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[Advanced] Once Upon a Time Mafia- Game Over, Town Wins!!!


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My opinions haven't really changed since yesterday so unless one of the scum drops the ball I'll likely be voting BFG.

If I have time either before my friends come by for WoW tonight or before tomorrow's deadline I'll try and go back through my reads and see if I missed something.

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Andre, what is your defense for the gun pointed at your head? I'm serious. The links between you and dawn are too strong. Why? If she is town, what possible reason can you have for going out of your way to consistently 

keep her in. And now, even she if posting against you. (Of course, we all know why I think that is).

To clarify - You have tunneled at me, Thane, Ithi, RTE... consistently at town. I would like one hellacious case against someone you have NOT targeted, that has as much effort behind it as your cases against me, and your ISO defenses of Dawn.


Note: Scum that wins by lurking isn't sh!t, and it means you have no game.

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I'm the Doc. Simple as that.


There was a reason I didn't claim a role when I told everyone I was Mr. Cricket - I was hoping to draw the NK from the mafia team because I had been self protecting.

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I agree @RTE.


Does that satisfy you Tsuki? I am not scum. Nor am I the Cop so I am working only with what I know about my alignment and how I interpret other players' actions. Have I been wrong a lot? Yes - I admit that. Lynching or killing me isn't going to help Town though. I am working now to narrow down my suspect list, I think you should do the same.


I am not scum.

I also do not believe that Dawn is scum, among others I have ISO'd.


You should refocus. Your shot can potentially be game changing tonight if you pick right.

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RTE - Cop

Tsuki - Vig

Hallia - Viewed

AJ - Doc










It looks like 4 vs the world.

We need to clear 3 of these.

I would like to here solid reasons why these people are/aren't scum.
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It seems strange that you're so quick to throw that out there.  With the allowance of character claims it's safe bet that the mafia team has been given safe claims.  For what it's worth, recently I think you've been doing ok, look pretty town to me.

Says the person that only character claimed when they were in deep trouble D2.


This feels like a distance nudge. 



RTE, do you know who I am? or more importantly what I am?

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I am Jiminy Cricket - that's all I'm going to say. I'll let the mafia team gamble as to whether they decide to shoot me or leave me for a potential mislynch for later Days if I'm not lynched this phase.


AJ is town.

BFG is town.

Nikon is town.

Tsuki is town.

Turin is town.

Ithi is town.

TG is town.

Ed is town.

Tal is town.

Dawn is town.

Dawn is scum.

Rte is scum.

Thane is scum.

Hallia is scum.


There, no qualifiers like you asked. My list is basically top down from town to scum with how I view things currently. I'm confident one of RTE/Dawn are mafia but they can both be listed accordingly to what you requested.

This is a true statement.

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Ok, sorry I've been gone so long, just got caught up reading the posts. 


What sort of "Teams" is everyone referring to? Teams like in the Clash of the Ancients game or are the teams just "Mafia" or "Town?" No, I am not defending AJ because I know what team he is on. I don't have a team, unless just "town" is a team...and I have no separate QT for anything. I was defending AJ because he seems very town to me. (Don't ask me why he seems town to me again, I've said it a bunch already)

This is a true statement.

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So AJ is either Town as stated or a Silvertongue. And Dawn is not mafia(no QT) or a silvertongue. therefore they are most likely not mafia together as it would be very unusual to have two silvertongues in the same game. The only other way that would be possible would be for AJ to be a silvertongue and Dawn to be a symp that doesn't have QT access. 


Now can I please get the lists I have been asking for formatted in the way I have asked for them to be formatted in everyone's next post? or at the very least a statement declaring your own alignment. 

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Ithi replaced Tina (then i replaced Ithi after i got lynched)

Turin replaced Ice a bit later

Ithi/me died.

Ed needed replacement, got replaced by me.


Lucky for me, it's all town, so i can continue playing (untill i die a third time)

Why couldn't you replace if you died again? only mafia aren't allowed to replace if any dead player is allowed.

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