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Everything posted by SinisterDeath

  1. HotD is on HBO. One Piece and Witcher is on Netflix. Which one is WoT on? Have they talked to you about GenV yet? How about Harlan Coben's Shelter? Wilderness? The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart? Good Omens S2? How about "The Power"? Or "Deadlock"? All of those are Amazon Originals they've probably never heard of, with the exception of Good Omens... and they may not have picked up Season 2, let alone watched it yet... Prime Video has this issue in that... everyone has Prime, not everyone uses prime video. Everyone knows what Netflix is. Everyone knows what HBO is.
  2. We've been down this road before. The same thing was said regarding Moiraine. Cast like Daniel said she was stilled in an interview. We've went in circles over whether she is or isn't for months. I'm pretty sure we argued about writers lying to the audience about her being stilled... And now you finally bring up the literary device "red herring" which is just a fancy way of saying... The writer lied to the audience. Lol
  3. Best explanation I got... Book 2 we got Perrin hunting the Horn. Book 3 we got Rand's solo journey where he does some shit and then declares himself the Dragon. Book 2 we get Moiraine doing some off-screen "Research" before finding Rand. Books 2 & 3 the girls escape the tower and get kidnapped by the Black Ajah and held prisoner. Egwene get's taken captive by the Seanchan. Book 2&3 Mat escapes the Tower and rescues the girls and blows the horn and blows shit up.
  4. Ok.. Hear me out. A weave of spirit... into the the A'dam that clicks an internal button that short-circuits it telling the device that the Damane is dead.
  5. Other random thought. Did the exploding gate CGI look really crappy to anyone else? Or did my stream quality just randomly degrade and make it look like something I'd see on daytime TV?
  6. I'm just pondering if it was sniveling Barthane's that knocked Mat out... or if it was a certain Warder...
  7. For the record, S1E7 when Rand had his Flashback, we discovered it was Rand not Egwene that knocked the Trolloc off the ledge in the Ways with the One Power. Egwene didn't see his weaves. So no, they did not wait 15 episodes to show that women couldn't see men channeling.
  8. What I don't get is why it's so hard to accept that they're sticking to book lore even when it looks like they're not... E.g. The One power is two sides, Saidar and Saidin. They never named it such in the show yet women cannot see male weaves as highlighted in this episode. Moiraine being "stilled"... And the "A'dam" only comes off when the user "dies".
  9. Yeah about that... Same exact logic applies to the A'dam. We the viewer were told one thing was true, it must be true because people in the show said it was so (even people outside of the show have said the same things about Moiraine being stilled), and then it turns out to not be true. Red Herring.
  10. Same reason people didn't accept the lore in the show that said Moiraine was stilled.
  11. There's a difference between someone's TV who is already set up, and a boomer's TV that is setup wrong.
  12. Hey, I'm not going to sit around and watch a TV that's sitting there zoomed in, cutting off half the picture because someone doesn't know how to put it on Full Screen...
  13. Right. Amazon not picking up ad spots for YouTube is on Amazon. I don't think I've seen a single WoT Ad on Youtube... On the other side, youtubers who follow WoT news will have picked up on those interviews and distributed that information to people who follow them. So if you're also not following YouTubers who talk about the WoT show, you're also not going to get any information about it that way either.
  14. Isn't he the one who shot that movie over literally 12 years?
  15. Examples Do you regularly go to websites like: Collider? https://collider.com/wheel-of-time-season-2-rosamund-pike-josha-stradowski-interview/ Winteriscoming? https://winteriscoming.net/2023/08/17/the-wheel-of-time-watch-our-interview-with-marcus-rutherford-and-donal-finn/ Gizmodo? https://gizmodo.com/wheel-of-time-interview-producers-directors-prime-video-1850794510 Inverse? https://www.inverse.com/entertainment/the-wheel-of-time-interview-cast-rosamund-pike-season-2-changes tvline? https://tvline.com/interviews/wheel-of-time-season-2-news-rosamund-pike-preview-moiraine-villains-romance-1235028051/ Screenrant? https://screenrant.com/wheel-of-time-season-2-josha-stradowski-interview/ Pocculture? https://pocculture.com/interview-the-wheel-of-time-creative-team-on-building-an-epic-season-2/ Decider? https://decider.com/2023/09/02/the-wheel-of-time-season-2-daniel-henney-interview/ CBR? https://www.cbr.com/wheel-of-time-rafe-judkins-interview/ Looper? https://www.looper.com/1388025/wheel-of-time-season-2-directors-sanaa-hamri-thomas-napper-think-female-powered-world-overdue-interview/ Black film and tv? https://www.blackfilmandtv.com/exclusives/exclusive-the-wheel-of-time-season-2-cast-interviews Point being.... Stating there was no advertising = anecdotal. What Amazon has definitely failed is... TV Ad Spots. Ad Spots on other websites. Youtube ad spots. Billboards plastered in LA, NYC, and London are only useful in LA, NYC, and London. Which reminds me. I don't recall any big hub-bub about a cool 3d WoT s2 billboard in London like they had 2 years ago with the Fade.
  16. So that is relatively false, it's just where that advertising is, isn't in place we are seeing. Example being I was literally told by a member of DM, that while on excursion to LA there were advertisements plastered all over LA for the Wheel of Time Season 2. There were a shit load of advertisements & pieces in a variety of online magazines and probably physical magazines that most of us have never seen because... lets face it... how many of us have physical magazine subscriptions to whatever it is that they put in article or ad in? Paying for TV ad spots is another thing entirely. I don't think I've ever saw an ad spot for an amazon show on any other competing network. At most I've seen them on Youtube or websites but that's about it. They also got hit because of the WGA and SAG strike killing the press tour actors & writers go on, so the only advertising they could have done was that one press junket they rushed through before the strikes...
  17. S2 also had a ~2 year gap between seasons, and a LOT of people didn't even know when Season 2 was starting. I'm less interested in premier numbers as I am in weeks 2-4 numbers. (I also believe, against all predictions One Piece gobbled quiet a few of those streaming hours up from a lot of other shows!)
  18. You resist? I just grab the remote and start poking around in the settings...
  19. Well he did say he was going to give him the key... When he gets to the White Tower. Which will be pivotable when Siuan gets deposed...
  20. Liandrin also knocked all of them unconscious, with the intent to do harm. Siuan's intent was to push Lan off to the side and out of the way.
  21. For the love of the light calm down, those weren't rifles. They were spears.
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