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The Best Browser


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I use Firefox, but I don't feel qualified to judge which one is "better". For awhile Firefox was the only way I could get tabbed browsing. Now I'm just too lazy to switch back to IE.


Never heard of Konquerer and I have never used Opera.


IE is totally horrible though. Firefox is overrated I think. It is good (better than IE), but is not like the best thing ever. Safari all the way.


After much thinking (the minute it took me to read the thread) and deliberation(reading the choices) All I have to say is that I have IE and... well why change.... nothing that SUPER great about any of the others that I have seen... and I've used all the others except for. that Konqueror one.


Firefox is worth its weight in solid gold for the pop-up blocker. None of the IE6 or 7 plug-in ones seem to work as effectively. Plus there's the whole thing where you are twelve times more likely to catch a virus or trojan using even IE7.


Firefox is much better in my opinion... As a designer your designs will reliably work in almost every other browser with no additional tweaks. IE 6 and 7 still have major rendering bugs and can throw a standards based design into chaos just because of this.


Firefox provides themes and extensions that make daily life alot easier. My browser can tell me when I get new email from any account, I have easy access to the weather at just a hover of a button on my bar, it can remind me when I have something to do. I can switch to IE from with in Firefox and never have to load IE.


It's open source and it has a much better support community than IE does.


It comes standard with various seach engines already installed in your tool bars, with out having a billion tool bars enabled.




I take it none of you have delved into the depths of Opera.


It has a function that allows you to add a search engine of any kind straight to your address bar. For example, 'g' is linked to google so I type 'g dragonmount' into my address bar and it will automatically google for 'dragonmount'. 'w' is wikipedia. Rinse and repeat for as many as you want.


Also, Opera has the best mouse gestures I have ever used. I also has a very good cache, so you can easily and quickly scan through the pages you have previously been to without having to reload them, then just press Ctrl + R to reload it. Very fast.


I'll admit, there are some rendering and javascript bugs, but it takes less memory than IE and Firefox, and it renders faster (in general) than FF an IE.


I also know that it has *much* faster javascript compiling and processing.


However, for browsing Dragonmount I recomment FF. Opera, for some reason, seems to hang for a few seconds on each page load and I'm not sure why.


Oh, yes, it also has the search-on-page stuff built in. You can do a normal search (like IE, etc) with Ctrl + F, but if you press '/' while you're not in a text input box it'll pop up a little box for doing the on-the-page search, then F3 moves through the results.


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