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Gleeman's Month: Tag Lines


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Alright, so we're going to tell a story, but the fun part is that you write 1 paragraph and then give the first line of the next paragraph to the person who posts behind you. 


Here's how it works:


  • We start off with a 5 sentence paragraph (that I will graciously supply) and then I will write the first line of the next paragraph. 
  • Whoever posts after me will start their paragraph with the sentence I wrote, then add 5 more sentences and the first line of the next paragraph. 
  • Whoever posts after them, has to use the sentence they started that paragraph with and add 5 more sentences, then the first line of the next paragraph. 



And we keep going until we either give up or it's done. LOL 



Let's get it started! 





The thunder boomed so loud the windows rattled, but it didn't affect me. I kept writing like a fiend. I was like this when an idea struck me and I simply couldn't stop. As long as I had the ability to write something, I was going to be typing away! The cat buzzed past me, spooked by the cacophony of noise outside, but it did little more than tickle my leg as the writing bug chewed on my brain, spitting out line after furious line of prose. 


I should've paid more attention to the cat, though. 

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Tag line: I should have paid more attention to the cat though.


I did not notice that the cat was heading towards her hiding spot underneath the bed, nor did I notice the shadow that was against the back wall.  If I would have looked out the window, I would have noticed it, but alas, I was too focused on writing my own horror story that I neglected to think that I might be in one.


Then I heard a sound in the night.

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Tag line: Then I heard a sound in the night. 


It was different from the rumbling thunder. Deeper, lower, and at first I thought maybe there was a truck driving by outside. But a truck wouldn't scare the cat. But why would the truck be out so late at night? Maybe the cat knew something I didn't... like the Swanson's truck was out of fish sticks. Another flash of lightning and the sound was gone. 


Suddenly, I realized I was out of coffee. 

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tag line: Suddenly, I realized I was out of coffee.


I headed to the kitchen to refill my cup, and tripped over something hard in the hallway. Looking down I saw it was a book from the study. But who had placed it in the hallway? I was alone in the house. Or was I?


Then from outside another crash of lightening, followed by another odd noise!

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Tag Line: Then from outside another crash of lightening, followed by another odd noise!


This night was beginning to addle me.  Where did the cat go?  Was I facing something human?  Or not?  This might turn out to me my own Ghost Buster's show.




I turned to investigate the sounds.

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Tagline- I turned to investigate the sounds


I turned towards the window. I wanted to know what had caused the sound. Suddenly lightning struck. Thunder followed. There was a flash of the cat's body.


The cat had gone out in the rain

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Tagline - The cat had gone out in the rain. 


Why would the cat have gone outside instead of into her hiding place? I couldn't be sure, but I decided it might be best to follow the cat. I slipped on my raincoat and grabbed my cell phone before hurrying to the back door. On a hunch, I tucked the book into my pocket. 


I opened the back door. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tag line: I opened the back door.


The rain was coming down so hard, it obscured my view. Why would my cat want to go out in weather like this? Keeping the book dry, I peeked around. It was very dark. I heard thunder, saw lightening and looked back in the house.


OMG, there it was in the house!

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