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After Earth


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  • Community Administrator

I just had to endure "after earth"

When end dredits rolled and i saw who directed it i actually felt ashamed that i gave him money

as if id validated him

It flopped? That's.. a disappointment..(was actually looking forward to it..)

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I just had to endure "after earth"

When end dredits rolled and i saw who directed it i actually felt ashamed that i gave him money

as if id validated him

It flopped? That's.. a disappointment..(was actually looking forward to it..)


Think it got a 4.6/10 or something like that. Will Smith doing anything to propel his kid into stardom. Poor kid is still so young.

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Shall I start at the begining with the hate?

I understand its a book?

Anyway minor spoilers to follow so ill tag it. But I tried to keep it to first 5 min stuff and ambiguous beyond that



Anyway main issues. will smith and his kid. Don't like either of them that much


Narratively there were gaps. Example. Will looks at the computer and it tells him possible routes for his kid in one scene, only one works but its dangerous. He and his son then have a verbal fight.

Son takes the route, however will never explained it to him, mentioned it, and it was never set up as being possible pre that scene.


The opening of the movie is edited terribly, like a kids doco made for school


The whole movie felt like a video game. Clear levels and objectives. It was like the hunger games on single player mode


Weird dream sequences to try ad emotion to the scenes


Weirder futuristic accents? Honestly wtf


Kids meant to be a straight As student and pretty bright. (Stated in the first 5 min)

For the remainder of the movie there is no evidence of this at all


The movie starts with a shot from about 20 mins in. This is different from the actual shot when we ge to it in the story (like noticeabley)


M night


at times the CG was awful. Which was weird cos it was rather good elsewhere


Music wasnt that bad (I actually like the composter) but it was added in awfully. At times they were hammering so hard that you should be scared right now, it just got distracting


And from a scientific POV, they say man had to leave cos of breaking the planet (global warming) but then later apparently all the animals have evolved to be good at killing humans? But humans left.

There were no humans to influence the said evolution at all. Plus the earth suddenly freezing at night was just weird and unexplained and done with a pretty bad effect until about mid way






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  • Community Administrator

Shall I start at the begining with the hate?

I understand its a book?

Anyway minor spoilers to follow so ill tag it. But I tried to keep it to first 5 min stuff and ambiguous beyond that



Anyway main issues. will smith and his kid. Don't like either of them that much


Narratively there were gaps. Example. Will looks at the computer and it tells him possible routes for his kid in one scene, only one works but its dangerous. He and his son then have a verbal fight.

Son takes the route, however will never explained it to him, mentioned it, and it was never set up as being possible pre that scene.


The opening of the movie is edited terribly, like a kids doco made for school


The whole movie felt like a video game. Clear levels and objectives. It was like the hunger games on single player mode


Weird dream sequences to try ad emotion to the scenes


Weirder futuristic accents? Honestly wtf


Kids meant to be a straight As student and pretty bright. (Stated in the first 5 min)

For the remainder of the movie there is no evidence of this at all


The movie starts with a shot from about 20 mins in. This is different from the actual shot when we ge to it in the story (like noticeabley)


M night


at times the CG was awful. Which was weird cos it was rather good elsewhere


Music wasnt that bad (I actually like the composter) but it was added in awfully. At times they were hammering so hard that you should be scared right now, it just got distracting


And from a scientific POV, they say man had to leave cos of breaking the planet (global warming) but then later apparently all the animals have evolved to be good at killing humans? But humans left.

There were no humans to influence the said evolution at all. Plus the earth suddenly freezing at night was just weird and unexplained and done with a pretty bad effect until about mid way






I get it!


Its a sequel to the day after tomorrow! lol


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Shall I start at the begining with the hate?

I understand its a book?

Anyway minor spoilers to follow so ill tag it. But I tried to keep it to first 5 min stuff and ambiguous beyond that



Anyway main issues. will smith and his kid. Don't like either of them that much


Narratively there were gaps. Example. Will looks at the computer and it tells him possible routes for his kid in one scene, only one works but its dangerous. He and his son then have a verbal fight.

Son takes the route, however will never explained it to him, mentioned it, and it was never set up as being possible pre that scene.


The opening of the movie is edited terribly, like a kids doco made for school


The whole movie felt like a video game. Clear levels and objectives. It was like the hunger games on single player mode


Weird dream sequences to try ad emotion to the scenes


Weirder futuristic accents? Honestly wtf


Kids meant to be a straight As student and pretty bright. (Stated in the first 5 min)

For the remainder of the movie there is no evidence of this at all


The movie starts with a shot from about 20 mins in. This is different from the actual shot when we ge to it in the story (like noticeabley)


M night


at times the CG was awful. Which was weird cos it was rather good elsewhere


Music wasnt that bad (I actually like the composter) but it was added in awfully. At times they were hammering so hard that you should be scared right now, it just got distracting


And from a scientific POV, they say man had to leave cos of breaking the planet (global warming) but then later apparently all the animals have evolved to be good at killing humans? But humans left.

There were no humans to influence the said evolution at all. Plus the earth suddenly freezing at night was just weird and unexplained and done with a pretty bad effect until about mid way






I get it!


Its a sequel to the day after tomorrow! lol



Just tagging this in spoilers cuz I'm replying to your spoiler



That first part really pisses me off. Where he tells the kid about this thing and there's no talk of it but the kid somehow knows anyway? It's like when you see those rom-coms where the guy meets the girl at like the post office or supermarket and they start talking and hit it off and he asks her out and then is all of a sudden like "So I'll pick you up at 8!" - it's always 8 - and I'm like huh? YOU DIDN'T EVEN ASK HER WHERE SHE LIVED.


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That bugs me too Tiink


Ok so in this film he wears this smart suit, which his dad gives an exposition heavy run down of what it can do.

Then later he comes to a cliff but doesn't have the oxygen to make the climb (some of it was damaged along the journey) so the computer says the only way would be to skydive down.

So his dad orders him to turn around and they have a big sad moment


At this point it wasn't mentioned that the suit could go all flying squirrel and he could use it to glide. He also has no parachute that I am aware of, and his dad never said that the only route was to jump


Anyway he ends up running and BASE jumping ff the cliff.

Still not being told that that was the option, and as the audience not being really told how his suit would cope in that context


So yea it was annoying. Just cos the audience can see the dad looking at the computer graphic doesnt mean the kid instantly knows that BASE jumping is a good idea




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  • Community Administrator


as to the intelligence thing... mind you, I haven't watched the movie,... there is a difference between book smart, and survival smart. Its one of the reasons, IQ tests are.... not accurate. :wink:


Spend the day with one of those "tribal people" out in Africa, or deep in south America, and they'd think we were morons. :tongue:


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No his intelligence smarts were servilely lacking as well


But like right at the end when the becon thing isn't working he's all confused and takes ages to figure it out.

There is clearly a large erupting volcanoe behind him and giant ash cloud above. That might just be the thing that is disrupting the signal perhaps?


Oh and I'm pretty sure his dad gets sucked out of the plane when the film starts, but some how he survives and manages to appear back in the plane in the next scene (unconscious)




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