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WoT Movie


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yeah' date=' I don't see myself getting over not liking anime.............. ever. I have seen Cowboy Beebop, and I think there are much better animes out there then that.


I have seen Sin City, and as you pointed out it's live action! And also it has very many odd things that we accept as real because ITS A MOVIE!!!!! If you turned WoT in to a live action movie we'd accept the parts that "defied physics" (which never really happens since RJ is a physicist) because, yet again, IT'S A MOVIE!!!!


I've also seen AniMatrix, which for the most part was pretty sweet, but had some crappy stories as well.[/quote']


As I said before I totally support Wot movies, NOT ANIME!!!! Movies. I think there are enought people who are extream enough fans to want to work on it and see it made as perfectly accurate as possible.


Now on the anime. Personally I don't like most of it. I think the storylines are all too exagerated and to simmilar to each other. And all the characters in most anime have the exact same stupid reactions to all the same situations and I could go on and on but I wont.

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Just a thought in favor of us who would KILL to see a live action WoT.


I don't know about anyone else, but I am an actor (really trying not to do the self plug thing but hear me out) I know that actors tend to be fantasy geeks. I can assume that there will probably some awesome undiscovered actors out there who would also KILL to be in WoT. I mean I know I would do it, for free, in two seconds I would be signing the dotted line.


The point is, enough people love this story, and as the years grow on more people will as well, that would be willing to make it happen. Just because live action is a daunting task doesn't mean that it can't happen. It simply means it will take a while.


And I know I am MORE than willing to sacrifice some time to get more awesome CG effects, a bigger fanbase, the funding, and ultimately the most Awesome series of movies ever...

:P :!: :D


For Inara and Leafbuner:


So let me get this straight. Neither of you like movies that have live actors, CG, cameras, directors, writers, sets, or film editors. So you must spend your entire time watching classic Disney and Japense anime..... no wonder.


If you noticed, with Sin City, those were live actors in front of a green screen. The whole thing. None of it was a set. NONE OF IT. It was all green screen. It wasn't hand drawn, it wasn't animated, it was CG. That thing that you think is plauging film. The fact that you felt like you were seeing something drawn, only means that you bought the CG. It means the CG was good. It MEANS you have no problem with GOOD CG.


Now as for Star Wars Episodes I-III. What's your point? That because a certain trilogy (that probably never should have been attempted) crashed and burned by plugging more CG into it's films then necassary, suddenly all films with CG are going to do that? Have you seen...... any other movies with CG? The problem with Star Wars wasn't the CG it was the plot line. The story wasn't very interesting until the last installment.


On to LotR: FYI Rivendell and Helms Deep WERE BUILT SETS!!!!!!!!!! Oh my god! The orcs were CG, some of the people were CG, but the sets were built. Sometimes mineature modles, but they were built. As for Gandalf and Bilbo not looking at one another and other knit-picking "find the fault so we don't have to like it" stuff: Get a life. Nobody cares. Nobody. Period. Millions of fans across the world loved the movies, they all spent over a billion dollars seeing just the third installment. There is no film, ever, not even animated, that you can't find faults in. None. Ever. And there NEVER will be. As for Legolas jumping on a horse or sliding down a trunk, none of that happens in WoT. Check the books if you don't believe me.


So anyway... I can tell that this argument will continue until the films are made in either live action or animated form. Bring on tomorrow's battle, I'm going to bed.


i do love GOOD CG

i just dont like being made aware of it when i watch the movie...there is no argument there,

and about sin city, it was the style of the film, not the medium, that i was trying to make that point with.

and i love plenty of movies, but hollywood just doesnt seem to get fantasy, and they have made very few that i would say are 'sucessful'.

*not commercially 'sucessful'...good movie 'sucessful'...imo*


and i know about the sets in lotr, i have watched the appendices, i mean, in the background, i just didnt know to what extent cg was used there, because it just melded...

i know about the building and the models, but there was ALOT more cg than i originally thought..and thats whai mean.

it should be a means to an end. not another character.

there is alot of temptation to do the latter rather than the former, because they want people to know how much it cost

and yes, when i was younger i watched alot of animated disney, and i am now just starting to explore the wonderful world of anime, but most of my fav movies are live action...

i just dont get why ppl think animation is for children and disney, it can do soooo many things actors cant


Uum, no, they can mimic what actors do. And not always very well.


And regarding the thing where in an anime, everything would be "real"... As far as I am concerned, I am constantly reminded when watching animated movies that NOTHING is real.


Granted, animated movies can be fun, like Monsters Inc. and so on, but I do not think anime for more mature people works in the context of WoT. Interest for it would be marginalized, and as a result, it would not grow to be popular enough to do the whole thing.


Now, I do not particularly want to see an adaptation of TWoT, ever. But if there were to be one, it would have to be live action. A possible TWoT movie belongs on the big screen, not in some straight to video-feast for animation geeks.


the problem with things like pixar animation and stuff like that, is that it makes light of a serious situation. If we all see that a cartoon gets sliced in half it takes away 90% of the thrill that people get when they read the book or watch a movie.


to respond to an earlier response from an actor.


I a a screen-writer, and I have taken acting classes and am told by several that I can be good. And just in total agreement with you I would love to work on this project. I wouldn't mind working 17 hours a day on it just so it could be right. Hell I'd work more than 17 if I had to. I just wanna know where auditions will be held lol


ok I read a majority of the posts in this thread and it's pretty much just a 3 point argument.


animated vs not done vs live actor.


while i'd love to see tWoT made into a great series of movies with a huge budget, it doesnt seem very plausable to me. In a perfect world they would make a live action blended with certain CGI and great sets and costumes like in LotR. but really, i dont think it will happen.


The animated version is a more likely solution, but if they made it into Anime, all of 12 people would probably watch it. Theres a reason that all the Anime on Cartoon network is on at 1-6 in the morning, because not enough people are into that stuff. I know I'm not. I hate the way the characters look like preteen girls(even the guys) i hate the way that they do action scenes and fights. with freaky streaks in the background and characters frozen with angry glares for about 3 seconds and then the end result of the glaring. its terrible. Just my opinion though, if you're into anime, good for u, its not for me. However there are other types of animated movies. What I thought of for a project of this sort would be cartoon mixed with CGI, ala "Titan AE" that movie had the best animation i have ever seen, i would watch tWoT if it was done like that.


then theres you purists who dont want to see tWoT adapted to a movie because ud be disappointed by how shallow the plotline would seem and how disappointing . eh well, no one would force you to see it but yourselves. so really if u got let down you'd be the only one to blame, not who ever made the movie.


sorry for such a long post i just had to stir the ant hill... and plug Titan AE, that movie rocked


I'll grant you that Titan AE had some awesome animation, but it wasn't that good a movie. Overall the plot wasn't very intersting, and Matt Damon.... nuff said.


But I have to agree with Heron, animation takes a serious plot line and turns into a childish one. I don't care if you have trollocs eating a guy, or something else that's gross, it's still not serious. It takes an adult themed serious and turns it into a childish one.


I myself have taken a screenwriting class, and a couple of directing classes and would DIE to do this series. It's always been my dream.



Umm… I don’t believe I ever stated anything of the sort. You are aware that an animated film require actors, cameras, directors, writers, set designers and film editors. Many of them also use CG. Yes I watch a ton of animation. I love Disney. Beauty and the Beast is a brilliant film IMO. I also watch a ton of live action. I really enjoy films. I love being transported from my life to somewhere else even if it is only for a couple of hours. I never claimed to like anime. I even went so far as to say that a flat mate of mine once forced me to watch anime. I don’t enjoy it at all. Maybe try reading a couple of posts before you start your rant.


I liked Sin City. It was incredibly stylised and I enjoyed it. But if you’re asking me if I thought the buildings were really there? No, I didn’t. But the film was enjoyable.


I used Star wars as an example of a film where the CGI was noticably poor and my noticing detracted from my enjoyment. I could sight more, The Lost World, Godzilla, Signs, Harry Potter, but it doesn’t matter how many films I use as examples as my point will be the same. It is very, VERY difficult to pull of CGI in a live action film without it being noticeable and thus detracting from the enjoyment of the film for some viewers. I can’t help it if my eye picks up camera tricks, blue or green screen effects, CGI and other “movie magic.†I worked in film studios for 4 years – give me a break! I don’t go looking for them with a fine tooth comb. What, do you think I spend $15 to see a movie and while I’m watching I sit there and try to pick it apart? No, but if I notice something, I have no control over it and sometimes that detracts from my enjoyment. I’m not saying everyone is like that, I was just voicing my opinion. Get a life? Who do you think you are? That sounded very much like a personal attack to me. Do we need to get the mods involved or are you capable of having a mature discussion without resorting to petty jabs and insults?


I am fully aware of the sets built for LotR. “Oh my God??†As if someone who isn’t aware is somehow inferior? You need to lighten up, Mate. Oh, and I urge you to find a fault in Back to the Future. IMO, the greatest film ever made.


The only point I made was that I don’t think it is plausible to make a series of novels of this magnitude into a series of live action films. I think a series of animated (not “animeâ€) films would be a much better solution for reasons of continuity, cost and time. That’s my opinion and I’m entitled to it. You want to debate, you’re on the wrong board.


I'm very sorry Leafbuner if you thought I was making a personal attack. I apologize implecetly. I was just saying that it's very hard to make any movie without any mistakes. It's VERY hard. It's hard in animation as well as live action. If we're going to base how good a film is on whether or not a person can find mistakes, or tell what is or isn't CG, then it's going to be very hard to find any film that could be called "good." Having worked in a studio, I'm sure you're aware of how hard it is to make things seem real to the audience. I'm just saying that we can't deem how good these films would be on how well other films were adapted from books, or from the fact that they would need "movie magic" to full fill the affect.


Again, I apologize, I was a little irritated at the time I made the post, it was my fault and I'm sorry I offended you.


Thanks for your apology, Kadere. I too got very frustrated when reading your post. I guess it is easy to do when you're discussing something that you like so much.


I'm sure we can all agree on one thing, though. Whether they make these films with live actors on sets, pencil drawings on cells, CGI characters in computers or sock puppets on peoples hands, they had better do a damn good job. Because if they botch it, I am going to cry.

Guest Majsju

If they don't do it with real actors, they can screw up how much they want for all I care, since I would not watch it.


No live actors = cartoon.

  • Community Administrator
But I have to agree with Heron, animation takes a serious plot line and turns into a childish one. I don't care if you have trollocs eating a guy, or something else that's gross, it's still not serious. It takes an adult themed serious and turns it into a childish one.


You really need to watch more anime...

There are so many anime that are MORE serious then alot of other "serious movies".


As I will state over and over again.

Anime doesnt ALL look alike,NOT ALL characters look like pre-pubesant teenage girls *and the guys to*. That is stricktly a TREND in japan. Anime can come in ANY SHAPE and FORM. Serious to Completely random funnyness. It can be action funny, it can be action serious, it can be ANYTHING. The fact that so many people believe all anime = children, is just pure ignorance.

I'm not denying that a realtime & cg movie wouldnt be good. However I am argueing that Anime wot would be alot better then alot of your are giving it credit for, it would also have things that Realtime Can't do, or won't do.


I just think that people will be happier with a live action movie

people would cry if they made LOTR an anime

I would cry if they make the wheel of time an anime


what a bunch of drama queens we are: "you hurt my feelings this" and, "i'm going to cry that"

hehehe...i'm so glad i found this site!


ok, back on topic

thankyou sinister for stating that so succictly,


i might have posted in anger and incurred the wrath of leafburner..never anger an aussie (esp one from sydny!!) 8)


id like to make a point about pixar.

they are a childrens animation company, which incidently, explains their childish approach.


please understand, im not trying to 'convert' anyone to anime, im only pointing out that it is quite capable of effectively portraying everything from the natural world of randland to the range of emotions they feel in the book...

btw, most ppls emotions dont play out on their faces, they are in their innerdialogues. a big emotional response for the main chraracters is an eyebrow twitch...

this sort of stuff is nothing to an animator


please note that if it were to be animated, the director would not be doing it in the style suited to the japonese anime audience, their main audience would be western, and those styles would be reflected in the film.


i've lost my train of thought, so thats the end of my rant today, please feel free to make controvercial assertions so i can get back on my 'high horse'


Will do Inara, everybody loves their high horse.


I understand that it would be westerners doing the animated film, I don't know for certain, but I would guess WoT isn't big enough in Japan to have them do the film.


Movies don't show innerdialouge, for the most part, because it's the actors JOB to portray the thoughts and feelings of their character. The beilief is that if the audience can't tell how a character feels, or what they think, then the screenwriter has done a terrible job. Voice overs to explain thoughts are considered "sloopy" writing. This is true with animated films as well. You don't get voice overs in western animated films, it just doesn't happen for the most part. We don't want to hear Sam's thoughts when he believes Frodo is dead, because we already KNOW what it is he's thinking.


Now WoT is different simply because Rand, Perrin, and Mat (especially, but not excluded to) have conversations in their minds (Rand with Lews, Perrin with the wolves) and things that warn them of danger (Mat's dice). Because of this all you would need, and they do this in films that call for thoughts, is add a voice over. Have Rand or Perrin say what they think in a voice over and then have Lews and the wolves talk back in voice over.


In the end that's exactly what you're doing with an animated film. Showing Rand and then adding a voice over. People consider it "awkward" but your breaching the third wall in both formats. In the end, if making a live action film was economically possible, I think you would agree that seeing that world in reality would be SWEET! The third wall would be broken, we'd get the innerdialouge, and you'd have everything you could ever want in a movie. It would be awesome.


I think that many people are forgetting the point of making a movie. The problem wouldn't be the special effects, or the voice-overs, it would be the acting.


I've heard everyone complaining about the acting in Harry Potter and Narnia, what makes you guys think the acting would be any better in a WoT movie?


Everyone talks about the special effects, how to make them real, how about getting actors that draw an audience into the plot? Personally, I can think of very few actors in the business right now who could pull off the subtle movements that would be necessary for a movie like this.


My prime example of a potentially great movie gone wrong is Star Wars Episode 1-3.


Granted, Episode I would have sucked no matter how good the actors were, the plot just wasn't there. in Episodes II and III the plot was there, the effects were there, the potential was there.


The acting wasn't.


After watching the new Star Wars movies, I honestly hope that Hayden Christiansen never finds another acting job ever again. I wouldn't be all too crestfallen if he turned up dead one day.


Natalie Portman and Ewen McGregor are both proven actors. The combination of George Lucas' inability to write dialogue and Hayden Christensen's inability to do anything but fall in lava made for a very painful movie.


What we need is decent actors to fill the roles of Rand, Mat, Perrin, Egwene, and Elayne and get some proven actors to fill Moiraine, Nynaeve, Lan, Min, and Aviendha and bring up the rest of the movie. The plot is already there, the effects are ready, we just need some decent acting.




Just to clarify, Pixar made children's movies because they were working in concordance with Disney. To my knowledge, Pixar intended to make more adult films (not porn, filthy bastards) once they got out from beneath Disney's shadow. Those plans have obviously come to a halt now that Disney has bought out Pixar.


Well that all depends on who you hire as actors and who you hire as the director.


Even Hayden Christensan and Natile Portman could have done a good movie if George Lucas had any idea how to direct since he hadn't directed for 22 years prior to Episode I.


Natalie Portman can act, she has proven it in the past, Hayden Christiansen just isn't there.


The one other movie he's been in was absolutely terrible, I don't even remember the name of it.


And Kadere, you do make a good point, WoT would need a good director. Someone Peter Jackson-esque, but probably not Peter Jackson since we would then most likely get another LotR with different names for everything.


Pretty much. I don't think Peter Jackson would be very good for this project. He's a brilliant director, and I LOVE LotR, but he's not a WoT fan. We would need someone who's read and loves the books. Peter would probably just see it as another money opertunity. Plus he's said that he never wants to do a shoot like he did with LotR ever again.

  • Community Administrator
I understand that it would be westerners doing the animated film, I don't know for certain, but I would guess WoT isn't big enough in Japan to have them do the film.


Well, they actually have wot in japan, but it may not be to popular, because there culture moves very FAST. Anyways, when it comes to animations it depends who and how they do it. Forinstace, Family guy is actually cartooned in china. Scary huh?

Depending on the company that does it, they can send them to japan, or other asian countries, that excell in this type of thing, and have them make any type of "animation graphics" they want them to. It would definatley be alot faster then having it done in america :P

They could also adapt the dabelbrothers art reditions of wot... Which would be pretty good..

But I think we can all agree, If they could make a wot realtime movie, it would be a great thing.. But that an anime version would be possible, and most likely better then most think it is. Maybe even = to realtime depending on how its done..


welcome back sinister

i do agree with you, all of you, for a change!

the movie would (in a a perfect world of cg) depend on the acting, directing, and dialogue. this will not be a project whose only aim is to make someone millions, so we will need fans.

a scripwriter who loves the books as they are and has no agenda, and likes the women! and the aes sedai! and perrin! and faile! :D

a director who has spent thousands of sleepless nights pondering all possible meanings of a twitched eyebrow


and actors

well, forgive my rashness, but i dont consider any actors around today anywhere near what we need for wot. when i imagine the characters, i never see an actors face...ever

this is why animation would be such a great alternative

they look how they are supposed to look

they dont bring in elements of other characters to their roles... (is it just me, or does magneto sometimes remind you of gandalf?) and vica verca and he is, by all accounts one of the best out there!

all the other elements of a great film are there, the writing, directing

blah blah


i keep remembering this series i used to watch on tv donkey's years ago, 'the twins of destiny' it was anime, and most of the characters were european, and looked it.

its ben a while, and my brain might have skewed it, but that is what i imagine when i pick up my books


I agree that I can NEVER see an actors face when I read these books (though Sam Elliot could make a good Thom), but as I said before I think these movies would need no name actors. Either people fresh out of acting school, or really under-the-radar celebrities. LotR worked because outside of Ian McKellain and Elijah Wood, none of the other actors in the series are all that well none.


Oh, and has anybody seen the trailer to the film "A Scanner Darkly"? I'm not saying that that animation should be used for WoT, but it does look cool, kinda "Waking Life."


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