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Posts posted by TaiDashan

  1. Aislyn was friendly, almost like a grandmother. Rhya had told him that here he would be home. He wanted so desperately for that to be so. Her answer elicited more questions however and he made himself try to smile as he responded.


    "A hot bath would be welcome, I will-" He moderated what he was going to say. "That is, i would like to keep my clothes however."


    He nodded to her next question. Dried and smoked meat had made up most of their meals. The sense of smell he was told would continue to increase in sensitivity, chose precisely that moment to kick in. Smells of warm crusty bread, and spicy beef stew filled his nose. He caught the scent of fruit and the pie Aislyn had mentioned.


    She motioned to the table and he walked over, it had been prepared with trays of food, definitely more that he could eat. He was proven wrong however, as he piled food atop his plate long after he had meant to stop. Returning to his seat he set in hungrily, mindful of Aislyn's eyes on him.


    The bread was deliciously soft and thick, the smell of it fililng his nose. The stew was pleasantly tangy, and Rahien found himself wishing it had more meat in it. The thought surprised him but was soon drowned in tea and more stew.


    Suddenly he realized that he had barely taken time to breathe, let alone ask questions. Swallowing a thick piece of bread soaked in stew, he looked up at Aislyn embarrassed.


    "Sorry, was hungrier than I thought." She smiled and assured him it was fine. In truth she looked completely at her ease, lounging in her chair. "Rhya told me a little about this place, and about the Kin. What is life like here? Who is in charge? How much time will i get to myself and how much will be taken with training? Can I leave when I like?" Questions tumbled out despite himself and he shut his jaw with an audible click of his teeth. It seemed blushing would be a common occurrence today...

  2. Now punishment rp's are not normally something i like to rp, but this time i thought it might serve a prupose...


    I think that is what got me :P


    But we all still love you!  ;D That's why we are all showing up! *bats eyelashes*

  3. Rahien sat off to one side, as far from the others as he could be without being out of earshot. It wasn't that he disliked anyone, truth be told he didn't really know anyone here save Rhya. The wind was cold and the sunlight wan, but cold was the last thing on Rahien's mind. He watched the last few join the group, most chatting quietly with those they knew. Owen's voice broke the quiet conversation like a rock thrown into an icy pond. Immediately silence spread in ripples.


    "Today I am going to help you become more astute at using the enhanced senses you have been blessed with." Some of the other wanderers grimaced at the term 'blessed'. Rahien merely nodded slightly, whatever you called it, the increase in his senses was a fact. One he needed help dealing with.


    "I want you to take a handkerchief from the pile and put it on like a blindfold. Take a moment after you do to sit quietly. I will come over to you, and I want you to tell me everything you can smell and hear."


    Immediately Rahien stepped forward, taking one of the handkerchiefs from the pile and returned to his spot, settling his cloak under him. He was not one to question or disobey, as Owen was here to help him learn how to deal with what was happening to him. He hastily tied the Handkerchief around his eyes and steadied his breathing.


    It was hard to ignore the cold seeping up from the ground and focus on the things Owen had asked them to, yet Rahien did his best to clear his mind.


    “Winter, why don’t you start. Focus your mind, use your sense of smell, but also your enhanced hearing, you will be able to use both in concert when you master this skill.” After a while, Winter's voice spoke up. After he was finished, Owen moved to Myra, and so on. Eventually he came to Rahien.


    "I hear," Rahien started uneasily. "I hear the wind. I hear the animals rustling through the brush. I can smell the cold, and you Owen." A faint blush rose in his cheeks. You did not tell your mentor that he smelled, or that you could smell a temperature for that matter, but he pressed on. "I can smell the woodsmoke from the nearby buildings.." The list went on. They were simple things that any normal person could smell, just some of them stronger. Eventually he shrugged lightly signifying the end, and nearly shied away at the gently touch to his shoulder. He was not used to people touching him. Especially when without his sight. His jaw knotted slightly but he sat motionless.


    The lesson went on like this, going around the circle with Owen starting with someone new, and coming full circle asking them to pick out smells and sounds as others named them. It was surprising what some could smell or hear that he could not, and likewise those that were quite clear to him alone.


    Owen congratulated them lightly for their efforts and drew the lesson to a close for the sake of warmth and food. Rahien realized just how cold he was as he rose to his feet. His legs aching, he blinked in the comparatively bright sunlight. He worked the stiffness from his legs and stamped his feet in the snow to get the blood moving again, as some of the others sat for a moment longer.


    As they walked to the Inn, Rahien's thoughts drifted as they often did these last few days, to Snow. She had stayed away for the first few days. Aislyn had said that she may have been taking some time to let him settle himself without her. He had missed her though. It was nice to miss someone. More and more he found himself opening up. A thought that frightened him worse than the Howling.


    Once inside the Hole in the Wall, they sat at tables and ate. The plates were full and the tea strong and warm. The cold was slowly taken from their bones as they filled themselves with the warm nourishment. As Rahien scraped the last of his food from the plate using a crusty piece of bread, Owen spoke.


    “For the second part of our training today, i will now help you to learn how to detect another person’s feelings. This is much harder than sensing what is around that is fixed in place. A person’s emotions are like the wind, constantly shifting and changing focus. It is usually at times of great stress, or fear, that it is easiest to read them, unless you have years of experience.” He motioned for them to follow to a group of chairs, isolated in one corner of the room.


    “Sit down please, and let us begin. I want you to pair up and try and sense what the other is feeling. The other one of the pair is to think of a strong emotion, and concentrate on that, and you should alternate so that both people involved get the same amount of time. Rhya, come over here where i can keep an eye on you and ensure you do not get into any more trouble.”


    Rahien shot a quick, concerned glance at Rhya. He knew that it was his fault that Owen was upset with her. If she had not come to find him she would never have broken the rules. Oh, it had been her choice. But he was at the heart of that choice, and felt somewhat responsible. Quickly realizing that he was standing there while Owen was waiting he looked around at the others. The only person here he even somewhat knew was Rhya, and Owen seemed to have removed her from the selection. Settling on another Wanderer, Winter unless he remembered wrong, Rahien walked over thrusting out his hand.


    "Rahien, Winter right?" The other man nodded and took his hand in a firm grip. Rahien returned the grip and they both sat to listen to Owen explain the next part of their lesson.


    "You have done well today Rhya, but as I have pointed out to you, there were many things that you missed." Rahien blinked at his tone. Rhya had been the best out of all of them by far! Was he being hard on her because she lived with him?


    "There are many dangers that others will never be able to sense, but that we as Wolfkin have been given the ability to. If you cannot learn now how to sense them, you will suffer the fate of many of those two-leg fools walking in the outside world." Anger burned in Owen's voice, and something told Rahien that he was in danger. He couldn't quite put his finger on it. In fact, Owen was talking to Rhya not him, but he couldn't help looking around cautiously. Something was making him uneasy. Just as quickly, Owen's tone turned quiet, like the forest expecting a predator to stalk by.


    “Tell me Rhya, what do you sense from me?” 


    "Anger Owen...anger and irritation, though I'm not sure what i have all done to deserve it." Rahien figured it out about the same time that Owen relaxed.


    "Nothing, you see, you sensed exactly what I wanted you to. In time my little stunt here today would not have fooled you ...but I want you to be aware that things are not always as they seem. Just remember that there will be times when those around you will not want you to sense their true feelings and for those of us who have been with the Wolfkin long enough it is but a simple matter to hide them....and those of us who work hard enough find it a simple matter to see through that. When we have finished with this class, though you may not always be able to tell exactly what another of the Kin is feeling, should you come into contact with a two-legs, you will have no doubt if they are trying to hide something from you."


    Rahien blinked. The deception had worked quite well and he had to remind himself that Owen was much more experienced and wise than he gave him credit for. Turning to Winter as he was instructed to begin he asked,


    "You wanna go first or should I?"

  4. The door opened and Aislyn entered the room, the door remaining ajar behind her. Rahien eased slightly at that although not by much. She was tall and thin, her hair held tightly in a greying bun.


    "Welcome to the Stedding, Rahien. My name is Aislyn and I am what's known here as a Sage. I cater to the physical and mental well-being of those here in the Stedding. Please won't you join me and sit? Hot food and drink is being prepared as we speak, I'm sure you must be hungry."


    As if on cue, his stomach  rumbled. In fact, he was just starting to thaw out and it seemed his appetite was as well. She motioned through the door at what looked to be comfortable chairs.


    "I've heard you've travelled a long way, I'm sure you want to get out of those clothes and have a hot bath too, but we'll get to that once you've something hot inside you." Pausing only slightly she turned and entered the room she had spoken of earlier. Since there was nothing to do but follow, he cautiously did so.


    He realized that he was inhaling deeply, testing the air subconsciously. The smell of warm bread and stew filled the air and his nose, eliciting another rumble from his rebellious stomach.


    He was indeed hungry, but Rhya had put him on his guard. He glanced around the room, noting the two doors and a window. Aislyn was looking at him and he looked back, watching her. Edging himself away from the door towards a chair, he perched lightly on the edge of a seat. He remained on the balls of his feet, not quite being able to bring himself to relax.


    "So," he said, smoothing the tightness from his voice with an effort. "What's next?" He told himself once again that he was being foolish, that they meant him no harm, but years of living alone had bred Caution in him. No, it had seared it into his bones. Rhya's odd actions had gone unexplained, and he did not like things he could not explain.


    He considered asking Aislyn about Rhya's sudden oddness, instead he forced himself to wait patiently for a reply.

  5. “That is the boundary to the Stedding, Rahien,” she explained, reaching out to pat his arm comfortingly. “Strange sensation, no? The Stedding was home to the Ogier a long time ago. Owen told me that their own numbers had reduced to such an extent they were happy to let the ‘Kin stay here. It is remote too, so it was perfect for the needs of the ‘Kin… sheltered, large enough, hard to find and so on. Everyone feels something when they cross that invisible line, it all depends on what they bring with them. For some it is a homecoming, a sense of joy, for others it can be frightening, making them feel lost or despairing. Look at Snow and Shadow.” she motioned at the wolves, doging and tumbling and playing together. “They know we’re home. But come, we have some way to go yet to reach the village.”


    She promptly put word to action as she pressed on through the trees. Rahien was silent once more, only this time it was different. The lessening of the stifling emotional burden was the only thing that made him aware of its existence. Now that the Stedding had washed most of it away he was able to look at things slightly more clearly. Oh the pain was still there, many years of heartache and fear did not just melt away, even for a Stedding apparently. It was there, however muted at the moment.


    Many things tumbled through his mind and he attempted to pay at least half an ear to Rhya as he tried to describe what the Stedding was like. The wolves padded off, hesitation plain from Snow. And after a while, Rhya grew silent and moved almost reluctantly. It was a puzzle that Rahien was intriuged by.


    Emerging at last into the open, Rhya pointed to the large Infirmary. Even had she not pointed it out, it would have been hard to miss for its size. Curiously enough the door was standing open. Rhya grew sad and somber. She had not been quite forthcoming during their journey, but she had been friendly and open. Now she had an air of someone resigned to their fate, and not liking it.


    “Rahien, I haven’t been entirely honest with you,” she spoke haltingly, picking her words with care. She picked up speed as she spoke, explaining to him her lack of authority. Rahien listened with interest. The fact that she was not fully trained either or that she left without permission did not strike him as odd. For some reason it just made a sort of sense. He was about to open his mouth and let her know that he didn’t care. That he was here now and it was not his place to judge her actions, but she held up a hand forestalling him.


    “No, I don’t know why the wolves contacted me. Snow’s sending came a long way and it came to Shadow. At the time, perhaps foolishly, it seemed to me to be the right thing to do.” She abruptly turned and started heading for the infirmary, before speaking softly. “I’m going to be in a fair bit of hot water, but I had my reasons.”


    Rahien resisted the urge to voice his opinion and reassurances. Once again, it was not his place, and he assumed that whoever was in charge around here would not care one way or another, what he thought about it. Rules were rules. Men lived and died by them. Sometimes you simply broke them and paid the cost if it was worth it. They stepped inside and warmth closed in around them, reminding him of his cold and tingling extremities. Rhya waved someone down and told them he was to be taken to someone named Aislyn. Alarm flared briefly before Rhya could turn to him.


    “I’ll be leaving you now Rahien. I have… other business to see to,” Her expression was hard and distant. Rahien was suddenly wary and the back of his hair tried to rise. “We’ll see each other again soon. Aislyn will take care of you and find you a place to stay for the moment.” The infirmary suddenly felt like a trap and he had to try hard not to hunch away from her touch.


    “Truly, you will be fine. Snow will find you when she is ready. Welcome home Rahien.” The words were flat and did little to comfort him, why the sudden change? Rhaien told himself that he needed to relax but the itch between his shoulder blades kept him on edge despite himself. He suddenly realized just how alone in a strange place he was, and vulnerable.


    The woman Rhya had spoke to waited for her to step outside before softly asking him to follow her. She smiled slightly and turned, casting a glance over her shoulder to make sure he was following. She led him to a room with a chair and a cot. The furnishings were simple but an infirmary should not be as a palace. It was meant to be functional not pretty. The woman made her assurances and left him waiting for Aislyn. He had managed to stamp out most of his wariness but being alone in a strange place, waiting for who knew what…it wasn’t easy.


  6. Tai crowded into the council room close behind Arath and the Dragon. Tai had not had the occasion to go to Brent's 'quarters' often, and had seen the man himself even less. In his stay at the Tower he thought he might have seen Brent in person twice. Living with Arath however had painted all the picture he needed of the man, and while M'Hael he may be, Tai had a disgust for the man that he had not felt since the Taint.


    Brent sat behind a monstrous stone table with more men ringing the table. Tai briefly wondered how many were his in truth. He hardly had time to consider before the Dragon's voice rang out, eliciting an outraged response from the touchy, arrogant M'Hael.


    "I've heard about your ... efforts ... in Shienar, Brent.  I must say, it's a little disappointing."


    "My Lord, the failure in Shienar do be the fault of the two men beside yo-"  Tai was surprised at the title Brent gave the Dragon, he had half expected an oath from the look on his face. He nearly muttered an oath of his own in response to his comment, Arath was right. The man would blame anyone to keep his hide whole. Luckily the Dragon cut him short.


    "The failure lies wholly to blame with the man who ordered the attack!" Jarron roared.  "I do not recall giving the Asha'man the order to mobilize."


    "I do no recall ever receiving orders from the Lord Dragon, for anything," Brent said, his voice low and dangerous.  "It do appear that you had abandoned us.  I did what needed to be done." Tai's jaw knotted with the effort of not releasing the acidic comment that had risen in his throat like so much bile.


    "Yes, leading a hundred of the Asha'man to their deaths, while failing to protect a country that has now fallen to the Shadow.  Masterfully done.  A testament to Guardians." A blow for the Dragon, Brent was oblivious however. To Jarron's might or to his station. The fool was mad with his supposed power. Launching to his feet he began to shout.


    "You do no understand-" Suddenly the dragon drew Callandor along with Saidin, forcing Tai to step back to clear a space.


    "No!  You seem to have forgotten!" Jarron's power amplified voice almost shook the room.  "The Black Tower is MINE to command!  The Asha'man swore fealty to ME, in the Heart of the Stone!  You go as I command, when I command it! You are my weapons.  My tools to do my bidding.  Though it seems your effectiveness is less than I could have hoped for."


    Tai resisted the urge to cover his ears as the onslaught rolled like thunder around the room, threatening to deafen them or pull the roof down on them. Maybe both. Suddenly the Dragon spoke again, this time without the weaves. His voice was deafening in the silence, even without the weaves.


    "I have no use for the Asha'man if they are unable to fight the dreadlords for me.  Attack Leader Arath tells me that you aren't even sure if you killed any of them.  Is this true?" Tai looked to Arath, this had been complete news to him until today. Arath nodded, obviously wanting to say more but holding back. "I'm also told that the dreadlord formed circles, which were responsible for the defeat."


    "That do be what they told me," said Brent, the sneer returning to his face.


    "Then it would appear that I have little choice."  He brought Callandor up and leveled it at Brent.  A surge of Saidin made the blade glow like the sun, and Brent's face paled.  "You will make peace with the White Tower." The room went up like a kicked anthill, everyone talking at once.


    ~No, never them..he has gone mad! they will kill us all, Kill him...DO IT NOW~ howled Chaos in the back of his head. Tai ruthlessly crushed him mentally to the back of his mind. For once he wondered if Chaos may be right...

  7. Over the next couple of days they made slightly slower progress. The thick forest saw to that, though they still made good time. Rahien's spirits picked up slightly just walking in the woods. The sunlight filtered dimly through the canopy where wildlife chirped, flitted, chattered, and scurried above them as they pushed through the forest.


    He had asked a few questions of Rhya, mostly those pertaining to what to expect. Once again, she had seemed content to let silence be the main form of conversation. Snow continued to ghost along on the edges of his vision, flashes of white as Shadow disappeared completely for the most part. Only when direct sunlight happened to penetrate the canopy and spear his side in passing was Rahien even aware of the wolf. He blended in, earning his name.


    Rahien was weary to the bone, sleeping on rocks and pushing hard from the gray of early morning to the dark of night took its toll on a body. Rhya showed signs of wear if slight and far in between, but Rahien could tell that even she was tiring. The need for secrecy had screamed loudly in the careful way of moving and constant checking of their backtrail. It gave him a note of satisfaction, a familiar feeling of security in solidarity.


    There was no warning.


    Suddenly He stopped dead, completely motionless. There was no difference in the wood around him, yet he resisted the urge to take three steps back and then forward again. It was as if he had emerged into..into...he didn't know what exactly.  In the space of three small steps, climbing over one log, he had felt worry and weariness ebb. It was as if the sun had broken softly through the canopy and washed through him like warm waves of light, washing away a bit at a time, his worry and fatigue. He felt his fears, his worry, and his pain, Light! his private pain, fade to almost a muted hum. Tears threatened.


    Abruptly he realized Rhya was looking at him openly with a small amused smile on her lips and despite himself, he smiled back broadly. A single tear carved its way from the corner of his eye to trace a track across his cheek. It was beautiful if inexplicable.


    "Wha- I- What is it?" He asked, wonder touching his voice. Before she could answer he felt something, it was as clear as a sending had ever been.



  8. Rahien watched Rhya as she in turn watched their surroundings, traveling the next day. He was somewhat familiar with the landscape if only from a peddlers map. It had been old and worn, and missing things at that.


    The Mountains of Mist had loomed off to one side for a bit after leaving the trees, but they had turned from a roughly southern direction back to the forest. In the fading light he had had surprisingly less difficulty picking his way amongst the undergrowth. He noted that Rhya had a significantly easier time, but he did well in keeping up.


    Once they had settled in a spot scouted by their two wolf companions, Rahien was pleased to see Rhya building a fire. He took the chance to study the woman. Her response to his emotional confidences had been brief if sympathetic. Most people would have been put off by this, but Rahien's respect for her had grown. He had not wanted someone to play mother. He had simply shared his experience so that she could understand him better.


    Once the fire was crackling warmly they sat back, sharing a meal. Rahien watched as Rhya swatted at the bitemes buzzing around her head. They left him alone for the most part which he had wondered about in the past. Not too far mind you, he was not one to wish for the small, red, itchy bumps they left behind after biting you.


    Suddenly Rhya began to speak. She told him of her family, rich merchants apparently. Her trip as a guard and her subsequent chase because of the color of her eyes.


    "I know you find it hard to believe that the ‘Kin are persecuted, but it is simple truth. One day you are sure to experience it for yourself and it will not be pleasant."


    She continued on, telling him of other stories. Others of the ones she called the Kin, who had suffered hardship far worse than his because of what they were.


    "These are not fairy stories for children, Rahien. They are real people, many of whom you will soon meet for yourself and all are as ordinary as you or me. They are not evil... at least, no more so than any man or woman... and they did not deserve the treatment meted out to them. The Howling effects each one differently. For some, it is painless if confusing. For others, it can be terrible or life threatening. It would have become so for you if you had stayed put much longer. It may yet do so in time to come." She stretched and stifled a yawn, reminding him that they had pressed hard today. "Now, best get some sleep. We have another early start tomorrow"


    He nodded absently. He had been so caught up in his own problems, had been so used to looking out for himself alone, that he had not stopped to think that others may have suffered worse than him.


    He was pleased to see snow lay next to him despite the warmth of the tamped down fire, and lay back with his hands behind his head. Rhya had put him in a thoughtful mood, and he lay there for sometime thinking of what lie ahead and how he felt about it. On one hand, he was used to dealing with things on his own and part of him said if persecution came he would handle it. On the other hand, part of him ached for companionship as all humans do.


    Long before he had worked everything out in his head he heard the soft rhythmic breathing that told him Rhya was asleep. He could see two stars through the canopy of branches above them. They shone cold and bright in the darkness. The bottom line was that eventually he would come to this stedding, he would meet others who had been through what he was experiencing, and he would be taught not to go feral. Something he had not known was a part of this until Rhya had explained the danger. The deciding factor that took him from unsure to convinced was the fact that they would teach him how to talk with the wolves, to communicate with Snow.


    He would finally be around others that understood him. That made him nervous and uncomfortable, but he suspected that he would get used to it. He drifted off to sleep thinking that if they were all like Rhya, he would be ok.

  9. D'Ashan was half ushered out into the yard out back in all the commotion, at least Bart had taken it outside. Looking at the others he figured they were getting ready to leave. One glance at Bart, and admittedly the Tower Guard, D'Ashan figured it probably would not do to be found standing around her and ducked back into the crowd.


    He pressed, prodded, and apologized his way back through the crowd. Feeling a little like a salmon he emerged out into the common room. Wondering how to salvage the night he caught sight of the pretty Tower Trainee from earlier.


    “Oh c’mon, one mooore!” she slurred.


    “Save it for tomorrow night, champ.” The barkeep responded, chuckling with amusement.


    “Fiiiine, ‘ll go s’mplace else.” Addi looked like she was about to fall over, in fact she almost did. Bumping a poor patron on her way to the back door. D'Ashan sighed and followed her, he hoped Bart wouldn't take the sword draw personally. Once outside Addi stumbled over to where the Tower Guard stood and pointed at him and squinting slightly.


    “You’re a jerk!”


    D'Ashan had to stifle a chuckle. It would not do to chuckle at a Tower Gaurd in full uniform. He leaned against the wall and tried to remain out of sight to watch how this would play out. If she stumbled off alone he would follow and offer to walk her back to the barracks. His honor would not allow anything else and truth be told, he did think she was pretty.

  10. I know Owen is currently doing a Senses class starting tomorrow i think, unfortunately my wolfie is still on his way to the Stedding or I would help you out  :( good luck!


    I will mention it to Taymist as well, see if we can get another class going, still kinda new to all this  :P

  11. For two days now they had trudged along through thick undergrowth and patches of snow. On the first day, Rahien had been occupied with thoughts of his life as it had been before his last sibling had died. Thoughts of his family, the cottage he was raised in, all filled his head as he contemplated the way things had gone. Rahien was a thinker. And so, in silence, they had traveled with little said from Rhya and even less from him.


    Hills and trees meandered past as they set a fairly quick pace along the River Arinelle. Halfway into the second day's journey, they emerged to the plains around the River Maneteherendrelle. It cut the landscape like a shallow hatchet stroke, pushing southward to Baerlon. As the sun reached its zenith, Rahien felt a sending from Snow and he nearly stumbled in his surprise.


    ~Dreams change Brother of the Dawn~


    Other images followed but he wasn't able to make out their meaning. It had been like that for awhile now, some things making sense, others none at all. Until now, Snow had been a flicker of movement caught out of the side of his vision at best and the sending was unexpected.


    For the remainder of the day, Rahien thought on Snow's meaning. He had once thought to grow up the oldest, an example for his siblings. To one day take over the cottage and carve out a life for himself and a family of his own. Those dreams had taken a blow with the death of each brother or sister. As he had withdrawn more and more into the woods, he had dreamed of living alone. No one to care about but himself and nature. His dreams had changed. And it seemed they would have to change again...


    The Pattern if not the Creator himself had given him this..this...thing that allowed him to speak with Snow, and other wolves if Rhya was to be believed. He glanced at the woman out of the side of his eye, watching her as they both walked through the low scrub of the plains. She seemed honest enough. In truth, he actually sort of liked her. But so much time living alone, and much loss, had him doubtful and mistrusting.


    The first night Rhya had insisted that they not build a fire. Rahien had been disappointed as it was bitter cold. He hadn't slept much that night and said less. Tonight he feared would be the same. There was little hope for a fire out in the open, when one hidden by the trees had not been permitted.


    Slowly Rahien mulled the information over in his mind that Rhya had given him. He had noticed on the walk here that his sense of sight, smell and hearing had gotten better, though not as much as Rhya seemed to profess. His eyes had turned that strange golden color the two wolves shared with himself and Rhya. It was not that he denied that she may be right, just more of a vain attempt at understanding.


    As night closed in like an icy fist, Rhya led them to a copse of trees set on a small rise. Rhya instructed him on what materials to gather for a shelter as if he did not know. It bothered him slightly but he did not let it show past his silence. Once they were settled and eating, his hopes for a fire carried away on the icy wind, Rhya spoke up. She had seemed to allow the silence until now.


    “When we reach home, I’ll be taking you to the Infirmary to see a Sage, Rahien. It’s nothing to be concerned about. The Sages are like Wisdoms. They merely check you over to ensure that you’re sound of limb and not losing your mind, You’re not are you? I’d hate to have to leave you stranded in the middle of nowhere. She said tossing him an apple.


    Rahien's dark eyes studied her intently for a long moment before speaking, the silence stretching as he huddled in his cloak for warmth. He knew he should smile at the attempted humor, but he was cold and he had not felt like laughing in a long time. Instead he let out a deep sigh that felt like it came from his toes. He was tired from walking, tired of feeling like he was fumbling around whenever she looked at him. Tired of apologizing for not being used to the company of other humans.


    "No, I am not losing my mind although I almost wish I was." He looked at her levelly. "It would make all this much easier to swallow." He held up a hand to forestall anymore reassurance that she was telling him the truth, and hastily snatched it back when the cold invaded the warmth of his cloak.


    "I believe you speak truthfully. I do not know how long ago this 'howling' was for you. But I am sure you understand what it is like to suddenly have this knowledge thrust upon you. Add on top of that, months and months of being alone only to be told that you are being taken to live with a group of people you have never met." Taking a large bite of the apple he chewed for a moment consideringly before wiping the juice from his chin and continuing.


    "You have been honest with me...Fair is fair. Growing up I lost five siblings, one after the other." He knew the pain was thickening his voice but he could not bring himself to stop now that he had begun. "My father gave me poor excuses in return for my grief and my mother was little better. I could not stand to be in that cottage you found me in until after they had gone and so took to the woods. There I have made my home for over 2 years, truth be told I know not how long exactly." He paused for a moment as his throat threatened to close tighter than a rusty hinge. Hearing Snow pad softly into the camp he was peculiarly bolstered.


    "Snow has been my only friend and even that from afar. Many things have changed recently and you are the first chance at explaining those things." Silence stretched on for a moment before Rhya responded.


    That night as Rahien huddled in his cloak in the makeshift shelter, his breath caught as a shadow was silhouetted in the wan moonlight. It was short lived however, as the shape melted into Snow's head. Softly she padded over to where he lay.


    ~I will keep you warm Brother of the Dawn, sleep now the journey is long~


    Rahien fought back the tears as he scratched the thick fur behind her ears. "Thank you." He murmured, his throat tight. For the first night in a long time, Rahien A'Din drifted off to sleep, feeling that maybe...just maybe, he was not completely alone in the world.

  12. Darkness closed in as the portal behind them winked out. Gazing out into the dark, Tai had the feeling of a vastness that made him uneasy. edging further away from the darkness at the edge of the platform, he bumped into Simmen. Muttering a soft apology, he clung to Saidin and tried not to focus on the strange moving sensation. After what seemed like ages they stopped, he wasn't sure how he knew that since nothing changed. It just felt like they ceased to move. The Dragon's hand rose and the blackness split in front of them.


    Tai blinked in the relative brightness of the Farm as he stepped out near Brent's monstrous living quarters.


    "Lead on boys, lead on."


    Tai looked at Arath and Covai, unsure of where they were supposed to be heading. A few men wandered around but none seemed to know that they had arrived with the Lord of the Morning. Today was going to be interesting...

  13. Thanks all!


    I must say I am excited. So far joining the wolfies has been a wonderful experience with plenty of wonderful people/writers!


    My email is ethomefone13[at]msn[dot]com in case you haven't glanced at my prof. I am on MSN messnger all day at work if you need something, or you can reach me on my personal Messenger at fragglerockforever[at]gmail[dot]com. This will be your primary MSN contact for me with the ethomefone13 as an email contact. Hmm...ok so that's confusing. Let me clarify...


    ethomefone13 msn com = Primary email contact.


    fragglerockforever gmail com = primary msn contact with above email as secondary (just know im at work so may ask you to hold on a moment lol)


    Hope all of that makes sense! Anywho...I look forward to serving as the ADL and getting to know all of you (and your chars) better!

  14. OOC: heh sorry, seems I forgot about this one.  :D




    "My lord Tai'Dashan, are you sure you weren't raised in Cairhien?" Tai blinked in confusion. Now what in the Light did that mean? The woman was grinning at him again. "I never said that I lived through the Aiel War.  In fact, what I said was that 'Things LIKE the Aiel War' can harden a person to many things.  There has been hardship aplenty in Cairhien in recent years without even mentioning Laman's Pride and the tumult that followed." That sounded almost like what she had said, only now he couldn't quite remember what exactly her words had been.


    She led her mount closer to his and leaned over to place her arm on his. The unexpected contact made him blush. "I appreciate your ability to look deeper than the surface, so I will say it plainly so that there is no confusion.  I was not hardened by the Aiel War, I wasn't even around to experience it!"


    She spoke of speaking plainly to avoid confusion yet her words left him feeling that she had left something unsaid. She changed back and forth from serious to light-hearted fast enough to make a man's head spin! Tai decided to give it a rest. New Braem would not be far off and they had not had a chance to eat before they had been accosted. in the grove. Silence stretched for a while with Gia eventually straightening again, removing her hand.


    "Lady Gianna," Tai began. He did not want her to feel obligated. "Once we reach New Braem, I think I will stop for the night and rest before traveling on. If time permits and you so desire, I would find your company pleasing. No do not answer now," He hurried to add. "Simply wait and see what our journey brings, and how you feel upon our arrival." He shot her a winning grin and then focused on the road ahead. The snow and ice, driven to slush could break a horses leg if a rider were careless.


    OOC: We can end it here if you like, or you can post one more. Whatever you would like to do  ;D

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