Not that its that far lol), however...i need a mentor and some direction as to how to get started again. Here is his bio, taken from the wiki, for reference


    His Bio on the wiki is Here


    It reads kind of funny on the last part, so you can alternately go To My Website where I have cataloged the necessary posts, bio etc. If anyone can provide me with some direction that would be great as I am excited to get him up and running after over a year of nothing! ;D

  23. Tai was straining. Holding a weave of Fire, one of this magnitude anyway, even if he tied off the others was incredibly difficult. The weave really had no practical use and was really only for show. He had been able to hold the thing for about 7 minutes before completely exhausting himself. Today he had held it for only three.


    "Uh...Do you think you can teach me to do that?"


    Tai rose to his feet and let the weave go. "I could teach you. Unfortunately it is not a weave well suited for more than foolish pride." He grimaced to show that was meant for himself. "The weave is ridiculously difficult to maintain for any amount of time. Maybe some day I will." He glanced at Toram who looked on the edge of speaking. "You too Toram." He chuckled to himself. The man was as eager as Tai had ever been.


    Walking over to survey the men's work he nodded and grinned. "You men have done well, the last part will be erecting the place. Toram I want you to put up stone walls here, here and here. The final one I want you to leave a space for a door right about here." He walked around the site showing the man where the walls were to sit, how to sink them into the ground for stability, and where the door and windows would be. He then showed Dazar his plans for the roof and asked him to help Toram with the walls as well. Working together could be good for the two of them.


    "We are almost done my friends." With that he looked at Dazar pointedly "Finish up and we will have a nice hot meal at the Inn."

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