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Posts posted by TaiDashan

  1. Hall took the lead and led him to the mess hall. D'Ashan took his place in line behind the man and received his portion of what looked to be venison in some sort of brown sauce. His stomach growled again and he licked his lips in anticipation. He looked over the slightly wizened apples and skipped over them in favor of some hard cheese and warm, crusty bread. Grabbing a wooden mug from the table next to the line he filled it with water and followed Hall to a table. D'Ashan glanced around at the other boys and nodded before sitting down. No one seemed to be wanting him to leave he noted with relief.


    "So where are you from yourself, and how come you decided to join the warders?


    D'Ashan paused with a slice of meat to his lips and glanced at it ruefully before placing it back on his plate.


    "Wanted to do something good with my life." He said diffidently, shrugging. "What better than to be a warder and fight for the Light?" D'Ashan glanced at Hall and around the table, he hoped he wouldn't be teased about his answer...

  2. HAHA, Tai'Dashan got a dose of that just before you left (right after he came to the tower anyway)


    Fanten would be more um...shall we say, prone to listening? Pm me with a link we will see where it goes

  3. Shadar watched Alliveer with a knot of satisfaction growing in the back of his head and smiled a little in the shadows of his cowl. This one was strong. He seemed a fair match for himself at that stage if not quite so quick to take to the weaves. Yes, he would give Arcon a valuable tool indeed. There were two tasks yet to be completed however. These would show the true test of how effective a tool this man would be.


    "Good." he said when the man had completed the weaves and voiced his readiness. His icy tone almost made him chuckle as his thoughts drifted to the Half-Breed. Now that, was one to give ice shivers he grudgingly admitted. This one did not know the true meaning of ice. Shadar found himself somewhat liking this Alliveer. His obedience was quick if not slightly arrogant. Despite his personal feelings he knew who was in charge and would obey. He would go far in the service of the Great Lord on that alone.


    "Next I will teach you to tie off a flow. This is just as it sounds, you will actually be tying the weaves of your flows to hold them together. You must be careful what flows you tie of as, flows like Fire can be destructive if left over time." Shadar realized he was falling into the same reason that Arcon had with him. Teach, demonstrate, allow him to try. Drain. Rinse. Repeat.


    Holding his hand out in front of him he wove a trickle of Fire and Air. Twisting and folding them in onto themselves he completed the weave and a globe of pale light hovered above his palm. Taking the ends he tied them in a knot and checked them to make sure they would hold. Only then did he remove his hand. The globe of light floated in the air between them and softly penetrated the darkness of his hood briefly. Untying the weaves he let it dissipate.


    "Now it is your turn, go slowly as tying it off is difficult for someone with your skill and can cause the weave to fall apart if not done correctly." He did not mean the comment about skill as a slight, and hoped the man would take it for the instruction that it was.

  4. "Hall, I been here some months now, is up from Saldea" D'Ashan recognized in Hall's voice another far from home. He knew what that felt like. Mayene was a long way away as well and while D'Ashan was glad to be given a chance here, he missed home sometimes. D'Ashan's green-gold eyes found Hall's blue and he smiled. The other man was friendly, and he could use friends.


    "just arrived here then?" D'Ashan nodded. Had the morning off, but its lunchtime I'd say, so if you want we can head over to the mess, and then I'll show you around some? Before Tai could nod, his stomach rumbled and he realized he had not had anything to eat since the night before. He worked his shoulders uncomfortably at the missing weight of his scimitars. He truly did feel naked without them.


    "A meal sounds really good." He assented. "That, and i am really lost around here. The only direction I got was from Shaneevae Sedai, and that was only how to get to the yard." He had to fight to keep a grin and a blush from his face when he thought of Shaneevae. He may give her the honorific when speaking out loud, but in his mind the rain, the kisses, and the brandy came long before he knew the title. He looked at Hall.  "Shall we?"

  5. D'Ashan winced a little as the man swung his legs over and stood. He was a head taller than D'Ashan. His wince soon became a grin as the other man offered him choice of his bunk. He didn't seem upset.


    "No thank you." He replied to the man's question. "It's just my saddle bags. They don't weigh much." He tossed the saddle bags over the end of the top bunk opposite the other man and leaned against it. The room was small bt not overly so. The small window not letting in terribly too much light. He thought he could see a tree outside though, maybe it was just shade that caused the dim room. That, and it was nearing evening. With a start he realized he had not introduced himself, and the two were just standing there silent.


    "My names D'Ashan." He said, sticking his hand out for the other man to clasp. It was calloused from working with his sword but firm and warm. He hoped the other man didn't mind.

  6. Shadar had pondered many things since coming to the Fortress. It was as if the Great Lord had been shaping him to serve from a young age. Alone in his cold stone room of the Fortress, he had contemplated his place in the Shadow's plan upon his arrival. The cold fear worming through him took him back to that cold stone room for a moment.


    ~ Shadar Al'Niende, Initiate to the Shadow sat alone in a cold, dusty stone room. He stared at his hands for a moment before closing his eyes. "Great Lord," He murmured fervently. "I live to serve." In the comforting blackness behind his eyes a thought slowly took form. His mother had died giving birth to him, his father shortly after imprisoned for murder. Both Parents swept aside, he was left to the denizens of the city. Galan, the man who had taught him the meaning of fear, the meaning of power. The Great Lord had brought him here, to the gift of Saidin and his ability to return it through service. His eyes popped open as he thought this. Weeping, he fell to his knees from the chair he had been sitting in. The tears, so alien to him, ran down his cheeks as he realized the attention and value the Shadow had placed on his life. The Shadow had brought him here, had taught him and given him those that would care for him like Arcon. The Great Lord had given him far better parents then the Light had seen fit to. "I live to serve Great Lord." He whispered into the silence. "Till my last breath. I vow you will be free!" ~


    Arcon's words brought him fully back to the present and he realized he had been staring at the eyeless slug of a thing in front of him this whole time.


    “Good, now that you have introduced yourselves. I will set the rules, Dhjon. You hurt him in any severe way, and I’ll find ways to make even you wide eyed." Arcon's possessive comment left a warm feeling in the back of Shadar's skull. Now, I’ll leave you to your instruction.”


    The Fadeling drew his other dagger. Here he was, unarmed with an armed Fade standing in front of him. He wondered if the Fade really understood the power of Saidin and what he could do to him with it were he not shielded. Shad barely kept a grin in check.


    “Well, let me see Adept Al’Niende. Do you have any skill, or will I be telling you that the pointy end is bad? Since you carry hidden weapons, I assume you at least don’t draw blood when you draw them? Though I could be wrong…”


    Shadar noted that the Fade knew of his hidden weapons and reminded himself to ask Arcon how it had known. Dropping the blades easily into his hands he spun them easily into place. Hilt in each palm he held them up for inspection. He looked at them as if inspecting them closely, fake concern plain on his face, venomy sweetness dripping from his voice.


    "Nope. No blood, see?" He looked at the Fadeling making a show of showing him the blades. He did grin then, a little insolence could not hurt. If the Fade wanted to play, Shad would win... "Lets get started." He let disgust show for the Fade and his frivolities. If he was here to learn, let the Fadeling show him something other than how to bandy words.

  7. Fanten sat on his cot and sighed. He scrubbed a hand through his hair and over his face. He had been here much longer than he would have liked when his journey first began, but over time he had made friends with an Asha'man named Tai'Dashan who had convinced him that this was a far more worthy cause then simply finding the horn. Tai had shown him Saidin and how to use it and had been a friend of sorts thus far. He had in fact, asked if He could train on of the new Soldiers now that he was a Dedicated. The pin at his throat was not even a week old. Grunting, he stood. No use wasting time. He had rank here and so needed to show confidence as well as competence.


    Glancing in the bubbled mirror he looked at himself. His brows were slightly furrowed and he was frowning. He tried to straighten the frown from his face but only succeeded in looking like he wanted to bite something. He always had a look about him as if he were not pleased. It was just his disposition. One he was trying to outgrow.


    Heading out the door, he walked to the training grounds where he was to meet the Soldier. He could not for the life of him remember the boy's name, Carrot? Kanis? He hadn't gotten much sleep last night and was in a somewhat foul mood. Irritably he shoved the thought out of his mind and trudged through the muck that used to be snow. Weaving Earth and Fire he raised a bench at a spot in the training grounds and cleared it of snow. He sat and waited for his Mentee to arrive. The boy better like horses, he thought grumpily.

  8. D'Ashan blinked as he stepped out into the light. It was bright after the Mistress of Trainee's quarters despite the windows. He closed the rough wooden door behind him and shifted uncomfortably at the missing weight on his back. This was going to take some getting used to. She had assured him he would get his blades back when he had been trained, but that did nothing to settle the loss. Sighing he set off toward the stables to get his belongings from his saddlebags. After securing the bags and slinging them over his shoulder, he set off in the direction she had sent him, to get settled in the Barracks where he could.


    D'Ashan wondered what his life here would hold. he was determined to do whatever was asked no matter how hard, and that determination might be the only thing that got him through from what he had seen so far. As if to illustrate his thoughts a group of young men, stripped to the waist went running by in a group. Sweaty and unsteady they looked as if they had been running all day. The sun had started down the other side of its path across the sky and shadows were lengthening in the afternoon light. D'Ashan shook his head and continued on, quickening his step.


    Approaching the building the Mistress of Trainee's had mentioned he ducked inside after pulling the wide, heavy door open enough to admit him. The air was warm inside and he realized that he had been somewhat cold. His cloak was still in his saddlebags. Thera, the Mistress of Trainee's, he corrected himself; had told him he could find a room on the first floor that had a free bed. Wandering down the hall he glanced at the doors that he passed, how to choose one? What if they were occupied? Nearing some stairs he decided he was running out of doors. Laying his hand on the handle of one hesitantly, he was suddenly startled by a group of boys hurtling down the steps whooping and chasing each other. One of them bumped into him and sent him stumbling sideways into the room. He barely caught more than a glimpse of the room before hearing a thud and a muttered curse from someone inside. His eyes adjusting to the light his now forgotten saddlebags lay at his feet.


    "I am terribly sorry to barge in like that, those boys they..." He felt like a fool as he looked for words. "I'm sorry." he finished softly. He could see the boy on the bottom bunk now, and he looked to be scowling at him. Not that D'Ashan could blame him.

  9. Shadar listened to the strain in the man's voice and nodded. Good, he could hold his temper. He knew Arcon had walked through these steps with the man but wanted to see how he would react to being re-taught. His wonder at why Arcon had chosen this one for a tool grew, but he was not one to question. Arcon had asked it of him, that was enough. He would learn how to shape the tool that Arcon would use. Teaching in the One Power or manipulating a man to his own gain, the two today were mutually exclusive.


    "Enough of the basics. In this class, you will learn how to weave, how to tie off weaves, how to cut the flows of others, and how to grasp the Power when you need it." Shadar's voice became hard. The man had an arrogant air that would soon be crushed from him if he did not get it under control. "You will seize and release on command, and weave as I tell you. No more, no less. If you do not, you will be punished. Disobedience is painfully discouraged here." Waiting a moment to let the words sink in, Shadar replaced his hands in his sleeves and watched the man for a moment.


    "Now, I want you to seize the Source. We are going to go through some basic weaves." Without waiting to see if the other man complied, he seized the Source and rode the torrents of fire and ice that told him he was alive. "First I will teach you one of the most basic of weaves, the Fireball." Raising his hand, palm outward he started weaving the required elements, Air and Fire. Flicking the first to fingers on his hand upward and his thumb outward he completed the weave and sent it hurtling into the sky. The hand motions were not necessary or so Arcon said, but Shad had learned the weave that way and could do it no other way. Weaving Earth he brought up 3 stones the size of a man's head. Tossing one up into the air he wove Fire and Air and the rock was turned to molten dust.


    "Next, you will learn Riven Earth."  Moving another of the stones a few paces off with a simple flow of Air, he pressed his hands together at the wrists palms outward, and wove Earth and Fire into the ground in front of him. The ground erupted in a fountain of stone and slag. Weaving Air Shadar gusted the remnants away from them so as not to allow harm. Pulling up another stone he turned back to Alliveer. "I will toss this stone into the air so that you will have a target. Do not be discouraged if you miss, forming the weave is more what you are after. That more than aim."


    After a few tries and the weave coming easier to the man, he prepared a shield and cutting weaves. "The next weave is a bit more destructive and I do not want you to harm yourself. Go slowly and you will be fine." Moving the final stone paces away he turned back to the man. The scowl on his face fit, the man seemed to have a taste in his mouth that he did not enjoy. "Now weave." He commanded.

  10. "Yes adept Shadar, Master Arcon has taught me the technique. I am ready to learn whatever you will teach me" Shadar thought a moment before nodding, his hood dipping slightly with the motion of his head. Arcon had mentioned the lad had already learned the basics but Shadar wanted to press him, cause some frustration and see how he would react. It would be his first lesson in how far he could push someone before they reached their limit.


    "Good, eagerness to learn will allow you to go far. While refusal to give your will to the Great Lord, and those who speak for him, will lead to pain. Mark this lesson well." He paused a moment to make sure the weight of his words were appreciated. "I want you to achieve the Oneness you have been taught. Do not be frustrated by failure, it is common in the beginning and only serves to teach. Only Failure to the Great Lord is something to fear."


    The man attempted the Oneness repeatedly until he was able to achieve and hold it. It did not take overly long, nor was he extremely fast about it. Once he saw the man's dark eyes go flat Shadar continued.


    "Good. Now, stretch your awareness and feel Saidin pulsing in the emptiness. Some refer to it as a light just over their shoulder. Some, a glow they can almost see just beyond sight. Feel for it and sense its presence nothing more." Shadar wove a shield in case the man drew on Saidin in ignorance while sensing it. "Often times,you will not be able to do more than sense the Source in these early stages. Your most earnest attempts at seizing it and bending it to your will will fail like trying to catch the wind in your fingers. Now I want you to seize the Source. Do nothing but hold it," He said warningly, his voice taking on an edge of steel wrapped in silk. "I will be here should things go wrong. do not let them." Perhaps it was unfair of him to be so strict. The man truly could not have more than a fumbling control of the Source at this point. However, if Arcon had taken an interest in him, and requested Shad to train him; Shadar would not hand him a soft tool. The man fumbled for the source. He seized and lost the Source a few times, his frustration growing until finally he held the Source.


    "Good." He could see the struggle on the man's face as he fought to keep himself alive in the struggle for survival that was Saidin. "Now release Saidin." Shadar nodded in satisfaction when the man complied without delay. "A point of note, if you are told to release Saidin and delay, or should you seize without being told in an instruction. You will be punished, and it will not be pleasant. Now I want you to seize the Source again, this time inspect it. You will find it is made up of 5 distinct parts, or flavors if you will." Shadar proceeded to explain the 5 elements that made up the Source, weaving as he spoke.


    "In case you cannot see the weaves yet, I will do something with each to illustrate. First is Fire." He pulled his hand from his sleeve and held it out between them.


    "Fire," He wove a strand of Fire and folded it in on itself, creating a small ball of flame above his palm. It danced and swirled hypnotically. Shadar surpressed a grin as he saw the man's expression, instead he continued. "Next is Air," He wove a flow of Air and snapped a twig off of the nearby bush, floating it to him to be consumed in the flame. "Water," he spoke softly as he wove the element, drawing moisture out of the air to hover above the flame. Releasing it he let it extinguish the flame. "Earth," He wove a set of chairs from stone behind both of them. "Finally, Spirit." As the words left his lips he slammed the web of Spirit's edge between the man and the Source, cutting him off suddenly. "That feeling of loss that you now feel will never go away. Neither will the panic you feel at being without the Source suddenly. It is somewhat akin to the earth dropping out from beneath you without warning. It is terrifying to be robbed of this power suddenly. Get used to this fear and do not let it cripple you when the time comes to serve."


    Shadar studied the man for his reaction, hidden in the shadows of his hood. After a moment he spoke, suppressing a nod. The man had dealt well so far. It was coming easier to Shadar than he had expected, maybe it was the fact that the man was new. "Are you still so sure you are ready to learn? If so we will continue..."

  11. Gianna laughed and he felt somewhat better. He had not wanted to offend her. If anything she had become far more interesting back in that clearing.


    "Be at your ease, Tai'Dashan.  You are wondering how a young woman gets hardened to such things as killing.  Well, things like the Aiel War and living among the great Houses of Cairhien can harden a person to all number of things, unfortunately.  You learn the webs of the Great Game at your mother's breast.  And most of all, you learn that if you shrink from killing, you will be the dead one, someday."


    Tai blinked. Aiel War? That had been quite some time ago and by the looks of this woman it was well before her time. A thought drifted across his mind and he felt like the puzzle had suddenly clicked into place. He did not have much time to think on it however. She asked him a question in turn.


    "How and where did you learn how to handle a sword?" Tai sat silent for a moment, letting the sway of the horse carry him almost casually as he thought. This woman truly was a puzzle. Very well, let her puzzle over him a bit.


    "My Lady, the details are for another time, but i trained as a Soldier of sorts for sometime and am quite adept at fighting for whatever cause is needed. Most nobly and most currently, the Light." And let her think of that what she will he thought satisfactorily...

  12. "Greetings Shadar. I trust that everything is well? As I've told you, this won't be a typical class, one of several different ones I plan on teaching you now that you have earned a bit of responsibility, and can study Saidin without my constant guidance." He chuckled then and Shadar grinned eagerly.


    "This will be an introductory class in the use of weapons. The daggers on your person won't just be for show after today; though admittedly I wouldn't go warder hunting without the power. For today, I will be shielding you from Saidin." The grin faltered slightly as the Shield went into place.


    "There is another purpose to this class however...As you know, we are dreadlords, and we are the leaders of shadowspawn. Generals to the lieutenants of the Myrddraal and foot soldiers of the Trollocs. You need contact with them, and so I have summoned..." A blade pressed against his throat and the grin fled, rage burning in his eyes. Rage at feeling helpless, at being snuck up on. Rage, even at Arcon, for allowing it. Coldly he reminded himself that he could not trust anyone, even Arcon. Flailed himself with it until the cold fury was all that was left. He would never admit to himself that he had felt hurt by the lack of that trust. Shadar almost missed the next words.


    "A Myrddraal, though a young one. A Fadeling its called, Dhjorn is it's name. Remove the dagger Dhjorn, and Shad, stand, and face your instructor. I will be watching over you for the duration of the class. Introduce yourselves."


    The dagger withdrew from his throat and he stood, gazing at Arcon blankly for a moment. Rage bubbled below the surface, but he kept his face the all too familiar mask of emotionlessness. His eyes could not lie however. Turning to face this...Fadeling, he got another shock. As his eyes met the pallid, eyeless face of the Fadeling a cold worm of fear wriggled deep inside of him. He couldn't help it. He had felt fear before, Terror that crippled him to the point of surviving or giving up. In truth that fear is what had driven him to the Shadow in a way. But this fear was of a different kind. It was cold and piercing. It made his skin crawl and his hair shift as if to climb off his scalp. He kept his face smooth but his eyes widened slightly. Controling his voice he said to the Fadeling,


    "My name is Shadar Al'Niende, pleasure to meet you." His humor made the edges of his lips twitch in a grin, despite the fear.

  13. While he waited, Shadar contemplated the task before him. Arcon had been helping him learn how to manipulate people, how to bend them to his will. So far the peddler had been his only success. Intimidation and threat had worked well enough, but here he would have to use a different tactic. You could not exactly threaten an initiate. Not without being taught a painful lesson that was.


    A man approached in what could only be the manner of someone new to the Fortress. His blond hair and jet black eyes set him apart if not the scar. It reached from his eye to pull his face in a scowl. Shadar noted it with interest. The man did not have an easily forgettable face. He noted with a slight twinge of satisfaction that the man bluntly announced his presence and purpose. Arcon had taught him that there was a balance between those that truly were open and those that pretended to be.


    "Hello Initiate Alliveer." He said softly. He kept his voice controlled and quiet, like a whisper in dead leaves, yet loud enough to hear.  "I am Adept Shadar. Dreadlord Arcon has instructed me to teach you the basics of the One Power that you have recently been made more aware of. At this time the Source eludes you more often than not I assume. Regardless I will start at the beginning as all things should. Do you know of the Ko Di? Some Call it the Void, or the Oneness."


    Silently he waited for the other man to reply. He would teach him everything he knew. If only for Arcon's sake.

  14. Tai almost grinned as Gianna gave him a piercing glare and shook her head. Once they were both mounted she surprised him. Taking on more years then she looked to have she pronounced gravely:


    "They would have killed us for our food and money; let the crows feast upon them. Let us be away from this place.  We have many miles still to cross before we reach New Braem."


    Tai spurred his horse after her in a spray of snow so as not to be left behind. Once out of the trees they rode on slowly to the road and turned north from there. They rode in silence for a while and he studied her from the side of his eye. She had been practically simpering before, perhaps not quite simpering but...She was a puzzle, and Tai liked puzzles. She had been a young lady in distress but back in the clearing she had become a wise, regal woman, well beyond her young years. The silence stretched on and he felt the need to say something.


    "Glad I came with you my Lady." He realized how that might sound and added hurriedly. "Not that you are not capable yourself!" He had seen her with that knife and she had known its use, another piece to the puzzle.

  15. Shad put on his best black robe and checked his daggers up his sleeves. The edge of the hood and cuffs of his sleeves were worked in silver embroidery. He wanted to look impressive. He was to teach another the basics of the One Power today. Arcon had come to him late last night and requested that he do this. Smiling to himself he allowed the expression to beam out from under his hood. He was getting better at controlling his new found emotions with the help of Arcon but while alone he could let fly the emotion. Placing his hand on the door he stilled his face to the all familiar mask of emotionlessness and swept into the corridor. It would be difficult to teach but he would have to learn how as he went along.


    Folding his hands into his sleeves and resting them at his waist, he glided up the hall silently. Arcon had taught him other things and the thought of remaining hidden, striking from the shadows pleased him. He briefly considered Arcon for a moment. The man had become like an older brother, or a father of sorts since Shad's arrival at the Fortress. Shad knew the man was self serving and constantly maneuvering for position. If the man was power hungry, so was everyone at the Fortress. Shadar was a pawn in a way in his game, he was aware he was a pawn, but was content for that to be the case. Shadar also liked to think that Arcon held some special concern for him beyond his usefulness but was not willing to stake his very life on it. Just close. So Shad was content to be used and use the man in return to learn what was required. His devotion to the man was that only less then to the Great Lord himself. They both knew it, and Shadar was content to have it so.


    Arriving at the Entrance to the Courtyard he briefly checked his deep hood and made sure that it was well forward, if he was to teach he would need to inspire respect. All but the most direct light would leave his face clothed in shadow to any but the most perceptive. Stepping into the Courtyard he approached the spot he had been instructed his pupil would meet him at.

  16. Shad dressed slowly and tried not to grin. That was harder now than it had once been. During his test for Adept, something inside him had shattered. It still felt a little awkward to feel so deeply and to finally express outwardly what he felt inwardly. Arcon had all but promised him that he would show him how to control it. Today was for a different lesson. He was to receive further training with the Daggers he had kept up his sleeves and down his back. He had practiced pulling and re-sheathing them so that he didn't slit his wrists, but that was about all.


    Checking his blades one last time, he pulled up his hood and left the room. Slowly he made his way through the corridors, twisting and turning until he found the room Arcon had instructed him to wait in. Sitting in a chair to one side of the room he assumed the Void to quell his nervousness. He resisted the call of Sadin and waited.

  17. The sun climbed upward on their right as they rode, pale and warmthless in the winter sky. At least there was no snow threatening. Tai would not have been bothered by the cold even though he had not brought a cloak, but snow would impede there journey and slow their progress. As they rode they talked. At first Gianna asked questions about Tai, he was careful to tell her only details about his early life. That he was from Mayne, that he was the son of a jewlery merchant. These things presented no harm. But he kept well away from topics like his father, Aria, or the Farm. Soon enough she moved to stories from home, her childhood, and things she remembered.


    As the sun neared its Zenith, some trees started to spring up here and there, dotting the low rolling plains. For a moment Tai was taken back to a smiliar landscape.


    The ground opened up beneath Tai and Fireballs streaked through the air where his head had been moments before. Tai channeled without thinking and a platform of Air halted his descent moments before he was impaled on thick stone spikes. Weaving Earth, Tai cut steps to the surface and looked around warily for Dantar. The man was preparing a particularly nasty weave to launch at him but had not completed it yet.


    Too slow, you goat-brained, Light-blasted... The oaths continued in his head as Tai sliced the man's weave neatly. Quickly bringing his hands together in front of him, palms out, Tai funneled Fire, Air, and Spirit into a thigh thick bar of spiraling flame. Bending at the elbows he shifted his arms back and thrust them out again, launching the weave at the man. Pushing with Spirit, the Flame spiraled outward hot enough that Tai's throat constricted, and seared a furrow into the ground. A small tree burst into flame as the spiral streaked past. Dantar rolled to the side and Tai shifted his hands, following the man's movements and destroying a swath in its path


    Feeling a shiver pass through him that had nothing to do with the cold, he realized Gia had slowed her horse to a walk and glanced at her questioningly. She smiled and spoke.


    "I'm getting hungry, my Lord.  Shall we find a likely spot to sit and dine on a feast of hard cheese and harder bread? Unless you brought some more savory fare in your scrip." She added, patting her saddlebags.


    Grinning he shook his head to indicate he had not, and started scanning the trees ahead for a good place. In short time they had found a stream not far off from the road where a clearing in the trees provided good cover from the light wind. Trampling the snow Tai thought to himself how easy this would be using Saidin. He could clear the snow with Air and a little Fire and... He let that thought evaporate. He could not channel and that was that. Settling down to light a small fire he soon had a little pile of sticks. Striking flint and steel borrowed from Gia, he was having a little trouble. Seizing Saidin and weaving the barest trickle of Fire he helped it along. Soon enough the fire was crackling warmly and they were munching on cheese and bread. She had not been teasing, it was hard.


    The snap of a twig in the snow, brought Tai's head up from his cheese. Three somewhat dirty men entered the clearing from different directions with weapons drawn, encircling the two. Tai seized Saidin and stood slowly as the three advanced. One of the men, with black hair and a runny nose spoke as Tai backed up to where Gia was standing.


    "Just give us what ya got of worth and we wont hurt ya." The other two laughed and confirmed Tai's suspician that they would not keep thier skins if they simply gave up their coins.


    Runny nose had a sword, the one to Tai's left with a torn coat had a studded cudgel, and the one to Tai's right had a hatchet of some kind. He briefly considered channeling but discarded the idea. Arath had admonished him not to channel where others could see and he didn't want tales to spread of a man channeling in Braem Wood. His hand strayed to his sword and everything happened at once. Torn coat lunged in with his sword and stubmled backward as a knife bloomed in his throat, as Tai drew and blocked a slash from Runny nose. Training kicked in and Saidin pulsed beckoningly from over his shoulder. He met the man's thrust smoothly and brought his blade up, striking at the man's face causing him to back up. Dimly he was aware of the third man backing up and watching the fight. Runny nose sneered and launched himself into another thrust. Meeting it smoothly with a downard swing, Tai brought the blade up once more and took the man at his neck. Roughly he pushed the man away to keep the spray of blood from his clothing.


    "Bloody fools." He muttered as the other man turned and fled into the trees. He was angry that he had had to take the man's life. He thought of kicking the man's body but bent to wipe his blade on the man's clothes instead. He sheathed his sword and watched as Gia retrieved her knife from the other man's throat. She wiped it on his clothing as well with an expression of mild disgust.


    "Sorry my Lady, I guess we break camp. Unless you want to stay here and finish your meal?" He smiled at her weakly.

  18. Tai picked pushed off of the Inn's front wall where he had been leaning. It was taking longer than he would have expected. Leaving his scrip on the ground he picked up his sword belt to buckle it on. The scabbard was a dark gray hide, almost black in color. The tip and the opening where worked with wide, shaped silver. Vines and leaves encompassed the metal and the Hilt was worked similarly. It was a fine sword and only added to the illusion that he was a Lord. In reality it was a gift from his Mentor Arath Faringal.


    The man had befriended him when he arrived at the Tower, trained him in the use of the Power, and been there for some of the hardest moments in his life. At his raising to Dedicated Arath had presented him with the sword. It was made that much more special by the fact that Arath was a blacksmith before his life at the Tower and had made the blade himself. It had been strengthened by Saidin and needed sharpening less often than even the finest forge could create. It was not on the level of some he had heard of from the Age of Legends, but it was definitely a fine piece of craftsmanship. He ceased his absent study of the blade and fastened the Silver worked buckle over his coat.


    Tai had long since learned the trick of not feeling the cold. As such he was immediately on gaurd when his skin pebbled. He had not seen an Aes Sedai, but if one was in the city he was glad to be leaving with Gia as quickly as they were. Rubbing his arm thoughtfully through his coat he smiled when Gia rounded the corner with their mounts.


    "Here is your mount, Tai.  A fine piece of horseflesh, if I have ever seen one.  Are you ready to depart?"


    "Indeed my Lady." He said with a grin. Taking his reigns from her with a small bow he picked up his scrip from the ground and vaulted easily to his saddle. "Shall we?" He said, motioning down the road.

  19. "It would be my pleasure to have your company, Tai'Dashan.  I feel badly for putting you out and changing your plans, but it would honestly be a relief to have someone to converse with during the ride.  And if we ran afoul of any shady dealers, well, I would appreciate having someone to guard my back."


    Tai grinned in spite of himself. If she only knew what he could do to the "shady dealers" she referred to, her jaw would drop. Training at the Tower had left him quick with both Sword and Power. Suddenly she twisted her wrist and a knife fell into her palm.

    "But don't think I am completely defenseless, either."


    Tai's eyebrow rose in an impressed gesture. She winked at him and rose from her seat, bouncing the knife lightly on her palm.


    "Take your time finishing your breakfast, I will see your horse saddled and meet you at the stable when you are ready." With that she was outside. Tai leaned back in his chair and waited for his food to arrive. He admired her. She was bold and intelligent, quick witted and beautiful.


    ~Do not lie to yourself.~ Chaos whispered greasily in his head. ~You only wish to satiate the physical desires that burn within you.~


    "Shut up." Tai muttered darkly. Chaos had a way of taking any situation, and bringing to the surface all the dark, inhuman, and cruel portions of humanity. He also had a way of flinging them in Tai's face at the most uncomfortable times.


    His breakfast arrived and he ate hurriedly. After a brief conversation with the Innkeeper as to his stay he headed up to his rooms. Gathering his scrip and heading outside, he waited for his horse to be brought around.

  20. Tai waited for her to nod and wave a hand at the chair opposite her before taking a seat.

    "I trust you are feeling well, this morning, my Lord?  I fear the wine left me with a bit of a headache today, but I have the remedy here for that. Hair of the dog, and all that."


    Tai hesitated halfway to his chair for a moment before taking the seat. Hair of the dog? His stomach growled as he noticed what was left on her plate. He had not eaten much on his travels to Caemlyn and even less since his arrival.


    "Will you be traveling this day as well, Tai'Dashan?  I was unsure how long you were staying in Caemlyn."


    Tai thought for a moment how best to answer. He had not told her much of what he was doing here and thank the Light she had not asked. He liked the woman however, she was bold and intelligent, and wanted to help her. He had made up his mind after all.


    "My Lady, I came to Caemlyn for a small respite from the mundane day to day of my home." Mundane was most definitely not in it at the Black Tower but in a way it was. "As I told you I do not get out much but decided I needed a change of pace." His eyes found hers quickly as he realized he was gazing blankly about where the neckline of her dress lay. A blush threatened to heat his cheeks and he hurriedly continued. I was going to stay here for a few nights for lack of anything else to do. However I am concerned for your saftey and would sleep much better at night should you allow me to accompany you at least to New Braem." How true the last she would never fully know.


    She considered for a moment over her wine before speaking. The serving girl came to take his order of breakfast. Gia waited for her to leave before speaking..

  21. Tai awoke, hardly refreshed but definitely rested. He scrubbed his teeth with salt and soda and dressed in another coat he had brought, this one deep blue with silver embroidery along the cuffs and collar. Running a hand through his wavy hair he gathered his purse from under his pillow and headed down the stairs in search of food.


    Halfway down the stairs he spotted Gia at a table near the front door. She was wearing skirts divided for riding and looked ready to head out. He sauntered over to her table feeling especially comfortable at the moment. She glanced up from her seat and a smile played softly across her lips.


    "My Lady," He said, bowing. "Mind if I join you before you leave?"

  22. Gia nodded slowly and he led her back to the table they had sat at earlier. Gathering her cloak she tossed back the wine remaining in her goblet. He was reminded of how thirsty he was and did the same.


    "I thank you for your company this evening, Tai'Dashan.  It has truly been a pleasure for me.  I must be leaving in the morning for New Braem, perhaps I will see you when I break my fast in the morning."


    Tai grinned at the comment but it wavered a little as she put her hand on his arm and stood on her toes. His eyes widened as she kissed his cheek softly before settling to her toes. He hardly had time to blush before she had turned to the stairs, settling her cloak about her shoulders. Tai heard a snicker behind him and turned quickly to find a serving maid cleaning the table quite ostentatiously. Blushing, he gathered his things. He didn't think he had blushed this much in a month! It must have been the change from the Farm, it had him unbalanced.


    Soon he was in the room the Innkeeper had provided him and lying on the bed still fully clothed. It was hard to sleep in a different bed after roughly 3 years in your own home. He could hear the patron in the next room snoring, softly through the wall. Other noises, dogs barking in the distance, night birds calling helped to keep him awake. Gia was going to be traveling  alone tomorrow. Bandits and worse had been seen on the roads of late and worry for her soon kept him awake more easily than any noise. Finally he made up his mind, he would offer to see if she would take him with her at least to New Braem. Undressing in the cool air he settled on to the lumpy mattress and drifted off to sleep.

  23. "At least those Asha'man died living up to their name. When was the last time you actually got off your damn arse and started doing something Jarron?"


    Tai stood ready, whatever would happen he was certain the Dragon would not like such a rough comment.


    "If you must know the numbers, four hundred of us went to Shienar.  Nearly a full hundred didn't come back. We don't know how many Dreadlords were there.  I wouldn't guess more then two hundred.  And at least one of the forsaken.  The problem was that they came at us linked.  I was at Dumai's Wells, and I recall just how well you faired against a linked group.  We faced many circles, made up of Dreadlords with far more years of training than us.  Under the circumstances, I'd say we did better than could have been hoped for."


    Tai blinked when the Dragon merely rubbed his jaw in thought.


    "Died living up to a name? Bah, they should be making others do it instead. Years more training? So what? Let me tell you something Covai. Dying for your country, ideals, honour...it all means nothing in the end."


    ~Kill him, together you can do it! ~ Panted Chaos. This was no surprise, he always spoke of death, but the scramble for the Source was. Tai fought him down, terrified. If Chaos took control now...


    "You make the shadow die for theirs. Thats how you fight them. I had expected you to know that." For a moment Tai had to think about what he was hearing in the Dragon's voice. Was that...disappointment?


    The Dragon closed his eyes and shook his head as if making a decision. Suddenly he walked to the door and wove Air, sending them crashing open with a sound like thunder. Covai muttered and followed after him and Tai followed suit. He was not going to be left behind. They strode the halls in a hard silence and eventually entered what could only be the Heart of The Stone. The Lord of The Morning walked purposefully to the center of the room and Tai's eyes bulged. Callandor...Swinging it in a wide arc, the man fastened it to his back with what could only be an invisible flow. Tai blinked, how had he done that? Before he could think too hard on it, the Dragon Reborn spun, raising his hand and splitting the air. The black on the other side was absolute save the skimming platform. He had been taught the weaves but had never actually made one. Tai once again marveled at the Power this man held. His respect for the man returned slightly.


    ~Kill him! Take him now before he crushes usall! He blazes like the sun!~Howled Chaos once more. Tai thanked the Light he did not reach for the Source again.


    "Hurry up now boys. It's time you all had some real training"


    Tai glanced at Arath, real training? Despite himself he felt a thrill of excitement.

  24. "Tai, I do appreciate you helping a lady in her time of need.  If you take your letters to Mistress Morella at the Dancing Squire Inn in the New City, she will see they make it to me, wherever I am."


    She stood then, letting her cloak fall to the bench. She gave him a wide smile and leaned across the table. Each breath she took did marvelous things to the parts of her she had placed in close proximity to him. A blush crept up his cheeks and he almost jumped when her hand landed lightly on his arm.


    "And now, let me repay you in the only way I have available at current,"


    Chaos cackled excitedly at the suggestion.


    "will you share a few steps with me?" Tai let out a breath he had not known he was holding.


    "I..um..that is my Lady.." He did not have long to splutter as Gia soon pulled him on to the dance floor laughing again. His face was flushed crimson. He was had never been an amazing dancer, not that he was a horrible dim-witted buffoon mind, he had just never been great. Aside from that he did not want to offend her gratitude. The musicians had been playing a lively tune and after showing him the steps they started whirling around the room. They were not the only two on the floor but close to it. The other two couples left them plenty of room. On a particularly complex turn Gia's hair flashed away from the side of her face and he noted a slim, pale scar, almost beyond notice. It lay like a white feather across snow. It was no wonder he had missed it before. He thought of asking her but it was not his place to let his curiosity impinge. Red faced and laughing they carried the dance a few steps after the musicians had ended the song. Tai bowed deeply at the waist while holding her left hand in his right.


    "My Lady, I thank you." He said, grinning widely. His breath was somewhat short as was hers and his blood pounded in his ears. One glance at the window showed him night had fallen long since. "I fear I must bid you goodnight." He said, motioning to the dark sky outside the small window.

  25. The Lady smiled in response to his words and he had to swallow. She was pretty and Chaos was right, it had been a while since he had shared a pillow with a woman.


    "Oh, I wouldn't ask anything of you, Tai'Dashan.  My plan is to head out tomorrow for New Braem to the north.  I know some people there, and in Kore Springs west of there.  I am sure I can manage the day's ride there with no problems."


    She shifted in her seat, letting her hair fall across her cheek.  She left the unruly locks there as she tilted her head to peer up at him through long eyelashes. His heart jumped into his throat and firmly took up residence.


    "However, if you are from this area, I would appreciate it muchly if you could see your way to sending me a bit of correspondence now and again about any rumors you have heard, no matter how odd they sound.  I never know what little clue might lead me to my wayward Uncle."


    Tai's mind raced. What would he write about? He never heard anything at the Farm except for big events that she surely would have heard of. Before he could protest, she spoke again.


    "And I must say, Tai, that even if you aren't from this area, a bit of correspondence from you would be welcomed anyway. More wine?" she said laughingly.


    Tai nodded his assent and watched as he poured more for him. She was pleasant and it would help to pass the time. He would have to keep things fairly vague but he thought he could do it. He looked up and straight into her blue eyes.


    "My Lady I would truly love to correspond with you. I am not in a position where i hear anything beyond my own gates. The occasional rumor may slip by however and I would be glad to assist if at all possible." He realized his hand was close to hers and he straightened, picking up his wine and drinking to hide his blush.

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