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In which forum can I post my TWOT experiences?


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I would like to post a long thread covering all the TWOT books. It will include some spoilers but will mostly be about my personal feelings/opinions on the series. I've been reading TWOT for almost two decades and I want to have a good old fashion vent. :-)


Assuming that that includes aMoL then you could either write a blog within the blog section - there have been a number of people that have done so, although I don't know how it works.  If it's just a vent without any desire for discussion or argument this may be the best place to look.


Alternatively if you're bringing up things that can be debated then it can go in the aMoL full spoiler discussion board. 


We have a Quality Discussion thread and OMG I just finished thread.  If neither of those work then feel free to start a new thread within the spoiler board.


By the sounds of it a blog might be the way to go.


(warning - links to spoiler full discussions)


EDIT - ninjaed


Everything I write is open for discussion. I don't expect anyone to accept my feelings and opinions. However at the same time do not expect me to justify what I've written!


There are various topics in the aMoL spoiler section where you can share your experience with others like the "OMG I just Finished aMoL" thread etc... 


If you want to detail your journey in detail, as others have said, the Blogs are the best place. 


A little explanation on why/how the rules were created regarding this subject, since I have seen it come up a few times recently. 


Basically, we stopped allowing threads like "My WoT Reading Journey" etc.. where people would outline their experiences. One - because every second person started creating their own thread for this purpose and while reading/sharing WoT experiences is a wonderful part of the forum, a thread for each person was not necessary and clogged up the board. Two - a few of the threads caused a deal of trouble. Ultimately reading a book is a personal experience, and opening up people's experiences for debate on the WoT discussion boards  not only  makes the poster agitated if their experience is being questioned, but also is unfair for other users who want to discuss the various aspects of the WoT rather than be bombarded with threads about people's individual journeys where the creator does not want to start any discussion regarding their opinions. 


So the blogs are the best place for it. IT does not clog up the boards, the poster can post without having their opinion dissected (although when you are posting an opinion in a public place, questions are going to be asked regardless) , and other users don't have to scroll through threads to find discussion - there is a clear place they can go if they want to read an opinion.


Edit: Having said that, it's not like opinion is banned from the discussion board. There are threads for people to share their opinion and have their say. The blogs however, are best if you want to make a detailed and focused post about it. 


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