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aMoL Prologue!

John Snow

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Trying to decide whether to interrupt my reread to check out the prologue, or just wait until I'm ready to read AMOL.


The main reason I am considering getting it now is so I don't have to avoid threads where people are talking about it.

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Trying to decide whether to interrupt my reread to check out the prologue, or just wait until I'm ready to read AMOL.


The main reason I am considering getting it now is so I don't have to avoid threads where people are talking about it.


Same here Stress I'm on LoC right now but I don't wanna spend all my time avoiding threads lol

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Well, here's a good reason to buy it.

The following question is answered:

(Note, this has the question, not the answer. If you want the answer....RAFO :biggrin:)

(Also, if you don't want to know what is answered, don't open the spoiler (duh))








Who is Taim?


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No need to ask any questions - just read it!!! Seriously, one of the scenes is just awesome.


Next week we will continue our last discussion about the BT in AMoL so that everyone that has read the prologue can talk about it. We will of course put major spoiler signs everywhere.

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Well, here's a good reason to buy it.

The following question is answered:

(Note, this has the question, not the answer. If you want the answer....RAFO :biggrin:)

(Also, if you don't want to know what is answered, don't open the spoiler (duh))








Who is Taim?


*gaaaaasp* Oh no THE TORTURE!!!!!! :O

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ack!!!! I want to read it sooo bad!!! my mom won't let me get it :dry: if anyone can shoot me an email with 2 spoilers I'd be verryyy happy, please?? :puppydogeyes:


Me too

I don't want to know

I want to

No I don't

I do

I don't


Confused, I can't buy. Convincing my mother to let me buy WoT is bad enough nut she would never let me read it before because it's going to be in the book.

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