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Everything posted by SinisterDeath

  1. Alfred just kicked the bucket, and the wife tried to get him killed... And Edward was like "No".
  2. Totally anecdotal, but the Father-In-Law just asked if I saw the Wheel of Time S2 finale; (as if I of all people haven't been following this...) And their opinion as a non-book reader and casual TV watcher? "The finale was Amazing" That's also coming from a guy from the GenX/Boomer Conservative demographic that "hates all that woke shit".
  3. Apparently they can do it right on Twitch since Twitch is owned by Prime and it's something Prime is allowing content creators to do on their platform. (Or so I've been told?) Typically they have to do a mirror/30% opacity, low volume off to the side, move it around, splash over the video, etc just to get Amazon not to shut it down... And even then those videos typically are edited and not live? (I could be wrong on the live part?)
  4. Yes. They have 26k followers. Season 1 they were the official Amazon "WoT" after show. Their lives routinely get 10k+ viewers. (The Brandon Sanderson secrets one got 84k) In terms of "WoT" Content creators, they have one of the largest followings. Greene is larger, but I don't think he's a "WoT" content creator?
  5. S1E1-3 had ~1150M mins viewed S1E4 had ~600M mins viewed S1E5 had ~520M mins viewed That means between Season 1 Week 1 and Season 1 Week 3 it had a 54% drop in viewers. S2E1-3 had 515M mins viewed S2E4 had 515M mins viewed S2E5 had 423M mins viewed That means between Season 2 week 1 and Season 2 week 3 it had a 17% drop in viewers. These are also US Domestic numbers only. Not Worldwide numbers which are going to be extremely different for Amazon's pocketbook. Episode 5 was "Damane". Egwene, Nynaeve, and Elayne were captured by Liandrin and were traveling through the ways. Loial was being presented as a "gift". Perrin was learning about being a Wolf Brother. Rand & Moiraine were escaping while Lanfear was pulling herself together. Ishamael played Gay Chicken with Rand in the dream world. Episode "6" is going to be one of those episodes that I'd expect to get a bit more "buzz". Something remember is that these "Ratings" are snapshots from "Monday" to "Sunday" (They are also a MONTH OLD). Since these episodes come out on Friday, due to real life not everyone is actually able to watch them between "Friday to Monday". So when they are actually able to watch episode 5 or 6, may not actually appear on the chart until a week later. Which is just another way of saying... We might see a bump "next" week, and another bump the week after.
  6. I know about the timer and that you're supposed to sync it and all that. Still wish that they'd have been able to put it on twitch and not have to deal with any of that.
  7. I tried to watch it, but without a video going in the corner to show what they were seeing, I wasn't going to watch 3 dudes sitting in silence for minutes eating snacks (They were silent when I hopped on), commenting on stuff without reference. I don't mind a little mystery science theater 3000 every now and again. Sometimes it's fun to just ridicule shows I enjoy.
  8. It was also likely the first week where retention hits and less new viewers binging episodes 1-3, or 1-4 when they find out the season started a week late. (Like how week 2 numbers were the same as week 1) What's astounding is how good One Piece numbers are... 3 weeks after the entire series released in one go. Also... Wtf is Virgin River and why is it so bloody popular? I've literally never heard of it...
  9. No. They can't pick up a weapon. Placing it on someone isn't a weapon. No more then helping the Sul'dam get dressed is a weapon. Also. Thinking about hurting your Sul'Dam doesn't cause the Damane to get "slammed" on the ground. Case in point, when Egwene fantasized about beating Renna to death. You know what isn't laying a hand on the Sul'dam? Inflicting pain on the Sul'dam thru the bracelet.
  10. @Scarloc99's referencing the scene that was originally written pre-covid. The scene we got was shot post-covid. Also, Nynaeve was not dead. Her eyes weren't "burnt out" like the others. She was "crispy" compared to the others "charred". You might have to turn up your brightness to see the difference.
  11. More then deflects. He absorbs all that and directs it into his sword.
  12. Found this article that said movies need to make 2.5x budget to be profitable. By all rights that movie wasn't bad. (I'd rather watch another D&D movie then another Fast Movie...) Hopefully the money they receive from streaming is calculated into it's total earnings in some capacity when discussing future sequels...
  13. It had a ~$150m budget. Grossed ~$93m in the domestic market And ~$208m worldwide. So it flopped domestically but not world wide. It may have had a ~$59m profit, which is "okay" depending on who you talk to. Something to remember. It was up against. John Wick 4. Creed 3 Shazam! Fury of the Gods Plus a couple of "Religious" movies that like to book out theaters to bloat their numbers. D&D briefly knocked John Wick out of the #1 spot for a day in box office numbers, but as we know John Wick came out ahead in the long run. Oh, and it released right in the middle of the OGL scandal when half the D&D fans online were boycotting everything D&D.
  14. The a'dam is a Ter'angrael that works based on what you're thinking, feeling, or believe at the moment. (And this involves not thinking/feeling or believing it subconsciously) We know through out the novels that Aes Sedai training often involves suppressing surface thoughts/feelings/beliefs... like not feeling heat. So you have to believe that a'dam isn't a weapon when you place it on someone. Whether Egwene should have been able to use it to lift Renna up on the thing and choke her is a more interesting question that I don't have much explanation other than.... You have to believe doing so isn't going to hurt her.
  15. Yes, and that thought hinges on premeditation. I can hold a hammer in my hand and think about hammering a nail into a piece of wood. But the moment I have an intrusive thought about taking that hammer and turning the Sul'dam's head into pulp is the moment that a'dam would slam me into the ground. If I picked up that hammer with the premeditated thought of taking it and turning the Sul'dam's head into paste, it wouldn't let me. I don't know why no one's willing to entertain the possibility of premeditation?
  16. That hinges on premeditation. Aside from Egwene saying "I will kill you" an episode before. Can you know for certain that Egwene knowingly planned to murder Renna with that a'dam? Did we have a "this is what Egwene thinks" bubble above her head? Can you read her mind? I can't... Her "plan" could have been simply to get Renna to free her. The "murder" was passion, not "planned".
  17. This one, right? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0102034/?ref_=ext_shr
  18. One final thing. You're feelings are valid, even if others disagree with them. Our feelings are also valid, even if you disagree with them. What's not acceptable is calling other users liars and bigots over two years old season 2 speculation...
  19. What are we lying about? Did I write the show? Did I direct the show? What you read are thoughts and opinions, and speculation about future seasons. Maybe you need to take a deeper look inside and ask yourself "why does 'taking away men's moment to shine' bother me so much?" 1) Season 2 was objectively better then 1st season. You may not believe, but opinions are subjective. 2) We are not Amazon. We are not Rafe. We are not the show creators. Admit what? That you don't understand what an adaptation is? I really think you need to examine why "girl power" is your go to excuse for why the show is "crapping on the source material", how you believe that means the show runners are "misandrists", and really examine what the "theme" of the novels are. Here's a hint. The books are about the Balance. Balance between genders. Balance in the world. The Dark One and his Chosen have sown seeds through out the world to bring the world out of balance. It's a TV SHOW. If you don't like it. Turn the channel. Why devote your life to making others miserable? Am I your psychologist? Therapist? There's an entire world outside full of new experiences waiting to happen and all you have to do is open that door. You could crack open a new book instead of pounding on that keyboard trollin' the forums about how awful we all are for liking the show. Like I said. Life is to damn short, to waste it online yelling into the void about how awful a TV show is when we both know that Rafe and Amazon will never read your comments, let alone mine. Our names, memories, thoughts, opinions, none of it will likely never be a sprinkle of dust in their life and as far as anyone in any part of that entire production is concerned we are less then a thought. We don't exist. Good luck, and thanks for all the fish.
  20. Yeah no. That chapter icon isn't just a "french horn". There's more going on then a "french horn" without valves". Here's the chapter icon next to that image as a comparison. And then to make the obvious point since it's not obvious.
  21. ... we've covered this. There's even a picture that shows it. Here... I'll point it out to ya...
  22. Yes... Because coming to the forums and calling users bigots is a great way to have a meaningful discussion. Seriously. Go outside. Touch some grass. Take a breather. Touch some grass. Life's to god damn short to get this upset over a tv show.
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