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Attention All: Kathleen is Acting Group Leader from 7th october


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my dear Freelanders,


I'll be going to hospital for a hip replacement surgery on 7th October followed immediately by a stay at a rehab center for a few weeks.


During my absence, Kathleen our trusted Assistant Division Leader, will be taking on my tasks within the Freelanders Group.



So please make sure that you contact her (though you may put me in cc for pm's, I love checking up on things when I'm able to) during my absence so your inquiries can be addressed.


Kath is very familiar with how the Freelanders run and what policies and standards we uphold here. So you can trust her as I do. I hope you'll all give her your best support and that you continue to enjoy yourselves. I'm kinda' secretely hoping to come back to a lot of finished Rp's I can sink my teeth in to read :)


We will also be looking for a new Bio Checker to assist Kathleen so she's not completely on her own during my absence.



If there is anything you need to ask or see settled before I leave, please let us know.



Warm greetings,


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  • 4 weeks later...

lol, its so convenient that one can postpone these things, isn't it?


Alright my friends. I'll be imprisoned in about 5 hours so this is my last post for a while. I'd love to have a series of Rp's to read during my rehab to pass the time so I'm hoping you will find your creative muses and get to writing.


Be well all and I'll see you on the other side.



shopping for parts

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

well guys, im gradually (very gradually) making my way back. I'll be giving you an update of what's happened up to now tomorrow or so, when im able to sit for a while on my desk chair.


I'm curious how you've kept trouble at bay, Kath!

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she sure is. Thanks Leala, I'm slowely getting there or so my doctor tells me. Apparently I need to be patient, it seems. Not my strong point that, but I'll try.


How's things around here? Any RP's that I can read up on?

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*hides all evidence of the tranquilizers*


There are a few going yes :) quite a few last month actually and some if those came through to this month too :).


But you should check out sneaky board for me and you. Because there is work to do that I can't do :(.

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