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Trick-or-Treat II Mafia - Game Over - Mafia Wins!!!!


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White House!


Stop trying to make white house happen.




I'd take anything resembling gameplay at this point...


Second this... Some proper play would be nice from you Len.



Also, slight FoS at TG for that muck-up there.



And wow @ Darthe. I know you're busy with modding and the big game, but talk about lieing down to die.

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White House!



Stop trying to make white house happen.




I'd take anything resembling gameplay at this point...



Second this... Some proper play would be nice from you Len.


First quote. No I will keep fighting for it!


Second quote, I know. That was literally posted earlier today. Give me some time to actually get into it and write up what I told Leelou I would. I'm still in class and have practice next but I still plan on writing it.

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John Snow will be replacing Ishy. Kat, try to hang on until I find one for you, if you would. 


:O Hes back!



1. Mish - town

2. Cloud - Leaning town

3. Ishy/John Snow - Town because of his catching of Krak with Leelou.

6. Hallia/TGlems - Suspicous, have a scum lean on.

8. Kat - Undecided, leaning town.

9. Leelou - Town

10. Aemon - scum

12. Tress - scum lean on

16. Not Bob - undecided, Leaning town

17. Dap - Town

18. Salami - Leaning Town

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  • Club Leader

On your way to the Light Green house, you wondered who, if anyone, was going to go home. Suddenly, there was a cry of frustration from the middle of the group. You all tried to look and what you saw was Dap standing there with his candy all around his feet. Sorry, dude. Time to go.





Dap, cop, roleless town, has been sent home


It is now day 5. With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch. Deadline – Thursday 4PM MST/7PM EST

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For reference:


Day 1


Vote Count:


Pral (10) – Darthe, Mish, Ishy, Dap, Cloud, AJ, Krak, Aemon, Leelou, Hallia

Not Bob (3) – RTE, Tress, Salami

Andrej (2) – Pral, Not Bob

Cloud (1) – Kat

Lenlo (1) – Yates

Hallia (1) – Lenlo



With 19 alive, it takes 10 to lynch

Deadline – Monday 8PM MST/ 11PM EST (I think I'm GMT -8 for you Europeans)


Not voting – Verb


Day 2  

Vote Count:


AJ (9) – Not Bob, Leelou, Verb, Yates, Darthe, Krak, Ishy, Cloud, Mish

Not Bob (1) - Aemon

Dap (1) – AJ

Krak (1) – Salami


With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch

Deadline – Friday 8PM MST/ 11PM EST.


Not voting – Dap, Hallia, Tress, Kat, Lenlo


Day 3

Vote Count:


Krak (8) – Not Bob, Leelou, Cloud, Salami, Mish, Dap, Tress, Ishy

Leelou (4) – Darthe, Yates, Kat, Krak

Ishy (1) – Lenlo

Not Bob (1) – Aemon


With 15 alive, it takes 8 to lynch

Deadline – Sunday 8PM MST/ 11PM EST.


Not voting – TGlems


Day 4

Vote Count:


Darthe (7) – Leelou, Mish, Ishy, Cloud, Not Bob, Lenlo, Tress

Ishy (3) – Dap, Aemon, Darthe


With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch

Deadline – Wednesday 7PM MST/10 PM EST


Not voting – TGlems, Salami, Kat

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And here we go....


Sorry about the wait, but pretty much this:


This is the problem with trying to catch up.  Thoughts are all over and stupidly obvious things somehow go out the window. 



First, a couple of non-related things:

Whoever discovered how to iso (I think it was CS?), that was extremely helpful.

Second, as to the flavor-voting (houses and whatnot) the term you guys are looking for is 'pluarility'.


Now, on to casing. 





One of my biggest gut reads on my read-through.

Real posts: 


Scum Vibes:


Cloud – Always seems scummy to me

Moon – Semi scummy

Notbob – Random, pops in, doesn’t really help.



Town Vibes:

Andrej – Town, his posts are clear cut and helpful

Kat - Town (I hope you feel better!)




Vote NotBob


Posts 5 reads, and, of those, two (barely) have justifications. 



Most everyone is difficult to place.  I always feel Despo is town, because he posts very long and engaging arguments.  RTE has a town vibe this game to me, but that's mainly because he's posting, but with none of the usual spam that accompanies him.  I feel you're town, and I don't know for sure about anyone else.


Two very non-concrete reads that would be easy to go back on.



My vote is on who I think is the most scummy, and it appears the game's in slow mode. :(


Not sure if this one even counts as a game-related posts, but I'll throw it into the mix. 



*nod* I'll consolidate, though still not happy with it.  



Vote Pral


Hammer vote. 17 minutes until the deadline, and no other train had a chance. Reasonable consolidation vote.




NotBob's play is coming across as more town in general today with the analysis he's been doing, although as Aemon also pointed out, I am not entirely comfortable with how his train stalled out and dissipated -- without any sort of claim on his part and ending with a townie lynch.

I went back and re-read Aemon's posts (good grief, THANK YOU CSARMI FOR FIGURING OUT HOW TO DO THIS)... I think the thing that had me a little unsettled was Despo's case on him, but I re-read his responses to Despo and Cloud more carefully and I think he defended himself fairly well. Leaning more town on him.

Ishy has been uncharacteristically quiet. This isn't giving me a scum read on him; generally as scum he's charming and chatty... but it is giving me a sad.  :sad:

Mish has made some good points on Krak. I'm curious how she feels about Aemon and AJ today, though, after this post.

I think AJ is overselling the "I'm going to flip town" thing, but I need to sleep on his arguments and consider my vote. He's very close to lynch and we have well over a day left until deadline.


I agree with you on a couple of points.  Notbob has been actually posting this day, well, more than just witty retorts that he's so adept at posting.  :tongue:  Hence why I haven't voted him today.  And Mish, she's par for course as town, where she's kinda quiet the first day then picks up.  


I dunno about aemon though.  I do wonder though, with how close Notbob got to getting lynched before it turned around, and how his playstyle changed with the new day.


Did Aj claim a role yet?


Same scummy tactic as before. Says why someone is kinda town, but then puts in a little comment that lets her back out of it if she needs. And the mish "read" is just saying she is following meta. Very easy to back out of. Notice how she did the same thing on the second post I quoted. 


Aaand this is where she has a new incarnation, TGlems. He (she? never am sure on the internet, and it's 1 in the morning, so I can't remember) doesn't catch up in time for Day 3 voting. A little bit scummy; were I his scum team, with the probable Moon/Krak lynch (not sure what took you guys so long on that one, for the record. Tons of scummy vibes there as I read through, but that's beside the point), I'd tell him to hold off catching up until after the day so he would neither be implicated by not voting him/her nor aid him/her lynch.




 ^^You have added even less to the game than Hallia and it was already hard to have a solid read on her. I know the game is long, but you've replaced in a few days ago now. Do you have any reads? 




Leaning town on Cloud and Mish as well. Had a slightly town read on Hally, but Hally/TG adding nothing will get you nowhere.




So, continuing to catch up.


Kat - Scum.  Pops in, agrees with everyone and makes bland "i'm so town" statements.  Hardcore scum lurking

Cloud - still a scum lean. 

Mish - looking town, her back and forth with Leelou looks town on town

NotBob- NB is a little lurky/funny in general, town lean based on a few insightful comments throughout the game

CS - normally is much more "analytic", he did do it a bit with organizing a few people's posts but his analysis type activity is way below normal.  very slight town lean only for sniping on krak and activity on pp 40-43

llllllllenlo- scum lean.  the swipes he is taking at other players seem surface level at best, like a scum trying to look busy

Ishy - jumps in to hammer Krak on "didn't RB leelou" but leelou had a daykill, does not make sense (#907),  running commentary on darthe with cloud leading up to lynch, scum lean

Aemon - strange comment about how krak had no reason to lie and trying to use dying scum wifom to make game arguments.  bleargh.


Cloud and Ishy - definitely one of them is scum for their running commentary the night before the darthe lynch


In short, scum team is Cloud/Ishy, Lenlo, Kat.  Town reads are Mish, NB, CS, Leelou, maybe Tress.    Not sure about Aemon but he looks more confused townie.


So he makes a list of who he finds sketchy aaaaand.....doesn't vote. 


Next, he has a little bit of back and forth about how my previous incarnation could've known that MoonKrak was scum. Figures it out after a brain fart. 


Aaaand that's it. Between the two lives, there has been very little content. High scum read here. 




I was planning to do more before I went to bed, but I got my main read down. Vote TG.

I'll put up a couple other cases in the morning. I've gone back and forth on a few and I want to look at them when I'm more awake. 

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First off...You know nothing, John Snow. Okay back to game play. 



John Snow will be replacing Ishy. Kat, try to hang on until I find one for you, if you would. 


:O Hes back!



1. Mish - town

2. Cloud - Leaning town

3. Ishy/John Snow - Town because of his catching of Krak with Leelou.

6. Hallia/TGlems - Suspicous, have a scum lean on.

8. Kat - Undecided, leaning town.

9. Leelou - Town

10. Aemon - scum

12. Tress - scum lean on

16. Not Bob - undecided, Leaning town

17. Dap - Town

18. Salami - Leaning Town





vote Lenlo


You've been in the game how long and you can't give specifics for why? I'm not asking a case for everyone, but something for why. Perhaps some pressure will actually provoke you into playing. 


@ John - TGlems made that list during the night, so not sure how he would have voted? Unless you mean he didn't as soon as day broke? It's just the start of day...


Can everyone make lists from townie to scum? 

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Leelou - obvious

Mish - her defenses from earlier seem genuine

Not Bob - his pick up in play has made me lean town on him

Cloud - last cusp of town, almost unknown for me since there have been a few scummy moments from him. 


Moving into unknown territory:

Ishy/John Snow - could be an SK or scum still, claimed 1 shot vig

Hallia/TGlems - not enough content

Tress - I have to go back and read her posts to get more of a feel, slight scum right now but not enough to move down on the list


Starting to get scummy scummy vibes: 

Aemon - tunneling for the first 3 days

Salami - some posts seem forced

Kat - chastising for votes, and her weird vote on me Day 3


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Oh yea I missed Hally/TG.


(Csarmi) - well it's me

Leelou - I liked her play in general and I believe her claim.

NotBob - His late D1 / early D2 play gave me a solid town read on him and I actually seen more town play from him since.

Ishy/JS - I believe his claim.


Hally/TG - Hally came off townish to me, TG seems to be trying to add to the game and that derp around Ishy came sounded derpy but genuine.

Mish - leaning town, slightly... some questionable moves here and there, but very tipical Mish in my book.

Cloud - leaning town, slightly.. some questionable moves but he's Cloud.


Tress - just not enough play and some scum vibes early on

Aemon - some strange moves, NotBob tunnel, then vanish. He came back and some of those posts since he did pinged me. Not sold on this one, but definitely could go there.

Kat - low amount of play, was leaning town, but her moves in the last few days make me question that strongly. I think JS ot TG made a few good points on that this night?

Len - he don't play + scummy D1

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Those middle three - HallyTG/Mish/Cloud - are almost equal to me. Hally had the least play, but somehow that play sounded the most genuine to me. Cloud's making the most scummy actions, but meta and actions make me lean town on him. Mish's play just seemed alright to me in general - but I always have a trouble reading her.

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Or he did and Ishy is using it as cover. The Krak train was leaving the station. Someone would have hammered him. By calling BS On Krak, Ishy gives himself town cred and everyone assumes he has a PR. I'm not buying it. There is no reason why he would have lied about blocking someone since that person would be able to deny it. I believe it was a gambit cooked up between them. He gave a false block so Ishy could come in and save the day with Leelou verifying that she was not blocked. Ishy is scum. Leelou is town in my opinion. It is possible that Leelou is scum and in on the gambit, but I find that highly unlikely as they would want a townie that can will stand strong I defense of Ishy.


In response to the person who said I was tunneling Leelou (Ishy if I remember correctly): I think you meant to say NotBob.

I’m a little puzzled after reading this post from Aemon. It reads as if he doesn’t know how a Roleblocker works, because he explains that Leelou could verify that she wasn’t blocked after Ishy said that Krak is lying about his actual targets. He even considers the possibility of Leelou being in on the potential gambit. He only seems to think that Ishy is town because of the timing of his post. I also disagree with him saying in a later post that Krak had no reason to lie. Mafia lie all the time, and most of the time they will try to spread as much WIFOM as possible before their death.



Fine. I'm Town 1-shot Vig. I shot Leelou N1. She didn't die. Do the math.

Only 1-shot? If you have more it would be advantageous to use you essentially as a second lynch.


These posts coupled with their interaction have convinced me that they are both town.



Fine. I'm Town 1-shot Vig. I shot Leelou N1. She didn't die. Do the math.

This explains how you could call Krak on his crap, though why a scum would lie about who he RBed when trying to fake claim I have no idea.



Fine. I'm Town 1-shot Vig. I shot Leelou N1. She didn't die. Do the math.

Mafia RBd you or she is 1x scum bpv.


Now what?


ishy, a 1x vig had no reason to not reveal that.


Or, and heres a weird idea, Ishy is actually telling the truth and your pushing to get him out of the way.


Vote Darthe


I was torn between Ishy and Darthe today, and this post alone would push me towards lynching Darthe, but Ishy's reveal makes sense on how he knew Krak was BSing makes it all the better.



Darthe actually made a very good point. I don't see the mafia roleblocking Ishy this game, but there were still a lot of different possibilities out there before Leelou's softclaiming. I find this post from Lenlo really scummy; first he says that he is torn and then he goes on how Ishy's reveal makes sense and how he knew that Krak was sprouting BS without giving any sort of explanation for why it makes sense. It just feels way too easy to write such a post and I have a gut feeling that she is scum.


@Ishy- how does your big shot not going through equate to Leeloe being town (which is what you immediately asserted and continue to assert)? Also, why would you need leelou's permission to make your claim? The exchange between the two of you (on phone so grabbing the quotes is pretty much out of the question) makes it seem that she knew what had happened.


This derp post from Aemon is giving me a town feeling, and Darthe also seemed to think he was town just before he got lynched so I'm reconsidering my scum read on him.



He claimed 1 shot Vig and that he shot me N1.

So how would Ishy know about anything Krak did then?



This derp moment from TG also gives me a town feeling because I think that the mafia would be much better informed on what is actually going on. I also had a town read on Hallia before she asked to get replaced.



Cloud – because I’m awesome.

Mish – She’s pretty awesome too. I like the way she played in this game, she has good reads, has defended herself well against the accusations from Leelou, and she looks very sincere to me.

Leelou – She didn’t end up pushing for Mish’s lynch after she linked her and AJ together, and her soft claiming is giving me a strong town read.

Ishy / John Snow – Ishy hasn’t played much in this game at all so I don’t have much to base my read off, but I believe his 1-shot Vig claim. It could also have been a gambit between him, Krak and a Role Cop, but I will just go with Occam’s razor on this one.

Not Bob – I had a town read on him since Day 1 and I like his play so far.


Leaning town:

Hallia / TG – Hallia hasn’t said that much but she sounded genuine to me, and AJ posted something before his death about if Hallia was scum she wouldn’t have listed him as one her town reads. I don’t agree with all of TG’s reads, but his derp post regarding the thing between Leelou and Ishy is also giving me a town feeling.

Salami – I like his cases so far and he also sounds genuine to me, but he tends to make sense a lot of time in mafia games so that makes him difficult for me to read. I have also only played once with him when he was scum so I’m not familiar with his scum meta.

Tress - She hasn't said much, but her posts are often insightful and they make me lean town on her. I'm the least sure of her though.

Not sure:

Aemon - I had a scum read on him for the largest part of the game. I have continued pressuring him after Des died, but the two recent posts where he doesn't appear to know what's really going on is making me unsure about him. I could still go either way because he could of course also just be faking his ignorance.



Leaning scum:

Lenlo - He hasn't been playing, and has had a couple scummy posts. I could definitely vote for him.

Kat - She has been absent a lot, and when she does come to play she doesn't add much and she hasn't said about Day 3 which I find pinging.

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