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[Advanced] Once Upon a Time Mafia- Game Over, Town Wins!!!


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My damn phone just deleted an entirely typed post before I could submit it, so that's lovely, but let's try this again.


For one, I don't know why everyone is just assuming Vig over SK. Most people don't seem too familiar with the show, but are still happy to use a basic wiki and go from there. The Vig/SK is definitely the Huntsman based on the scene, and I'm really leaning SK. Yes the Huntsman does not kill Snow White when told, but he is also under the control of the Evil Queen and for the most part does her bidding. He is defintiely not the type of character to kill because he wants to. That being said, I don't know how close this game's roles are going to rely on the show. The things though is that no one had any huge suspicions on Chae D1. This leads more toward SK than Vig, because a Vig would take out someone they thought was scum, not just kill someone and try to stay hidden like a SK would.


Today though the one really sticking out to me is AJ. Throughout D1 AJ and Thane defended each other, and definitely seemed to be working together to me. Today, AJ seems to have completely flipped and is saying Thane is one of his highest Mafia reads. He then did not vote Thane until he was pressed to do so, and even then he seems to just be trying to get anyoen but himself lynched (that at least is understandable). The whole thing with Thane makes me think that AJ knows he'll flip Mafia, because they both are. Turning on someone like that but seeming hesitant to actually vote them makes me think they are on a scum team, and decided that since it looked like one of them was going to die, they would go against each other so the living one would be cleared.


All that being said, I'm going to Vote AJ

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Thane also has seemed to generally vote/become suspiocious of anyone who votes him or becomes suspicious of him, but has not said a whole lot about AJ voting for him, which further makes me think that they are working together.

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Hallia is so obviously mafia lol. You guys just continue to ignore it.


Thane needs to be the lynch today. Any and all votes on me are better served there.


I'm Jiminy Cricket.

So you talk about how Hallia is so obviously mafia, but you'd rather get Thane lynched? Why?

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Because people keep linking them. If they are both scum, it seems to me that a sacrifice has been chosen, to get rid of an obvious scum, hoping that by pushing for

Thane he will seem more town when/if Thane flips scum.

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Because people keep linking them. If they are both scum, it seems to me that a sacrifice has been chosen, to get rid of an obvious scum, hoping that by pushing for

Thane he will seem more town when/if Thane flips scum.

I'm really having second thoughts about being so convinced AJ was town right now...

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Omg. Read the game Dawn. If you are town this game you are seriously a hinderance, I want you to know that. It's no different then Red Wedding where I literally laid out the ENTIRE scum team before I was NK'd and town derped their way to a loss. So frustrating.


As I've been saying over and over, I don't care which is lynched first. THEY ARE BOTH MAFIA.


If you guys aren't able to read the cases I have made against both and the OBVIOUS connection that is there then idk what else to tell you. Besides good luck perhaps. I am obviously town.


So what if I defended Thane D1. I explained why I wasn't convinced by others. Today that has changed and I have also explained that as well. The fact that I voted other scum reads over him is irrelevant. Hallia is clearly scum too scared to engage me. Funny how she town read me this entire time and now that Turin is locked in on his tunnel mode she only wants to join the wagon then - sheeping his case and making some mockery of a multi quote that said and proved absolutely nothing. Like it's all here in this thread lol. Shaking my head so hard at all of you.


I really don't even care if I get lynched at this point. If you guys fail to see what's right in front of you I'm not going to waste my time shouldering the team anymore.


Lynch Thane and Hallia.


After that you're on your own.

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Omg. Read the game Dawn. If you are town this game you are seriously a hinderance, I want you to know that. It's no different then Red Wedding where I literally laid out the ENTIRE scum team before I was NK'd and town derped their way to a loss. So frustrating.


As I've been saying over and over, I don't care which is lynched first. THEY ARE BOTH MAFIA.


If you guys aren't able to read the cases I have made against both and the OBVIOUS connection that is there then idk what else to tell you. Besides good luck perhaps. I am obviously town.


So what if I defended Thane D1. I explained why I wasn't convinced by others. Today that has changed and I have also explained that as well. The fact that I voted other scum reads over him is irrelevant. Hallia is clearly scum too scared to engage me. Funny how she town read me this entire time and now that Turin is locked in on his tunnel mode she only wants to join the wagon then - sheeping his case and making some mockery of a multi quote that said and proved absolutely nothing. Like it's all here in this thread lol. Shaking my head so hard at all of you.


I really don't even care if I get lynched at this point. If you guys fail to see what's right in front of you I'm not going to waste my time shouldering the team anymore.


Lynch Thane and Hallia.


After that you're on your own.

I'm not trying to lynch you right now. My read on you has just changed from town to mixed, not town to scum, because you played very town on the first day. 

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That's because I am town.


The connection Turin makes is valid and he backs it up with evidence in thread - good sign for him. I'm not denying the connection either, I see it. I also defended him unknowingly D1 because I felt he was town. He in turn defended me to cement it. His posting today and the people he has pushed have made me think he's likely mafia. To add to that his connection to Hallia is a glaring one.


They have both mentioned each other a few times but neither has given a solid read on the other. Now that the connection has been made Hallia sheeps Turin but (big surprise) votes me over Thane knowing that when I flip town she can backtrack from her 'case' that Thane and I are scum/scum.


ITS SO OBVIOUS. We can lynch one today and the other tomorrow - I don't care in which order but both need to die and Turin needs to exit the tunnel and see things straight.

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Dawn - I missed where you were already voting Thane, my bad.


Seriously though, if you are town you need to pay more attention and focus. Read what people say and evaluate. I don't expect you to pick up on every little thing but at the very least put your thoughts out there and avoid asking those silly questions you do. You are setting yourself up as lynch bait.


Hallia/Thane/RTE are my top 3 suspects currently.


Hallia and Thane are most certainly mafia. Their flips should clear players like Tsuki and Nikon for the way Thane has FOS them. If RTE flips scum it likely clears Dawn for his vote today. If he's town I might start to tinfoil on BFG for her focus there. He's certainly done enough to draw attention but if town it's enough for scum to latch onto.


Turin is probably town but needs to take his blinders off.


Tal I'm a little less certain of at this point. His vote makes sense but yeah, I'm town.


Any one who waffles on lynching Thane after I flip needs to get strung up immediately - do not ignore this. Hallia is setting herself up to backtrack later because she is blatantly avoiding her teammate here in Thane. Do not let this happen.

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I want a list from Hallia as well.


Notice how I asked for one and she STILL hasn't given it. Another sign lol


Nikon is town.

BFG is town.

Turin is town.

Tsuki is town.

TG is probtown.

Ed is lazy town.

Tal might be town.

Dawn might be town.

RTE probably scum.

Thane is scum.

Hallia most definitely scum.

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So, here's the deal people. AJ claimed j. Cricket, which would make him town ( i think) If this is a fake claim or not, it can only be confirmed if he gets lynched, or NK'd. Same goes for me, i've stated that i am town plenty of times for the people who actually read my posts in depth, and you can find out if you lynch me or NK me.


I will go with his claim for now, and not vote AJ. We'll see if this will be a mistake or not.


@Talmanes: suspicious is my nature. This is a game of suspicions added to that.


@AJ: you're very suspicious of Hallia, yet still vote me. Hallia has voted you... because she looks for a way to get rid of her biggest threat in the game?


Turin, if this helps you:


Thane: town

RTE: scum
Turin: town

Hallia: scum
BFG: town
AJ: town (claimed)

Ithi: town

Nikon: town

dawn: scum

Talmanes: town

TG: town

ed: town

tsuki: scum


seeing how the game developed recently, this would be my list to go for. Usually i don't work in absolutes, but there it is.

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I am Jiminy Cricket - that's all I'm going to say. I'll let the mafia team gamble as to whether they decide to shoot me or leave me for a potential mislynch for later Days if I'm not lynched this phase.


AJ is town.

BFG is town.

Nikon is town.

Tsuki is town.

Turin is town.

Ithi is town.

TG is town.

Ed is town.

Tal is town.

Dawn is town.

Dawn is scum.

Rte is scum.

Thane is scum.

Hallia is scum.


There, no qualifiers like you asked. My list is basically top down from town to scum with how I view things currently. I'm confident one of RTE/Dawn are mafia but they can both be listed accordingly to what you requested.

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