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What if

A Rant Lord

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Haha, that would be epic! Personally I would be either a gaidin or a whitecloack I think. I´m studying to become a sportteacher (as in for highschool) and take excersize about 15 hours per week, If I can't be a gaidin I would be a whitecloack because I would hate some invisible force able to control me xD

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I don't think so. If it were, I think I would have been spun out by now. Cadsuane needs me.




Who else would save her from Brandon's diabolical touch?


Lord Luckers, Chosen of Sydney, Nae'blis of the Cadsuane Support Group.



As for myself, I would probably be some kind of Emissary of the Light.


I would try and get everyone together to sort out their differences to focus on the Shadow instead of messing around. I would also be tempted to seek out the Forsaken and try and turn them from the Shadow. Possibly an impossible task, but I would try. With Demandred at least. Lews Therin Telamon and Barid Bel Medar working together would have been something extraordinary.

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If this is TAR then i'd be reborn as that guy that owns the 2nd shop from the corner off the main street in Andor. The one stuck between the silk dealer and the silversmiths shop.


Id sell fine Tabac and pipes, and the world can just pass me by. Would help out during the succession and all because i'm decent with a sword and I'm a good queens man, but as to the rest of it bah.


Why you ask, because i'm normal like everyone else. I'm not some rich or powerful lord in this world why would i expect to be in that one. I'm a comfortably well off merchant in this world and i would expect to have about the same status there. Its nice to dream about adventure and all, but luck of the draw says everyone that wishes otherwise would be a farmer more often than not.

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If this is TAR then i'd be reborn as that guy that owns the 2nd shop from the corner off the main street in Andor. The one stuck between the silk dealer and the silversmiths shop.


Id sell fine Tabac and pipes, and the world can just pass me by. Would help out during the succession and all because i'm decent with a sword and I'm a good queens man, but as to the rest of it bah.


Why you ask, because i'm normal like everyone else. I'm not some rich or powerful lord in this world why would i expect to be in that one. I'm a comfortably well off merchant in this world and i would expect to have about the same status there. Its nice to dream about adventure and all, but luck of the draw says everyone that wishes otherwise would be a farmer more often than not.




Nice to be all humble and that, but the thread is about being HotH.


A simple merchant isn't a Hero, have a little fun :)

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