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Warder Gameshow Week - Welcome to The Black Magic Stories!


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did she fall on the shoes while walking with them on her hands and stiletto herself to death?


No, the shoes were on her feet when she died, she was not killed with the shoes.



Is the exact height (15 cm) important?


The number no but the hight is extremely important and these are high heels


Try guessing where she was going

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Exactly my dears - she was to be the target of a knife-throwing performance. The blind-folded Tom did not see that Nyn was wearing very high heels, miscalculated and the knives did not missed her, let's say so.


Fashion kills :biggrin:


Well done, a point for RTE!


Let's see an easy one:


Theodore spent three days in the hospital. He was not sick or injured, but when he was discharged from the hospital, he had to be carried as he could not walk. Why?

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Lea nailed it! 1 point for you smartie :smile:


Let's see how you would reveal this one:


A man was walking in the middle of the city square when he saw a very attractive and well-dressed woman. He suddenly jumped on her and strangled her to death in front of everyone. The police arrested him but he was released the very next morning with no charges pressed.



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RTE, do you work for the FBI? Sorry, you are in the UK, are you Bond? James Bond? 1 point and you are on the lead




A man jumps through the window of a fast-moving train and his body is scattered in peaces all around the landscape. The compartment is empty and locked from the inside, he was travelling alone. They found nothing extraordinary in his suitcase and a piece of gauze bandage on the compartment's table.


Why did he kill himself?

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