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*swings a lasso over Canuki's many eyes, pulling it nice and tight snug so they bulge out, then swings self up the hairy icky spider legs using a barbed knife as an extra hold*


*stands up on the spiderback, inwardly cringing but excreting so much ebul shadowiness that the darkness engulfs her threateningly*


I AM TOO EVIL!!! :darkone: *sprinkles acid burning glitter all over the spiderback, and slashes her signature into it with deep gashes from her razor-sharp rainbows*



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I think the one time I posted with smiles frequently back in the old days, Roka asked me if I'd gotten laid.

I make no promises whatsoever... :madmyrddraal: Nor will I even SHOW them to you!!! :mad:


Ghollam.....ghollam...... *coughcoughebulcackle*


These made me laugh. Silently. In my head.

My lip may have considered twitching in RL but that might of been an itch


Either way 5 points each

(ill give more for an actualy RL facial expression)

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it fell victim to an unfortunate 'bearing down' analogy

Oh, Come On, Pandy!

You should have said "It fell victim to an unfortunate "bearing down" analogy.

or, you could have said "My old avatar fell victim to an unfortunate "bearing down" analogy.

Dude, you forgot your punctuation! Bad pandy!

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