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Sept. Report

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Please post your reports here! Please have your reports posted by the 8th so Kathleen can get hers in by the 10th. Thanks everyone


Please read this thread for further info on how (and why) we would prefer you do your monthly report: http://www.dragonmou...needed-and-why/



1) Total: [amount] Members, [amount] characters (that would be Active + Inactive]


New: [amount] Members, [amount] characters (also add them to Active, or Inactive if they've not yet RPed as full AS)

full handle - full character name


Active: [amount] Members, [amount] characters

full handle - full character name (last time RPed as that character, ie Oct 2010)


Inactive (not RPed in past 3 months): [amount] Members, [amount] characters

full handle - full character name (last time RPed as that character)


MiA (not RPed in past 12 months - bio needs reapproval): [amount] Members, [amount] characters

full handle - full character name (last time RPed as that character)


2) RP's done by Ajah characters during [insert month]


3) Problems, ideas, etc



Example of 1:


(let’s say it's for June)


1) Total: 8 Members, 9 Characters (that would be Active + Inactive)


New: 2 Members, 2 characters

Phelix - Elin Hawes

Chikara - Bennu Abravanel


Active: 4 Members, 5 characters

Elgee - Zarinen Rafaliva (April 2010)

Phelix - Elin Hawes (June 2010)

Taei - Tayva ni Ayvery t'Reyon (June 2010)

U4ea - Loraine Kilaine (June 2010)

U4ea - Peggy Smith (May 2010)


Inactive (not RPed in past 3 months): 4 Members, 4 characters

Chikara - Bennu Abravanel (not yet RPed)

Elgee (Sitter - active OOC) - Larindhra Reyne (Jan 2010)

Lavinya - Lavinya Morganen (July 2009)

Miya- Miya Kiyoshi (March 2010)


MiA (not RPed in past 12 months - bio needs reapproval): 12 Members, 17 characters

Jaydena - Jaydena MacAntur (June 2009)

Jaydena - Peggy Sue Parker (2007)

WhiteWolf (Bio Checker - active OOC) - Cara Ramsey (2008)



2) RP's done by Ajah characters during [insert month]


Elgee - Larindhra Reyne – Red Sitter


Your presence is required - http://www.dragonmou...ce-is-required/

Timeline: 995 NE

Two Old Biddies plot and plan – Salidar novices are born. Darkfriend shenanigans included.

Sisterly Love - http://www.dragonmou...-sisterly-love/

Timeline: N&A Retro

With Accepted Miahna “Mimi” Telonne (Keyholder21)


Elgee - Zarinen Rafaliva - Red Ajah Head


Putting Two and Two together - http://www.dragonmou...d-two-together/

Timeline: 1000 NE (current)

More Ajah Heads find each other.


Ajah RP Links-

A Bit of Tea on the Dark Side



the darker path



Reports to be done by:


MoN -









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September Report for the Black Ajah



1)Members Info:


Total: 3/4


Members: 3

Characters: 4


New: 0


Members: 0

New Characters: 0



Active: 2/2

Members: 2

Characters: 2


Kathleen - Seherai Mori (Yellow Ajah) Last Active - Sept 2012


Liitha - Cemarillinin Adoa (Green Ajah) Last Active - Aug 2012


Inactive: 1/2

Members: 1

Characters: 2

Kathleen - Alia Mariadoon (Blue Ajah) NSW BA HEAD Last Active: May 2012


Eqwina - Eqwina al'Caupthn (Yellow Ajah) Last Active - February 2012



2) RPs done this month *Expected to post in RP, but hasn't yet.


1) The Darker Path - Seheria Mori (Kathleen), Arcon Dadread (Kura) (interdivision CotS)


The strings are pulled when the Dreadlord calls on his new Black Ajah friend to escort him to his homeland and clear his name. The two set off together to get to know each other better on the travel from Tar Valon to his home town.


3) Problems, ideas, etc


OOC News

Kathleen (the Head of the Blacks, AKA: Me) is now RGL of the WT! That's right, they let a Black take over! Look out world!

Planning for the White Ajah/Ajah Head switch has been stalled, but I expect to see some light at the end of that tunnel in a few months.

The Black Ajah/CotS ties are still holding though there was a drop in activity on their end in the rps this month (back to school will do that to a dreadlord *snickers*)


Plans are in the works for a Black/Red/BT/CotS combo RP - First the Yellow E&E go missing, now the Reds go too. Don't worry, your friendly neighbourhood Black Sister will help make it stop! This was stalled with the staff changes and I'm not sure its status - will discuss with the party planners.


Novice Kaylynn came up for some air, I don't believe she's back yet, but she's still alive, so that's a start. Would be nice to have her return and join us though :)


Still no word from Eqwina since her pm saying she'd be back soon.


IC News


None :(

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Sept 2012 Report for the Yellow Ajah


1. Member and Character Count


Total members: 6/7

Members: 6

Characters: 7


Active Members: 1/1

Members: 1

Characters: 1


Seharia Mori (Kathleen) - last RPed Sept 2012



New: 0

Members: 0

Characters: 0


Inactive: 4/5

Members: 4

Characters: 5


Desandre CasbanNSW Head, played by Kathleen. Last RPed Februrary 2012.


Amadine al'Varine (Amadine) - last RPed February 2012


Camigwen Klatsang Marivin (Wayward_Fool) - last RPed Feb 2012


Eqwina al'Caupthn(Eqwina) - last RPed February 2012


Nynaeve Maryim (Nynaeve) - Active IC in Decemeber Last RPed 2011 November


LOA: 1/1

Members: 1

Characters: 1


Carys Demot (KeyHolder21) - last RPed May 2012


2. RPs this month *is expected to rp but has yet to post at all.


1) The Darker Path - Seheria Mori (Kathleen), Arcon Dadread (Kura) (interdivision CotS) 10 years less the Main Timeline.


The strings are pulled when the Dreadlord calls on his new Black Ajah friend to escort him to his homeland and clear his name. The two set off together to get to know each other better on the travel from Tar Valon to his home town.


3. Ideas & News:


IC News



OOC News

Kathleen, owner of Seheria, is now the RGL of the WT. Yay me! Got Some big boots to fill, but Elgee isn't too far and has been a big help in getting up to speed on things. (so weird reporting to myself).


Novice Kaylynn made an appearance, she's not back, but she's not dead, so that's a start.


Emily is LOA so the Yellow/Blue plot we were planning is on the back burner too


I really hope to get some good oldfashioned Yellow RPing going, healing, or herbs, or chit chat with someone, anything that isn't also black would be good. Hard to find people to play with, but I hope to see increase in activity, but with the lack of members its not that likely.


4. Problems:

Other than most of the Ajah being inactive, and the new hopefull being MIA, and no one replying to poking of any sort, none.

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1) Total: 6 Members, 5 characters (that would be Active + Inactive]


New: 0 Members (0 Characters)



Active: 3 Members, 2 Characters

Nyanna al’Meara – Thanelle Kelgwar (NSW). January 2012.

poetstorm - Lissandra Trelaine. November 2011

Leala Gymorraine - Leala Gymorraine (June 2012).


Inactive: 0 Members (0 Characters)



MiA: 3 Members (3 Characters)

Liitha - Sherrhiana Thymus (September 2010)

perine - Carelia Noradien (May 2010)

Taei - Tayva ni Ayvery t'Reyon (October 2010)


2) RP's done by Ajah characters during August 2012

3) Problems, ideas, etc


Hopefully get back into planning the RP idea soon >.>

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Report for the RED AJAH – September 2012


1) Total: 3 Members, 4 characters (that would be Active + Inactive]


0 Members, 0 characters


1 Members (2 Characters)

Elgee -
- Red Sitter - July 2012 - posts: 3

Elgee -
- Red Ajah Head - July 2012- posts: 1 (shared post with Arath)


Inactive (not RPed in past 3 months):
1 Members (1 Characters)

Arath Faringal -
- Red Aes Sedai - May 2012- posts: 1

MiA - not RPed in 12 months
: 4 members (4 Characters)

Jagen Sedai -
– Red Sitter – Nov 2010

Kara_J -
- Feb 2010

Muirenn OOC 19.01.2010 -
– Nov 2009

Minisamus -
– Red Aes Sedai - Oct 2010

Phelix - Elin Hawes (temp link) - Red Aes Sedai - April 2011

Removed from Usergroup:
0 new

Character Retired / Deceased

Aubrey -
– 28-12-2009 – RETIRED August 2010


Purged for MiA

Carise (Carise Doraile - Aes Sedai

Faile? (Faile al´Rahien - Aes Sedai (MIA Left the Site.)

Lyanna (Lauren Arrel - Aes Sedai

Rayne -
- Aes Sedai

Tigara -
– Jan 2010
(he has given us permission to NSW his character should we need to, as long as we stay true to her character and email him the links to any RPs done)

Zania -
- Aes Sedai


2) RP's done by Ajah characters during September 2012


Total amount of posts: 1


Zarinen Rafaliva
(Elgee), Arath Faringall - 1 posts

Timeline: 1000 NE (Current-ish)

Zarinen and Arath go out for Chinese


3) Problems, ideas, etc

Illness, lack of energy, lack of time. I have now given my resignation as Red Head to Kathleen. I wish you all the best and hopefully some time in the new year I will be able to rejoin you in some capacity, even if just to participate in RPs.


Kathleen, I wish you all the best in your new position - may you have many members who write many RPs of good quality!

Edited by Elgee
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September Report for the Green Ajah


1) Total:

Members, 7

characters 9









Members, 6

characters 8

Ajah Head- Amena Linoram- September 2012

Kathleen- Kathleen Vandiar- August 2012

Leala Gymorraine-Ay’Lira Sonoran- August 2012

Liitha- Cemarillinin Adoa- July 2012

Quibby- Janine Alastarn - August 2012

Rasheta Ardashir- Rasheta Ardashir-July 2012

Rasheta Ardashir-Taia Misna- May 2012

U4ea-Loraine Kilaine- July 2012




New/on the Way (date joined/notified):*These aren't counted on my member list #'s, yet

Members, 0

characters 0




Inactive (not RPed in past 3-11 months):

Members 1

characters 1

Eqwina- Kabria Delondre- February 2012



MiA (not RPed in past 12 months - bio needs reapproval):

Members 1

Characters 1

Markietta- Markieta (8/1/11)



2) RP's done by Ajah characters during September



To the Blight and Back

Ay'Lira is tested and raised to the Greens... or so she thinks.







A Return (atten: Rasi)


Visar returns to the WT.




Let's Go for a Walk


Kathleen is taking the New Initiate for a walk through her new home halls!



Taia Misna


Taia meets a new Green.




Let's Go for a Walk


Kathleen is taking the New Initiate for a walk through her new home halls!







A bit of tea on the dark side

learning of the gate to the blight










3) Problems, ideas, etc

The problem is that I need ideas. Hopefully that will get better soon...

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Report for the Aspies - Sept 2012:


0 new members, 0 new characters: (didn't check)


Raised to Aes Sedai:


Active: 5


Kelitor (Ykoria Eranyame) - August 2012

Nyanna al'Meara (Nyanna al’Dyn) - Sept 2012

poetstorm (Caillean Windham) - Sept 2012

Tamerya (Duriya Olandrian) - July 2012

The Bard Babe (Ceridwyn Taereth) - July 2012



Inactive: 26



Aishra (Aishra Lihnshaw)

Charis Delphi (Charis Delphi)

Faun (Faun Freegard)

jozan (Liana Alore)

Kaylynn (Kaylynn Tasil Saeed)

Kilivia (Kilivia Tralendora)

Ledinna Sedai (Sagneia Kathen)

Otpelk Cainam (Sora Mantolias)

Seleevan Khar (Dora Farlee)

Shiva (Fiona Ashlyn)

Taluka (Falain Asien)

Yahna (Vanka Barashti)


MiA: 37


Roleplays done in Sept:


1) Nyanna Al'Meara (Nyanna al’Dyn)

The Other Girl ~ Roommates (attn: Bard Babe)


2) poetstorm (Caillean Windham)

Introduction to Saidar: Lesson 1


Problems/Ideas etc:


This report really needs to get done more often. I just took the last posted one and ran the names for activity in Sept. I didn't look for new members or anything other than the names listed in the last report. Will be sure to do a real update later. Just gonna use this for report this month.

Edited by Kathleen
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