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World's End Mafia - town wins comprehensively


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Part 4 (Last Part)


I'm null on Nikon, Nolder and Shad.


I'm very slightly null to town on Cory, BFG and Tina. I like their reasoning and thoughts so far, but I'll form more definite opinions as time passes. 





In total, Zander has not seemed scummy to me. His posts like these:




Zander if you are a villager this is the game where we can finally show the world the combined might of the USA and Canada



Then we will because I swear I my love of Being Town, Eating Bacon, Drinking Beer and loving you I AM TOWN BROTHER!!!!!









*le gasp* swearing on bacon...



Dice, don't lynch Zander. The wolves have to eat him.


Wolves are much more scared of me then I am of them!!!!!





I´m soon going to bed but just wanted to let you know that I´m feeling so happy right now. I´ll probably get some kind of anxiety attack tomorrow when there are 20 pages of spam but right now I got this great fealing. Almost like when I started to play. Ah... 



I want to apologize for this in advance put its not gonna slow my roll so glgl Tina!!!!!



:D I might have to skip your posts or lynch you then. 


Good night everyone! 



I suggest not to at the first part and to the second part.  I wont be mislynched this game. 



His confidence in not being mislynched,



You didnt. Im just curious about the double VC thing.


Also considering character revealing just to jumpstart stuff.





thoughts on my thoughts or thoughts on others yourself?


I dont know the movie but if everyone thinks char reveals will help id be in.



His I-am-town-so-I-don't-care-to-reveal-my-role, and


The rules/setup of this game are a little confusing for me so imma just stick with my KISS Rule!!!


Keep It Simple Stupid- JUST LUNCH THE WOLVES!!!!!






has me convinced that he is town.


I also like that he doesn't trust if someone trusts him too quickly. Could indicate tmi. Example of him asking Pizza that:






Pizza, Cory have you played together before?


Matrix, where he fooled-ed me good. Also Zander.


But they're both townies this game.




You're clearing both if us pretty early this game brother.  I felt I towned pretty solidly last game and it took you awhile to clear me.  Can you explain your reads on us some please.







I changed the color of her Town reads for reference

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Don't break the chains Zander


We can discuss Lenlo if there's a night 3.


I just need to something constructive while im waiting for Shad to die.


I mean theres a slight slight chance we could be wrong and if thats the unlikely case I may be NK'd so I wanna leave my thoughts out there.



You'll be back Night 3 anyway with the rest of us angels

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So first on the list is...


1. Dice







LOL Dice! Hi everyone :happy:



Are you town????!!!!


we may need to leave her alive a couple of days even if she isnt. We need to get some tells for her...




Is it mission accomplished?





Pizza how would you respond to me saying:"My name is Corky and I traditionally read dice very, very well and Lenlo well enough for it to have merit. After reading this game thread I think Dice is more likely than Lenlo to be a wolf by a significant margin."


MY response is..



... Are you going to tell me I'm wrong?



Yes you are wrong. Im town. I might bully zander a bit but im  town



v v v





And I can't find anything else I want to quote right now so on to number 2!


2. Zander











Lenlo will be a tough one to read, especially since he's already giving me bad vibes...


Just can't read you dude..

You have a problem with me Sooh? I thought we could be friends


I'm sorry Lenlo... I'll see how things progress, but as of right now you give me shivers.. like the cold breath of a wolf down my neck...


I want specifics here.


What is Lenlo doing which makes you shiver? As descriptive as you can.

Tough to give specifics on a tone read. Add that to that the fact that his tone has changed for me now. His first posts seemed guarded as far as I remember. 


Like I said earlier I almost want to derp clear him for posting that he wants to lynch villagers, but then again Tina brings up a fair point about him here. 


Sooh this is one of those posts that makes me stop and and groan!!! 


Were they or were they not iyo?


It may just be my opinion but I feel that people who use the "Derp" excuse to clear someone is more likely Mafia themselves...(FYI- what I tried to do to NotBob at first in Diablo)


Then after all is said and done....you leave a possible out.


I know IM HORRIBLE at reading you Sooh...but you are now on my radar!!!!




The soohray!  Get it? Radar... ray...


Then... I don't see an iso list after page 20. I might have missed it.  There's lots of ideas and thoughts and idividual ISO's though.







Dice, that post was a joke. Atleast I meant it to be one. I do not actually think the number of words Pizza chooses to use is indicative.


So what do you make of Zander using the same reasoning?

Is Zander using it as a legit reason to push Pizza? Cause if so its not good imo. Even if it was, Pizza has since then begun putting alot of words into his posts so its kinda moot.


2 things:


1st) BFG only notes part of my argument on Pizza.


2nd) Not reading the thread or what man? Also its a pretty easy adjustment to make.  So not entirely moot imo.



Moot. Soot. Fire... ash and dust. I sweat my rust...












@ Zander



You said that you didn't think town!shad would stop fighting:




I know RL stuff can be legit but I feel Like he's made a AtE type posts that I really don't expect much of from him.

If you honestly think that saying my kid is sick is a scum tell, I'm going to fly to Canada and slap you, then steal your wallet to pay for the return fair.

There are two options in this game: I am town who has been very distracted, or I am scum who has been very distracted. Convincing you of the former is proving a challenge, and that's frustrating, but in the worst case scenario I'll have a great deal of say on who dies over the next few nights and I won't be bothered with trying to "prove" myself anymore.

Best option: don't lynch me. But I'm not going to fight it tooth and nail.


Absolutely not Shad and you know that.

Town!Shad does 100% of the time imo.


Which I didn't mind.

But then you had no problem at all with Cory deciding not to fight back:



I'm letting it go BFG, I've got wolves to hunt.

You may follow me if you please, you may read me as a villager with more confidence if you want to be right post-game about one more read, or you may resist and I'll come back and put you on my shoulders.

Either way, we'll get there. :wub:



Which I was also okay with, since they're two different people that might play differently.

So my question to you is, is okay or not okay for Pizza to do the same, iyo?


I've reached my limit.

Askthepizzaguy died and was a villager. I've wasted enough time on this game today.

And why aren't you treating everyone the same? Are you deciding how they should act individually? How would you act if you were told that you were wolf right now and everyone was against you?

I know you'll fight back (right?) So why didn't it bother you when Cory decided not to even attempt it?

And while I'm on it. I know you've said it before prolly but I'm asking again. How'd your mind change on Lenlo when he DID fight back?



The post you quoted for Cory was not anything about him giving up or quitting in fact it was quite the opposite. Shad's was so not the same imo. And Yes i feel like Town!Pizza would continue to fight. so no its not okay in my books for him to quit,

I had no problems with Lenlo fighting back at all. My mind changed on Lenlo when I felt Pizza was more likely to be scum then Len cause I don't feel that t vs t is much of a possibility at all between them.

Did that answer your questions? Did I miss anything? Let me know please!!!


Yeah it's fine, thanks. I think I might have perceived the posts I quoted in a different light than you have, but I see what you're point of view is.

So, am I right to say that you believe town will always fight back?







I hope this answers answers your question!!!!!!






3. Besie


Mmmmmm... what to say about myself...


Hi everyone... I am Besie... I love you all... even though you're puny town members... teeheehee...

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Don't break the chains Zander


We can discuss Lenlo if there's a night 3.


I just need to something constructive while im waiting for Shad to die.


I mean theres a slight slight chance we could be wrong and if thats the unlikely case I may be NK'd so I wanna leave my thoughts out there.



You'll be back Night 3 anyway with the rest of us angels




This is true brother!!!!!

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Man what's Zander still doing alive in this game?



Gotta lynch that scum!







Top 3 scum imo.



Thank you letting us know the game is already over brother!!!!!



gg everyone!!!!!



Man listen to you, putting words in my mouth again.

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4. Cory


Special edition. Just for you. I call it: I've been burned but I like it. Featuring: flaming weapons...



Poot what kind of dance are we gonna do this game?  :flamingsword:


To the point that i was scum and being town read by EVERYone then u subbed in and i knew i was boned. You went straight for me and got me lynched.







Sounds like you're insinuating a scum team, Cory?



Not really. I am insinuating - if not outright stating - that a scum team exists, however.  :flamingsword:


I am always finding something to do in a game unless I'm pretty sure I'm lynching a wolf and I've also run out of time to find more.



Again, I do sleep sometimes. I literally got into work thirty minutes ago. As much as I love this game, I was exhausted last night. Excuse my feeble human qualities.  :flamingsword:

I'm still going to try and change that read even if you're intent on not moving it. Consider it a personal flaw of mine  :flamingsword:

it's a beautiful day outside.

birds are singing,

flowers are blooming...

on days like these,

wolves like you....








And btw. I loved that I got an igloo :wub:



5. Tina








Here! Haven´t played for months so I feel a bit rusty.


That doesn´t stop me from voting Dice though. :D


[v] Dice [/v]



Hi Besie! I don´t think I have played with you before.

Hugs Tina!  I was thinking about you last night. We need to start one of our pms.  Did you and freya have a good chrissy?





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Open the load of spoilers there in the middle to see "2. Zander". *grins*


That post this was from was prolly my favorite post all game!!!!  I legit LOLOLOLOLOLOL'd RL!!!!


You are a blast to play with my dear and I really really hope you'll keep playing with us and soon!!!!!!



Nothing puny about us, cause we're about to beat the hell out of you :wub:







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Man what's Zander still doing alive in this game?



Gotta lynch that scum!







Top 3 scum imo.



Thank you letting us know the game is already over brother!!!!!



gg everyone!!!!!



Man listen to you, putting words in my mouth again.




ShadGOAT ldo!!!!!!!



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5. Tina







Here! Haven´t played for months so I feel a bit rusty.


That doesn´t stop me from voting Dice though. :D


[v] Dice [/v]



Hi Besie! I don´t think I have played with you before.

Hugs Tina!  I was thinking about you last night. We need to start one of our pms.  Did you and freya have a good chrissy?






If we are wrong on Shad imagine this post makes me wanna think its Dice!!!!



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I really really feel like youre doing a spot on Scum version of someone I know.........like the name is like right on the tip of my tongue..



This made me lol!

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6. Sooh



Time for me to do a list I suppose




 Besie- She does ask a lot of questions, and she did present some good cases, however I don't think the Besie I know is showing up in a lot of her posts. To add to that I don't think she has followed up much on her suspicions. This just rubs me all wrong. 



I honestly love this so much. You're the best, Sooh.


For the record, I never felt you went hard on me at all.




I won't be arguing with Lenlo (about his alignment anyway) anymore.


I hate letting wolves go free so I wouldn't have unvoted him if he was anywhere near more likely to be scummy than not.


He's not blue because godawful opening-midday. But he's not where the wolves are.


The wolves are contained within Tina and Shad.


Sooh not voting Shad is problem.




I could vote him.


I wasn't confident on my slightly towny read of him before, and I'm still not convinced he's a wolf, but I'm willing to trust others on this read because I've proven before that I can't catch ShadWolf.


Right now I'm more comfortable with Tina though, and seeing as she's one of your wolves, why is it a problem that I'm voting for her and not your other wolf?



See song attached to "1. Dice". :laugh:



7. Nikon


Euhm... he was here. For a while. Now he's subbed out.  His replacement may or may not be on time. Please buckle your seat belts whilst the craft makes a emergency landing.



8. Lenlo





Dice, that post was a joke. Atleast I meant it to be one. I do not actually think the number of words Pizza chooses to use is indicative.


So what do you make of Zander using the same reasoning?

Is Zander using it as a legit reason to push Pizza? Cause if so its not good imo. Even if it was, Pizza has since then begun putting alot of words into his posts so its kinda moot.



Just interesting. Pizza :wub:




*Sigh* Inconsistency route? Your twisting and ignoring what I say again Pizza.



No, that is precisely what you have done to me.


If it's wolfy, then you are calling yourself wolfy.







Again you try to take everything I say and make it scummy.


Nowhere in the discussion about the idea did I call Dice scummy for his logic. I just said it was crap. The point at which I found Dice scummy came with his poorly made reasons to vote me and Zander. 


So Pizza, are you doing this smudging thing with the bold and caps and underlines?


Smudging by the definition I have provided is to paint someone as being wolfy implicitly, and not vote them.

I'm being very explicit and I will have your head. With my vote.

Oh ok, so your doing something completely different with your bold and caps and italics, but with the exact same supposed intent behind it. Gotcha.


Yes, it is completely different, and every single townie in this game with half a brain cell understands the difference between explicit voting and implicit smearing, wolf.

Keep using the word. Keep throwing out AtEs and insults to the entire game. Im sure it helps your case.


Im gonna go watch a show. See you when you calm down man.


What's the matter? Ship all banged up? Who's the man?


Wait till I get another plane, I'mma line up all your friends, right beside you!


Later man. Good luck with this whole case thing.



This was a very interesting few pages that I actually read.


I don't know what else... I've had a soft spot for Len since reading Matrix and I actually did think your tactic idea would have worked for me. *grins*

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I really really feel like youre doing a spot on Scum version of someone I know.........like the name is like right on the tip of my tongue..



This made me lol!




I aim to please my dear!!!!!!

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