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[Mafia Game Over] Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark - Mafia Wins!

Ithillian Turambar

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A face turning and the light hitting eyes that had seen far too much.


It had been more than twenty years since they had first saw it and it had captured their imagination forever. They checked the directions again and turned off onto a road that was little more than dirt. It was onlu about half a mile further apparently. One of them started singing quietly., 'Duh de duh duuuuh, duh de duuh' and then turned to look at her companion who was driving and then smiling as he joined in that unforgettable anthem. As they drove into the small car park they were in full voice. The excitement was growing.


The car stopped, the key turned in the ignition rendering the engine silent. They looked through glass at the old movie theatre in front of them. It looked abandoned. The singing tailed off ... He looked at her, questioning, and she took a deep breath and nodded. They would do this. They left the car and walked into the theatre together.


Signs proclaimed a new and digitally re-mastered ultimate Editor's Cut of the movie as they entered the lobby. There was no-one else there. They stepped through a doorway and then continued down a hallway, walking through alternate pools of light and darkness. Thorugh another door and then into blackness. She blinked as her eyes adjusted, feeling a reassuring squeeze on her hand as she did, and then let herself be guided down to where a comfortable couch stood, with a small table at either end. On each of the tables was a tub of popcorn and a drink. Her popcorn had better be sweet and not that awful salted stuff. In the distance a wall of soft midnight velvet drapes waited for them.


They took their places and waited, quiet whispered conversation passing between them. A soft sigh like rustle diverted their attention to the darkly shining screen that had now appeared from behind the drapes. There was a stuttered flicker of light and then it began. She tucked her feet up on the couch and made herself comfortable to watch, leaning against him as the glow illuminated their faces.




The silhouette of a mountain appeared. A shadowy fedora wearing figure walking towards it, bull whip on his hip, with others following behind. The eerie music building a sense of danger and distrust. They move into the darkness of the jungle, those following seeming full of fear and anxiety. One pulls aside a covering of vines, revealing a statue with a gaping mouth. He runs away screaming as the dark figure calmly approaches and checks his notes. His guides look at each other and then reluctantly follow.


Now they cross a stream and a mist rises in the darkness and entwines around the bases of the trees. In the foreground a small dart is embedded into a tree trunk. The figures examines it briefly before callously throwing it onto the floor, where his panicked guides retrieve it.


'The Hovitos are here. The Poison is still fresh - three days" one says, testing the dart with his tongue and then spitting the poison out. "They are following us" he says. "If they knew we were here," replies the other, "they would have killed us already." They move on again, drawn to follow the mysterious figure who is continuing towards his goal.


South America 1936


Appears on the screen as they walk towards a larger body of water. The one they are following stops and holds out his hand and one of the guides passes him a torn map, split into several tattered pieces. One of the guides pulls his gun and points it at the figure's back ... you see him suddenly become alert. He turns, his whip flicking out and cracking in the air - as it lashes the guide's hand causing him to drop his gun. He steps forwards ...


A face turning and the light hitting eyes that had seen far too much.





It is now Day One. You may begin.


Cautiously he made his way into the dark and cobweb strewn interior, his guide pressed for speed - but he had seen places like this before. A body impaled on spears, frozen in a scream proved that.


Being cautious of the Light to avoid the killing darts and leaving his whip in place across the Pit, he carefully steps across to where the Golden Idol sits.


He takes a moment to match its weight with a bag of sand and the switches it. Success!




But no. The Trap is triggered and the walls start to shake. He runs now, hoping speed will save him where caution protected previously.


He reaches the pit, where his guide has already crossed, but his whip has become unfastened. "Throw me the whip," he says. "Throw me the idol" says his guide. He hesitates and then does so, the guide catching it before laughing and dropping the whip on the floor on the other side of the pit. 'Adios' he says before leaving Indiana to his doom.


The wall on the other side of the Pit is coming down and will seal him inside forever. The expression on his face is priceless and then he backs up and leaps across the Pit, barely making it.


The stone door is almost closed.



Those watching were involved now ... feeling almost part of the film. It was like they were there ...



Indiana slid through the closing door just in time, reaching back to grab his hat.


He carefully moved around the spear traps and took a deep breath. He was safe. A rumbling above alerted him to the giant boulder that was now rolling towards him. A look of exasperation crossed his face before he began to rush towards the entrance to the cave. Leaping through as the giant boulder sealed the door forever. It didn't matter, he had what he had came for.


But not for long. He found himself surrounded by angry tribesmen and a white suited man. He reached out his hand and Indiana reluctantly placed the Idol into it.


"Dr. Jones. Again we see there is nothing you can possess which I cannot take away."


The man in white held up the figure and the tribesman all knelt in fear. Indiana siezed his chance and bolted, racing through the jungle. The tribesman quickly receiving the signal to pursue and chasing after him.


As he came to the river, he screamed at the pilot to start the plane, swinging across on a vine and scrambling up to safety.


"There's a snake in the plane" he screamed, "I hate snakes!"




Safely back on campus, Professor Jones finished his lesson and followed his friend into a large Hallway where two strangers waited. They wished to speak about an old friend of his.


One of them spoke. "Yesterday afternoon, our European section intercepted a German communique that was sent from Cairo to Berlin." The other one added, "You see, for the last two years, the Nazis have had teams of archaeologists running around the world looking for all sorts of religious artifacts. Hitler's a nut on the subject. He's crazy. He's obsessed with the occult. And right now, apparently, there is some kind of German archaeological dig going on in the desert outside Cairo."


Indiana looked at them, his interest growing. "Now, we have some information here, but we can't make anything out of it and maybe you can.


"Tanis development proceeding. Acquire headpiece, Staff of Ra, Abner Ravenwood, US."


Indiana could hardly contain his excitement. The Nazis had discovered Tanis. He explained to the two men exactly what the headpiece and Tanis were for.


"Well, the staff is just a stick. I don't know, about this big. Nobody really knows for sure how high. And it's...

it's, uh... it's capped with an elaborate headpiece in the shape of the sun with a crystal in the center. And what you did was, you take the staff to a special room in Tanis, a map room with a miniature of the city all laid out on the floor. And if you put the staff in a certain place at a certain time of day, the sun shone through here and made beam that came down on the floor here... and gave you the exact location of the Well of the Souls."


Which is where the Ark of the Covenant would be found.


The two men spoke quietly to another for a moment and gestured that Indiana could leave. His friend cam out a few moments later and gave him the news he had been hoping for. They wanted him to go and fetch the Headpiece, and that meant a trip to Nepal.


But someone was already there. Stepping off the plane, a figure in a black leather coat wrapped it round him more closely. It was cold, but the aura he radiated was colder. He had come to obtain the Headpiece and no power on this earth would stop him.


He smiled to himself, hoping that there would be resistance and then he would be able to do what he did best. Convince others to change their mind. The thought of that grew within him, overwhelming all other thoughts. And then the feeling of bliss changed. His expression turned to pain and there seemed to be flames burning his skin. He screamed as his features began to melt and finally collapsed, dead on the floor as his companions looked on in horror. To covet the Ark of the Covenant was a dangerous thing indeed.


Those watching looked at each other in surprise. "I don't remember that bit" she said. "Neither do I" her companion replied. They wondered who the Editor was that had created this Special Edition, and then settled back to see what else would happen.


Time - Major Arnold Ernst Toht - Town Original Holder of the Fake Staff of Ra Headpiece has been Lynched


'Hello, Marion'


The familiar silhouette appeared on the wall, cast by the light from the open door. Earlier in the night, Marion had had a full bar, loud and rowdy as usual. Her regulars were still surprised that she could literally drink them under the table.

'Indiana Jones. I always knew some day you'd come walking back through my door. I never doubted that. Something made it inevitable. So, what are you doing here in Nepal?' She moved closer, looking at him, a mocking smile on her face. Indiana got straight to the point, ' I need one of the pieces your father collected....' but he was never able to finish as Marion suddenly lashed out with a hard right cross to his jaw. He blinked and held his chin, looking at her in surprise and confusion.


'I've learned to hate you in the last ten years!' she shouted. 'I never meant to hurt you.' he replied, still rubbing his jaw. 'I was a child. I was in love. It was wrong and you knew it!' She spat the words at him, her tone accusing. 'You knew what you were doing.' he said.


Her voice grew colder. 'Now I do. This is my place. Get out!' He tried reasoning with her, 'I can only say I'm sorry so many times.' 'Well, say it again anyway!' she snapped.


'Sorry.' he said.


She turned away and leaned up against the bar, pouring a shot, drinking it and then pouring another. 'The piece I'm looking for Marion - it was an amulet - about yay size, with a crystal in the middle. Do you know it?'' I know it','she said. 'I need it Marion' he replied.

'Come back tomorrow' she said, dismissing him completely. He paused for a moment and then went back out into the cold.


The scene cut to a group standing over a dead body on the ground. 'How has this happened?' said one of them. 'We don't know' said the other. They looked down again, and then walked away.


Song has been Killed




The scene cut again, this time to the desert excavation in Tanis. It was dark, but there was excitement as they found a small cache of valuables stored in jars. One of the jars broke and its contents spilled out onto the floor. The excavators were paid a pittance and the object that had landed near his feet would support his family for several months. He looked around, before quickly bending and scooping it up, hiding it inside his robes. No-one has saw. He was confident of that. When they were finally dismissed and allowed to go home, he followed his usual path through the city. The moon was full, and pools of light only served to make the shadows deeper. And then, one of the shadows moved.




Standing in front of him was someone he hoped to not draw the attention of. 'No, you can have it back! I was just going to show my family, they are so interested in my work. I was going to bring it back tomorrow!'




'No I swear! No! Please!'

The blade danced through the air, its owner stepping closer and closer, forms alternately illuminating and hiding the edge as the light hit it. Pleading for his life,the man tried to back away. The figure spun suddenly, his blade following around in an arc that was so full of grace it would have been beautiful to see - unfortunately the only one who saw could not appreciate the deadly skill required to master such a weapon - all he saw was death, unstoppable and merciless. It continued it's path, severing the man's head completely, his body collapsing in a pile of robes. The figure reached down and inside the robes, retrieving what had been taken, and then left the body as a warning to others.


Kae - Desert Excavator - Vanilla Town has been Killed



This time it was his turn to look at her, a puzzled expression on his face. 'Do you think these are deleted scenes? Maybe they should have always been there?' 'I have no idea' she replied, 'It seems so familiar, but I have the strangest feeling that this is just the beginning, I honestly have no idea what is happening.' 'I'm sure it will all work out ok,' he said reassuringly, 'Here, have some more popcorn' and he popped a piece in her mouth, laughing and offering her a drink as she spat it straight back out, cursing about salted popcorn just being wrong!


Marion heard the door open and turned towards it. Her drink forgotten for the moment. 'Bar's closed,' she said. A voice replied, 'We are... hehe... not thirsty.'


He wished that Toht was still alive, this was more his speciality - but he had seen him in action enough to put on a good show, or at least get the job done.


'What do you want?' Asked Marion. 'Ah, the same thing your friend Dr. Jones wanted. Surely he mentioned there would be other interested parties?' He replied. He did not revel in this work and hoped that she would be reasonable, not that he let anything like that show on his face.


She turned back to the bar, knocking back another shot in one go. 'Must have slipped his mind.' She said. 'The man is nefarious. I hope for your sake that he has not yet acquired it.' He looked through the notebook that Toht had left.


Wie zu foltern die Menschen, Informationen zu erhalten


It was an interesting and informative read. Very educational.


'Why,' said Marion, 'are you willing to offer more?'


'Oh, almost certainly,' he replied, 'Do you still have it?'


Marion leaned closer to him 'No' she said.


The man flicked through the notebook till he found the page he was looking for. Ahhh, perfect. He walked over to the brazier in the middle of the room. 'Your fire is dying... here, why don't you tell me where the piece is right now?'


But Marion had other planes 'Listen, Herr Mac,' she said, 'I don't know what kind of people you're used to dealing with, but nobody tells me what to do in my place.'


The man smiled. 'Fräulein Ravenwood, let me show you what I am used to...'


He held the poker in the hot embers until it began to glow and then approached Marion with it, moving the white hot tip closer and closer to her skin. She could feel the heat radiating off of it.


'Wait, wait! I can be reasonable!' She cried, trying to move her head away, but she was held firm. 'That time has passed.' He replied, unmoved by her pleas. 'You don't need that.' She begged 'I'll tell you everything!


'Yes, I know you will.' He replied.


Suddenly a loud crack was heard, and the man felt the harsh cutting blow of a whip bit into his wrist. His instinct to the pain was automatic, and he dropped the glowing poker ... Its tip connecting with a drape and quickly igniting it.


By the time they noticed the fire it was too late, it was out of control. Now they had a burning Bar to content with, as well as a fight to win. As another bottle of whiskey exploded, they realised they needed to be quick.


The intruders opened fire and Marion ran from the hail of bullets that flew through the air and hid behind the bar, swigging a quick drink for courage. Indiana was in a tricky situation, but he had been in worse. One of the intruders pushed him up against the bar and grabbed him by the throat, strangling him. He calmly looked up at Marion. ‘Whiskey’ he said. She looked around, confused for a moment, before passing him the whiskey bottle. He took it and smashed it over it over his assailant's head, knocking him out cold.


He struggled with another and then attempted to use him a human shield as a machine gun was pointed in his direction by a third man. Their leader spoke to the man with the machine gun.


‘Shoot them. Shoot them both.’


Indiana and his hostage looked at each other for a brief moment, before the hostage turned his own weapon on the machine gunner – killing him instantly. He looked back at Indiana again, a look of victory and shared camaraderie. Indiana was having none of it and floored him with a strong right hook. Now to dispatch of the leader, but he was nowhere to be seen.


The leader had spied something glittering in the flames. The Headpiece. Giving thanks for his good fortune, he reached for it and then wrapped his hands tightly around and pulled it towards him. It took a moment for him to recognise the pain and the searing heat of the Headpiece as it burned into his flesh. He dropped it, screaming in agony and ran out into the snow, thrusting his hand into the icy coldness in a desperate attempt to numb and cool the blackened and damaged flesh.


The fire was raging now and they looked for a way through the flames, rushing out of the building just as it collapsed. Marion turned to Indiana, ‘Well, Jones, at least you haven't forgotten how to show a lady a good time.’ He looked at her, an incredulous smile on his face. ‘Boy, you're something!’ he said.


‘Yeah?’ said Marion, ‘I'll tell you what, until I get my money, you're gonna get more than you bargained for. I'm your goddamn partner!’ and she held up the Headpiece, the reflection of flames from what was once her Bar flickering on its surface.



The scene shifted suddenly again, a large bull of a man surrounded by figures. He appeared to be in a court, or perhaps a tribunal of some kind. The figures spoke. ‘We know you have been working against us’ they said, ‘we have all the evidence we need – there is only one sentence that can be pronounced for this kind of treachery’. The giant hung his head and barely spoke as he was lead outside to where a gallows waited. Silently he ascended the stairs, a dark hood was placed over his head before the rope was fastened around his neck. A moment later the trap door opened and he fell down, the weight of his muscular form snapping his neck and killing him instantly.


Darthe – The German Mechanic – Town - 1x BVP then Vanilla has been Lynched


Those watching sat in stunned silence for a moment.


‘Wasn’t he supposed to get killed by an aeroplane propeller near the end?’ she said. ‘That’s how I remember it.’ He said. They looked at each other for a moment before turning back to the screen. The scene was already changing again …


All the scenes for Dap

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I think Peace needs to give more info about his role. Is he an x-shot or not? 

Cause you are bloody scum and worried?  What a horrible bloody idea.


Add Ed to my bloody list.  Basil, Lenlo, Ed. 


Bloody targets.


I guess I could as well help you work off that list a bit, as I don't trust all of them either...

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