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Start Wheel of Time with New Spring or Eye of the World?


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Guest fox-lionheart
I'm new to the Wheel of Time.

Should I start by reading New Spring or Eye of the World?


I just started a thread like this and the responses varied. I've already read Eye of the World, up until the Shadow Rising. I have read a little bit of New Spring, but didn't finish it.


From the responses I got, some people like it as a side-story and nothing else, while other's think it's great to start the story off with New Spring. However, I did not start off reading the series with New Spring.


I am about to restart reading the series, this time getting further, and I think I am going to start with New Spring, but I don't think you have to otherwise Robert Jordan would have written it first hehe.


Hope that helps!


Love Always & Blessed Be,

Fox Lionheart


I would suggest waiting to read New Spring until you finish the other books. Some of the stuff in NS, in my opinion, almost makes more sense when you can fit it in in relation to the other books. You kind of read something in NS and go "Oh, so thats why that is..." If you read New Spring first you will have that background information as you read some of the other books as events unfold, so it might, not ruin, but, make some of the things revealed in NS, and consequently the rest of the series, less meaningful.


Yeah New Spring might be entertaining by it's self, but it would make A LOT more sense if you've read atleast 7-8 of the regular series.


I agree with what has been said, while you may enjoy ANS first and I don't think anything would be "ruined" by starting here, chances are you will enjoy reading it much more after you have read at least the first half of the main series.


Heres another agree. Dont read NS first. ITs a good story but its more for background info on the characters. It kinda ruins some stuff in EYe of the world.


I think NS takes a lot of the mystery out of several of the major characters of WoT, so wait at LEAST until after book 5 to read it. Start with Eye of the World.


Considering Moiraine is the main character of New Spring, I, too, suggest reading New Spring after you're done with book 5.


New Spring is something for the real WoT enthusiast to read in between main releases, or before a complete series reread.


As a WoT newbie, the book would neither make much sense nor be very exciting. Read the series before the prequel(s).

New Spring is something for the real WoT enthusiast to read in between main releases' date=' or before a complete series reread.


As a WoT newbie, the book would neither make much sense nor be very exciting. Read the series before the prequel(s).[/quote']


I like the idea of reading NS before a re-read. It will deffinately give the re-read a different perspective.


Most definitely read the series first, then read New Spring as a side liner, whilst you're waiting for the next book!


My reasons for saying this are that whilst New Spring will not add substantially to your knowledge in preparation for reading the series, having read the series first will beef out New Spring so that you can fully understand everything that happens.


If you read New Spring first, you'll probably not like Moiraine very much and be put off her in the series, however read them the other way round and your respect for her will be enormous.


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