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Greetings from the Aiel Waste


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Greetings Dragonmount


I am Sevenna, and hail from the Aiel Waste....better known as the North of England! :lol:

I have just completed book 11, Knife of Dreams, so I am up to date with most of the happening in the world of WoT...well in theory!

Guest Emperor

Welcome to DM.


Here are a few pointers.



Do not look Kathana in the eye or she thinks you are threatening her authority and she may attack.


Ignore Raena at all costs. She will be by to give her "welcome to DM" spiel, but she secretly wants to mess with your head with her signature. Boycott responding to her until she puts something legible down there.


Stop by the Seanchan and Band orgs...well... because I made you laugh.


12th regiment will hit on you and promise you the world, but he only ends up using you to put another notch on his belt... trust me... I know *shakes fist*


Corki runs around nude on his boards (Band of the Red Hand) so shield your eyes.


Eggy will drop by like she owns the place and will offer you to PM her if you have any questions. Since she has blocked me, I have a list of 100 nonsense questions I would like you to send her one at a time.


Have fun at DM!



Org Leader of the Seanchan

Class Clown


Hi Sevenna :D


hope you survived your meeting with Empy in one piece :wink:


Hey... how are up north? Did you get any snow today? We have been really dissapointed... after all the hype... not a flake in sight here in East Devon :(


Check out the meets board... got one coming up in London this summer :D


Welcome to DM!


Don't listen to what Emperor says. He's just grumpy because everyone else can read my sig but he can't.


Anyway, since you're from the Waste, why don't you stop by the Aiel Org? I think you'd like it there.




Do and don't listen to Empy! Yes, check the Band of the Red Hand ORG out. And I do wear clothes. It's just Empy's wild imagination going out of control again as he didn't take his daily medication. It gets more like an asylum here every day...


And sorry to hear about the no snow in Devon, Egwene. You should have been in London - plenty of the stuff! 8)

Guest Emperor

Maybe I was hoping another org leader decided to not wear clothes on their boards...




It's been snowing for two days straight here. There's about five inches' depth on the ground. Even if we clear our drives with shovels, my street isn't gritted and the ice, slush and steep incline makes it impassable. The park was already flooded, duly froze and now has snow on top of the ice. Skip London! Come to Northamptonshire. :P


No... no snow here at all... though plenty of water... several rivers have broken their banks and it is still raining. No plans to travel your way for a while, Sira, so I guess the snow will be gone by the time we get there :(


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