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Despothera's House of the Undead Mafia! Game over! Town wins!!!!!


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I could feel the love coming from this thread all the way from another board...

Official Final Vote Count:

With 19 alive, 10 votes are needed for a lynch

Ley: Maw, Turin, Basel, Dice, RTE, Mish, Wombat, Yates, Tink, Ed (10)
Maw: Ithi, Cloud, Ley (3)
Ed: Darthe (1)
Darthe: Hallia (1)
Cloud: Peace (1)
Dice: Rorschach (Pralaya) (1)

Not Voting: Berf, BG (2)

Day 1 deadline here

Oh man this is gonna be fun to type, my first time saying this....

That's a Lynch!

Scene incoming...

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But to accuse everyone of giving Darthe a hard time about it, when I think maybe 3 peeps have very politely informed him to play the game as the rules state... Pinging. Overstating the attacks on Darthe.

Yeah. Both of those statements are obviously and provably false.


Ley was polite here:

You never voted Maw. To count, votes must be in red AND bold.

This was maybe less polite but at least masked behind an attempt at humor:

Seriously Darthe. I will mod Kill you myself. You better check yourself before you wreck yourself.

You see how the pile on is forming?

Despo doesn't owe you anything and neither does anyone else in this game. Deal with it.

And here even the mod gets in on the action - which is probably more frustrating than anything said up to this point:

Darthe, I'm going to say this one last time. You are NOT more special than everyone else. If everyone else can manage with bolding AND redding their votes, then you can as well. Incidentally, it's not up to you to say what rules you feel are unnecessary or bad. I put the rules up in the signups. If you had a problem with them then, you could have either not signed up or asked for clarification then. Not liking this little rebel streak from you at all. What point are you trying to make?


And as Ithi already pointed out, it IS helpful when doing VC's. It's much easier to skim for THIS then THIS.


So yeah, comply or ask for a replacement. Don't tempt the mod, and it would be nice if you did try and show respect for the game and the rules I set up, I don't feel they're too draconian to follow by any measure.

Right after the mod slaps him on the nose, the pile on continues:

According to the rules, you didn't vote him. You're the one wasting time.

Annnnnd... finally the inevitable scum accusation:

Darthe purposefully taking the discussion of the game away from scum hunting. Noted.

UGH take it on PM will you Darthe? This discussion doesn't belong in a game.

So that's 6. 6 is about twice as many as 3. 6 represents a fairly good chunk of the active users in this game. In fact, 6 is more than 1/3 of the votes as of post 444. And I'm not including multiple chastising quotes from certain individuals. So how is it I'm "overstating the attacks", again?


Also, if you don't think these were intended to provoke responses from Darthe you are lying or dillusional:

You're more stubborn than me currently. That's quite an accomplishment.




And why is it I was the ONLY one that saw this chain of events and thought "why is this happening?" And btw, this was dropped as of [possibly as a result of?] my post [other than the barbs] so trying to pretend I was keeping it going when I'm the one that ended it is a misrep to the n-th degree.


FoS: ineed4

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I think Yates is doing that things where he (she? It?) reads along and post.

That's exactly what I was doing. Too bad I missed the posts pre-edit...


Your Lion King link was ok. A little obvious. I would have gone here:

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Everyone had been bickering for what seemed like days ( :wink:). They were tired, they were frustrated, they were kinda gassy even. As they argued back and forth, one person had slowly risen to the focus of the discussion. He tried assuring everyone else of his innocence, but something had... taken hold of the crowd. A strange sort of frenzy. For every statement made in his own defense, there followed multiple other cries for his head. The raised voices turned into shouts, the shouts turned into wails, the whales turned into bowls of petunias. Altogether the clamor began to reach unimaginable levels, when all of a sudden one shrieking voice was heard above all others.


It was a monkey in a sombrero.


A deadly monkey in a sombrero.


With one last ear-splitting shriek, the monkey leapt over everyone's heads, and vaulted himself along the balustrades towards the top of the grand spiral staircase which encircled the courtyard they had been arguing in. Finally ascending to the top of a statue positioned right above the one whose head many called for, the monkey suddenly broke into dance. A rhythmic hammer of it's feet started sending small tremors into the statue underneath him, and with one robust gesture and a held pose, the statue slowly started to lean off balance.


Teetering off of it's base, the man named Leyrann continued arguing against his attackers, oblivious to the fate which was soon to become him. As the statue finally began to fall, with the monkey scrambling and jumping away from it, a hush suddenly fell over the crowd. Leyrann finally stopped to look up.


And with that, a sickening SPLAT! and a brief crash made a quick end for the young man. The others stayed silent, and formed a ring around him, wondering if their suspicions had been correct. For several terrible moments they waited, for any indication of whether or not this man had been one of those terrorizing the village.


A haunting laugh suddenly surrounded them. Then all the lights went out.


Leyrann, Villager with no abilities (Vanilla Town), is dead.



It is now Night. Get those night actions in quick, for daylight shall creep in sooner than you think...


Night 1 deadline here

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Also, Yates, you would be right about the pile-on imo if Darthe didn't have a history of being contrary for the sake of being contrary and being arrogant. He's gotten better lately, but a lot of peoples' patience has already been worn very thin.

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Forgot to remove the previous votes of Yates and Wombat.






Fixed it. I stink at this.





Don't worry, I did tons of VC mistakes in the HG too. All part of the first time mod-thingie.


And btw guys, just one thing.


Please don't lynch me with nearly 40 hours to go until deadline. That's both a waste of time, plus you might find a better lynch candidate otherwise.


As you'll know I am indeed town if I get lynched, I'll say this - If I get hammered more than 20 hours before deadline, that person is scum. 


And if you're not, well, don't be so goddamn stupid to hammer that early. You got 20 hours after it.


This post in itself would have made me vote Ley if I hadn't already... Way to fearmonger.


You can call him Berf.


Or Tuli.


This made me giggle.


The raised voices turned into shouts, the shouts turned into wails, the whales turned into bowls of petunias.


Des, if you weren't married and I weren't married, I'd propose on the spot for that one. Actually, I'd propose 42 times :biggrin:




Also, Yates, you would be right about the pile-on imo if Darthe didn't have a history of being contrary for the sake of being contrary and being arrogant. He's gotten better lately, but a lot of peoples' patience has already been worn very thin.


This essentially sums up what I was gonna say to Yates. Also, I have very little patience with people in general dragging in discussions that's not directly related to that game, but mafia in general, things that would be better discussed in a separate thread in the mafia forum.

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