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Month of the Greats - Ithi & Rhea's Excellent Adventure

Ithillian Turambar

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*passes out from mental exertion, wakes and is able to do nothing more complicated than play kitteh games on the iPad all day*


argh, why didnt I mention the book yesterday...


not Pavlov?


no someone who used shock...


Ben Franklin? on the $5?


we sailing to Philadelphia?

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100 = $100???


Lemme see if Turin has one. He always carries far too much cash about so he can pay for truck fuel.


*rifles through his pockets and emerges victorious!*


Now to take a picture






The screen goes dark before the following words appear


Benjamin Franklin was a Bearer of Excalibur





The screen goes dark again and the next clue appears


The first to rule, new lands to divide. Forever in stone to watch the sun rise.



Yay! And we didn't even have to travel to America!!! I wonder where we are off to next?

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I don't do geography. I even get Florida and California muddled up 'cos they are both hot.


Let me see if I can charter us a nice private luxury jet :biggrin:


*pushes button and things on the iPad and half and hour or so later a stretch limo turns up to take them all to the airport where a swish plane is waiting*


Champagne and trifle of chocolate cake for everyone! And we can watch that film Cindy suggested too :)







Back in a bit once I've put the monkeys to bed :smile: It's a reasonable length flight.

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