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REVIEW: Episode 103: A Place of Safety   To bring epic fantasy adaptations to life, carefully chosen edits must be made. There is a heavy weight of responsibility on Rafe Judkins and his team with The Wheel of Time. Our fanbase is one full of passion and entrenched with heavy expectations. To those of us initiated we know these characters better than ourselves. I encourage fans new to The Wheel of Time to dive in and join the longtime fans in the world of Robert Jordan’s creation. With all of us aware that the story we see before us is just yet another turning of the Wheel: “There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel.”   Episode three, “A Place of Safety” of The Wheel of Time series by Amazon Prime Video delivers nearly an hour of epic journeys all of which point east towards Tar Valon and the White Tower. They have all escaped the clutches of Shadar Logoth and are scattered to the wind. In a shocking surprise Nynaeve al’Meara has emerged as my favorite heroine. The performance Zoë Robins delivers is fierce and convincing, but it is the subtle changes made to her story that makes Nynaeve shine. While book purists may decry the changes, I insist that in Nynaeve’s case they have only made her stronger; I harken back to episode one “Leavetaking” as she stands with her hand on her knife when the strangers arrive. For character development’s sake they ramp up her hatred for the Aes Sedai, using her former Wisdom and surrogate mothers’ dismissal from the White Tower to draw a hard line between us and them. In episode three the visual representation of Nynaeve’s strength as she escapes her trolloc captor was breathtaking. In the span of only hours her village has been attacked by beasts she had likely believed were only a myth, she had seen her people slaughtered and watched as everything around her was consumed by blood and fire. As a capstone to her induction into her new reality, she is knocked unconscious and headed for death in a trolloc’s belly. Yet, when faced with a situation that would have many giving up or paralyzed with fear she fought on. Not only to save her own life, but to carry on and save her friends.   Nynaeve made use of the sacred pool to save her own life. While we do not yet know its intended use, it is a place of great importance and leant its strength to Nynaeve once again as she hid in its depths and used the trolloc’s own blade to end its life. As the camera pans out, we see the blood filling the pool and resolving into the shape of a Dragon’s Fang. Much like we saw the slaughtered sheep arranged as the Dragon’s Fang in episode one, it is another subtle reminder that the Two Rivers companions are being hunted by the dark. Up to this point we have not learned the true power of the Dark One’s reach, but there are subtle clues if you know where to look.   The largest representation of his strength is seen at the end of the episode when Dana (Izuka Hoyle) is revealed to be a darkfriend and Thom (Alexandre Willaume) gives us clues to what that means. Izuka Hoyle’s performance was the standout in the episode for me. There is a massive amount of character development that takes place during her time on screen. The writing is meant to make us feel for her plight, stuck in the mining town where she was born and likely will die, but it is the fervor with which she delivers her diatribe to Rand and Mat that had me kicking my heels with excitement. Her death was necessary to allow our pair to escape, but I was crushed that we will not see the crazed light in her eyes again.   One theme that we see delivered again and again is the commitment and loyalty the Two Rivers folk have to each other. Both Rand and Egwene, though separated by miles, each have the desire to make sure that the other is okay. Their relationship may be in shambles, but their love and loyalty are still strong. Even Mat who waivered the most in his desire to abandon their quest to the White Tower and return home, sticks with it when the road gets rough. If they stick to the source material, the themes of loyalty and obligation will be repeated again and again.    Due to the extensive travel that takes place in “A Place of Safety” I feel that in this episode the world truly begins to expand. We start to see more of the people who inhabit the land outside the Two Rivers, with heavy handed hints of even more to come. World building on this scale must be a challenge and some of the information felt a bit forced. Such as when Thom explains to Mat more about the Aiel. The most egregious information dump happens when Perrin and Egwene meet the Tinkers. This story is highly altered from how it takes place in the book and as of yet I do not understand the why. There is an intermediary in the books who guides Perrin and Egwene instead of the wolves alone.    The Tinkers, or the Traveling People are a band of pacificists and wanderers who believe that everyone should do no harm. As I read the books, they always gave me hippie vibes. They were one with nature, vegetarians who wore brightly colored clothes and welcomed everyone to their fires. Never settling in one place for too long. Their way of life was known to be intoxicating to children and youth, which was why most villages and towns didn’t not welcome them near their borders. Even in the secluded Two Rivers they had heard rumors of the Tuatha’an. This is not the case in this turning of the wheel. Visually the Tinkers are ‘darker’ than I had pictured. Their colors are more muted and their demeanor more reserved and less jovial. Perrin and Egwene have also not heard of them, and it is Aram’s (Daryl McCormack) forced telling that felt out of place. Their lack of preconceived notions seems like an interesting omission. The only conclusion I can draw is that they are attempting to illustrate how isolated the Two Rivers folk were before beginning their journey. With so much history and lore to get across on screen there are bound to be a few stumbles such as this along the way. It was not enough to bring me out of the world.     So much of this episode is building for what is to come. We are being led through a world of Jordan’s creation as seen through Rafe Judkins eyes. I can see that he is trying to share with us the Power of women and the strength that can be taken when relying on others. The question that kept coming up for me is, “Who can we trust?”     We know that Moiraine can speak no word that is untrue, but she never says what she intends to do with the potential Dragon reborn when she gets him or her to the White Tower. While Aes Sedai seem more well known to the Two Rivers folk than they were in the novels, the mysteries of what an Aes Sedai can do with the One Power remain a large unknown. She is currently injured and was asleep for most of this episode, but her powers could still be at work. Is it her work that causes the wolves to herd Egwene and Perrin towards the Tuatha’an? Or is it indicative of him being the Dragon? He is the only one we see have another dream this episode. Does the fact that Egwene can channel point to her as the one Moiraine seeks? Rand’s super strength that is showcased as he breaks free of Dana could be an indication that he is the one? Mat feels like the least likely candidate at this point, but we are staring to notice strange behavior from him as well. At this point we only know who the Dragon was, not who or what he or she will be.   There is a bomb that drops in the last few moments that seems to shock even our characters to our core. As Dana reveals that she dreams of the FIVE of them, we are led to believe that Nynaeve should also be considered for the Dragon reborn as well. Her expanded strength may mean that she is where our eyes should be pointed in our search to decode who has been reborn as the Dragon in this turning of the Wheel. In future episodes we all need to be careful observers of the clues that are being left for us.   The recent revelation that Nynaeve could be the one Moiraine was wanting, even if she does not know it yet, makes the fact that the episode bookends with Nynaeve’s appearance highly appropriate. The last words spoken this episode were delivered by the deliciously smug Liandrin Sedai. “Didn’t you hear? We captured a man calling himself the Dragon Reborn.” This puts the mission Moiraine set out to accomplish; bringing the Dragon reborn to the White Tower so that he can be guided, is in peril, as is her life. Who is this man that Liandrin captured? Book readers will have an idea, for everyone else hold tight. His expanded story line is certain to be something we can all enjoy discovering. If the menacing look in his eye is any indication, he has been captured, but not beaten.

By Eqwina, in TV Show,

The first three episodes of season 1 of The Wheel of Time from Amazon Prime Video are now available worldwide.   The episodes became available moments after midnight GMT. This marks an incredible moment in the franchise's long history. The Eye of the World was published in 1990, with Robert Jordan beginning work on it around 1984. With that time factored in, it took longer than 40 years for the late author's work to finally appear on screen    Dragonmount has extensive coverage for the show. This article will be updated when more content becomes available over the next couple days.    Videos Red London Premiere Red Carpet event video Season 1 review (spoiler-free, episodes 1-6) Jason & Kathy talk about episodes 1-6 (no spoilers)  Analysis of Episode 101: Leavetaking (Coming November 20) Analysis of Episode 102: Shadow's Waiting (Coming November 20) Analysis of Episode 103: A Place of Safety (Coming November 20)   Podcasts Dragonmount recently launched a brand-new podcast focused on the show. Learn more here.    Welcome to Dragonmount! - Introductions A New Turning of the Wheel - (Spoiler-free discussion of episodes 1-6) Discussion of Episode 101: Leavetaking (Coming November 20) Discussion of Episode 102: Shadow's Waiting (Coming November 20) Discussion of Episode 103: A Place of Safety (Coming November 20)   Written Reviews Episode 101: Leavetaking (Coming November 20) Episode 102: Shadow's Waiting (Coming November 20) Episode 103: A Place of Safety (Coming November 20)   Written Episode Summaries Episode 101: Leavetaking (Coming November 20) Episode 102: Shadow's Waiting (Coming November 20) Episode 103: A Place of Safety (Coming November 20)   As always, full details about The Wheel of Time from Amazon Prime Video can be found on the TV section.   After you watch the show, let us know what you think in the comments or on our forums. 

By Jason Denzel, in TV Show,

What an amazing time to be a Wheel of Time fan!  Amazon Prime Video debuted the first two episodes in select cities yesterday and many fans already got their first view of this new part of fandom life.  For those less fortunate, we do have plenty of content to tide you over until the official release of the first three episodes this Friday, November 19th.   First up, Thom DeSimone on The Wheel of Time Community Show has a completely spoiler-free first take of what we’ve been allowed to watch so far.  You can hear his thoughts on the acting, the scenery, the special effects, and more!       And Dragonmount: The Wheel of Time Podcast is back with another episode.  Listen to producer Kathy Campbell, and co-hosts Rajiv Moté and myself, Maureen Carr, talk about the experiences of watching the first six episodes.  This podcast is also spoiler-free, focusing more on our enthusiasm going into this and our belief that this is a new turning of the Wheel, something different from the books.     Finally, Kathy Campbell and Jason Denzel let themselves unwind after a hectic day at the London premiere.  They shared their experiences on the red carpet and a bit of nostalgia that lingers with a series we all have been reading for so long.       There is a lot more content on the way, so stay up-to-date with all the latest content by following Dragonmount on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.   How will you be watching the series premiere on Friday?  Binge watching?  Group gathering?  Multiply viewings in one day? Let us know in the comments below!

By Mashiara Sedai, in TV Show,

The London premiere of The Wheel of Time TV show from Amazon Prime video is happening today! Dragonmount is proud to being you special live coverage of multiple events as the show premieres at select events in London and across the United States.   LONDON PREMIERE Join Dragonmount founder Jason Denzel, along with producer Kathy Campbell as they stream live from the red carpet in London. Coverage begins around 9:45 AM U.S. Pacific Time (5:45 PM London GMT).   Jason and Kathy will live-stream simultaneously to these social media accounts:   Dragonmount on Instagram Live @dragonmount_ Dragonmount on YouTube Dragonmount on Facebook Dragonmount on Twitter @dragonmount The Wheel of Time on Facebook Kathy Campbell on Twitter @mrssoup Kathy Campbell on Instagram Live @mrssoup Jason Denzel on Twitter @jasondenzel   Everything will be recorded and made available later.   LOS ANGELES FAN SCREENING Also, happening later in the day, around 5 PM U.S. Pacific Time, Dragonmount will live stream the Los Angeles Fan Screening on Instagram Live. Kitty Rallo, Thom DeSimone, and Katy Sedai will be on stage to introduce the first two episodes of season 1. If the schedule allows, they will also live stream additional activities associated with the screening such as fan reaction interviews.  The Wheel of Time premieres on Amazon Prime video on November 19. Visit our TV section of the website for full coverage, and visit our forums to discuss the show. 

By Dragonmount.com, in TV Show,

Amazon Prime Video announced today the upcoming release of The Wheel of Time: Origins, a series of animated short films that tell several stories set during the years and centuries before the events of the upcoming TV series. These animated films will be available on November 19, the same day that the first three episodes of season 1 of the show air. The videos will be available via Amazon X-Ray, which can be accessed via the Amazon Prime Video mobile app or the Amazon FireTV device.    Here's the full announcement trailer from Amazon Prime Video:     The short films are written by Rammy Park, who is also one of the writers on Season 2 of The Wheel of Time show.   No other specific information about the films or the animators has been provided yet. From the video above it appears as though some of the stories will focus on the Breaking of the World, the Trolloc Wars, and the fall of Artur Hawkwing.    Are you ready?  What do you think these animated films will focus on? Let us know in the comments! Be sure to follow us on social media and join the discussion on our forums. 

By Jason Denzel, in TV Show,

Milan Records announced today the release of a brand new soundtrack album called "The Wheel of Time: The First Turn (Amazon Original Series Soundtrack)" by acclaimed composer Lorne Balfe. It's available now worldwide from a wide assortment of music providers including Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon Music, YouTube, Pandora, and more. Click here for the complete list.   This album is the first in a series of four planned soundtrack albums that will be released alongside season 1 of Amazon Prime Video's upcoming show. At next one will become available November 19, 2021, coinciding with the premiere of the TV show's first three episodes.      Here's a list of the 14 tracks released as part of The First Turn:   Mashithamel (Young Love)      Moiraine Sedai      Ta'maral'ailen (Web of Destiny)      Aes Sedai (Servants of All)      Ost Ninto Shostya (On Your Knees)      Mashiara (Lost Love)      Al'Naito (The Flame)  Al'Cair Sei (Goldeneyes)      Caisen'shar (Old Blood)      Aman Syndai (Dragon Reborn)      Noriv al Zaffid (Two Halves of One Whole)      Al'Dival (For the Light)      Wab'shar (Bonded)      Mordero'Sheen (Bringers of Death)        Lorne Balfe:     In addition to the album’s digital release, The First Turn soundtrack will also be made available in both spatial audio and vinyl formats. Available later this in November, the spatial audio version of The First Turn album gives listeners a completely immersive listening experience with 360-degree sound and enhanced clarity. Meanwhile the album’s vinyl edition is set to arrive in 2022.    Did we mention that album is available now to stream? Hurry over and download or stream it now. Take a listen and let us know what you think in the comments or on our forums.    The Wheel of Time will premiere on November 19 on Amazon Prime Video. Be sure to check out our TV section of the website for complete info and coverage. 

By Jason Denzel, in TV Show,

Macmillan Audio has released an 8-minute sample of Rosamund Pike reading The Eye of the World. It can be listened to now on Soundcloud:   As previously reported, this new recording from Rosamund Pike (who plays Moiraine in the upcoming Amazon Prime Video TV show) will become available on November 16.      This new performance of The Eye of the World does not replace the older, more familiar versions read by Michael Kramer and Kate Reading. Those recording will also remain available.  The clear intent behind this new performance is to bring in a new audience of readers to experience the story for the first time.  Roasmund Pike is an experienced and accomplished audiobook reader, having recorded over a dozen titles before this.    The new audiobook can be pre-ordered here on Audible. It's also available on Libro.FM, Apple Books, Google Play Books, and more.    Tell us what you think in the comments, and be sure to join us on our forums and on social media.  

By Jason Denzel, in Books and eBooks,

Katy is a news contributor for Dragonmount. You can follow her as she shares her thoughts on The Wheel of Time TV Show on Instagram and Twitter @KatySedai   The first album for The Wheel of Time Soundtrack will be released on Friday, November 12th. The composer is Lorne Balfe, with production by 14th street music. The album is the first of four total albums with music from the series. The Wheel of Time: The First Turn (Amazon Original Series Soundtrack) will include music that sets the stage for the score heard in the TV series. The 14 songs are described as the principal or key themes based on characters and settings that are the building blocks used to create the music in the series. Composer Lorne Balfe says:      Along with the soundtrack announcement, two singles were released from the album including “Mashiara (Lost Love)”  and “Caisen'shar (Old Blood).” Along with “Al'Naito (The Flame)” all the songs have lyrics sung in the Old Tongue.   If you want to hear more about the music and the creative process, head over to YouTube and watch Lorne Balfe’s interview with the Matt Hatch of The Dusty Wheel YouTube show.   During the interview, Balfe explains that he wrote 18 themes for the TV series, all based on the characters and locations. The sounds we’ve heard so far can be tied to Aes Sedai (Al’Naito), Lan & Nynaeve (Mashiara), and the people of the Two Rivers (Caisen'shar). Balfe describes the lyrics of the songs as a narrative making the music for The Wheel of Time like an opera. The singers on the soundtrack are from around the world, and the music itself leans towards a global sound rather than a traditional fantasy sound.     During The Dusty Wheel interview fans were also treated to a special listen of a new song inspired by the Whitecloaks theme, which was the basis for the music in the full trailer.   Lorne Balfe has also released the Old Tongue lyrics for two of the songs:       The First Turn album will be released on Friday, November 12th, with a spatial audio version later in November, and vinyl editions expected in early 2022.  The Wheel of Time TV series will premiere on Amazon Prime Video on November 19th.   To see every promotional video, image, and early preview that Amazon has released so far, check out out our Season 1 Media page.  And be sure to check our TV section of the website.    What do you think of this new music? Let us know in the comments and be sure to join the discussion on our forums. 

By Katy Sedai, in TV Show,

The Wheel of Time revealed today, via their official social media accounts the following video:   This video has been part of a near daily marketing effort to promote the show. This video is part of The Wheel of Time explains series, which has been providing fans with background information on concepts like Aes Sedai, The Two Rivers, and now Warders. Actor Daniel Henney discusses how warders are bodyguards, friends, and confidants of their Aes Sedai. Both Daniel Henney and Rosamund Pike have mentioned the unique relationship between Lan and Moiraine in past interviews, and I can’t wait to see how this special bond will be treated in the show!   To see every promotional video, image, and early preview that Amazon has released so far, check out out our Season 1 Media page.  And be sure to check our TV section of the website.    What do you think of this new teaser? Let us know in the comments and be sure to join the discussion on our forums. 

By Katy Sedai, in TV Show,

The Wheel of Time revealed, via their official social media accounts new posters featuring the main cast.     These new posters are part of a near daily marketing effort to promote the show. The posters show us a close up of each of our main characters along with thread like weaves around each of them. Showrunner Rafe Judkins shared the posters to instagram stories with the comment “The Pattern of an Age is being woven”. The threads on the poster look very similar to the threads on the Moiraine waygate poster, and quite different than the weaves we’ve seen when characters channel the One Power. It’s very likely these are the threads of the pattern in the poster rather than weaves of the One Power.                   The posters feature Moiraine, Lan, Nynaeve, Egwene, Perrin, Rand, Mat, and Logain.   To see every promotional video, image, and early preview that Amazon has released so far, check out out our Season 1 Media page. And be sure to check our TV section of the website.    What do you think of this new teaser? Let us know in the comments and be sure to join the discussion on our forums. 

By Katy Sedai, in TV Show,

Amazon Prime Video has set the date for the world premiere of their upcoming Wheel of Time TV show for Monday, November 15, 2021 in London. As normal for these type of events, the cast and crew are expected to attend and make themselves available on the red carpet before the screening of the first episode.   In addition, we’re delighted to announce that Dragonmount founder Jason Denzel, along with producer Kathy Campbell and TV blogger Adam Whitehead, will be in attendance for the event. Jason and Kathy will be on the red carpet, streaming live video, sharing photos, and engaging with fans on social media. Be sure to follow our social media so you don’t miss anything. Here’s our video announcement:     The time and location of the event itself are not publicly available yet.    Also announced today were free fan screenings of the first 2 episodes in select cities.   The Wheel of Time premieres on Amazon Prime Video on November 19, 2021. For more information about the TV show, visit our dedicated section on the website which includes a cast list and all officially-released media for the show so far.

By Dragonmount.com, in TV Show,

Amazon Prime Video announced today that they will host FREE fan screenings of the first 2 episodes (Leavetaking and Shadow's Waiting) of the upcoming Wheel of Time TV show in the following U.S. cities on Monday, November 15:   Atlanta Austin Chicago Dallas Denver Los Angeles * Hosted by Dragonmount Miami New York San Francisco Seattle Washinton D.C.   Other non- U.S. cities will be announced soon. Keep an eye on your regional Amazon Prime social media accounts.    Visit here to register for the events!   We're also delighted to announce that the Los Angeles event will be hosted by Dragonmount. Join Kitty, Katy, and Thom as they appear on stage to welcome you to the event and introduce the first TWO episodes. (Leavetaking and Shadow's Waiting)     Visit here to register for the events.   Times and locations will vary depending on the city. Event attendees will be requires to comply with local COVID protocols.   Who's planning to attend? Who will be at our Los Angeles event?      

By Dragonmount.com, in TV Show,

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