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Posts posted by TaiDashan

  1. wonderful!


    I do not have Skype unfortunately but i am on MSN at work at the addy ethomefone13[at]msn[dot]com, or at home in the evenings at fragglerockforever[at]gmail[dot]com


    you can reach me there or by PM here  ;D


    On the Wikiit shows the electives for trainees. Am I looking in the right spot?

  2. Well in looking at writing up a new prog thread i realized im pretty much just going to start from scratch.


    On the Wikiit shows the electives for trainee. He is a dual wield kinda guy. Thera took his scimitars :( but other than that..


    Im pretty open. I will look for the wilderness class, TG trainee going to be able to be out and about to join that one?

  3. *laughs*  :D


    I did at one point, but it has mysteriously disappeared. Thinking maybe it didnt't make it over from the old boards?  :P

    Planning on starting a new one if I cannot find it.


    Basically He has met with MoT, gotten into a little trouble in TV, met his Roomies and a couple RP's I can use from '07 if needed training with Perva (shaneevae's warder if i remember right)


    So to answer your question? At the beginning?  ;D

  4. My trainee has been in a few small RP's but I am looking for something to either,


    1. Move him along in advancement (Currently cannot find his progress thread...)




    2. Just do some character development


    If anyone is offering classes, wants to do a prank or something, or pretty much any other idea...PM me or post here!  ;D


    Thanks guys

  5. My trainee has been in a few small RP's but I am looking for something to either,


    1. Move him along in advancement (Currently cannot find his progress thread...)




    2. Just do some character development


    If anyone is offering classes, wants to do a prank or something, or pretty much any other idea...PM me or post here!  ;D


    Thanks guys

  6. Tai watched the spectacle with only mild interest and satisfaction. Done was done. The borderlander from before started to head back to wherever his lessons has been, and Tai grabbed his shoulder. The man turned in surprise and answered his query with fist to heart. Knowing where her body was, Tai could think of nothing else. He thanked the man and headed to the infirmary.


    As he walked through the doors his steps slowed, the smell of death and the groans of the dying filled his ears. It felt fitting. Rage and sorrow filled his heart. He felt dead inside, Aria gone and a man dead by his hand. For a wonder Chaos was silent. He had loved her, there was no doubt. years he had spent wishing for the day she would show up at his door and tell him she wanted him back. Then she had. Anger boiled in him, directed unfairly at the woman he loved. If she had come to him earlier, before the Light-blasted Taint, before Saidin!


    Tai caught a nearby soldier by the sleeve and asked him about Aria. He spoke softly, his voice cold in the Void. The man stared at him for a moment before directing him to the room they had put her in. It was a special room set apart for those families who's fathers and sons died in training. A place for them to be with the body, to say goodbye.


    The white curtain hung like a mile thick wall, separating him and the room they had lain her body in. He raised his hand slowly and parted the cloth. He had seen her fall, seen the wound, but the shock of battle had worn off and the sight of her threatened to buckle his knees. She lay on the bed, her golden hair cascading outward on the pillow. Marring her hair on one side was the thick, crimson blood from her wound. Walking slowly over to her he took her cold hand in his. Memories flashed through his mind unbidden, torturing him with the sight of her, the smells, the sound of her voice. That time on the fishing boat when she first told him she loved him. The summer night as they shared a bed. Tears threatened and he felt as if someone had him by the throat.


    It all seemed so unfair. He had told her to leave, told her that it was dangerous to be around him. Pain wracked his soul with fiery agony. Slicing his heart to ribbons and setting them aflame. A choked half-sob struggled its way through his clenched throat. He couldn't breathe. He felt as if some great weight where bearing down on him. "Aria..." His tortured whisper slid from his lips as a single tear escaped the corner of his eye.


    He had not released the Void and hungrily reached for Saidin. It filled him, the sweetness of life that was the only thing that even compared to his love for the woman now dead. Weaving a gateway he lifted her body gently and stepped through.


    Tai stepped from the room in the infirmary to the sea-cliffs of Mayene. The gateway snapped shut as he released the weave, but not Saidin. The wind whipped his hair about as he carried her body to the edge. Below him the sea crashed and roared with spray. Laying her gently on the ground he bent to softly brush her cold lips with his before standing again. She had loved the sea.


    Tai closed his eyes for a moment, picturing her smiling face once more. In his minds eye she whispered the words, "I love you."


    Opening his eyes he drew deeply on Saidin, weaving Earth he pulled a grave from the earth between them. Air to lift her body and settle her gently into it. As an afterthought he wove Air, pulling a handful of local wildflowers that grew on the clifftops. Weaving a complex web of Saidin he wove a keeping around the blooms and laid them on her breast.


    "I love you Aria..." The wind tore the softly spoken words from his lips as he wove Earth, covering her grave along with his heart...

  7. "Seeing as everyone seems so helpful today, i think Rhya will need your help for a while longer."


    Rahien suppressed a groan only to surprise himself with a softly muttered curse. He had only wanted to help but now he had made her life worse...Irritably he hefted another stone and made his way over to where Owen had gestured. He all but threw the thing at the ground in frustration. Disgust crept into him along with the icy rain and he muttered another curse, this time not as quietly.


    About an hour later he was still hauling stones, frustration faded to determination. His bones felt like they would break, his muscles turned to water, and every step felt like he would collapse under the mammoth weight of the stones. He pulled abreast of Rhya who had stopped for some reason. He was about to finish the journey and rid himself of this Light-cursed burden when she spoke, shouting over the wind.


    "This is idiocy." The wind ripped the words from her lips almost before they left. "At the rate we’re going we will all be ill for a month...If we are ever going to complete this we all need some energy..."


    Owen would not like this, he said as much. Or tried to anyway, before Rhya cut him off.


    "But nothing, Rahien. He did not say we could not eat any more than he said I could not accept help in the first place..." Rahien frowned, he had seen what Owen thought of those hairs being split...


    Sighing into the wind he dropped the stone onto the pile and shrugged his shoulders, trying in vain to work some warmth into them and the pain out. It was going to be a long day...

  8. "Well I can’t blame you for wanting something individual. I do live in a tree house after all..." Rahien chuckled at that. "The Lake is off limits though...I’m not sure how easy building into a hillside would be..." He felt a stab of disapointment, he liked the lake and it would have been nice to live out there...away from everyone...


    She was willing to try building into the hillside with him? That had been an offhand comment. What with the half frozen ground and the sheer weight of earth they would have to move, it was more of a long project rather than a quick one.


    A nice, solid cottage could be satisfactory. His thoughts drifted to his onetime home and the cottage he had shared with his parents. He was pulled from his reverie by his friends words.



    "Materials will be easy to come by...earth and wood to blend in with our surroundings, When do you hope to start on the project? We'll need to be done before the worst of the weather hits."


    Rahien nodded, "I would like to start as soon as possible. It's not that i don't like staying at the infirmary." He amended with a glance at Rhya. "Aislyn is very kind, it's just that I would like a place of my own."


    He noted that she had played another defensive move, this one looked to block his attack. She had not placed her stone to form what was called an "eye" yet, so it was still fair game. He placed another on the attack, trying to prevent escape.

  9. Right, here is the Post where Rahien and Rhya discuss the new home. I would like to get some ideas cemented and discussed here as to how people plan on joining up and when.


    To Come To Grips ;D


    Nothing concrete as that would kill the creative flow  :P just something of a general "Person X will be hunting in the woods and wander by..." or "Person Y is my char, they would most likely hear of it from their wolf companion and come out of curiosity."


    That way i can get a feel for how many will be coming and good ways to work you in. Who knows, maybe I can avoid the footlocker and drum up an idea for ES points to be given out  ::)

  10. Rhya left the table to order more food but Rahien hardly noticed. A crease of worry perched atop his brow as he contemplated that thought. Other wolves? As if he were a wolf himself. He was not sure he was entirely comfortable with that thought. In all fairness everyone around here was jokingly called pup by their elders and other little comments that alluded to their commonalities with their lupine friends. Was he going feral? Is that what it meant?


    Rahien shook his head and put his worries aside, they were a constant companion and one he was looking to dodge. He would think on it later. Putting a smile on his face as Rhya returned to the table, he watched as she placed her next stone. The corner of his mouth twitched down and his jaw clenched in concentration. She was playing in the same corner, on the defense now. He could press the attack or... No, pressing the attack would keep her from playing in the other corners. He placed his stone in the same corner threatening hers. If he kept up the pressure...


    “Nobody will force help on you...but...It would take two of us months to build a home for you...sooner or later, you will need to get to know the others.” She grinned and sighed and Rahien noted that his auburn haired friend was pretty in a fierce way. She then revealed something about herself that endeared her to him even more.


    "...I am not… at ease around many people… but you will find them to be welcoming for the most part.”


    Rahien did not try to supress a grin at her comment as the food arrived. In truth, it was a grin for her comment as much as for the food. He was hungry and it smelled delicious. Rhya motioned for him to dig in and he did, with a will. As he spooned the warm, dark liquid to his mouth, taste exploded on his tongue. The thick liquid was heavy with the taste of meat, wild greens and barley. His mouth watered and it was hard not to scald himself before it cooled enough to eat.


    “Good as always,” She noted and Rahien nodded agreement. "...do you have specific ideas for this home of yours?”


    Rahien thought for a moment as he continued to devour his stew, he would have to come back again...


    "I have thought a litte." He responded after a moment more of hungrily shoveling stew into his mouth. "A nice cozy dwelling built into a hillside? A cottage similar to the one you found me in? I don't want something normal." He chuckled then at the comment. Nothing about his life had been normal, why should his home. "Something set apart a little by the lake maybe?" He continued lifting his stew to his mouth as he studied Rhya, the board forgotten.

  11. Tai saw everyone step back a bit and shouldered his way after Martyn who set off determinedly. The fool man was going to get himself killed. He stopped dead however by the sheer magnitude of Saidin Covai was wielding. The battle had far progressed from what Tai had seen earlier and Covai was launching an attack with Arath for backup.


    A split second later, Covai spun. Punching his fist through a forming ball of flame, his foot struck the ground. Fire and Earth in massive quantities flew toward the attack leader. It was showy, and Brent was going to simply cut the weave...


    The man chose to shield it instead. A raging inferno enveloped the man and Tai's jaw dropped open despite himself. Covai swung his blade from his hip and advanced on the now flaming Brent.


    All Tai could do was watch in awe...

  12. Rahien's eyes tightened by reflex as Rhya choked on her tea in laughter. She rectified it however with her next comment.


    “Taking care of Owen? I can’t think of anyone less likely to want taken care of Rahien...." Her voice was warm and the sting taken from her words. Rahien wondered just how strongly she felt for the man and if she even knew it.


    "...Now, classes are another thing entirely but we can work around that. Don’t be worrying yourself over asking for help...I’d be delighted to lend a hand. I think it will be rather exciting to build a new home.”


    Rahien tried hard not to frown. He was not sure exactly how he felt about others offering help...Oh he would be grateful, and he wasn't sure he had it in him to tell them no. It was just that a building a home was something personal.


    Rhya made her placement on the board and played a stone opposite from her last, claiming more territory in that corner. Rahien knew that if he focused on the corner he had previously placed in, he would lose an advantage and possibly allow her to flank him later. Placing in the same corner as she had, on the attack once again, he answered her question about Snow.


    "How is she doing? Oh better than me." A low chuckle escaped his lips. "It has been new for her but she assures me that she is happy. Apparently it has been a long time since she has been around other wolves too." He paused for a moment at the last comment. around other wolves too. Rhya didn't seem to notice though and Rahien tucked it away to consider later. "Yes, food would be welcome." He said, somewhat distracted...

  13. Yeah, at this Time Rhya and Rahien are discussing the building of his home, doing a little char dev. Then we will be starting another thread to have the rest join in. It will start with Rahien and Rhya, Winter will probably wander in followed by any others that are interested


    Keep ya updated here...stay tuned  ;D


    *edit: thought your post was aimed at me liitha since my name is Eric irl  :D*

  14. With relief he took the warm flask of soup from Alaya and grinned at her. It was pleasant of her and a welcome relief. He had only just put the stopper in his teeth when he saw Rhya shake her head and return to the rocks. With a sigh he smiled at Alaya and set his soup aside.


    Hoping it would not cool too far he hefted another rock. He would not let her do this alone. It had nothing to do with guilt, he simply would not let her finish this alone hungry. There were only a few more stones left and with the two of them the trips would be few. Nodding to Winter to dig in he whispered to him.


    "Go ahead, with the two of us it will only take a few more minutes."


    Hefting the rock to get a better grip on the slick piece of stone, he hurried to the treeline, trying to catch up to Rhya. The food was waiting.

  15. Rhya's hand found his and he had to fight harder not to cry.


    “No Rahien. You must understand that the fault is not yours...Just as Owen came to find me when it was my time, so I came to find you." she paused for a moment and a smile touched her lips "...I didn’t tell anyone where I was going. Even having Shadow with me, that was not well done and caused certain people much worry and hurt.”


    Rahien was willing to bet she meant Owen among those who she had hurt. The man was hard and while not unfriendly, definitely was the type Rhaien could identify with. He seemed a lone wolf of sorts. Rahien had to grin at the play on words in his head.


    "I shall not forget that you came to help me when Owen punished me...." Before he could protest that it was more from guilt than anything she continued. "...I would say any debt of gratitude was fully paid on both sides, no?” She had a point, they had both done things to help the other that were not for purely selfless motivations. They had aided each other nonetheless and formed a bond of friendship. He was happy with that.


    "Indeed, we can call it square then." He smiled then. The smile slid a little however at a sending from Snow.


    ~You forget your purpose Brother, or maybe you run from it?~ Once again amusement tinged the sending, causing Rahien to nearly blush.


    "So...for the reason I asked you here," He started somewhat hesitantly. "I want to do something, but I cannot do it alone." Here his voice took on a slightly defensive tone. "Aislyn said I could, and I really would like to.." He was babbling and he knew it, but could do nothing to stop it. Light this was hard! Biting the inside of his cheek to still his tongue he grinned at Rhya to show he was nervous. "Asking for help is not easy for my Rhya. I want to build a home and need someone to help me."


    She looked as if she was about to speak and words spilled from his mouth unbidden. "You don't have to. If you have classes and stuff, you know, taking care of Owen or something, I understand." He blushed and shut his mouth with an audible click of his teeth. He used the Stones board to ease his embarrassment.


    Rhya had placed a stone and they now had two corners each. Rhaien had to play a move now that could very possibly tilt the scales one way or another. He had two options, he could play the defense and strengthen one of his own territories, or play the aggressor and invade a territory of Rhya's contesting her presence there. Always having been the aggressor, he placed a stone a few spaces away from hers glancing at her to see how she would respond...

  16. Rahien almost nodded in satisfaction as Rhya placed a stone. So it would be a good game. He rested his hand lightly on the board and focused on his next move. Placing a stone in the corner, his side of the board, could have two repercussions. She could place in her corner, continuing to play the even game, or invade as it were by placing one in the yet unclaimed territory. Her words broke him from his thoughts.


    “I owe you an apology Rahien...." An apology? This was a fancy turn of events. Here he had been thinking about how he felt bad, and she apologizes... He was about to wave it away, Aislyn had told him about her fear of being punished, when she continued.


    “Owen had an accident... I was...worried and more than a little scared." Rahien blinked. He knew Rhya lived with the man, that he was like a mentor and Father to her, but... “When I returned, the only thing I wanted to do was to see him...but that is no excuse and I’m sorry.”


    Rhaien glanced at his auburn haired friend. She smelled genuine, a fact which still surprised him. It was still a shock that he could smell peoples emotions from time to time.


    "Rhya..." Rhaien forced himself to swallow the lump in his throat and to push down the rising anxiety. If she could apologize for something that trivial... "Speaking of my arrival," He paused to sip his wine. Remembering it was indeed wine and not tea, he took a gulp and forged on. "I know that...well what i mean is that...Snow's sending..." He sighed and closed his eyes, forcing the butterflies from his stomach.


    "I needed someone. More than just because I was staring my howling. I needed a friend, and I needed the 'Kin. Despite the reprecussions to you..."He fought with himself as his voice quavered. He. would. not. cry. "Despite knowing you were breaking the rules, you chose to do so and pay the price. For me." He stopped and looked her in the eye. "For that I cannot tell you how grateful I am. I am sorry that you were punished. I feel more than a little responsible for that. But that will never dull my gratitude."


    There he had said it. He pretended that his eye itched and took a big swallow of his wine, muttering about dust in the air. Carefully he placed his next stone and tried not to be too obvious about not looking at her.

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