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[Mafia Game Over] Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark - Mafia Wins!

Ithillian Turambar

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Well I have some very exciting news that will turn this game on its head. According to information I've been recieving, the ark has been in the possession of the Bad Guys all game.


Hi Peace and Basel.

You know the bad guys are town right RTE?

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15. Darthe - The German Mechanic – Town - 1x BVP then Vanilla - Lynched Day 2


Uhhhh, not Kae guys, Darthe.



If you've used your action, Basel, do you mind disclosing what it was? 

oh.. did it always say that? I remember only seing that Darthe was town and BVP, did it always say "then vanilla"? Need to make another post to unvote, color codes on the cellphobe..

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Ed, your first point just proves that you totally misread my post... whether on purpose or not, I don't know. The point is that the role PM specifically says I become vanilla after I use my power. Not all role PMs in mafia word it just like that for limited-shot roles, regardless of the fact that it's inherently true of the limited-shot role. In fact, in all the limited-shot roles I have played, this is the first time I've ever had a role PM that phrased it like this.... which is exactly the way that Peace phrased it. Are you deliberately reading something into my post that isn't there? Considering that either you or Peace is scum in my eyes, you're not helping your own case.


Dude, you're saying the same thing. 


If you're a one-shot, you're Vanilla after. But there is no way Peace could have known a one-shot would be Vanilla after! 

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Oh I'm sorry I didn't reveal at night Ed.


The wording specifically said bad guys. Each and every time they have had the ark.


I'm going to look back at that character-alignment discussion again tomorrow.



Uhhhh, sarcastic man. I don't need your sass. I don't remember anything from you. 



And Arez, it did always say that, but my post quoting it was also RIGHT THERE. You can't say you didn't realize it wasn't there because it wasn't always there. 

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The time difference between ed quptinf it and ypu posting was a while arez. I checkedd when it happened



this is the second time youve madevweird claims about "vad guys"

First with kae and len now this


but peace is tge center of this all it seens

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Well the townies have all had "bad" or "evil" characters so it could very well be that townies have the ark. Or they are scum. My info does say bad guys.


And with your logic you'll only know when I'm dead or after we've killed a mininum of two people potentially.

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His death will clear basel and RTe or You and Talya

if hes mafia, RTE is lying and that means hes yrying to sink basel with peace so basel is likely town

if peace is town RTE is likely telling the truth and therefore town, so basel is too. It also means you and talya are mafia most likely


either way basel is town imo

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Everyone who wishes to play should go here and R&U if they have not already done so previously.


Please let me know if you can't see the Link and I will PM you. If you have already R&Ud via PM for a previous Game you don't have to do it again.


1. Lenlo - Dr Rene Belloq - Town - Doctor - Killed Night 2
2. Talya
3. Dice - Killed Night 2
4. Chuckles
5. RTE
6. Tiinker Cyan (end of Day 1)
7. Roo
8. Hallia
9. Ley
10. Player
11. Basel
12. Cloud
13. Rey WBK (middle of Night 1)
14. Ishy
15. Darthe - The German Mechanic – Town - 1x BVP then Vanilla - Lynched Day 2
16. Time - Major Arnold Ernst Toht - Town - Original Holder of the Fake Staff of Ra Headpiece - Lynched Day 1
17. Peace
18. Song - Killed N1
19. Arez
20. Kae - Desert Excavator - Vanilla Town - Killed N1
21. Maw
22. Mish
23. Rand
24. Eddie

Back Ups

1. ??
2. ??


Almost every single town member has been given what one could argue is a bad or evil aligned character.


This is risky. I want to go back to see how people reacted when I mentioned it seems town has evil characters again. I think seeing what people said in response to that is worth something.


It's also worth something that my info says the bad guys have the ark and not the scum team...


It is a alternate cut of the movie, after all. Here, the good guys may be the bad guys and vice versa. It's a bit risky. But yea peace has not helped himself as of yet, nor can we argue he has helped town.

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