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Corrupt-a-Wish Foundation

Wren of the Brown

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The rules of this game are simple: you make a wish and the next poster grants it by completely turning it on its head.


Example: I wish for world peace.  It is granted by the complete extermination of the human race.


Got it?


I wish for an Italian hoagie.




Granted. You are possessed by the spirit of Quaru-Me-Rah, she-vulture of the apocalypse and you produce the best selling screed which documents the end of the world. You are driven mad by what you have written as all the omens prove true.


I wish to get over this cough soon.


Granted. You are now the proud owner of a cup of lava. I'd use oven mits if I were you. :)


I wish for more time to read! 


Granted. You are scheduled to pick up a white bengal tiger from Sigfried and Roy. PS- not the kitten. It's too cute. 


I wish for a house in the country so I can see the stars. 


Granted! You live isolated in the country, surviving on the hard work you do during the daytime..but so tired you fall asleep at sunset and wake with the dawn.


I wish I could go home.


Granted, but no one really knows where OKCOK is situated so you end up in the middle of the Sahara.


 I wish the snow will remain for another few weeks :smile: (we have snow on average a few days every year, but now it's been snowing for 10 days, and no change predicted yet)


*gasp!*   Frenchie thought you deleted your account here at DM!?!  *hugs tight*  missed you my friend! i


Your wish is granted!  Someone makes such a device that implodes all gadgets in the world, so humans all end up talking to each othend r, jplaying board games and outdoor games, listening to CD's outloud and together, singing along!



I wish I could go back to school to get my Master's Degree.


Grantd but breks down in a month.


I wish evryone else was shortwr than me.


Your house and car are now orange. So is everything in your closet.


I wish I could sleep.


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