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MotG: Unconventional Art


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The definition of art is “the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture”.


The definition of unconventional is "not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed".


This string is about a marriage of the two (probably obvious by the title :biggrin:).  We all know that painting, drawing, and sculptures are forms of art. Dancing and photography are also nearly unanimously considered art. It is not rare for an excellent writer or filmmaker to be considered an artist.


But what about those who think outside of the box?  Those who don't want to express themselves in the "given" manners, but have a different vision instead.  Unknown territory is scary, but can be well worth it.  One can be their "own boss" so to speak.  They are not hindered by rules of the art world, but merely their own creativity.


I have a few examples - even visuals, woo! - to share, but first I want to know what your ideas are. 


Did anything jump to mind right away that might be considered unconventional art?



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People used computer programming to turn the windows of a sky-scraper, via the lights in the rooms and smart controls, into an old school LED screen and played tetris...

I call that art - of course, I think computer coding itself is an art form.

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thers lot of things come to mind unconventional art. cant remember who didd it but there was one guy who just sat there insted of playing th piano so esentialy just silnence instead of music; dada did numbre of things, like displayin urinal or putting fur on tea cup; thers lot of performanncea things/exhibits that can be extremly strange or not quite expcted, like i remember certain nativ american artist put himsellf as an exhibit by lyin almostt naked and puting tags on all the diferent scars he had whch wer mostlly from problemms on reservaton such as alcoholism to make a statment; sometimes it thinngs like makin ehuge exhibit/statute of odd things, like iv seenn papercups and broken plastiic chairs and discardded shoes. somtimes its an event/thing that onlly lasts very short time, such as sand paintinngs or dropping lot of stuff down thatt may make something interesting for a few momennts then its gone. howevre even some things that may be considred "conventional' i find unconvntional becuse havent realy seen them until later in lief so its not somthing that i taek for grantted and may stil strik me as odd; i diddnt realy see realistic paintings and scuptures, such as thinngs from the renaisance, until adulthood, just wasnt realy a thing coulld see easilly around wher i grew up, and that made me extremly impresed with themm for awhile because pretty novel and out of ordinary. inversely, there are somme things that mighht to larg numbre of people be considred unconventional but they aer pretyy conventional to me, like im usd to lot of things that mighht be considred "ephemereal" and performmance art.

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I believe gardening can be an artform. Structured "professional" gardening isn't called landscaping for nothing.



Some examples:


























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Tal, what is something others consider art, but you don't?


Elgee & Charis - definitely! Beautiful and a perfect example.


What do you guys think of video games? Some consider them art. Do you agree or no?

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Charis, those are phenomenal. I have seen "normal" sand art, but have never seen it turned into

such a great performance art.

There is one part of me that sees something like that, and it says "How in the bloody world does 

someone realize they can do that??" I think when I do that, it truly makes something a contender

for the title of unconventional. Art, though, requires (for me) the soul of the creator to shine

through. I have seen great things, in traditional and non-traditional art forms, that are structurally

awesome, but are dead none-the-less, whereas a poorly drawn, artistically unskilled drawing from

an abused child can move me to tears, when her soul is laid bare...

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tsuki, that sounds like a good time with the giant tetris game and def artistic,  Mother those are amazing examples of artistic gardening =))


Talt, i love a good thought provoking performance art,    Charis, love the sand art, i used to see things like that when we lived in florida, but not as cool


tsuki, you have surprised me again with this last post, such a deep realization you have shared, and i agree, the soul of the artist makes the piece

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I think the Japanese moms have it down to a science when it comes to food art!

I tried to make the Olaf one for my daughters and it is NOT easy! Takes lots of practice to get this good. But then again, they do it EVERY DAY!! o_O!


0313_bento_ricebunnies1.jpg super_mario_bento_box.jpg  3105852655_a8b2fac9a8.jpg 300bento.jpg  111611hello_kitty_bento_yellow2.jpg creative-bento-charaben.jpg Frozen.jpg

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