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About Darthe

  • Birthday 01/18/1992


  • Member Title
    Forever Unclean

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Darthe's Achievements

Spam Master

Spam Master (16/16)

  • Twelve Years In
  • Dedicated Rare
  • Conversation Starter
  • Reacting Well Rare
  • Eleven Years In

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  1. They are rage. Brutal, without mercy. But you, you will be worse. Rip and Tear until it is done. Closed setup. Kitchen sink. Everything you know and love from five years ago, but 10x more slank and gorier than Dumai’s Wells. Setup can accept any number of players. Sign up now! 1. VoodooNut 2. Zander 3. Verbal 4. Sooh 5. Cass 6. Sinister 7. AWholeLoafofBread Reserves: Rules: Mod rules: I always give rules for me as a mod before rules as a player. SO here are some rules I'll be following. No bastard modding. No cults. No influencing the game unfairly. Flavor will not in any way affect the game for players. Modkilling is a last resort and I'll make every effort to replace a slot or even leave it a shell for a bit before doing so, barring that this course of action doesn't make sense. Since the game is themed, non-town players will be given fake claims. NK does come from an individual who makes the shot. Player rules: Votes go in bold, whoever makes the post that rolls over to the next odd page updates and posts a new VC so they're never more than 2 pages out of date. Hybrid hammer game. Unvoting not required. D1 will be 72 hours, D2 and onwards will be 48 hours. Nights will last 24 to maintain the schedule. Night chat is available, but not required. I do expect at least a post per game day from slots otherwise, and an action (or holster) each night for PRs. Don't edit posts. Don't try to go outside of the game thread for anything game related, such as PMing other players etc. unless it is a chat created by myself for that specific purpose. Generally let's pretend this rule covers all the things you'd usually see when mods try to say no cheating.
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