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WoT Movie


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well they could link some of it to hand motions, like forming fireballs with outstretched hands, bringing down the floor with a downward motion, ect.


Most of the things are alrdy linked to motions, like fireballs, balefire, Damer's (?) healing, ect.


The idea of the effects while the person was standing still would be to give them something to stare at, like a gateway weave forming intracatly but quickly.


I'd see the power as a glow for women, and I suppose you'd have to do the same for men but a little shadowed. The 5 flows would be different colors, but tinted blue/red, dark/light, ect for saidir and saidin.


Heh where/how would you film the ways lol. Closed locked room with black walls :).

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I am very ambivalent about this news. On the one hand, a live action series of movies done well like The Lord of the Rings would be absolutely ASTOUNDING, but on the other hand, there's so much that could go wrong: casting, special effects, length of time, cancellations, and dozens of other things already discussed on this thread.


My biggest question mark is the casting...I actually don't watch much TV or many movies, so I myself can't really offer any suggestions. I look forward to hearing what you all think about casting.


Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't Robert Jordan been quoted in the past as saying he'd never want to do a movie of The Wheel of Time?

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Not really.

Sum up eotw for me.

It could be done in about 12-15 segments. You don't need to show the characters stops at every single town, or them sleeping at every bush along the way. only the most important parts. The non-gapfillers.


Lets see, about 5-10 minutes in the two rivers.

About 2-5 minutes leaving the two rivers, and being chased to shadar logoth.


About 2-5 minutes in shadar logoth.

fleeing/splitting up froms hdar logoth, 2-5 minutes

About 10 minutes per/story of each split group

thats egwene/perrin. 10 minutes

rand/mat 15 minutes

nyneave?/moiraine/lan. 5 minutes. 30 minutes total.

so far we have. 40 minutes.

Now they meet up at caemlyn all at seperate times. *+ parade* 6 minutes.

46 mintues total

Mat gets "healed" 3 minutes

49 minutes

They embark to shienar.

3 minutes.

52 minutes.

Umm, may as well add another 5 minutes in there, where thom teachers rand/mat juggling and fights the myrdraal in bearlon.. (forgot about htat)

57 minutes

About 10 minutes in shienar.

About 10 minutes traveling to the eye of the world..

77 minutes.

They meet the greenman. 5 minutes

82 minutes.

they fight the forsaken. 20 minutes

102 minutes.

they recover the stuff in the eye of the world. 5 minutes

travel back to shienar.. 2 minutes.

109 minutes.

they take there rest from there journey, as well as leave the cliff hanger for great hunt. 11 minutes.

120 minutes.

2 hours.


That is assuming those times that are 5-10 minutes are in fact 10 min not 5.

Anyways thats a small jist of it. Point is, dilagoue can go by fast. All descriptions go faster. Single book movies can be done in 2 hours easilly. 4 hours if you do 2 books each. some will be 2-3 hours...


so if you take a pessimistic guess of 2 hours on barebones, you'd figure about three for a really good movie.


Neway, you forgot the intro. I was thinking of dropping this, but its too cool and explains so much.


anyone knows how long the 3rd lotr ran?

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O yea the intro..

lets see, a little bit of panning chaos all over the world, then quick zoomin on lewis therin ranting about killing his wife. Then ishmale comes, giving lewis therin his sanity back. little talk.. 5-10 minutes max. 2minutes fordragonmount. =)


Basically ask your self this. would you want to see a movie, wehre the characters sit in an inn for 3 hours, talking about how it can't be real? Or would you like to see the story progress? As they say.. Game time is not = to realtime. Else the movie would be 3 months long :P


As for lotr.

The books were boring drivvel.

alot of the stuff they cut out was neccisary.

Other parts... they could have kept.. remember when the midgits found that guy ont he mountain and his wife? the shapeshifter? The guy that was from the hobit that they meet again? ect ect. but hey. everystop they had in lotr was about 6 months....


Sorry SD, you haven't convinced me. The sequence in the Two Rivers would be 20 minutes. 15 at the very least. There is so much important exposition that is involved in that sequence. Plus you left out the prologue. WOT would require a prologue similar to LOTR to explain the history of the Dragon LTT and the forming of Dragonmount etc.


Let's just do The Two Rivers, shall we?


Rand on the road with Tam, vision of the Black Rider - 2 mins at least.


Rand arrives in Emond's Field, meets with Mat, introduce Bran Al'vere and other town folk, including Thom, plus exposition of Winternight - 3 mins at least.


Rand and Mat meet Moiraine - 2 mins at least (probably much more since Rand's thoughts about Aes Sedai would have to be a discussion with Mat after the meeting so the audience knows what is happening.)


Fain arrives and spins his yarns - 2 mins


Perrin, Egwene and Nyneave's introduction - 2 mins


Rand back at the farm with Tam - 1 min


Trolloc attack - 5 minutes (Keep in mind that this is the first real action sequence after the prologue, so to spend less than 5 minutes on this sequence is not a good idea.)


Rand brings Tam to Emond's field, crawls through the forest and encounters a regiment of trollocs and a fade - 2 mins


Rand arrives in Emond's Field, encounters Nyneave and is turned away - 2 mins


Rand takes Tam to the Inn and is convinced by Thom to ask Moiraine for help - 2 mins


Rand goes to find Moiraine - 1 min


Moiraine heals Tam - 1 min


Moiraine explains that Rand must leave 3 mins (This has to be done well and without haste if the audience is to believe that Rand is going to leave his ailing father and the only life he has ever known on the word of a stranger AND and Aes Sedai.)


Moiraine recounts the Last stand of Manatheren - 5 mins (probably more since this sequence has such an enormous fan base. No self respecting film maker would deny the fans this sequence in full.)


Mat, Perrin, Rand, Mat, Egwene and Thom meet Lan and Moiraine in the barn and prepare to leave - 1 minute (possibly 2 with explainations of why so many have decided to come along.


Now that's 34 minutes. Do you really think any of that can be done away with? I sure don't. I can understand what you're saying, SD. I just think you're being overly optomistic (which is something I never thought I would say about you :P ) I'm sure there is a great deal of travelling that can be removed for pacing. But the main sequences will take longer thaqn I think you're anticipating.


Two words why it would be a bad idea, live-action or anime/3d. Inner monologues. Did anyone see either 1984 version of Dune? And one of the reasons LoTR was successful is because they avoided much of the dialogue (inner and outer) for the most part.


IMO, WoT cannot be done without inner thoughts and it would hurt the pace of a movie to add the much needed dialogue. I think you would lose a lot of the audience.

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Let's just do The Two Rivers' date=' shall we?


Rand on the road with Tam, vision of the Black Rider - 2 mins at least.[/quote']


Doesnt take 2 minutes film time to show 2 people gaurding a trailer and have someone go paranoid looking behind them. 30 seconds. MAX.



Rand arrives in Emond's Field, meets with Mat, introduce Bran Al'vere and other town folk, including Thom, plus exposition of Winternight - 3 mins at least.


You have a few people meeting near the local tavern. No way you should do that in 3 minutes.

Lets see, he finds mat "Yo!" 5 seconds. bran al'vera says hey boys, help me with these casks! 5 seconds + 20 seconds carrying them up + small talk.

about anotehr 20 seconds with thom.



Rand and Mat meet Moiraine - 2 mins at least (probably much more since Rand's thoughts about Aes Sedai would have to be a discussion with Mat after the meeting so the audience knows what is happening.)


Waste of time. They never had that conversation, thus its not to accurate to the plot. Innermonolgoue isnt done on real time. so its left out.. about a 30 second brief hello and how old are ye thats all.


Fain arrives and spins his yarns - 2 mins

Give you one minute.


Perrin, Egwene and Nyneave's introduction - 2 mins

1 minute.


Rand back at the farm with Tam - 1 min


1min max, i'll give you that.


Trolloc attack - 5 minutes (Keep in mind that this is the first real action sequence after the prologue, so to spend less than 5 minutes on this sequence is not a good idea.)


Rand brings Tam to Emond's field, crawls through the forest and encounters a regiment of trollocs and a fade - 2 mins


Rand arrives in Emond's Field, encounters Nyneave and is turned away - 2 mins


Rand takes Tam to the Inn and is convinced by Thom to ask Moiraine for help - 2 mins


Okay, they are in there house talking.. 5 seocnds, then they hear noises, continue talking 10 seconds.

Then the door gets busted down, and all hell breaks through.. 25 seconds. Tam tells rand to escape.. 20 seconds.

Rand runs around the farm abit until he finds tam on the ground.. 45 seconds.

Builds cart. 20 seconds.

Carrys tam to town.. 40 seconds.

brings him to inn.. 10 seconds.. so what is that in all? 3 minutes to your 11. Could spruce that to about 5 minutes to be more generous.


Rand goes to find Moiraine - 1 min


Moiraine heals Tam - 1 min

total 1 minute.


Moiraine explains that Rand must leave 3 mins (This has to be done well and without haste if the audience is to believe that Rand is going to leave his ailing father and the only life he has ever known on the word of a stranger AND and Aes Sedai.)


This is all dialgoue. So it will last as long as her speach... + any other stuffs.. 2 minutes.


Moiraine recounts the Last stand of Manatheren - 5 mins (probably more since this sequence has such an enormous fan base. No self respecting film maker would deny the fans this sequence in full.)


5mins is good. + flashbakcs.


Mat, Perrin, Rand, Mat, Egwene and Thom meet Lan and Moiraine in the barn and prepare to leave - 1 minute (possibly 2 with explainations of why so many have decided to come along.


Again, to much time. Most of that scene in the book was descriptions, not dialogue, and could be done in 30secs-1 minute.


Now that's 34 minutes. Do you really think any of that can be done away with? I sure don't. I can understand what you're saying, SD. I just think you're being overly optomistic (which is something I never thought I would say about you :P ) I'm sure there is a great deal of travelling that can be removed for pacing. But the main sequences will take longer thaqn I think you're anticipating.


I condensed your list down to about 12 minutes. only 2 minutes more then my orginal estimation.

I may be optimistic, but I think alot of people are just biased on what they read, and the length. just because its a book doesnt make it 4 hours. And that doesnt neccisarily make it a good movie.


The majority of the movie takes place at Two rivers.

SPlit up teams.

Shienar + eye of the world. The rest of it is traveling, and useless descriptions when it goes toa movie.

The intro in the book doesnt need to go into full detail, all we want to see is dragonmount :P


I agree with 9kindsofidiot that the inner dialogue would be very difficult to convey on screen without adding a great number of new scenes so that characters can talk about what they think about in the books.

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Not all inner monologues need to be displayed.. Only ones we need is rand.. hehe.

*watches as rand is hearing a voice in his head to killeveryone while he's just sitting there trying not to kill an aes sedia, while she thinks he's her lapdog."



What about Perrin's struggle with the axe and the hammer or talking with wolves? What about Mat's struggle with his memories or his not wanting to be a hero? This must be conveyed and done well to keep with the flow of the storylines.


I should point out to the bean counters above this adds minutes that don't show up in the books to help explain things to the audience. How would you go about explaining the fear invoked by the knowledge that Moiraine is Aes Sedai and Lan is a Warder? You have to get the whole picture of why this it is such a tough decision for Rand to make and why Thom is reticent to encourage him. I believe this distrust is a central theme early on.

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Thats why realtime films arent Ideal for Wot. You can't do innerthoughts on the big screan.. it doesnt work very well at all.... Anime's/3d it does, they can do whatever the hell they want. :P *Plus you can make them into however long you want/series..


First post. I think an anime movie would be great.Not all anime characters look 12 years old (check out Ninja Scroll).The important thing would be to not change the characters or the storyline. A live action movie would never keep all or even most of the things we love in the books, while an anime can. It can even be done in more movies than the actual number of books.


SD, if you're not going to go to the trouble of finding a way to convey the inner dialogue of the characters on screen then what is the point?


If all we're going to see is what is said and the action in this movie then I change my mind - I'd rather they don't make them at all.


The inner dialogue is what makes the Wheel of Time. I would be disappointed if different moments didn't feel as though they were being experienced from a particular character's point of view as they do in the books. I'm sorry, man. I know you're enthusiastic, but I think you should think about why you like WOT so much you want to see it made into a film. Is it purely for action sequences or for the story? Because the story of WOT is told through the characters and these characters are ntohing without their inner dialogue.


Plus, how the heck is anyone supposed to know how Rand and Mat feel about Aes Sedai if we don't tell them. In the book we know because we can read rand's thoughts, but saying that his thoughts aren't needed in the film because he doesn't voice them is ridiculous. Rand's reaction to the Power and those who wield it is pivitol to his character arc and the arcs of Perrin and Mat.

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No no, leaf burner. I'm stating that in realtime movies, it's not a possibility. Show the script with innermonologue to a producer, and they won't touch it with a 20yard pole.

I am however saying a realtime movie can be done in 2 hours.

I personally would like to see a miniseries/tv series of the wheel of time. If they are series/mini series, they are capable of inner monologue..


If they are anime.. Inner monologue is a reality.

If it is 3d, its a reality.

If its realtime movie.. not gonna happen.


I agree that producers are not fond of inner dialogue, but I am not saying that we should have character voice overs or anything. New ways of explaining to the audience how characters are feeling will be required. Specifically, characters will have to voice their opinions and feelings to other characters, which will take more time.


I don't like the idea of hearing character's thoughts in films. But I do think there are moments of inner dialogue that MUST be included in the story. So to expose those moments, new scenes will have to be written and included.


Yeah see, If the people working on the film have a hardcore devotion than it is possible. plus five years of filming is not compleatly obscene. Actors will do it, and yes the visual effects would be tedious and a long lasting project but nothing that the WOT does not deserve.


Okay, if the movie condensed the book in such a way as SD describes, I would walk out of the theater in a positive rage. The Two Rivers. FIFTEEN minutes? There is so much done in that section that define the characters. I agree with Leafburner on all points.

I agree that producers are not fond of inner dialogue' date=' but I am not saying that we should have character voice overs or anything. New ways of explaining to the audience how characters are feeling will be required. Specifically, characters will have to voice their opinions and feelings to other characters, which will take more time.


I don't like the idea of hearing character's thoughts in films. But I do think there are moments of inner dialogue that MUST be included in the story. So to expose those moments, new scenes will have to be written and included.[/quote']


it depends on how the thoughts are presented, if someone is remembering something a person told them..then it should work

and what about Lews Therin?? we would have to hear HIS thoughts...and Rand's thoughts when he argues!

even though it would be weird..I think it would work alright in a live action movie...you'd just have to present it just right


That is true, Eben. LTT's thoughts would most certainly have to be voiced inside Rand's head and as a result, we would sometimes have to hear Rand's thoughts when he argues with LTT.


I suppose there would also have to be some kind of effect with Perrin communicating with the wolves, though I don't think it should be as simple as hearing his inner dialogue. I think this would best be achieved by the audience actually seeing the wolves as they speak to Perrin - even if he can't see them.


That being said, I think it would detract from the significance of Rand hearing LTT's voice inside his head if the same technique was used for each character.


Yes, echos of dialogue previously mentioned will work to a point, but the majority of what I'm refering to cannot be accomplished that way.


since the wolves don't speak in words...do you think it would be alright to actually give thme voices? or should Perrin explain what they say?

also, The Flame and The Void should be visually represented at least once in a film...and then you can use just a sound to represent it after the audience gets used to the idea


How about giving a faint visual of Lews Therin in the Void?


With the dice in Mat's head, as I read, I imaginged the faint sound of dice rattling in the back ground.


For Rand Holding the Void/saidin how about a flame in the pupil of his eyes, and a faint glow in the iris's?


What do you guys think?


I too think an audible dice rattling sound would be a good addition for Mat. Perhaps even a piece of music with the dice rattle a part of it to give emphasis of them getting louder and louder before they stop.


Exactly. And When he starts hearing the dice (in book four I think it was) it's barely noticeable, and slowly. So the sound of dice sneaks up on the audience, so they only really notice the sound of the dice in retrospect.


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