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I'm losing my mind


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It's films and games that I need. I'm a film student after all. After hours of sitting through boring arthouse films, I want a good villain in a story when I get home. I hate the feeling of wanting to watch something but not knowing what.


For instance, I just saw season 1 of Once Upon A Time. but it was ruined because Rumplestiltskin turned out to NOT be a villain! Yet he outsnarted everyone else. It's pissed me off something awful and made me snap.

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dude no offence but you are one weird guy


He's Tainted :P He should rank above any Shadowie imo.


As for game suggestion: Final Fantasy VI. It's old but you can easily run it on an emulator on your PC/Mac. The main villian, Kefka, wins at the end. Leaving a bittersweet ending.

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Why? Because I happen to find villains to be the most underrepresented thing in the history of media?


I like battles between good and evil. I like the evil side to provide a CHALLENGE. Not fight amongst themselves or fall prey to Ta'veren garbage like in WOT (though the villains in WOT are still my fav characters)

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