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Ghostbusters Mafia - Game Over - Mafia Wins!

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so its ok that u flipflopped around here then?


as for eldrick you not voting him are you? even said ud believe him when i flip slimer

You are flailing, I AM the one who said I would believe eldrick if you flipped slimer...

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Oh. The other thing is he isn't considering the possibility of you being town. Omgus much?


do you actually remember what you read?? I voted him  then copped flak because i unvoted him and town read him because of his claim and case on zander so ure point is rubbish.


i stated before     and asked people to look at the other game     that i found his tone slimy    noone bothered,


you cant tone read but wont consider what those who can say?? isnt that kinda cutting off ure nose to spite ure face?  why wouldnt yopu consider other points of view ESPECIALLY if you say you cant do it?


Think about this from a townies perspective. I know that is difficult for you in this game cause you randed mafia but please try.


I'm town and my only power is my vote. I don't necessarily believe in tone reading. I also don't trust you very much. Why in the world would I just follow along with what you say when you could easily be lying??? 


Again. Can you show some posts that led you to believe I had "slimey" tone?? It isn't on everyone else to dig up the support for your claim. do the #werk Dice. 


No I couldn't connect to school wifi and it wasn't giving me the prompt to login into the network, so I restarted and it just sat there for 20 minutes. Eventually I just held down the power button to cut it off the bad way >_> It's up now and working though! Didn't break nothin, so yay


Shad in reference to Dice.



Lynch Zander D1 for my WiM?

If hes a wolf im all for it. Kinda doubt he is tho


What has you reading him town atp?


Questioning. Nothing saying that Dice's response is good.



Frankly, I find the fact that anyone has an actual read on anyone in under 10 pages, with almost NO game content posted to be complete bull... so I agree with you, but for a separate set of reasons.
unvote, vote Dice

I'm already starting to think you're town.


Thinking that john was town for his vote of Dice. 



I was liking his tone but then he got stoopid and voted me. His reasoning for that is lolworthy seeing as i only said KINDA doubt it. Im not totally sold he just sounded good so far.

What was lolworthy about it? I've never seen scum!Zander's tone fall to hell before he's been outed by other means and knows he's probably going down. I thought your read on him felt way too easy too, hence the question. <_<


More questioning. Looks like Shad isn't really liking Dice's responses. Maybe I am reading it wrong. I don't think so however.


Not sure what to make of Turin yet, but Dice isn't bothering me.

I'm feeling spicy enough for early trains though.


But he is okay saying that Dice isn't bothering him. Interesting. BTW IMO Tsuki is pretty much spewed clear by Shad's interaction with him. I'm not gonna even tinfoil on him anymore this game.







I don´t know anything about this theme either. Except that there are ghosts and that there are people that hunts ghosts and that there are some kind of green slime.

You havent seen Ghostbusters...WOLFY


Vote: Zander
Game has to start somewhere. I don't presume to know if him mentioning "getting the wolves" constantly is alignment indicative, but I tend to think over-selling yourself as town is a scum marker.
So, let's see what happens, shall we?

Bold is his reasoning. I agree with it and it is one of the things that perks my ears up too. (i.e. Zander using the PM thing to atempt to hard clear himself in GnD) You see it as alignment neutral for Zander specifically. He sees it as a general tell. ( at least that is my take on it) 
Also the underlined, You see something that sits odd you push to see what develops. I can appreciate that. 


[v] Dice {/v]
I don't like he kept his "joke" vote on Rey even after he seems to have a lean on John. Well he called him a hypocrite anyway.

HAHA! I just called him a hypocrite too. Apparently it's okay for him to make comments on reads but not okay for anyone else, I can see where Dice is coming from


It might help you to think of John as a cross between Mynd and Darthe. But with a different sense of humour. Hr is a "beat the grass to startle the snakes" type player. 
If he gets under your skin you could ask him to go find his "Princess Sparklebutt" siggy :tongue:


Even if you wanna use this weak reasoning, maybe not weak for John because he doesnt know me but for you it is.
In the GnD reference you used what was my alignment that game Turin?
And me calling myself Town or lets hunt the Wolves is completely null for me.
Where are you going with this irt to me?  This is one of those weak pushes Ive talked about from you last game,  I know I was wrong but its something Im noting cause Ive seen it before from Scum!Turin.
Want to hear you answer some of my questions.


Red, did you get the impression that Turin was suggesting otherwise?


Seemed like it.
Am I reading it wrong iyo?


I didn't read it that way, but I want to hear Turin explain for himself.


This was Shad working both sides of the V/V argument between me and Zander. 


He questions Z about how he was reading a situation (he had it right BTW). He questions Z for how Z interpreted it but when Z questioned him back he gave a soft response (Not declarative i.e. Yes, I think you read it wrong) and kept it going to wait until I responded. 


Dice, quote me something that feels slimey to you.


I want today's lynch to be ME, Alanna or Dice. I've been willing to die since D1 when I thought I had Zander as mafia. I already caught my mafia in Shad. If I need to die to make sure that These two go down I am willing.


I think that both of them are mafia. I have for a while. Look at Alanna's "progression" of Shad. Look ata Dice's on me. Both are unnatural.


So either lynch me or lynch mafia. What is better for town???

I highly doubt you actually want today's lynch to be you lol


As for sliminess, you're coming off slimey. You're trying to discount our cop, you're trying to structure the thread so that nobody is clear, and place doubt in conf townies. That's just slimy and bad feeling.


And yet you keep harping on how you lynched scum but at the end of that day that doesn't always mean everything. I tried to lynch the symp d1 and did it d2, then I lynched Shad d3 (granted, I waffled a bit) but I'm not talking up THAT, I'm confident in how much I've contributed will clear me enough not to be the lynch.


My progression on Shad has been explained. I was suspicious of him early game like I always am, because it's Shad. I knew he was in the Anni game (which I was reading) so I gave him some leeway because the game was such high volume. By the time he came back/was killed off over there, I expected something MORE from Shad, I expected him to get involved. He didn't, I pushed him on that, he pitched a fit about it and seemed hurt so I backed off a little and second guessed myself. By the time his lynch was into full swing I contemplated that town!Shad would have shown himself by now, wolf!Shad is just giving excuses. I reread his ISO, and hammered him. Make no mistake that I know how my progression looks, trust me. BUT, you can see a similar progresssion on Lenlo who was inactive/dropped off this game. I also gave him a leeway because I know what it's like to be in the last few weeks/last days of school and things are stressful and hard right now. I appealed to him and got nothing. He ended up getting replaced out; I'm still waiting for Nikon to totally impress me.


As for the "lynch me or lynch mafia" question: if you Are mafia, then it's win-win, right? :wink:



Lynch me today if you feel you need to. But after I flip town. Kill Alanna and Dice with fire!!!

You're not even attempting to see where we could be town. Maybe I'm making a mistake by tying myself to Dice, and trust me, that's not a mistake I would even ATTEMPT to make as mafia when I was being town read earlier in the game lol, but I'm just SURE that he's town. If we lynch Dice and he flips town, I'm going to expect EVERYONE to look at Turin pretty dang hard.




First, because he's someone who didn't want to die and lose his vote, yet he has not used it.

Second, because I can play the Mod, not just the game. The Ghostbusters are bad, right? Me, Turin, Alanna, Hallia, Zander, Rey, all claimed humans and town. Flips so far have borne this out - all dead town have been Human.

Setup is: Naive cop - she ain't psychic, she was lied to by a ghost buster. Setup - Ghostbusters as scum, with ghosts as their 'safe' claims because 'No way would Ithi give someone a ghost claim in a Ghostbuster game unless they WERE town.'

There are NO ghosts, period.


Dice dies, he hasn't used his oh-so-important vote for anything Town. If he flips Town, we reconsider. If he's Scum, Eldrick dies next.

1. I highly doubt that the game can be broken by Human=town, ghost/ghostbusters=scum. No mod would do that.

2. IF that WAS the case, mafia would probably know, would have fake claims. Why would ANYONE claim a ghost if they knew it would make them a target. I'm thinking logically here, y'all

3. You literally don't know the set up and can't make assumptions based on speculation that may or may not be true. You're going to back town into a corner doing that




[V]dice [/v]


This push on turin by dice and laine has really got me suspecting them myself. I'm not sure if they are both scum, but Turin surely isnt.

Good grief!


The best you can bring up against him is a slimy tone, and conspiracy theories.


I'm horrible at reading tone, and am not taking someone else's word on that.


Conspiracy theories are null. Anyone can speculate.

In the Belichick game Dice caught me on one post where I reacted awkwardly and tunneled me until I was lynched scum.


i give up eldrick.



note tho turin has flipflopped arounbd on whether the mafia is the busters or ghosts or has fake claims   yet he takes the viewing of YOU  who claimed a ghost as gospel.


NEITHER shad nor RTE offered a fake claim   hell rte REFUSED to claim.  I dont think they HAVE safe claims

Of course they have fake claims... if "all ghostbusters are mafia" is a potential failing of the setup, which is what people are suggesting, and if "only humans can be town" is a potential failing of the setup, then they have safe claims.


(I'm not saying that Ithi's setup is flawed, I'm saying that a good mod doesn't let their set up be broken by character claims, and if it CAN be broken by character claims, then they generally don't allow character claims)


Simple logic imo


Rte offered a fake claim. Subway ghost.


Doesnt exist in the movie.

lol. Please google "subway ghost in ghostbusters"


Think about this from a townies perspective. I know that is difficult for you in this game cause you randed mafia but please try.

That snark though!


Give me something more than you are just SURE Dice is town. Cause that isn't helpful. 


I'm not trying to discount our cop. I'm looking at the real possibility that his views are not valid. These are two very different things.  I am not trying t to keep everyone from being cleared. I have been very clear about who I think are mafia and why I think it. The only person that I am really challenging as being clear is Eldrick because I have some doubt about if his being peeked is valid. That is one person. One person that has quite a bit of mafia equity as well. 


You lynched a SYMP, just like Shad. You didn't know he was on your team. I kinda think that you might have thought that Z was the symp as it is thematically in line. Or maybe that I was. In either case it meant RTE was town to you and therefore an easy D2 lynch. I wonder what the QT will look like around there. I pushed for and saw that a MAFIA team member that was not really being sussed otherwise got lynched.  Do you not see the difference??


As for the "lynch me or lynch mafia" question: if you Are mafia, then it's win-win, right?  :wink: The if here makes it clear that you KNOW I'm not mafia. As do your interactions with me. You can say I'm mafia but you are treating me as town.  


You're not even attempting to see where we could be town. Maybe I'm making a mistake by tying myself to Dice, and trust me, that's not a mistake I would even ATTEMPT to make as mafia when I was being town read earlier in the game lol, but I'm just SURE that he's town. If we lynch Dice and he flips town, I'm going to expect EVERYONE to look at Turin pretty dang hard. This might be the best argument that dice MIGHT be town (which probably means Eldrick is not) I have given both of you every opportunity to show your town. You failed. Dice because he just is lurking unless he is getting direct heat and isn't working to find mafia despite all his talk about going after them and how important it was that he lived. He has also failed to show any form of town mindset.  You for one very bug reason. Shad. On D2 you were all saying that you were willing to go Rey or Shad. You chose Rey (town that was also the N2 kill) . I asked more than once to get you to go Shad. You kept saying that you were just "unsure" about Shad. I gave my thoughts. I asked again but your responses were IMO that he was basically "null". It felt like you just didn't want to take a real position on him. 


This is why my vote is on you. I think that one of Eldrick and Dice is likely mafia but I think that YOU are definitely mafia. 



I actually do not care if I am the lynch today because it will prove I am town and then it will be a choice of which two of my three suspects are the mafia. Townies don't have to live to win. Especially if they are able to keep casing after they are dead.  Yes that is a dig at Dice BTW. 


1. Turin: claimed Dana Barrett - Town Neighbor
2. Eldrick: Claimed Librarian Ghost - VT??? {peeked by Cop N2- Town result}
3. Niniel: No claim
4. Tsuki: Claimed fake psychihc college girl - Town Cop (possibly Naive)
5. BFG Nikon replaced Night 2: claimed Dean Yeager - VT
6. Zander - Louis Tully - Town Neighbour- Lynched Day 1
7. Dice: Claimed Slimer - Town Treestump
8. Lenlo Sooh replaced Day 2: Claimed Jail guard - Town Jailkeeper
9. Shad - Egon Spengler - Mafia - Used Kill action and Block action - Lynched Day 3
10. Rey - Lenny Clotch, The Mayor - Town Governor - Killed Night 2
11. John McClane Hallia replaced Day 1 - Walter Peck - Environmental Protection Agency - Town Doctor - Killed Night 3
12. RTE - Winston Zeddemore - Mafia Symp - Lynched Day 2
13. Alanna: Claimed Janine Melnick? - VT???


So we have 

COP - I believe it. Even if he might be naive. 



NEIGHBORS - ONE DEAD, I'm the other and I know I'm town. 

TREESTUMP?? maybe. I dunno. 

JAILKEEPER? There is some support for this claim. Jailed RTE(which I just realised MAY have stuffed the mafia recruit attempt), ???, Alanna


Mafia had:


SHAD: that used a kill action and a RB action. Whether both on N1 or one on N1 and one on N2. 

probably two more with unknown abilities. 


Niniel. You might as well claim too. 


Obviously someone is lying. I know I'm town and not lying. I am very very confident that Tsuki is Town and not lying. I think that one of Dice and Eldrick is lying. I don't see both ghosts being town here. I also don't see all the humans as town. Alanna is right here that it is more likely that the fake claims are spread out amongst the types (human, Ghost) This might have been a TMI slip however. I think I will go and ISO her for her Shad posts. 


there are a few non Shad things in here that just caught my eye.





lol ShadGOAT


Y'all I'm never going to get away from having to reveal ??? on thread. That was a very strange experience.


Cory used ??? flips in the last VS game with frustrating effectiveness.  :tongue:

That is evil. And wrong.


early jokey which isn't really indicative but it struck me as odd because I would have expected Alanna to be following Cory's game and already know about the ??? bit. Very small thing that just sits weird. 







You should totally straighten him out. 





Whats mommy doing to dad????

I just read this and died laughing. Thank you Zander

Also a fan of Rey right now. Good amount of snark, makes rereading more enjoyable. Not alignment indicative though, but probably want to keep him around for fun factor. lol



Well, that was more direct than I expected.

I'd say you can read Zander decently by his cases. He'll throw out gut/tone stuff a lot, but he'll bring it together with conviction or the appearance of it sooner or later, and if you're scratching your head more than nodding along he's probably a wolf.

This is mostly true, but he has been crazy tunnelly as town before and not cased as well as he should. Meh

#88 @Rey In regards to meta-play, it's been heavily used recently, more among some players than others. Sometimes it's used to make really accurate cases, sometimes it totally screws us over, so it just depends. I think it's a good tool to get some early reads in a game though. If we know how people generally react, it's somewhere to start from.

#113 McClane, not sure what your "LOLWUT" reaction is to my questions.


#125 pings me a little bit from Lenlo. I'm having trouble with Lenlo's response here because he's inserting a snarky comment where I'm not sure it quite fits. =/

#129 @Tsuki, you didn't explain why my entrance was funky. Also not sure where any of those "reads" are coming from. They sound more like jokes to me than anything, can you expand more please?


It's silly, because you really weren't saying anything at all. A dismissive joke, and letting us know it's a null tell... which is pretty much stating the obvious. Nobody comes out and declares themselves scum, after all.

And yet you're voting him on a null action. Hypocrite? :tongue:

#136 EW Zander. Don't like this vote on Dice, feels forced because I'm pretty sure Dice was joking, especially since he says he doubts you're a wolf in the same post.. But apparently I read your reasoning wrong which you explain on 142. Not sure it's "TMI" enough to call Dice wolf though?

Probably sitting null-townish on Dice for his responses. Townish on Zander. Shad gets negative points for his light entrance, something isn't sitting right there. Lenlo (-) for that awk post I mentioned earlier. Tsuki had some weird reads I want him to expand on so that I know what he's saying. Most everyone else is null. Might actually call Turin town.


Reads are interesting. Shad negative. Turin might actually be town (probably TMI :baalzamon: )  Defends Dice against Zander vote and continues to push at Z as time goes on until his lynch looks possible (And it becomes clear he might be their symp)



[v] Dice [/v]


I don't like he kept his "joke" vote on Rey even after he seems to have a lean on John. Well he called him a hypocrite anyway.  

HAHA! I just called him a hypocrite too. Apparently it's okay for him to make comments on reads but not okay for anyone else, I can see where Dice is coming from


more Dice defense.


I mentioned Shad's "light" start: he's been very jokey and there's a few comments on Zander's meta and a question directed at Dice, then a town read on John and that's about it. Maybe I'm just expecting too much from him this early in the game, so I'll wait and see more.

Shad :wub:

Here is her poke at Shad. 


Meh. Don't really want to push Shad, I moreso want to sit back and watch him for a bit.


Same with Zander, let him do his thing.


BFG, if you're still here, thoughts on Shad and Zander?

2 minutes later Alanna reverses on Shad and wants to just watch him. Giving a teammate some rope while giving a suss to point out later. 


#195 Turin is calling Dice a wolf for posting a ghostbuster meme about ghosts and not responding to him? I don't get it.

#212 @Turin: I've actually played with John before on JN so he's not new to me, I find him to be rather abrasive at times. But I'm also not going to hold back and let him use general tells on actions that are completely null, that's just silly

#220 @Eldrick: irt me making reads, I did throw a few out on my last post at the bottom. Not confident in any of them yet but they're more YOLO than anything. Maybe a bit LESS YOLO than Tsuki's reads which were odd.

Direct Replies


alanna is new to me... Hate that opening, smells funky as hell... - SERIOUS
dice claimed ghost *nods*... but claimed Townie ghost? O.o - SERIOUS
Rey says Towny too often to be sincere - SERIOUS
Turin is scum, because he married Ithi. Also, his favorite dessert is apparently Trifles... words are hard. - JOKRIOUS - Not Kidding... Turin is always scum until proven innocent - I remember that much :)

I think I am going to enjoy playing with Rey.

Teammates - SERIOUS



Turin wanted to know what was serious or joking... so here.
Allana comes in all cheerful-like, tell me about yourself, A/S/L like this is an AOL chat room. I don't like that, hence smells funky. Then she ignores it for 3-4 pages? Give me something to tunnel at.
@ Turin: Did not pursue ghost claim because I knew someone would pull an Eldrick... See below... 1 Townie ghost, maybe. 2?? Inconceivable... One of the two is shank-worthy.
Serious about Rey... me thinketh he protests too hard.
Again... Turin is scum until proven innocent. For 'reasons'... BUT, all jokes aside, I read Turin as Town atm due to year-old meta recollections... *shrug*
Serious - latch onto one insignificant slip up and catch the whole team. Was this the slip?
Serious - Duh

I don't think ghost = scum
I'm a ghost too.
i haven't seen the whole movie, but are all ghosts bad ghosts?

 GhostBUSTERS... You or Dice are on the naughty list.
Also, how the blazes have you not seen this movie? How old are you?


Ohhhh I can't even articulate how much I hate this post! First of all, his reads were all serious. That's like me scum reading Cory because he doens't like sour cream or calling Zander a wolf because he has a beard.

You seriously didn't like my entrance because I wanted to know a little bit about players I've never talked to before? It was a conversation starter to see who you are and where you're at as far as experience with the game. I think that's a pretty legitimate way to get information about other players and get conversation going.

Secondly, nobody is scum until proven innocent. Because someone is only proven inno by coroner report or cop peek. That's it. Hence starting people at null and valuing their performance +/- from that point. I don't like starting anyone at scum, because they're much more likely to be town anyways. (Wolves are minority or something?)

About saying "town" too often: this is a general tell that isn't a tell and means nothing. Should be null for any alignment.

Lastly, saying "if there are multiple ghosts, one must be town and the other scum" is setting up lynches and is disgusting. You have no idea how the mod set up the game, you have no idea whether the characters are 100% of their alignment so basically the only reason you'd want to make this assumption is to push a lynch which is scummy and bad. (Rey points this out on #232 apparently, + for him)


And again, on this post. Do you REALLY think that Wolf!ghost!Eldrick would claim ghost if he really was a wolfy ghost? lol if you think people just straight up claim mafia around here.

#237 #238 OMG Tsuki's pushes are WEAK

/stopping at the top of 13 in my catchup for a moment before my post gets too long

Top section: More Dice Defense. 

lower section: Bashing hard at Tsuki. All of the first bits (him having me as mafia, being "weird" in how he plays is just Tsuki. The bolded parts tho are very interesting. If one of the ghost claims is fake and Alanna knew it cause she is mafia this post makes a lot of sense. It is basically telling people to ignore the chance that one of them is mafia. She even cites that Rey agreed about it. I guess his cred for that didn't last. It is an attempt to preemptively paint any lynch attempt on a claimed ghost as bad and only because of the character claim. That she uses Eldrick here as the example reads like it would be she was more concerned about him being sussed.  To answer the question tho I might expect a Wolf!GhostbusterEldrick to claim ghost after someone else already did.  




I'm here, gong to catch up really quick. Hello all




<3 <3 <3


Hi darling!!


Hey Laine!


Any reads yet?

Turin was okay as of my last catch up, but he's slipping a little bit. Tsuki scummy, Rey good, Eldrick you're towny, Lenlo is meh. I also want Shad to be more involved to get a better read. BFG sitting in null with John and Niniel. Zander is townish but not outside of scum range aorn


Turin dropping, Tsuki mafia, Rey still good. Eldrick Towny. Wants more from Shad. Z townish but not outside his mafia range. Nothing on Dice...




So far it feels like she is sussing shad but trying to not drop him too far into her PoE. 


On something else it is becoming a very real possibility that Eldrick is actually her teammate. Her coming after me because I am considering the possibility of Tsuki being a naive cop which miscleared Eldrick feels like too much of a response to something that is a real possibility.


I think this was the in the 20's, so I will keep going. 


Next group. Shad was not about much here but I think there is more here that potentially links Alanna to Eldrick.



Okay then... I have some light town reads on Eldrick, Turin, Rey, Zander, and Shad in no particular order.

Eldrick has been coming off good tone wise and I'm not really seeing him as scummy right now.. I'm also feeling positive on him claiming ghost with everyone calling ghosts scummy but that's probably a terrible way to develop a read.    Turin isn't a strong read at all and some of it might be wishful thinking but I don't believe he is a wolf. He's feeling like he did last game where I got a good town read off him but it's too early to tell. I didn't exactly buy his push on Dice though, so there's that. It just sort of fell flat for me, which is why he fell down a little bit in my reads. Other than that, thread presence and tone are both good enough for a light town read.    Rey just feels genuine and I've found myself agreeing with his points and thought process. That's a good enough reason to call him town for now, imo.      Zander and Shad are the two that I wanted to hold back on and watch a little bit. I think Zander is close to being a stronger town read, I need a little bit more to be sure. Some of his responses where I feel like he would have reacted more strongly/differently as scum haven't happened and I'm not sure if that's the effect of the drugs or townie Zander, but I'm leaning more town than drugs lol.      Shad isn't nearly as involved as I would expect but there have been a few posts that I see coming from him more often as town than as wolf. Still more on the nullish town side for me though. Give me moar.

I have a good null section of BFG, Dice, John, RTE.    RTE hasn't said anything as far as I remember. I think there was an intro post and that's it?      John is a difficult read for me, I know he can easily fall into that town leader spot as scum and that's what's making me a little suspicious of him right now. I'm not really sure what to make of him yet.    Dice was leaning townish but I'm not sure I want to commit to that yet. I need to reread his posts to give something more substantial. There have been some awkward posts from him, and that's something I'm keeping in mind putting him back in the null/mixed category.     BFG is closer to town than any of them, I would really like to talk to her RT and get some of her thoughts on the other players before I commit to any read.

Lenlo is leaning scummy. I'm not seeing a town!Lenlo yet this game and some of his remarks earlier in the game that I called out haven't been answered yet from what I can tell.    Tsuki is straight up a scum read, I do NOT like his pushes, they're weak and make no sense, and pressure there hasn't made him look any better.


More reads. Eldrick towny. also likes his ghost claim. If she is a mafia Ghosbuster this makes good sense and makes her look good ITT at that point. Clever mafia play. Makes him look better once the suspected setup becomes known. Turin good. Rey good. Z is trending up. Shad is town-null. 




That's an interesting insight on John, but I feel he's coming from a towny POV. If he's fooling me, then he's being successful at it.


I don't agree with your read on Lenlo. He is typically low content early as both alignments, and his lack of involvement isn't alignment indicative.


Need to see more from RTE. I only remember being in a game with him once, and I think I was scum then, so I have basically no info on him.


I really like your recent content, Laine, and I'm starting to get town vibes from you. Keep it up!


I'm not lynching Rey today. He's had good content and a solid towny attitude. He's one of my stronger town reads.


There have been some things about Tsuki that haven't sit well with me, like him thinking that I was white knighting when I was trying to figure out his motive. I was wrong about my reasoning, but the way he came after me about it was really weird. I agree with Laine about his post listing how his points were serious was bad. A lot of them weren't good reasons. They weren't necessarily scummy ones either, though. I'm on the fence about voting him. He's definitely worse than others are right now, but I'm not convinced that he's scum.


I have mixed feelings about Turin and dice. There has been some stuff from them that I like, but people are also bringing up decent points against them too.


As I said before, I liked the fact that Shad and I both noticed John being towny early. It was a good look for him that he saw what I saw. I didn't like the fact that he thought I was trying to discredit something when I was trying to understand it. I'm not sure how I feel about him.


And I don't have a read on BFG. I'll have to go over her stuff and see what she's said.


Eldrick also seeing Rey as good. Alanna is towny. Shad mixed. That they each have the same sort of read on each other is what caught my eye here. 


Lots of wishy washy reads. 



Are you freaking kidding me? I open up this game today and see there's a cop claim? On Day freaking one?


Dude if you're the real cop, we're going to have some real issues here. You had plenty of time to talk yourself out of it and to do something constructive to help the town but instead you take the easy way out and claim, revealing a PR. I'm so annoyed irght now i'll be back later ffs [unvote]


Maybe he shouldn't be so dang scummy as cop. Whatever. we just have to move on from it and hope we have a doc to protect him


I'm going to try to catch up and not be annoyed


Fake outrage is fake...





Liking Laine on p21 quite a bit. There was a time when I'd say that level of engagement is outside of her scum range. I need to look at GnD at some point and see how much of her towny content came post-cult conversion.

Iirc she was able to maintain her town content because she was the cop.

This is right and something I want to bring up too. GnD was an exception, you act like I have improved my scum game to the point where it is indiscernible from my town game which isn't the case. I only kept that up because I was cop lol



Shad pops in and Likes Alanna but for a bad reason. Eldrick comes in and corrects. Alanna also corrects him. I wonder what that did to her read. 




I'm buying Turin's claim at this point, and I'm buying his suspicions of Zander as being legitimate. I liked the way Turin took off at the start and got this game moving, and I've not liked Zander's meta-whatever play-style at all quite frankly. His rebuttals to Turin's claims look weak in my opinion. 

I'm also going to buy Tsukibana's claim at cop. Maybe not the best strategy to reveal at this point, but if real life is calling, I understand. I'm nicely interested in the people who jumped on my train against Tsukibana... Alanna in particular. I've got my eye on you. 

Dice is a mess. His post number #454 is illogical, and #460 is a little bit far-fetched.

My personal opinion is that if Zander flips scum, we take a look at Dice next.


Vote: Zander

I have a better feeling that Turin is town than Zander and I think Zander might be the way to go today. I need to hear more about the interactions on QT first though. Also want Zander's side if he hasn't already been here.


Rey what was wrong with my vote on Tsuki? By the point I voted him in my catch up he had 2 votes and I added a third (though apparently I was fourth lol). He was legitimately scummy and I put my vote where I thought I'd find scum. I also hate that he claimed, regardless of RL. I don't like having PRs outted d1.



Turin more likely town. Zander might be the way to go. Asks Rey about her vote. You but him to over half way to lynch (L-3). As most claim at L-2 and he was gonna be away why so upset about him claiming cop? messed up a mislynch chance. 





#419 Eldrick I like your point on Lenlo, I guess he really doesn't start out high content but I'm going to have to wait for him to pick up a bit before I can assign a better read than that. He's been able to town tell so well lately, I'm looking forward to seeing him this game.

#434 Turin trim your multi quotes.

Also I'm not exactly following this case against Dice and Zander. From what I can tell Turin things they're both wolves and Zander things Dice is a wolf? Someone needs to tl;dr me because everytime I try to read these posts I get completely taken out of it and have no idea what's going on. None of you are exactly easy to follow.

Personally I'm just having trouble getting into this game, need some WIM

Ohhhh #437 is interesting, I only saw Tsuki's claim when I skimmed. Neighbors implies they're not of the same alignment, but also it sucks because we can't be sure which is town and which isn't, which leads to testing and that always sucks. I mean, neighbors CAN be v/v but why not make them masons and Turin is implying that Zander has been suspicious in QT? Doesn't look good for Z.

#446 I agree with Eldrick here

I really hate advanced games.

I'm stopping at Tsuki's claim, I need to get dinner. Hopefully some of y'all will be around tonight to talk RT.


Think the bold over again before you try and mislynch me again if youre Town Alanna.





More Dice defense. 

Loss of WIM due to randing wolf is apparently a thing.

Casting doubt on both Neighbors just because we were not listed as masons.  This is where the Z as mafia pops up.

Hate for advanced games because it is hard to get people lynched when they claim a town PR.


This note from Z I think is where She switches to Z defense. 




Laine, you agreeing with me so much is weirding me out. I'm not used to it :Park

I still think you're town tho :)

Welcome to the game, hally. You subbed into a spot that I already thought was town, so I expect you to continue the feels.





Instead of setting up lynches because it's likely one of you is scum, why don't we just let Tsuki view one of you tonight?

I already mentioned that lol.

Dice came back with one of them might be gf, and the whole discussion about how it happened before.

Oh well I haven't read that yet haha


I just don't like the thought of killing both of them in hopes of finding scum. What if they're v/v?




I found it odd that Alanna didn't reply to the upper quote about seeing things the same.

In the lower quote it is where she float the V/V angle and suggest that the cop view one of Z or T. Mafia would be very happy to direct the cop into viewing townies because then they aren't viewing mafia. 


You're painting me as mafia without contemplating town. Your ISO is biased and you know it Turin.

the point I'm making is, make a non biased case and I'm more likely to respond to it rationally. Right now I'm just going to laugh at you

Laugh if you want. Maybe explain why you think my case is biased? 


I think that your Shad "progression" is crafted and fake. I think that your Eldrick defense specifically the things you chose to defend him about make it likely that you two are teammates. The fact that you are just calling Dice town with no real reason feels like you don't want him to flip town because then Eldrick will be more suspect. 


You are still dealing with me like I am a townie BTW. Which is weird since I'm supposedly your biggest mafia suspect. 



I'm out of time for digging through the thread for now because I spent most of the last half hour or so trying to get the red out of my post, and get the quotes  and spoilers to work. I ended up just clearing the red. Sorry. At least your eyes won't bleed so much. 



UN-Official Vote Count


Alanna (1): Turin

Nikon (1): Sooh

Turin (2): Alanna, Dice

Dice (1): Tsuki,



Not Voting (3): Niniel, Nikon, Eldrick



With 8 alive it takes 5 to Lynch



Day 4 Deadline is 9pm BST Wednesday 27 April - you can achieve a majority Lynch at any point before then.


End of Day 4






Additional Vote about Night Deadlines - Vote in BLUE please


I'd like Night to only last till 9PM BST the next day after a Lynch


Yes (5): Eldrick, Turin, Dice, Alanna, Sooh


No (0):


Not voting yet (3): Nikon, Tsuki, Niniel



THE MOTION IS CARRIED!!! I guess barring any strenuous exceptions.



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