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Warder Gameshow Week - Welcome to The Black Magic Stories!


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How did that last guy get into the attic though?

He made a double of the key and stashed it inder a board, as he wanted to puzzle everyone of us with his death, as he was a big fan of our game :biggrin:


Let's get back to the poor man in the forrest. No, they didn't cut his tongue, nor intented to. They only cut his hand.


Mish, you can try, just think of something morbid and you are half the way there...

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You know what, let's help each other out here. I'm happy whomever gets it so we can solve Theodora the femme fatal serial killer's mysteries.


Ok, it never said they cut off his hand. Was thinking they may have wanted his blood so it was a small cut but why would they want his blood?


So by cutting his left hand, what did they get? Why did he not scream? Did they take something away the man didn't want?

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*evil grin*


Well, I am a female and obviously fatal for the poor people in the stories :wink:


Point, taken, I updated the text some posts above - his hand was completely cut off and they took tangible object that the guy wanted. The object is not his blood or his hand.

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Hear that, Thea? He thinks you are Femme Fatale! woo!


RTE - I am wracking my brain on this one... I don't get the not screaming and the hand... Was he meeting someone all shady like in the forest? Was it a mob hit?


Not sure the mob does forests. This makes me think of Game of Thrones (will not elaborate to avoid spoilers). 

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Those were robbers, people, and they wanted the gold ring he had! There was nothing valuable on him than that.


They were human, doing unhumane things, like stealing. They didn't care for the hand, fingers, etc...


Our guy is alive and I promise I will not kill him!


Gold holds the answer

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he didn't scream cause he was playing dead hoping not to get killed?


or he has Hansen's disease and didn't feel it?


or he was too drunk to feel it?


ok gold has the answer... he was hiding the rest of his gold in his mouth or else had gold crowns or fillings he didn't want them to steal so he kept his mouth shut?

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he didn't scream cause he was playing dead hoping not to get killed?


or he has Hansen's disease and didn't feel it?


or he was too drunk to feel it?


ok gold has the answer... he was hiding the rest of his gold in his mouth or else had gold crowns or fillings he didn't want them to steal so he kept his mouth shut?

It's always good to keep your mouth shut, but not if you are Cindy and have the correct answer!


1 Point goes to you!


His teeth were all golden, so imagine what else he had to endure...

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This one is Liitha's:


Birgitte and Gaidal lays dead on the floor. Beside them are a pool of water and glasshards. The furniture has all been moved to the side of the room, and its raining outside.



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