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February Chitter Chatter


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Well, we're going on our third SCA event (two run by our local group) in three weeks this coming weekend! Two weekends ago was our Kingdom Round Table event (all-the-meetings) during which I got to fill in for BOTH of the Kingdom officers I am ER for because neither could make the 10+ hour drive (one for broken car, one for sick child). Then LAST weekend was Winterkingdom which is an awesome collegium event. I took classes on smoking and brining meat (and smoked fruit! Tasting included), how to make boiled puddings, running Entourage, and then spend the afternoon practicing Equestrian. 

The Equestrian is particularly awesome, because riding was my sport from elementary school up until college. I used to compete regularly. Now some friends who have horses have started local equestrian practices, and are allowing us to ride their horses.  :bela: 

This weekend is our 'normal' local winter event, which is mostly War Games in preparation for Gulf Wars, and the warm indoor area is set up for crafting, garb making, war prep stuff etc. Normally it's a small regional thing, but Their Majesties will be here because there's an elevation to Laurel, and two Circles at our event! Should be exciting. 

Mundane left is not nearly as exciting. More grading mostly. :wink: 

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I celebrated Imbolg yesterday with family. I led one of the rituals and even though I didn't have much to do or say, just saying the words and having everyone attend to you was an invigourating experience.

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Well, everyone is busy!


Ladywordsmith, not this weekend but the weekend after I'm driving about an hour away to this fabric store. I need Indian gauze to make my Roman attire.


Lily, I'm so relieved that you like her AND have a day off!


Taltos, what happens at Imbolg? I wish I could have been there.


WiFi, what are you reading?


This weekend we are going to a sports bar called "The 5th Quarter" to watch the Superbowl.

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Well, everyone is busy!


Ladywordsmith, not this weekend but the weekend after I'm driving about an hour away to this fabric store. I need Indian gauze to make my Roman attire.


Lily, I'm so relieved that you like her AND have a day off!


Taltos, what happens at Imbolg? I wish I could have been there.


WiFi, what are you reading?


This weekend we are going to a sports bar called "The 5th Quarter" to watch the Superbowl.


I was reading: Foundation, Intrigue, and Change in the valdemar series as I have never read them before  :wink: and rightly so since they just came out last year....LOL

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I was reading: Foundation, Intrigue, and Change in the valdemar series as I have never read them before   :wink: and rightly so since they just came out last year....LOL




What is that series about?


Okay so the bold is hmmm....how to describe it......Like dungeons and dragons in that its a series of series.  However it is not quite as large as d&d yet.  but that's not what you were asking.  


It's basically a series about magical white horses called: Companions in the country of Valdamar who choose their riders called: Heralds.  The KIng/Queen must be a Herald and so must the Heir.  That's all I'm gonna tell you cause I don't want to ruin it for you.  I think it might be considered YA but am not sure....well actually now that I think about it no its not YA :smile:


and the light salmon are the newest of a series in the series.  It is 3 different books.  However, they are written in the beginning of the timeline.  Yeah, I should probably tell you that the books are written based off of a timeline.  Well here's the most recent order of the series:


 Mage Wars

The Last Herald-Mage

Collegium Chronicles this is the ones I just read.  I've read most of the others many years ago.  However, I am going to reread from the beginning, If I can find them for free.

The Herald Spy

Vows & Honor


Arrows of the Queen

Mage Winds

Mage Storms

Darien's Tale

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So sorry for your loss, Ryrin! 




LOVE the Heralds of Valdemar. I own every book (The ones referenced above are the first three of a set of 5, and the Herald Spy series, which is on its third, are the most recent ones). Been reading them as long as I've been reading WoT. :smile: Found out several years ago Mercedes Lackey used to play SCA and lives in Oklahoma! She comes out to the occasional Con or Medieval Faire, when she's not prolifically shooting out 8-10 books a year. 

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