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Clash of Divinity - Advanced Mafia - Day 7 - Reckoning


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my deaql tommy is you shoot Turin. If he doesnt flip as a bad guy or gets janitored then i will be quite happy to help you lynch me.


Explain your case on Turin please

Tommy has a point.... I'd like to know why Turin has to go.... and, on another hand, could you specify for me why Golden would be safe, Tommy?

Tonight when I'm home I'll try to pick out some Golden posts I like, but he gives me the same AJ did: thinking the game through; not just pointing fingers at people undeservedly, making good points.


As for you, what first made you suspicious enough of Rags to want him dead?

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Three things.


1) Nobody can rationally give an explanation of how this works out in my personal favor.  It helps town one way or another and makes me a huge target for town and scum if I am lying and town and scum if I am honest.

2) Rag hasn't done the first thing that town does when accused of being mafia.  He has had plenty of time to.  He hasn't claimed town or a role.  That should say enough on its own.

3) Instead of defending himself or explaining how a situation could make sense, even in vague or thin ways, Rag's initial response has been to attack his attacker, make this about him and I.  That also is not the town response to this sort of pressure.  But by all means don't take my word for it.  Recall when you yourselves have been mafia and outted.  When you have been town and lied about.  Do those responses fit up with the way he is reacting?  No.



P.S. Nobody has voted for him and I have two ??? votes.  That either indicates severe caution on the parts of the scum teams or idk what.  In any case I don't like it.  


This makes sense to me. Am I alone in this? I'm supposed to believe Dap's proposition that Darthe is on some suicide gambit to kill a possible mirror along with a day vig, why? Cause Darthe would get strung up immediately after. It doesn't make sense to me to try some gambit where you are likely to be lynched immediately after. Yes, people win with their team even if they are dead, but does anyone really relish the thought of joining a game just to die quickly and not get to play? 


Agree with Golden here. Also If Rags is a mirror, then he wouldn't be killed as well. Only tommy would die. Getting killed to eliminate a 1x vig doesn't seem like a smart move.

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my deaql tommy is you shoot Turin. If he doesnt flip as a bad guy or gets janitored then i will be quite happy to help you lynch me.

Explain your case on Turin please

Tommy has a point.... I'd like to know why Turin has to go.... and, on another hand, could you specify for me why Golden would be safe, Tommy?

Tonight when I'm home I'll try to pick out some Golden posts I like, but he gives me the same AJ did: thinking the game through; not just pointing fingers at people undeservedly, making good points.


As for you, what first made you suspicious enough of Rags to want him dead?


My first suspicions came after seeing his reactions on when he is targeted by someone. Instead of being constructive, he tends to counterattack (which doesn't help if he would be town)

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my deaql tommy is you shoot Turin. If he doesnt flip as a bad guy or gets janitored then i will be quite happy to help you lynch me.


Explain your case on Turin please

Tommy has a point.... I'd like to know why Turin has to go.... and, on another hand, could you specify for me why Golden would be safe, Tommy?

Tonight when I'm home I'll try to pick out some Golden posts I like, but he gives me the same AJ did: thinking the game through; not just pointing fingers at people undeservedly, making good points.

As for you, what first made you suspicious enough of Rags to want him dead?

My first suspicions came after seeing his reactions on when he is targeted by someone. Instead of being constructive, he tends to counterattack (which doesn't help if he would be town)

So a case of Attacking His Attacker?


Do me a favor and go back and quote some Ley posts and see if you can find who he went after or if he soft claimed a role or something like that.

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my deaql tommy is you shoot Turin. If he doesnt flip as a bad guy or gets janitored then i will be quite happy to help you lynch me.

Explain your case on Turin please

Tommy has a point.... I'd like to know why Turin has to go.... and, on another hand, could you specify for me why Golden would be safe, Tommy?

Tonight when I'm home I'll try to pick out some Golden posts I like, but he gives me the same AJ did: thinking the game through; not just pointing fingers at people undeservedly, making good points.

As for you, what first made you suspicious enough of Rags to want him dead?

My first suspicions came after seeing his reactions on when he is targeted by someone. Instead of being constructive, he tends to counterattack (which doesn't help if he would be town)

So a case of Attacking His Attacker?


Do me a favor and go back and quote some Ley posts and see if you can find who he went after or if he soft claimed a role or something like that.


but since he changed his role, i don't think he posted much (unless i'm mistaken) ... but i'll have a look

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Last game I played I was scum with Darthe and he was pretty openly trolling lol.


I don't know you by the way. Who are you?


And now I'm off to rereading.


PS Your signature makes every post of you twice as epic lol.

@ tommy, this can go 2 ways ... (he mentions darthe but is also kinda defending him).

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Ha. I can also say that Dice is lying about Leyrann 1.0 being suspicious of me. At least there is no evidence of it in his posts. He joke voted me and after that he didn't say much. Someone that did go after him how ever was Dice. Dice kind of band waggoned onto Golden saying that Ley was being anti-town for saying he was not going to post willy nilly. 


I will dig up the posts if needed. 

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Ha. I can also say that Dice is lying about Leyrann 1.0 being suspicious of me. At least there is no evidence of it in his posts. He joke voted me and after that he didn't say much. Someone that did go after him how ever was Dice. Dice kind of band waggoned onto Golden saying that Ley was being anti-town for saying he was not going to post willy nilly. 


I will dig up the posts if needed.


Go for it



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These are the initial group of posts from Ley 1.0. Not sure how many it will let me do. Hope this part works. Gonna break it down a bit and cross fingers. Also spoilered



Hey!  I like it.  Good to see you again Lolguy, GE is relatively new but he is fun to play with.  Rag is from the champions game (IVE MISSED YOU RAG!  VOTE RAG) and is quite good.  That was also a really well written entry scene (is jealous of writing abilities).  From what I am getting it seems that this game has three warring factions and a town stuck between them?

To me it read like we don't have a mafia, but three cults.
Anyways, vote... Erm, I don't know who to vote now that Maw isn't in the game.
Oh, you know what, vote Turin, because he's bonded to Ithi who in the past (the distant past) always voted me D1.


 Joke vote

Oh, by the way, I fully agree with Darthe that it was an epic scene.

was great scene 

And I'm just sitting here playing one game at a time because real life doesn't allow me more...

 reference to darthe the UN of mafia and his playing schedule



3. Andrej - Tends to go with the flow.  Can occasionally step on his own toes but is seen as more of a golden-armed Troy Aikman reincarnate for his ability to throw all over the field. Probably one of the greatest. EVER.

I mostly agree with your meta reads. Specifically Dice and somewhat on Turin. I think he tends to post more elaborate (and far-fetched) 'scenarios' as mafia though. For example, him twisting my Vig claim to be that of a mafia GF in the VD game.
What checked out in regards to Rag and your RVS on him?
@Ley - why feel the need to explain your RVS? Or even place one at all?


I'm afraid I don't know what RVS means. If it's another way to write "joke vote", I just like giving weird, nonlogical reasoning for my joke vote. And this was the first weird, nonlogical reasoning for a joke vote I thought of.

@ Darthe, Ley, AJ 

Nah, just replying to a question.



Hey!  I like it.  Good to see you again Lolguy, GE is relatively new but he is fun to play with.  Rag is from the champions game (IVE MISSED YOU RAG!  VOTE RAG) and is quite good.  That was also a really well written entry scene (is jealous of writing abilities).  From what I am getting it seems that this game has three warring factions and a town stuck between them?

To me it read like we don't have a mafia, but three cults.
Anyways, vote... Erm, I don't know who to vote now that Maw isn't in the game.
Oh, you know what, vote Turin, because he's bonded to Ithi who in the past (the distant past) always voted me D1.


I think this would have made more sense


About as much, yeah. It wasn't exactly intended to make a lot of sense, so I suppose it's okay.


 replying to some things

Well, if there's nothing to comment on, I won't post...
@Chae: It's the same for everyone around here. The current votes are all joke votes.

 reiterates that his vote on me is a joke vote


What do you guys think about what I said regarding NKs in this game? Discuss.

I honestly have no idea.


seeing that i'm going to sleep soon, i'll just follow
vote GF

What darthe said. Your vote may be your only weapon in the game. don't give it away by following/sheeping. Also the best way to learn is quite simply to play. post your thoughts.  The more people that are involved in the discussion of what impressions they have of the other players the better. It makes the game more fun too.


5 BT points for Turin for that amazing meme.

Missed the earlier post making the picard meme. 
NO. talking about setup in my opinion is not better than taking about nothing for the reasons I mentioned above. There has not been much game yet. probably because it is early in day and the weekend has come upon us. I would prefer that the game progress in along at its own pace. 
The distraction has been that it kind of prevented any other discussion. Darthe, Ley and you all made some statements about setup and that has created a lull in the conversation. sort of sucked the air out of the room if you will. 
My top suspect right now is you AJ. for both the setup talk and also the hopping on a train for the person being a "lurker". Rags has a bit of a valid point on GF about the strange post re: voting, but you didn't really acknowledge that part of the argument. ( also, for the record in one of those games that GF lurk-hammered, he was very important town)

1 =/= some.

Alright, so now that it seems we'll have some active posters I'll put some stuff out for you guys to chew on.
1. Turin - Agree in general with Darthe's meta summation. Accept his argument IRT early set-up spec. but the reasoning is also an easy one to place a vote for. Null, leaning scum.

2. Chaelca (Mentored by Csarmi) - Prob newbtown. Needs to get coached up a bit/post more as advised by other players. Newbtown feel comes from the early sheeping. I have the feeling if scum her partners would've given some kind of pre-emptive advice as the game started.
4. Darthe - Leaning town as previously stated. Would still like to see more participation/opinions.
5. TheRagnarok - Leaning town for general attitude. Vote on GF feels legitimate considering GF's posts in-game and that Rag wouldn't necessarily be aware the serial-lurking is GF's typical meta.
6. WBK - Mostly null/possible scum. I think by now he might've posted more as I think he tends to pick up on inconsistencies rather early. Could be trying to law low.
7. GF - Serial lurker. Would be fine lynching unless he picks up his gameplay.
8. Hallia - A little too jokey for my liking. Typical as far as meta goes, but would like to see more.
9. Dap - Town lean for the secondary vote. Would like some original thoughts.
10. Chuckles - Nullish. Sort of typical play thus far for him from what I remember.
12. Ley - OP felt a bit forced. I sort of inherently read his posts as scummy though, so I will reserve judgement for now.
13. Golden - Oddly quiet. 1 post so far, would like to see more before making a definitive statement.
15 Dice - Seems somewhat engaged, leaning town.

Turin - Null, leaning scum.
Oh by the way, unvote.
@Chae above: I don't think you meant to write "Ley" there, because my reasons were the weirdest I could think of, and for the sake of them being weird.


 Random comments. I think this may be where Dice is suggesting that Ley was suss of me. that would be a misrep of Ley as he is questioning AJ for having two reads on me. 

I don't know.
On your vote, it's bad because you didn't reason behind it (as you even said), and it was the third vote already. Third votes without reason are not considered townish, and for good reason, I would say.

 comment on Chaelca following


Couple things:
1- Ley-- RVS is random voting stage. I'm surprised that one is new to you. Your comment @80 is anti-town and is generally a poor way to play. Interact and try and see how people react to your posts. You get information everywhere. Advocating remaining silent doesn't help anyone get more info. Info is the purpose of the game.

Don't twist my words. All I said, was that I wasn't going to post if (and only IF) there was nothing to reply to for me, I didn't say I wasn't going to post:

Well, if there's nothing to comment on, I won't post...
@Chae: It's the same for everyone around here. The current votes are all joke votes.



Turin - Null, leaning scum.


Were you asking me something specific here?


Yes. How can a read be null and leaning scum at the same time?
PS Somewhere I feel like there's a post that I just read that I forgot to put in the multi-quote, but looking back I can't find it. If you feel like I forgot to reply to something, quote it and I'll reply to it.


 BOLD: here he asks his question of AJ. Dice is skimming or  misrepping on purpose

(I have missed 7 posts after 199 due to me feeling like reading everything at once. If there's anything I want to reply to in those, be patient for a few more minutes :) )



Couple things:
1- Ley-- RVS is random voting stage. I'm surprised that one is new to you. Your comment @80 is anti-town and is generally a poor way to play. Interact and try and see how people react to your posts. You get information everywhere. Advocating remaining silent doesn't help anyone get more info. Info is the purpose of the game.

Don't twist my words. All I said, was that I wasn't going to post if (and only IF) there was nothing to reply to for me, I didn't say I wasn't going to post:
what you seem to be saying here is that unless people are talking at or about you, you are not going to participate?  or are you meaning that you will only post when you only have something you want to comment on? please clarify



I am only going to participate, when I feel like there is something that I should say something about, but I'm not going to make posts for the sake of posting. If it isn't clear to you, take it as "I won't be playing different from other games on this part of the game" (on certain other parts I am of course trying to improve).


 Here is Dice calling out Ley for not contributing. I think it is plain that Ley was saying he just wouldn't be posting a bunch of fluff and spam. Dice should know this as it is part of Ley's meta. 


mmmm... gonna think about this ...
another noob question, what about people who are "overthinking" during gameplay ? Does that need to be read as suspicious ?

Most disagree with me, but imho nearly everyone overthinks. I suppose it also depends on what you call overthinking.


Ley being Ley




I think those are the pertinent posts from Leyrann if more is needed then  I will get the rest.

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Not much in these but posted for completeness. this goes until his Bah post




Yay DM. Press multiquote, nothing happening. I'll just do it this way then.


@Chael: If you didn't expect long posts, you're lucky Desp isn't in this game. The posts here will get longer than they currently are, but those from Desp are always EVEN longer.


@Deadline: Wow. I wanted to reread before voting, but that's not going to happen if it's that soon... Between Sunday night and Wednesday midday I NOWHERE have enough time to reread the full thread... And even Wednesday is a close one in reread time. Last check in from me before deadline will be tomorrow morning around 7 AM GMT, maybe (but don't count on it) one around 3.30 PM GMT.





He assumes there are no NKs and he assumes there are 3 factions racing to gain members. I dunno why he would do that.


In my mind it's a numbers game. The flavor (OP, game title, etc) indicates that there are 3 warring Gods. To me this signifies 3 separate recruiters. In the OP the Fire God dude converts someone to his cause and tells him to go do his bidding or whatever.


Yes, I admit that I am assuming a lot but I will lay out my thought process so you can understand or at least have some insight. Take it as you want. If you feel like I know more about this set-up then place your vote and let's get this lynch over with. Town is probably screwed as it is this game unless the general play seriously improves. But when I do flip town, hopefully you guys will pay more heed to my thoughts.


I think we have 3 recruiters. I believe that each Night the recruiters have an attempt to convert another player to their side. There is probably a percentage of success/fail that might be variable depending on how they(mods) set the game up. I asked a question earlier about whether the recruitment depended on whether or not the God attempting to recruit was your character's specific deity. I got a PAFO, but thinking on it more I don't see how that would fit and it would make it more or less a game of chance/luck for the recruiters. With the thought that there are 3 separate factions that are looking to recruit, this leads me to believe that there won't be a NK function in this game, or at least not from the recruiters. There could be a Vig or something out there like I mentioned earlier. I don't see how you could balance the game if there are 3 separate anti-town forces and all 3 possess a NK/the ability to recruit. Town would be wiped out in no time. I think what it is going to come down to is a war of 3 different cults near the end in an attempt to lynch other opposing cult members. A race to majority, like I said. Now seeing it this way I think the game is going to be very hard for town to win. Doubly so with the amount of people not posting. It would almost be preferable to get recruited and then try to win with that God :tongue: Later in the game team tells are going to be very important and I think once each faction has a few members it will become quickly apparent who is on whose side.


For example, let's say I am lynched today: The game goes into N1 with 12 players.


9 Town, 3 Gods.


All 3 Gods are successful recruiting.


D2 starts with 6 Town, 2 for God L, 2 for God W, 2 for God F.


Another player gets lynched, take your pick from whichever team. Let's say God F's recruit gets strung up. N2 starts with 6 Town, 2L(ightning for Zeus), 2W(ater for the Indian god, and 1F(ire for the Ra dude).


All 3 Gods are successful again, D3 starts with 3 Town, 3 God L, 3 God W, 2 God F with a total of 11 players.


Are you seeing it now? I think lynches are the only killing mechanic in this game or else the player pool will be reduced too quickly, beyond that it's a race to gain majority of the total number of players. It's actually a pretty awesome concept but I think nearly impossible for town to win, especially if we don't lynch a God or two right off the bat. And this doesn't even account for the chance that they might have already recruited a few players which are in essence no longer town.


But anyway, that's my take on the mechanics. I'm sort of a geek when it comes to trying to crack set-ups. Call me mafia if you want but I genuinely feel like I have tried to invest myself in solving this game and am generally saddened by the lack of other players participation.



This makes sense to me.


@AJ I used to love doing that too.  Personally, I think a three way cult battle is set to become a random ****show really quickly.  Besides that, how do we know how it is all balanced out?  I can't imagine that they can all go Ham all the time.  If so, the game would basically be down to the factions within a few days.


I was thinking, maybe that's actually the point of this game. Everyone gets recruited, and then it's about which faction beats the others.



Your vote is best served on me at this point Chae.


The rules state if no majority is reached than a random ModKill happens and no coroner on the player will be given.


but for the moment, i think u are one of the most constructive player. i liked the way u gave ur reading on the 12th or 13th page ...



Sometimes it's not anymore about the scummiest target, but the target that gives most information. I don't believe that lynching AJ would be good if there would be any other viable lynch, though.




Considering I was a bit surprised by the fast deadline, I do not have time before it to reread, which means I don't really have good read atm, but I'll be here around 3.30 PM GMT (even though I should be making homework) and then I'll put my vote.




@Turin above: Could you please quote what you're referring to, or at least mention the post number? That makes finding it easier.


vote AJ, even though I doubt you're mafia. You are right that you will give most information.



Will be rereading tomorrow, and I will also list my thoughts on people then.





But, you know, I'll be back!


The End



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Makes me more suspicious of Chael than anything.


What is this in reference to? 

The VC or the Ley posts?

Looks like Ley went after Chael there.


But yes, the vote also. Looks opportunistic, could be a coincidence, I'll have to look at the D1 Chael voting.

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why suspicious about me ? and i voted for GF because i though he was not posting much and taking advantage of staying away. now, seeing what he hinted, i'm not sure i was right with that first vote


and why unearthing ley's old posts... seeing his character died ?

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