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Halloween mafia game


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I don't think Lily said anything about self votes so we can all pile on you right now. Also, I have a feeling that the recruit was a one time thing, because if it was more, then we would have already lost. Mafia don't usually have anything more than a 1-time recruit. So basically in the end, between you and Peace, I think that you are maf.

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You turn away from the White house before you even knocked on the door. TG told you all to move along, because this house scared him, and surprisingly, you listened.


You are now on the sidewalk trudging toward the last house on the street. The Tan house awaits you.


It is now Night 9. Please submit night actions by Monday 5PM MST.

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Alright...no trigger today guys but we will have a better chance after night actions. I'm unkillable so that leaves:


A) if Peace is mafia then he must take out rand. I can't be killed and Snow will protect himself, so we know it must be peace.


B) if Rand is mafia and snow protects himself then he must take out peace. We therefore know rand is mafia.


C) if Snow is mafia he can take out either Rand or Peace. This kinda destroys my points A and B, but everyone seems to think snows claim shows him clearly town so let's just ignore this possibility for now and discuss it tomorrow.

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Me, myself, and I were protected :biggrin:


Well, that doesn't really help. I was hoping we could clear someone. Didn't figure the scum would target you. Maybe Tglems scared them, that would mean Rand is scum.


Or scum purposely didn't NK anyone.

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I think they didnt purposely NK someone. Happened in an epicmafia game as well, I wanted to no brin it up in the hope maf wouldnt see that. Anyways, we have to lynch eventually so we might as well do it now. The funniest thing is that we have all claimed a trigger. I also believe we all got one. However, the fact that Random hid it until now is scummy. Explanation?

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Alright...no trigger today guys but we will have a better chance after night actions. I'm unkillable so that leaves:


A) if Peace is mafia then he must take out rand. I can't be killed and Snow will protect himself, so we know it must be peace.


B) if Rand is mafia and snow protects himself then he must take out peace. We therefore know rand is mafia.


C) if Snow is mafia he can take out either Rand or Peace. This kinda destroys my points A and B, but everyone seems to think snows claim shows him clearly town so let's just ignore this possibility for now and discuss it tomorrow.


Eff. There goes my clever plan.

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Me, myself, and I were protected :biggrin:


Well, that doesn't really help. I was hoping we could clear someone. Didn't figure the scum would target you. Maybe Tglems scared them, that would mean Rand is scum.


Or scum purposely didn't NK anyone.


NK = no kill?

I think they didnt purposely NK someone. Happened in an epicmafia game as well, I wanted to no brin it up in the hope maf wouldnt see that. Anyways, we have to lynch eventually so we might as well do it now. The funniest thing is that we have all claimed a trigger. I also believe we all got one. However, the fact that Random hid it until now is scummy. Explanation?


Is this question to me since I replaced Random? If so, I hid my trigger because 1) i never thought i would need to use it since Moon had investigated me and cleared me and 2) I wanted to use it as scum bait and see if anyone else would claim it so I would know someone was lying. Obviously it failed to I used it to try and determine who was scum between you two, which failed also.

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Well no extension for us I guess. Anyways, yes NK is night kill. TG, I would think that Random would have revealed if he was truly town as every single person who got a trigger was revealing then. It was the normal town thing to do and hiding it did not seem good. Also, two more questions. How are you unkillable? And why did you not include yourself in your supposed list if you were trying to list every possibility for the whole of town?

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Well no extension for us I guess. Anyways, yes NK is night kill. TG, I would think that Random would have revealed if he was truly town as every single person who got a trigger was revealing then. It was the normal town thing to do and hiding it did not seem good. Also, two more questions. How are you unkillable? And why did you not include yourself in your supposed list if you were trying to list every possibility for the whole of town?


Random was out as of day 1. I got the trigger on Day 3 and didn't reveal it then. Like I said, I figured it was a power I wouldn't use at all during the game and so I could use it as bait for scum.

Also, I'm not unkillable. It was a one-time power, similar to yours. So today I am. And I didn't include myself because I was trying to list the possibilities of what the mafia would do, thinking I had successfully backed the mafia into a corner with only one possible action and making it so we would all immediately see who they were. My noob mistake that I didn't think of the no NK.

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You didn't say it was for night actions. You said you could stop the day early. And that is what happened.



Alright, so in my mind the last scum is likely Snow or Rand.


Rand, I completely understand how my waiting until you role posted could be seen as scummy, but as I said, I was wondering why you would ask everyone else for a role but not give one yourself, which to me seemed scummy.


Snow, where are you? I'm really beginning to question the doctor claim because now I know that neither myself or BG was a GF, so is it possible that the doctor claim was a mafia cover? Rand, Peace, thoughts on this? I mean, this is potentially the last day, and I can understand being quieter before this as you protect yourself, but if town doesn't win today or tomorrow then mafia wins, so I would figure you would want to be a bit more involved in scum hunting.


Finally, my big reveal is that yes, this doesn't have to be the last day. I was the one who got the Day 3 trigger and I have governer power that allows me to choose a person to be unkillable. Hence, if you guys start voting for me I will use it to make myself unkillable and then we will have no lynch, thus making this game last another day.

Gah, sorry, one more thought.


Right now there are 4 of us. 3 are town, 1 is mafia. That means, for us three townies, each of us considers our vote to have a 33% chance of being correct. E.g., for myself I have a 33% hit rate in my vote between Snow, Rand, and Peace. However, if I use my 1 time governor power, then I won't be killed and tonight the final mafioso will kill one more person.


If one more townie is dead there will then be three of us left and for the two townies that means they will have a 50% chance of being correct. Hence, a better probability.


Because if we get it wrong today, then the mafia kills tonight, then tomorrow there would be only 2 people left, one mafia and one town so mafia would win the game.


Lol, alright guys, executive decision by the newb. I'll wait an hour to see if there are any counter arguments, but then 'm going to better my odds of catching the mafia by using my power. If you guys can think of a good reason why I shouldn't, please let me know, since I know I'm new and there could be something I've overlooked.



Sorry if I was unclear. I had the 1 time governor power. I could choose somebody, before the lynch was achieved, to protect. That would stop the lynch and protect them through the next day. I was a little confused on this point also and clarified it with Lily in PMs, asking her whether it would just protect that person and somebody else would be lynched or whether it would stop lynching that day completely. She told me it would make no lynch for that day so that's why I said I could extend it another day because we would at least have 3 people left after the NK. Her PMs back and forth with me went


Lily:We're going to back up time and pretend it's still day 3. (It went by too fast for me to get to do this...)


A woman in a goblin costume answers the door. She gives you all a piece of candy. As everyone turns to leave, she grabs you by the arm to hold you back a minute. She then invites you to come into the house. Do you accept?


Me: Strange ladies in costumes who are obviously offering me even more candy? I can't say no to that...

I accept.


Lily: You are given a piece of magic candy that allows you a one-time governor power. You can protect someone if you choose. Just PM me before their lynch is achieved and tell me you want to stop so-and-so's lynch. Once the hammer is cast, it is too late to stop it. This will protect them until the next day.


You rejoin the group with nobody the wiser that you were gone.


I then had to clarify about the lynch stopping by asking her:

Hi Lily,

Sorry for the question, but is this power to ensure that there is no lynch at all, or a protection for a person from being killed (e.g. someone else can still be lynched)?




Lily: It makes no lynch for the day



Anyways, my plan of forcing either you or Rand to reveal yourself as mafia by your NK didn't work. At this point my intuition thinks it is Rand because he has been going after confirmed townies for a while. He went after Basel on GF argument, and was going after me on the same argument, two confirmed townies. Also, when I mentioned the possibility of a second recruitment he immediately shot that down. Maybe you or Snow can tell me if a second recruitment is typical or not? Then, he was asking for all our roles without giving his own.


So, that is my gut feeling, but then logically it would also make sense that you must be scum since I know I'm town and if Snow is doc that means that there were only 2 scum in group 1-10. Therefore, if there is another scum in group 11-20 they must either have been recruited or you lied to us about the question, which would make you scum.

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The last scum is either TGlems or peace, based on the numbers.


I don't suppose there's a chance that somebody RB'd somebody?


For now, I'm going to vote peace. Kinda a gut feeling here, I haven't trusted his answer at all. usually mods don't answer that kind of thing.

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OK I will give all the possibilities here and possibilities for NKs.


Peace: If he is maf, he probably lied about the number of maf. This means that if he tried to kill TGlems, then people would know he was lying. So he couldn't have targeted him. If he targeted me, he would fall victim to TGlems list. However, he could have gotten a way out of this saying that TGlems would have also killed me. This leaves John, who protected himself, providing a reason for no kills. Or he could have just not sent in a kill.


TGlems: If he kills Peace and he flips town, then he is screwed because then we know Peace was telling the truth and we would lynch him. If he killed me, he could have blamed it on Peace because of his argument of who to kill. If he killed John, then we would be left in confusion. Obviously he didn't kill me, so he either tried to kill John or didn't kill anyone.


Me: If I killed Peace than I could point to TGlems. If I tried to kill TGlems, I could point to Peace. If I tried to kill John, I could point to both of you. I basically would be well off no matter who died. However, because of information, it is only possible that I tried to kill John or TGlems.


John: Honestly, if he is maf, he deserves the win, but most likely he is not. But basically, whoever he killed, it would be beneficial for him, I think we can all agree that he is town though, so we don't need to check this.


From this it seems like vote TGlems is maf, but I look more at this.


Basically, the only actions that could have been committed was a kill against TG, a kill against John, or no kill at all. Obviously, the no kill could apply to anyone, so lets take that option out for now. Now Peace wouldn't kill TG, but he would try to kill John in the slight chance. TG wouldn't kill himself obviously, but he may have tried to kill John. I may have tried to kill either of them.


So the options left are:


Peace: Tried to kill John or no kill

TGlems: Tried to kill John or no kill

Rand: Tried to kill John, tried to kill TGlems, or no kill.


Now these are the only options that will be beneficial for these individual people. However, there is one quote that plays with this theory.


Here we are...rehashing the day again.


John...looks like you were successful in protecting a town player. Could you reveal who that is?

Me, myself, and I were protected :biggrin:

Me, myself, and I were protected :biggrin:


Well, that doesn't really help. I was hoping we could clear someone. Didn't figure the scum would target you. Maybe Tglems scared them, that would mean Rand is scum.


Or scum purposely didn't NK anyone.


Ok maybe more than one quote. Now if we look at this as a legitimate question, then we can see that Peace wouldn't know that John was protected, which would mean that he wasn't maf. However, I notice one thing that Peace does here that is very clever. If Peace truly did not kill anyone, then he could have used this doc protect to make someone seem town. However, if it went against him, he could always say that mafia chose not to kill. This way, he has both sides of the argument. Also, I am pretty sure that an experienced player like Peace who mentions the same thing in his next post knew about the possibility of a no kill. So it really looks like Peace was trying to manipulate us here. So based on this, I think vote Peace is the right way to go.

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